Memorable Moments: 4×400 Relay Legends 🏃‍♂️✨

Join us as we reminisce about an unforgettable 4×400 relay race featuring standout athletes in middle school. From tackling challenges to breaking records, discover the magic of teamwork and determination in our spirited journey down memory lane. #RelayLegends #AthleticMemories #Teamwork…

Join us as we reminisce about an unforgettable 4×400 relay race featuring standout athletes in middle school. From tackling challenges to breaking records, discover the magic of teamwork and determination in our spirited journey down memory lane. #RelayLegends #AthleticMemories #Teamwork #RunningHeroes #TrackAndField #ChildhoodSports #CoachStories #FastFooted #SportingSpirit #Inspiration

And was and I was lucky enough to be This is way off track but I was lucky Enough to be on the 4×400 relay when I Was in E eth grade in junior track with Me uh Darius peman who was in seventh Grade at the time Anthony Hampton who Was in sixth grade at the time but uh we Were in 14 but Anthony Hampton was Probably uh 14 even though he was in Sixth grade um and uh and um uh a guy by The name of Jeff wear who didn't end up Being the the guy they thought he was Going to be but he ran the he ran the Half in eighth grade in 202 um and uh it was funny because Darius pemon leted off he he would tough It out because he didn't work that hard Back then he would tough it out he blast Like a I don't know 56 57 uh uh Anthony Hampton would run Second and would go and run at in sixth Grade mind you probably around like 54 55 probably something like that 5455 he Ends up being the he's he probably still Is considered the greatest uh Intermediate hurdle in history in in New Jersey um and then and then Jeff wear Who was really the best would blast like A 52 uh 53 quarter in eighth grade and Then I would get it and my job was to Not up the lead I had that was my Job right because I ran I ran like a 55 I I in in eth grade which was very Good but these guys were great and my

Job would be when you heard their anchor Legs feet coming to get you you just had To tough it out and finish that's what I Did that's what the guy and I that's why Anglewood brought me over to run the Ankle leg for them for that lone reason Alone because they said the guy's a Football player he ain't letting anybody Pass him he ain't let anybody pass him So but those guys were so talented the Leads I would get DJ were so big you Arguably I mean because this young fellow from uh From Demmer or something I mean he's Really good the jumper And he he is something but and obviously The kid from Indian Hills a few years Back was some jumper I saw Anthony I got A picture which I think I might have Given to Jim KS or took a picture of it Anthony Hampton coming around a turn and Passing Jim in a Reay meet because Jim Was a 97 grad so Anthony was three years Older than him because that's the space Between you and Jim is five Years because you graduated 92 Jim gradu Y yep that's correct y he running he's Running at Englewood and it's it could Be County group meet sectional meet Whatever and Anthony's gone by him and Jim was good I mean Jim was a 158 half Mile before he got out and Anthony Hampton looks like a 747 going by and And I saw Anthony Hampton run 52 low in

The intermediates and it was like you And I walking from here to the Door he so natural and anyone played Football Tennessee and it didn't work Out and I was like gez this was remember He was supposed to be the next Edwin Moses yes I don't know what well those Guys you um uh coach Williams and who's The original Sprint coach there Terry Amos Terry Amos those guys were so upset That he went and he could have went Anywhere he wanted for football I mean It was he was Derek he was legit 65 210 Pounds but looked like he could pack on 50 20 yeah yeah yeah he was so he had That frame right like that those broad Shoulders he was LeBron James before There was LeBron James he could just Generate power just like ridiculous Right Moses you're right he went to a Lot of speed coaches and personal Trainers right None zero listen it's like you watch the Uh like you watch the documentaries on Like hersel Walker right and just how Much or like uh who was the other guy da That that they we T we had talked about At one time from Oklahoma Dupri yeah oh D yeah those guys that were just those Freaks of fre like guys don't understand That like RAC train that's what Hersh Walker did

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