Maximizing Your Play at QB with Warren Smith

65 min read
Interview with QB Coach and Lacey OC Warren Smith with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go…

Interview with QB Coach and Lacey OC Warren Smith with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale

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I don't know what's going on my Intro I clicked the day I don't know What's going on it went like I got two Intros Going time it's all good Um today we have a great guest QB Guru Offens coordinator of Lacy high school Former Maine Quarterback Um I forgot where he started his college Career but he ended up as a star at Main Um and then I think it's a place that no Longer has football I want to say Iona Maybe maybe maybe Iona but um uh but Then was a star at Maine walked on ear Earned a scholarship became starter Became a star played a bunch of years in Arena as a Starter Um playing some great teams a couple off The top of my head Albany Tampa uh Atlantic City something in Jersey TR no Trenton Um I believe he was also on that team That was in I want to say Washington DC Maybe but we let we'll let him tell tell You more he was in Arena for many years He works with quarterbacks trains him he Uh is is uh a Boardwalk beast man and uh I think without further Ado we can we Can bring on office coordinator of lacy Uh coach Warren Smith coach Smith what What up hello hello welcome welcome Welcome thanks for having me appreciate

You buddy what's first of all what arena Teams did I leave Off uh 2012 I was in Germany oh okay Interal yeah the Dresden monarchs they Still up and running over there shout Out to those dresen guys and the the German the Germans um 20 13 I was in Richmond 2014 Tampa and Trenton 15 I was In Spokane 16 I was in uh uh Lehigh Valley and uh Tampa again 17 Lehigh Valley then finished with Washington DC Washington DC and 18 Atlantic City in 19 Jersey in 20 Co 21 in 22 Aly wow yeah I I lose track of it a Little bit to be honest obviously not Obviously not you just listed every I Mean damn I knew you were a Well-traveled man but I did not know Lei Valley Germany or Spokane those are the Ones I didn't know yeah Spokane was cool Likeing States spus yeah like I was like 10 minutes from the border of Idaho That's like amazing Awesome you know Washington State's my Soft spot yeah I met I met coach leech Out there and a bunch of those guys on The west coast it was pretty cool Yeah was he oh he was he was in Pullman At the time yeah he was Like I saw him at a golf tournament he Was uh having a blast to say the least Yeah I bet I heard I heard Eastern

Washington is beautiful awesome I loveed It out there reminds me of Jersey the Weather like the four four seasons um Snow and a winter nice in the summer I Liked it out there a Lot it's it's a cowboy town too Right um it has it has that it has a Mixture of everything but yeah I Definitely ran into a few Cowboys very very cool cool um so Le Let's start with and uh let let's back Up and and I mean we gave the Intro um on you why don't you give a Little bit of intro yourself as a player And then as a coach kind of your kind of Your Journey um yeah well I started I went to High school at Lacy high school where I'm coaching at and teaching at now um Then from there we had you know we had a Pretty good high school run where we Made it we made a finals in my junior Year we won it we lost my senior year But we made it to the finals all three Years and I was playing high school and Uh then I went to Iona I walked on to Iona College and I ended up playing like The third game at quarterback and Playing the rest of the year because of A couple injuries I got I was very Fortunate to get in and they folded Football after the season so then I had A free I had a free transfer year we Ended up playing University of Maine

That year got beat bad but um I I put Some good stuff on film there they it Was like it was ironic how they had a QB Transfer out they needed a guy they Reached out to our guy and um yeah so After Christmas break I went home for a Couple weeks and then January 10th I was Up at University of Maine for the second Semester and Spring ball so then I was There for three years um had a really Really great time up there met some good People played some really good football We uh made a deep run my senior year Into the uh NCAA playoffs ended up Beating Appalachian State losing into The quarterfinals to Georgia Southern um Through my last college pass to Jerick McKinnon who's currently on my fantasy Team for an interception nice Unfortunately yeah he was playing he was Playing back but then um yeah I one of My coaches from Maine told me about the Gfl and the German Football League and I You know went through the whole Pro Day Process um had a couple CFL looks never Really a chance in the NFL um you know Back then I think I I just missed like They wanted that that time they won it 6'3 prototypical and I just missed that Uh like six foot that was acceptable and Whatever it didn't work out but all Worked out for a reason and went over to Germany had a great season out there With those guys great experience and but

I but I wanted to coach my goal I wanted To coach so I came back from Germany Finished out my degree at Maine helped Out as like a student coach and then Still wanted to play though so Arena Football kind of checked all the boxes For me because I got to play in the Spring and the summertime and then once The football season was over in Arena I Got right into coaching so I coached at Uh Kane University in 2013 for a year With Coach Dan Garrett and great guy Great program I talked to those guys Still to this day and then um started Playing Arena Football so Arena Football In the spring then I finally got a job At Lacy then I've been coaching at Lacy Since so calling the offense now but I Just finished playing last year was my Last year I I I didn't play this year Obviously So yeah been playing for bunch of years In Arena coaching for a bunch now and uh I kind of like that whole schedule I had Going now I got a little more free time But going to end up going to end that January I know so not for long I know Soan uh it becomes free time because That is your free time the Correct um but yeah it it's that's Pretty like first of all wild and Awesome career as far as playing wise And obviously coaching um okay quick Quick quick quick quiz question before

We we get into It in your opinion beside yourself who Is the greatest player in Lacy History well the most dominant player at That time would probably be a Keith Elias went to uh Princeton had a stin in The NFL um but I've seen some good Players come through and I always refer Back to sha mcandrew who played was my Receiver in defensive back first team All State uh with Will hill played Corner he's our basketball coach here at Lacy he was one of the most the best Players I've seen kept in the building Oh yeah um but yeah I would say the most Dominant player I've seen come through Lacy besides myself I wasn't even Dominant in high school I wasn't even Dominant I hand the ball off played Corner I didn't do anything um but yeah Definitely Keith the lias he had you Know numbers he had the games he's had He had 400 yard games like you know once In a once in a generation back would Love to have him playing Tonight well especially you guys you Guys run the ball right so that that he Could yeah right Now3 here's my question would he be a Running back in today's game or would he Be a slot Receiver n he'd be a tailback for us Yeah well for you right he was thick he Was yeah yeah yeah no I mean I I didn't

Really see him like catch the ball or Anything like that so I don't know how His hands were and how his route running Ability was but I Mean he could probably do anything he Could probably play free safety too I Know coach V oh I'm sure he probably Could do that there's no doubt that he Could yeah there's no doubt he could Play like strong safety roll up in the Box or something I had met him a couple Times yeah coach about it that he would Like only play on big Downs on defense Like third down he'll go in like I'll go And pick off pass yeah so I I'll give You a Keith uh this is a um Keith Elia Story so when I was coming out of high School uh Princeton was one of the Places that uh I could have went and I Went on my uh official recruiting visit There the guy who was my host was um the Current head coach of Princeton's Brother I can't think of his first name Now but it's head coach Princeton his brother was my host but The guy who the guy who took me around Though at night and was like and then Well at night and then uh the the uh the Following day came and visited uh like You know came and sat with me in Jadwin Jim for a long time was Keith Elias and Keith Elias he like wanted to go to Princeton because of Keith Elias okay And I needed to take the scholarship

Money but I I really wanted to go to at The time So um Keith Elias he took me around and I mean he was a rock star and he was Like he was a fantastic leader like in The middle of our whole recruit thing he Got up on a table there was some adult Beverages out there And then uh was like like got everybody Riled up like to like we're g to win a Champion it was all this kind of kind of Stuff right next sound right League Championship but what was interesting Was the way the princ used to do it back Then was Keith Elias was the sophomore tailback at the Time there was another guy that was the Senior but he was actually already Starting to carry the ball more right And then Princeton would bring in the Every two years a a new top like back Like they' bring in backs every year but They would bring in like a guy they had To have so I was they wanted me to be That guy and so what they would they did Is they did like a two to one carry Thing so it was like the senior kind of Had two to the sophomores one and then When the senior moved on the junior now Took the two and the other guy was Freshman and he got the one right so That was kind of how they did it uh Keith Elias was so good though that I Believe even though he was a sophomore

They were actually splitting carries and Then after that you know he went on to Carry the ball one of the funny things Was the guy they got instead of me was Good but not exactly what they wanted so Keith Elias ended up carrying a ball the Next two years like an insane amount of Times and they won the I And all that kind of stuff but um but Yeah Keith Elias was great and I mean he Came in and sat with me the day after he Took me around for like two hours we're Sitting in Jadwin Gym and he was and he He literally sat there and talk to me He's like yo he's like if you want to Run track too you can run track he's Like they allowed that too H that's cool Well if you were one of the kind of the Guys that they wanted to have yeah yeah Like he was all he ran track like his Freshman year and then I think he Stopped you know like he just focused on Football but he said if you want to do It like if you're if if you're one of The top guys you're gonna be able to do Like listen academically I was good but My yeah that's a different level well my SAT scores at the were 1080 yeah and that's not getting you Know but yeah that's like that's like Borderline you get into Patriot league With that you know what I mean I was Trying to get into But basically what happened was if you

Were uh I met a few guys that were in The same range as me believe it or not But um well I'm sure you football visits Right however they do like the rating of Their players you know like if you Were rated the highest Playerwise then your scale could go a Little bit low lower if you were like it Kind of like goes in Like if you're our topper crew if you're Our topper crew you in right they'll Find a way and then isn't so bad andere Derek you you I don't know if you know This guy coach Smith but the guy who was The running back coach was D Gregorio you remember you know D Gregorio passed away he was the Nutley Coach and yeah so D Gregorio was the Running back coach at Princeton so it at He passed away last year I think from Like pancreatic cancer or something like That but um uh F Gregorio was a running Back coach so it's it's pretty wild Because I would see him he was a high School after a few years he was a high School coach does Elias have a Super Bowl ring yeah well for the Giants yeah With the those giants no he's Like like that LT era or is that before No no he's after that late 90s graduated Lacy in 90 91 he's mid to late 90s played in the NFL maybe in so who do you play for with The Giants

Fossil I don't Know I don't know I don't know the Giants like that Parcels I think he was like parcel in Between fossil fossil whoever that in Between is like those like uh pre Rodney Hampton years or whatever Charles way And so I knew Lacy by the way as this Like mega short Powerhouse that's how I Thought about it right like I thought I I've known Lacy when I was up north and And at West Orange we used to scrimmage Lacy every year year every year which it Was like what the like you know Like to the shore yeah before Co hit we We would always go up there at West Orange every year oh wow yeah so it was Like orange Dell Barton we all go up There every year D Barton would like Give us hot dogs after the scrimmage it Was good but we we've well that's how I Came to know of Coach coach V you know Was like Hey this guy and then obviously You know when we I had no idea that he Was such a big influence at rbr when we Got there it was like you know his name Was was all over the kind of place and Then uh you know so I mean listen you've Been my man's been in the game for a While oh yeah oh yeah still in it so Um offensively let's let's let's talk a Little like little football stuff Offensively um what are kind of some of The core tenants that you like want your

Team to understand and especially your Quarterbacks to understand whe When when They're operating in Offense well I mean I always like preach On protecting the football um you know Because in high school it's a little Different than like what I was used to Especi in the arena league or in college A little bit more High paced you get More possessions in high school football These games go fast especially Especially if you're running the Football and you're playing some decent Defense I mean last week we had a game We only had five possessions on offense So it's like yeah five you know we yeah Dave I'm telling you down it's even Since like a couple years ago I feel Like the entire thing is whether it's I I don't know what it is I don't know the Answer of what it is whether teams are Now like you know they just they want to Sit on the ball and kind of like push Time so that you know because maybe they They realize they're not as good or Whatever and they want to kind of stay Within a certain but it definitely has Slowed down right I mean listen I was at One of your games what was that what did I see you play I saw you play Ocean Right and it wasn't just your side of The ball it was ocean too like it's just I feel like the game is now I don't know It's just it's definitely different and

You can definitely talk about Pace being Part of it so definitely protect the Ball definitely see on that one um you Know because that's important too Turnovers I me appreciate it you and Then I tell the kids it's about getting First downs I don't like listen if a big Play happens big players are great but First downs are crucial and uh you play Play for first downs and play for ball Control and um field position that's Another big thing I've noticed in high School football like over the years of Coaching it like if you give us a short Field or a half a field it's much it's It's very very hard for a high school Team to go 80 yards 12 plays without Shooting themselves in the foot you know So I mean Listen I'll give it like I feel the Exact same way and that's exact Listen do big plays happen yeah are Explosives great right like yeah big Plays explosives that stuff's positive Too but but you got to understand like Like this is high school football right And and for for a any team good bad Indifferent whatever it is to put Together drives to go down a field right Play after play success after success You have more of an opport there's more Of a chance of a mistake happening Whether a turnover just penalties in in General to put you kind of behind the

Chains like but if you can keep if you Can stay in front of the chains and play The field position game in high School you'll be in every sing you're Gonna win a lot more than You're Gonna Lose You will be in every single game And I got tell like so of course like I Played Arena Football I played in the Spread offens in college I love throwing The football like coaching seven on Seven but I tell my high school Quarterbacks listen if you could if you Can throw three step Sprint game a Little bit of waggle and a couple Screens and occasional downtown shot and If you could be efficient with that you Can play high school football you can Play you could be you could be a you Could be a really good high school Quarterback and um that's where that's What our guys at right now and um like List we have a really good receiver who Played with us in Boardwalk sanoi but You know I can't guarantee he's G to get 15 catches a game I I can say listen We'll Target you maybe six to eight Times but we got to establish a run we Got to play good defense we got to Control the clock and if the opportunity Arises and we can take a shot we'll take A shot and I think I think the other Thing too is like everybody sees like You know and especially now right like Everybody's watching like what McDaniels

Is doing at Miami and everybody's like Oh this and all that like all this Explosive exciting stuff right but at The same time I look at it and I see and It's like like like guys want to do so Much right and it's hey we're doing this We're doing that we got this package we Got this group we got this we got that And before you know it now you're Sitting there and you're in the middle Of a game and you're trying to do all This stuff and before you know it like Bam we only had five possessions we Didn't run 75% of the stuff that we Wanted to or could have just based on The way and the pace of the game itself At the high school level so to me less Is more do certain things and do them Over and over and over and do them Extremely well and then do it out of Different formations you know what I'm Saying like that that I feel like that's The way to kind of where you can kind of Catch a team or do that but I'm just Saying guys want to do so much that at The end of the day like you just said You had five possessions How You Gonna You're not doing 70 75% of the stuff That you're spending all of that time on It's a waste of time do what you do and Then go from there you know yeah and It's funny you said something about Formations like that's a big thing like If you can get good at four to five type

Of run plays whether it's a gap scheme Man scheme pin pole scheme right Jet Game right you get really good at that Then you can window dress with Formations then it looks like you're Doing a lot more So that's what we take our we know we we Take a lot of in that here um you know So if you can window dress it looks a Lot more complex than what it is but It's just formals formation changes and Then getting good at like what you said Um like four to five type of run plays That you like and you can even break That down to two to three depending on The weekly depending on what you're good At and obviously and you know obviously Like you know it's just you gotta I feel Like the biggest thing is you need to Adapt Whatever you do to the guys that you Have you know I'm said especially at a public school At at a public school you you you're Dealt you're dealt the hand you got to Play the hand you're dealt and uh I've Had years where like I've have some Really good receivers but then maybe the Quarterback isn't that polished of a Thrower then you play the percentages And if the kid can't get the ball to the Receiver 50% or better then you're like Almost wasting time trying it what are We we doing really good quarterbacks

With not that not that great of weapons And then you know you kind of hold the Quarterback back so again you gota it's All about you know playing the hand your Doubt understanding your personnel um What always holds true though gotta play Good defense if you play good defense You'll be in every game good defense and Ball control and field position and uh So yeah go ahead good good defense is Absolutely like P key like I would say Like you know what I'm Like when people think of you as an Offensive guy I'm like listen you guys Play great defense okay we'll figure out How to score okay if you if you can't Play defense um there's no magic for us You know uh scoring over and over again If we can't stop anybody it just get CH Yeah yeah it just gets challenging Because you get down a couple Possessions then you sort of have to Become onedimensional then that defense That you're that defense that you're Playing knows the situation you're in Then they play play kind of a more of a Prevent type of Defense so yeah I mean It all starts with that it all starts With um you know playing good defense Field position and then that's where the That's where the that's where the Playing field becomes even as soon as You get yourself in a hole it's hard to Dig yourself out so especially in high

School when time's going like that and You get six to eight possessions a game Well that's where I like what you said Window dressing right so motions and Formations you could do so much with Motions formations and still run this The same the same plays Right making them look different though And and what does the defensive Coordinator have to do he says oh my Goodness Okay in high school formation them and Motion them even if you're running the Same plays they think you're running Different stuff over and but it's really It's just challenging it's challenging For a defense to a line right and if Like if a def is now I have to take the Time in practice to go over this Formation that formation that for hey When he does this you got to do this and Then if he does oh well this this goes Against our rules so now we got to line Up like well there's just not that much Time and we're talking about high school Kids you know what I'm saying like hey You want to line up in this and then Trade right like you want to work trade Oh now I got adjust my front I gotta go Here what are we doing half of your kids Are going uh both ways so it's like they Got you got to spend it's not like You're getting two and a half hours like You do in college on one side of the

Ball where you can go over a blitz Pickup you can go over screen game you Got to slice it up every day but knowing That you're only getting an hour and Five minutes of offense one day and 45 Minutes of offense the next day because You know you're get your best players Are going both ways and they gota today You know hey today this guy's not at Practice because he's got to go see the Doctor for his ankle and then hey this Guy might not play so this guy getting His license today Yeah oh I gotta get my license and it's Friday the 13th Boy well as long as they don't as long As they don't take off for their Birthday oh no the best one hey coach I Gotta get a haircut that see That um I gotta get a haircut I won't be At practice tonight what what if any Things are you did are you taking from What you learned in so I the arena game To me is is fascinating Because if you look at the NFL now and Even College a lot of the stuff you were Doing at Arena is infiltrated NFL College obviously with the multi- Tagging game I mean you know Arena tags Everything right But everything and you know who I Learned that from uh Mr Stafford Mr Stafford right so Arena tags everything And um uh uh or 90% of it but the

Tagging and the and the Motions even Though the motion is different in Arena Um what are some of the things that You're able to bring from what you did In Arena some of the I call it really Advanced passing scheme stuff okay that Now you see everywhere but H um how are You able to take some of that stuff and Bring it to what you do in in with your High school team and are you able to do That well I mean here's the thing in Arena football it's like a fast break Offense but it's usually always Three-step drop so yeah again I'm big I'm really really big into Three-step sche high percentage of it's Like an extension of a run game type of Thing where right I expect my Quarterback to throw hitch 95% Completion percentage at least and That's like our biggest routing Arena Hitch stop like you know quick out so I Think like the arena Game makes you get the ball out on Time and the ball you have three Linen that the outdoor game the game Slows down a little bit for you in the Outdoor because you have a little bit More time but if you can develop Three-step package where with with high Per percentage uh maybe screen on one Side three step on the other you know That's kind of like what arena was like You know we can have a screen built in

With a three-step game to the right and Depending on what a def can do and now You see in the NFL or even in college Sports now football they have screens Built into one side with like a Three-step drop or an RPO built to the Left side and now that's a little bit Complex when it gets a little bit more Complex than high school but you can Dabble with it and again I think the Biggest thing is the three-step game and Getting the ball out and getting high Percentage stretching defenses Horizontally which then ultimately will Help you run the football in between the Tackles and as we know in high school Football if you can run the football You're probably run the football and Play defense that's a recipe for Success So if you can get a team to worry about Your three-step horizontal extension of The Run pass game it help it helps your O line out helps your run game out and Ultimately puts your team in a a good Situation to succeed Warren you laugh at This I'm doing stuff yeah listen to this At U that you guys would use in Arena so I'll give you I'll give you an example Call right uh the only thing we still do With them even though they all have Wristbands and they can go they can go No huddle but um but we still huddle Them just so this year we want them to

Um to understand we go no huddle in Practice we we use wristbands in Practice they go fast but in the game I Huddle them just so they you know Because they're eight years old so they Just so they all know where they have to Be but like a play call would be like We'll do like uh uh three jet flash 20 24 out so we tag we tagged the receivers On their outs and they're they're Running little out routes and we're Doing a a a jet Flash and Troy rolls out And throws the ball Right so like irating man it's getting B It's it's it's evolving game is Definitely evolving and the kids will Come what what you I find even with like Eight-year-old right is that they'll Come in and they'll be like hey um can We can we can we tag three swing like so We have three swing which is a you know Basically just you you know swing pass Turn and throw it right yeah it's not a Hard pass but the like the we have a Great fullback right he's a tall lanky Kid who's like the best athlete on the Team and he'll he'll he'll be uh they They'll come in they'll be like okay hey Can we run our routes and then Troy just Throws a quick swing to us because we'll Run them off and I'm like yeah here we Go 20 24 24 out three swing and they run Their they spread out they run their Route and then we D we do the dump I

Super simple stuff that they can Complete you know exactly again high Percentage and it's fun and the kids are The kids are excited to like come to you About it and be like hey coach let's do Free swing and you're like oh yeah They're coming in practice with plays so They'll come in and be like hey uh I Have an idea for a play and I'm like Okay tell you like like when you let him Get a drink of water I'm telling you at Least once or twice a week a a different Kid come I have Lyman that come to me With play ideas they're like hey C what About this like off our little dive play Can we throw like can we throw a a a you Know something they see I'm Madden right Right that's what I just gonna say they They they they've already run it and They've done it on Madden Yeah well yeah Well that's what like can we run a cross Route right or my favorite is they want To run PA crossers I'm like we don't Have time to get PA crossers off That takes a little too Long but it's great to see like when you Teach kids those things and that's why I Asked about the the indoor game Principles because with tagging and Stuff even even the style of offet you Run which is run heavy right you're able To bring those principles to him and Make it more exciting right even though You're still kind of primarily run heavy

Right you're able to make it exciting so The receivers are more engaged and when They get their opportunities they're More engaged yeah I mean like my goal my Goal with like calling an offense Especially playing in the tri state Where you're dealing with weather you Know Likea cold like that kind you know you Got to be able to go under Center Because and you're GNA get two to three Games a year where you're in downpour Rain and the shotgun snap isn't going to Be as high percentage so you got to be Able to start from under Center that's Why when I train my quarterbacks I start Under Center because a lot of these kids Just sit in a Gun never g under Center in their life The center so I Tred what I try to do is Try to be on offense like 65 35 I Usually end up being more 7030 um but the yardage is similar you Know and that's what I'm that's my goal Now I've had really good teams that were With like a bernady was we were 6040 Because his his throwing ability and the Receivers that we had added to it and The percentages were higher now I've had Teams also where we were 80% run 20% Pass because we had two tight ends and We made defense defend extra gaps and we Ran the ball well but if you in the try State you have to be able to establish

Some sort of Run game I believe and then Balance it out with a play action pass Game in a three-step game that's an Extension of your run that can almost Balance out and equal the same amount of Yardage and that's when you become hard At defend because um you know like yeah Defensive defensive guys don't want to Don't they I mean they will and the best Ones do but they don't want to defend Everything they want to say all right This is what they do most of the time This what we're going to stop they're Going to if they're going to beat us That guy's going to beat you but if you Can get high percentage with your run And your pass and your screen game and Your you know your Gadget type plays you Become hard to defend But ultimately Still gotta play defense and you still Gotta uh play good field Position right we still have to block And tackle if you can't block a tackle The the the rest of says it best coach V Says it best almost like every like Three game speech he gives He he just says it very simply he's just Like I don't care what's going on this Game is still about blocking and Tackling if you don't if you don't block Well and you don't tackle well you're Not gonna win the football game and if You do listen it's the reason that They're the first things that you when

When somebody you learn football it's Like some of it's the first things that You learn right is hey I'm gonna push This I'm either gonna push this guy Around or I'm gonna grab this guy and Bring him to the ground you know like It's the two basic things that you learn And none of that happens because Remember that all takes place on that Line of scrimmage it's the first two Things that happened then the ball comes Into play right like then you get to do That stuff are you guys able to still be Like practice-wise what does that kind Of look like now are you still able to Be as physical as you used to be are you Less uh like is there less live tackling How how do you guys No yeah so I would say like in Camp camp We have like our live periods um but the Thing is you still got to realize you're Still developing your kids during the Season as well and kids are developing It's not like you recruited a kid and They already know how to tackle like you Got to teach this stuff so like there's A fine line in high school I believe Where you got to still tackle and block In darn Camp especially and I I would Say that you still I would say that you Still have to like entertain like the Thud period during the season just so You can like Just so your shoulders and your neck and

That kind of stuff can get get used to It because a Lot aren't used to it and uh so there a Fine line and I think every team is a Little different you know if you have an Experienced team inexperienced team but We've always gone live those first Three and then get into shoulder pads And we start teaching the basics of Tackling and blocking and then we let Them go live for a couple periods every Practice and then once the season starts Um depending on how experienced is and Or how inexperienced you can either keep That foot on the pedal and do that or You can shift it back and um so like we Have Team period still like good vers Good for 12 plays and we let the kids go As fast as they can but when we go like We do our inside run in our team periods Like towards the end of now in This towards the end of this season we Try to keep everybody off the ground You know yes um but yeah it's it's I Don't think there's I don't think There's a right answer I think it's you Adapting to the kids that you have and The experience levels they are you know That's if you got an experienced team Like if you got a really really good Experienced team like I don't think that Tom River North are is bringing those Kids down to the ground right now I Highly doubt that but when you got

Inexperienced teams maybe you still got To teach and preach that stuff on Certain days early in the week you know So to each his own you know it's Whatever feels the best yeah you know I I think I look I think obviously the Thud you know in team the the the Besides the um taking them to the ground That you're worried about I think you Always got to have some thud but but Taking them to the ground the other Issue that it gets this guys get rolled Up right so that's a like Totally Unintended not so much the actual guy Tackling another but the where the her Comes in but more like this guy gets Rolled up as he's running the ball Someone tackles him into him and right Kind of things um but I think obviously In your individual period you're able to Do some more stuff there because you Could control it better and you can Probably do some more stuff there um uh But it's it's interesting Because from a development level like You see in the Game as you go up the ladder you Probably tackle Less in practice Nowadays then at the bottom the bottom Of the ladder right in the bottom of the Ladder like we're still like every day We're still teaching tackling right Every day we're still teaching blocking

Every single day we do right a blocking Period a tackling period we might be Tackling a wheel we might be tackling a Pad but we're always te we're always Doing it because you want my thing is Learn it but I know but I what I noticed And and like our youth program is very Good but what I did notice watching like I did notice that there are some guys That don't Teach uh tackling and blocking each day As in what what they do and I always Like H that's interesting because I feel Like a young AE like once you if you Could learn it in the first few years The right way then you're then you just You know you just polish it start to Carry with you that by the time you get To high school oh you'll be phenomenal It should it should carry with you but If you don't learn it early on It's but that's why but it's important That's why it's super important for These youth coaches to understand that But some of these coaches are so excited To get out There and they're like and they're like Oh I I saw that on television let's do That you can't like it's great that You're be you're like thinking down the Road for that kind of stuff but like you Said with that at that level it comes Down to blocking and tackling I think Our youth levels and the flag is like

Taking it away a little bit where you Know like that's why I think like High School coaches should always meet with Their youth coaches early on in the Summertime and express the needs you Know like listen you guys can be Creative and do what you want to do but Like here's the three things that we Need to touch on we need to touch on Tackling we need to touch on blocking And we got to touch on football IQ every Single day and once you get good with That kind of stuff then you can Branch Off and start getting into your creative Offense and defense and gadgets all that Stuff if you don't learn it because if You don't learn at the Youth Level now Then you got to waste time at the high School level yep later in the season it Kind of holds you back a little bit so And the big Progression I think progression Understanding Like if you could teach I mean this is Obviously important in high school too Right I mean it's important in college It's important but progression of how You advance those things from Ground Zero like never had tackle before how You teach that to each step along the Way like you know like I one of the Things I always said to our guys is like We're we're we're not doing you know the Old yeah we all did it because we're

We're old enough that because we're old Yes whole head back to back get up crush Each other like we not old pen State you Know whatever drill when do you do that In a game that I was said what where is That in a game I said when I was I was Blocking like this on youth I was Blocking Yeah be here right so but and I said Where do we do that in the game and when As soon as they give you the as soon as A coach gives you the answer nowhere Right so what you want to do is teach Tackling so you progress to the point Where they're facing each other like the Old shake and bake drill right they're Facing this is what happens in a real Game but you don't want to do that the First day no progress have no team left By day two right so now when they do This little drill okay you start at Tighter space then you expand a little Bit more space but I always say you Don't go crazy with like all this space Like no you build up to it right like It's it's hey day one day two day Exactly that's that like what what You're talking about when High School Coaches come down like if High School Co Like I know you guys do because Lacy is Still small Enough um School even though it's a Pretty decent Siz school it's still Small enough community that you guys

Will have those relationships and I Think in smaller towns you can like I'm In a big town right it's hard for those Coaches very tough for you very tough For you very hard um but but that could Could be communicated like even if it's A coach's clinic right with the youth Coaches and just say hey um here's how You progress on blocking here's how you Progress on tackling here's how you Progress on football IQ right like Here's what holes are you know right Here here's what STS are like whatever Here's a one Tech here's a two Tech Here's a three technique like this is How we label things how about even Terminology and verbiage in terms of Like hey this is our defense we call This the Mike Will Sam right like that Stuff you know yeah yeah so yeah I mean When I have my Youth Camp every year I Kind of like do like a chalk talk Session just to teach those kids what Where the holes are what you know at Least what playing and they know like This guy's the quarterback this guy's The receiver but they don't know he's The Z or he's the y or he's the x or That type stuff of things now look I Don't think you need to get incred Incredibly crazy and then for me it's Different right because I come like my Program how many different youth Organizations are there right like I'm

Pulling kids from you know not just Lacy Youth Organization I'm pulling kids from As you know as many as we can right so That gets a little hard for us where Like you said that June mini camp is way Bigger for me in terms of hey if you're Coming in this is how we do things this Is what we do right so it's almost like All right now you're because basically I'm starting at zero every year on the Freshman level I mean I'm starting with Not even a player right like at least You know hey I'm probably gonna get 20 Kids from Lacy to come play football for Me now they may be 20 kids that sign up For football right like you know what I'm saying whereas but I have to go find 20 yeah like you know it's just Different it's different but I think What you're saying is when you can get a Jump on that stuff so that when your Kid's not crying for you go find players Know you know you don't have should Right just don't take My that is the argument that of these Guys the argument that these guys make No you're right right is oh well why can They go to any school and go grab Whoever well because I don't have a town That's already supplementing or giving Me 20 to 30 guys right off the Jump it's Not my fault that those 20 to 30 aren't As good as the 20 to 30 that I'm gonna Go find right that's just kind of part

Of it but it's also that when the best Programs I've seen are the ones that get Involved in their youth program using Their verbiage their terminology you Also want to know those like I can Remember being I mean I can remember Growing up in town and looking up to High School coaches in terms of like wow If we can do what they do right that'll Be great and then when those guys would Come down and talk to us like it just Gave you a sense of something different I think Lac Lacy you could obviously do It because I'm sure Lacy ayf is your Like main feeder like for example where We are now yours is tough D because You're that count so there's two Ayfs one of them is is uh direct feeder For South but ours believe it or not the One that I'm in half the kids can go to South and the other half can go to North Right so it's like you're not going to Put in any particular system no because They you know they're going to go to one If they go to one place it's going to be One system if you go to another place Yeah it's gonna be something else it's GNA be a different system so but it's um But the thing that you talked about is The fundamentals uh the progression That's where I think the High School Coaches make a huge impact the IQ of of The game like things that young kids Want to know right like th those are

Those are big deals and but still but Still make it fun too can't it can't be Like just boring like you got to make it Fun and these kids they're on their Social media they're seeing their Tik Toks they're seeing what the n NL guys Are doing so you got to like have a Sprinkle of it all but again making sure They understand the basic fundamentals Like IQ block and tackling and making it Fun of the same token that's where That's where that's where you build Something special do you do do you guys Do anything like at the high school Level like I don't know players of the Week within within your group do you do Uh Stickers so yeah so obviously obviously The um the sure Savage Ag and they do All that good stuff for the kids which Is awesome I feel like our kids all they Care about is short Savages you know and I'm like you know like hey let's just Worry about what we got to do and if Everything works out you might get on it You'll be on there right so but yeah we Do pride stickers um we do like and we Only give them out when we win um which It's an incentive obviously uh but you Know we give it out for like pancake Blocks we give it out for Touchdown Touchdown passes perfect extra point Team defense pitching a shut out uh when When the offense scores everyone on the

Offense gets one uh coach stupell are One of our defensive guys special team Guy he does a great job with it and he Like has it all mapped out talks to the Kids like everyone claps and cheers like Kids walk up it should matter like when You do that it should be something now We did it last year we're not doing it This year you know the helmet Awards Whatever now but like you can be like Ohio State and give them out for like Everything so that your helmet so that Your helmet's cover I know you're a You're like I'm I'm an award guy I am Like helmet Awards I I do it did it at High school I did it I do it with the Little guys the only thing I add in this With the little guys is that I give Um uh I give them you right for this I Don't know if you ever heard of these Things teeny you know what teeny mates Are these little so yeah so it's little NFL football players it'll be like and They probably love it Tyreek Hill like The guy kids who are the players it a Week each week I give like five or six Of them and yeah they're collectible Like like Ty it'll be like you know it's Random Tyreek Hill or I give out Football cards a football card pack oh They probably love that stuff and they Oh my God they go nuts this week my Amazon order didn't come in on time I Have to give it to them after the game

Last game but they were going nuts Because I didn't do the awards this week I said after the game you guys do great We'll give everyone an award you know Yeah our last game our last game coming Up but um but I I found that like it's Amazing how high school kids like just With the pride stickers right how they Respond to those things as an incentive To win to to have a completion Percentage that they should have to Throw a touchdown to run for a touchdown To block to get a large a big play it's Amazing how far that goes these kids run Off the field after they have a pancake They're a pancake yes it's like I'm Getting a sticker I had a panc think About it it was the same thing uh same Thing a couple years ago right when they Did the turnover chains and all that Kind of [ __ ] like those guys like like Any incentive and listen we're looking At these guys like yeah they're high School kids bro there's still kids out There playing a game who want to have Some fun with it you know what I mean I Mean the days of you know I I feel like That like like it you got to give them Something and they love it which is Crazy it's awesome I love I love it yeah Y I remember when I was in when I was in Germany they they had a the big hit of The game the big hit they the the local Restaurant would give out um free

Schnitzel it's like a chicken whatever Really so like you know our linebackers Are running down just head hunting People waiting for the and we V the Coaches so like these guys are getting Declet and on on Tuesday morning when We're having our meeting they're like And the Schnitzel winner is and it's Like and they give and then they go and They got free food at this restaurant Free schnitzel whatever it was and I Obviously never got it because I never Hit anybody but but I would always go With the guys and it's pretty cool like They were always always excited about it But yeah just back to what we were Saying the whole Pride sticker thing and Um the turnover change kids looked Forward to that so you got to be able to Like have sort of incentives for the Guys to play like play their best but Also don't get carried away with it Where you're not you're losing where it Takes away from what you're trying you Don't want to lose sight on the ultimate Team goal you know what I mean so um so And that's why I do like you only give It out when they win right I think That's right yeah same thing yeah only When you win so now it's like you know It doesn't matter if you don't win if You don't win you're not getting Anything at the end of that's great That's great you made a great play I'm

Glad you had an interception good thing You had two touchdowns but you know what We lost the game so it doesn't really Matter I don't want to hold you up too Much because you probably have a gym Class coming up soon that that you're Going to have to teach Um Before I Let You Go Um first of all what's your Twitter or Anything like that if anybody ever wants To reach out to you so my Twitter handle Is let me double check it it's or or Instagram Or um so yeah my Twitter handle I I'll Type it into the thing here hold so It's we got to know where to find You I'm always here Well I know that Twitter handle smith8 And Uh the Instagram which I like to Do right you're an Instagram guy Yep got a big one this we my Twitter yeah yeah my Twitter game got to Get better my my girl she kills the Twitter game I got I gotta match she Crushes it your girl crushes the Twitter Game dude it's probably why she has such Good players Right and that would be the Instagrams that's it you go perfect Twitter Warren Smith warror smith8 and The um Instagram handle is WTS uncore Jr8 perfect good oh good you put it in

The chat so that'll go Out and look if you guys know Quarterbacks are willing to train you Know looking going to get him Going AB absolutely actually it's funny We say that what was the the kid Brody No what was the kid's name what were the Three kids that were at our Haslet Quarterback thing every day who every Week who were the three kids oh twins The twins you have AR Brothers brothers And then who was the other one the kid The Georgia guy Georgia Arie Archie but There was another there was another one Uh Jordan might have been Jordan oh man there was Jordan there was Brody there U there was Uh Uh did I oh I just got rid of I can't Believe I forgot I'm trying to think now Oh who the big how about the big guy the Big guy the 11y old yeah what big guy Was one of the smaller guy one of the Smaller guys he was at the um Middletown North he on the sideline one not the Sideline but he was like in the in the Area where we walk out he what's up Coach I look at him like oh I know who You are and it was the and the dad was There the dad was a really nice guy too Forget the kid's name but North it has To be Jordan Jordan I think it was Jordan I think it

Was Jordan he plays on my team Jordan Yeah he plays plays on my team on my was At the Game yeah he he's on my team Jordan Jordan's actually like uh So we have we have a very very good team But I mean Jord Jordan's one of the Quarterbacks um but uh he plays a lot of Plays a lot of linebacker he's actually Pretty good he he makes a lot of tackles Um and uh but Jordan Jordan was was at it um obviously Troy's on that team I'm trying to think Of who else is on was there what's the Kid that worked with the receiver Nan Big kid excellent defensive excellent Defensive end we have to use him at Center though on in uh in in um uh in Our team he because we're in shotgun He's a excellent shotgun snap so that's Big but yeah I Mean what's That yeah that's Jordan on the left That's Jordan that's Jordan Middle the kid in the middle I can't I Can't tell from that angle who it is That's not Archie right no that's not Archie oh gosh I can't I can't tell who That Is I know I can't think of I can't tell Who that you know like I could see the Face clearly but like it's not clear Enough like I know Jordan because I see

Him every day so you know I see Jordan Every single day so I know Jordan Great great kid Jordan's tough tough kid Um but yeah like listen if oh yeah yeah Yeah the one oh oh Mas Mason Mason Ison Troy and Jordan are on 8U Mason is a Quarterback or one of the quarterbacks On 7u yes Okay was awesome Yeah yeah M Mason's a quarterback on Seven you he probably would have been a North game too because I think Jordan And Mason would go to North I'm pretty Sure Um goity to throw the Ball Well Nor he throws he throws the bll bush he Lik nor Jersey guy He likes to throw it okay you have brick Memorial Tonight can we Lose technology see you later coach bar Go back to class how come how come coach JB and his guy don't ever lose lose Service I don't know probably maybe Probably are they on a higher I on the Highest they're both streamyard though I I thought I thought we're on the highest Both on the highest plan we have by the Way do you know that their live has a

Lot of viewers but do you know our Overall site has 10 times the viewers That the JB Shaws well because he Doesn't really do like what content does He produce other than him going on Rants And losing yeah his show is the the Biggest yeah that's he's got like and It's and that's daily right like he rips That show every you know what I'm saying Yeah every day or like every couple days Like like I'm sure the one with Salsbury When he does that is like you know that Guy used to be the quarter the the guy On ESPN for God's sakes yeah absolutely Talk about falling from the ways side But listen I love talking it's always Good to hear his perspective because He's kind of caught in the conundrum of Two Worlds you know what I'm saying I Think Ward with with like you know he's He he he's played in the arena league Which was like a fast-paced type of like I love this offense I like every down But at the end of the day it's like hey You know well they had five drives in The game so that must have been two Teams just running the ball I told you When I saw them live against ocean you Know back at the start of the season I Told you I was like the operation is Like you I told you it was like watch it 1996 cre Bay Packers run there you know Let's get in the Huddle and everybody Break and now there's a fullback there's

A tight end and oh only one you know What I mean but I think he kind of has To I don't know I don't know what I Don't know if Lacy's getting the Keith Elias's anymore well they do have one Guy that's a stud Freshman it's one of our beasts JD yeah he's Mega he's a he's been Starting from day one as a corner and Last couple weeks he's been uh tailback And a tailback in that offense does a Lot more than you know what I mean or at Least I don't know he better put some Weight on but he can't but he's also a High level wrestler he's huge I mean He's a division one player prospecto but Who knows so on a recruiting front Before we go it's interesting what's Going on so just in Uh basically I don't know in a year and A half maybe two years Time recruiting Changed yeah not I don't even think Changed is the word not only is it Change but the areas where that are Getting Recruited and uh how it's being done is Is totally different So like Um the Northeast oh the if you I I don't Know if you looked but like the number Of high school kids getting scholarships I'm in it it's Minuscule what this is why look at the

2024 let me see if I can pull this is Why this is why when we did one of those First episodes and we talked about where You play or where You Live matters in terms of recruiting Because I'm not going to be able to like Unless I F the fast-paced nature of the Way things are right now is things need To be easy right like I need to be if I Know where this guy is I want to be able To go and find him right Now on social media they don't even I'm Not going out of my way to find somebody Like yeah he might be the best Prospect In Massachusetts you there I You umut what I mean like I think it's Just look if you're not Florida Texas California Georgia so one of those big One like man you got you have to now put Work in to get Recruited yeah New Jersey you I mean Like dude I mean look it's just it's I I'll give you an idea like it's I'm Looking at it right now okay just look At the top 50 there's 43 kids that have For 2024 in New Jersey that Have committed Somewhere for 20 2024 right that's CL This class 2024 yeah this is 2024 right So then so there 43 that have committed

Okay and then there's kids with offers It's in the 50s oh little bit uh 40 45 or so with Division one offers 46 45 45 46 with Division One some of these Guys it's it's what's very interesting Is outside of these guys From the drop off I'll read you from the Schools number one guy from Don BOS Number two guys from Bon cathic number Three guys from Notre Dame but the Number three guy from Notre Dame is is The running back who's actually from Michigan Michigan okay uh the number Four guys from inton number five is from Hun School I don't know if that kid's Actually from New Jersey or not number Six what's the name uh Waffle uh I'm not sure D Lyman he might Be he might be um seen Hall Manuel Ross is 7 Red bang Catholic uh Bergen Catholic Notre Dame Winslow St Joe's the Mount Olive Kid uh the the old thean kid is is 13 okay uh all it's all private schools Hunt School milville Delan Lawrenceville School Red Bank Catholic and the Lawrenceville school Could be from anywhere so this is so That so that's interesting listening to That here and that and listen then You're looking at the the the public Schools most of those public schools are

Where right not newth Jersey uh no no they're out outside of North other uh other than oldan And mount Ol um they're like I would almost Consider it like Phish it is Phish because like uh the Remember remember we played um Next Level grades and they had but they were Like East Side Next Level greates you Know Willie love is number 21 that's oh Yeah yeah yeah Camden he's one he has He's one of the top he's like one of the Few that hasn't verbal right he right he Hasn't you're right he hasn't right he's One of the that has not 22 is ber catha 23 is Tom's River which is Micah 24 pris Catholic 25 shabaz kid there that's North Jersey probably a former St Peter's kid is that Massie no it's uh um It's Pua is the kid oh he's a for so he Came from He he was um no he was St Peters St Peters so there go so he just you know There's a p Patterson East Side kid um That kid was very good I watched him on The film uh uh donbosco kid West Orange PCT kid um the Kid die um he's a scud a Rather for a kid tight end that kid's Actually a yeah big kid we talked about That Um oh the die Brothers right or PCT yeah Travon Union City Kid kid Park Ridge has a lineman yep

Going to Yukon uh another cam the kid Tom's River Which is T but I'm not sure he could Have he could have he's screwed up a Little I don't know if he's I don't know If he had I don't know is yeah it's not Good I know from what I've heard it's Not good uh St Peters Timber uh Timber Creek Timber Creek also South pamis Catholic pope John Dietrich the uh the QB um uh Irvington another Irvington has Three kids Irvington easy has three Number 41 which is Irvington okay kid Eric Lee he's going to Un So after him there's two guys Duca from Hunt school going to Temple and Rodriguez from Hillside going to Yukon but here's the thing you have to See like so when you get down like and This is what I think has changed um the Prep kids going to Stanford but and but Outside side of once you start to get to Like 38 is UMass 39 UMass 40 is Temple 41 is UNH 42 is Temple 43 is Yukon right And then after that there are guys out Have offers that haven't committed or Maybe those offers aren't even there Anymore because they didn't commit you Know I know that's I know that's what Happened to tck there's a few of these Guys that I think that's the case so I Heard Yeah like so for example like Elijah

Jennings from pensar has Boston College Miss and Pittsburgh listed as his offers But he hasn't committed anywhere I Wonder if I I don't know so I'm just Saying this not knowing I wonder if even Those are available anymore you Understand what I'm saying plus I also Feel like a lot of this is really going To change because I don't know if you Saw the game last night but but West Virginia took a wicked loss last night To UNH on the very last play on of Hail Mary after having scored wait to who They lost they lost to Houston oh Houston so but like like Virginia Square Yeah guys if guys you mean are fired or Something right like like you know and They have a lot of offers out there I Feel like if Neil Brown gets fired you Know now it kind of okay or you know Just you know how things happen in the Off season it it I'm Cur so of the the New Jersey kids that Are Committed guess how many are committed To West Virginia prob I would say probably five One okay it's a Kinsler From Kinsler from beron Catholic beron Catholic has a who I'm Sure has oh Bergen Catholic stack to Have a ton of kids yeah listen you You're only looking at you're also only Looking at 24s Syracuse has a lot of

Kids because of nuns yes right as you Would expect they have a ton uh how About Yukon Yukon actually has a good Amount which I yuk Noti notice what School you don't See What where's Yukon has a few um like Where's Ruckers Ruckers does have a few Ruckers Has uh winovich winovich who's really From Massachusetts but not is now in New Jersey Um Sanders the kid from yeah the kid From Sanders and SAS so SAS whose Running back teammate who he brought Over to n Dame is winovich those two and Then you got Kai Kai uh Sanders and then You have the Del Ran uh o Lyman Kenny Jones who's a good Player um because I saw him last year When he was on he was very very Disruptive in the playoff game uh Whatever the championship game but That's four that's it four J four four Guys committed to Ruckers High School From New Jersey let's go over to Ruckers I'm curious okay now we go over to Ruckers they do have 23 commits so Ruckers has 23 commits only four from New Jersey that's interesting I don't know I Don't know what to say like is that good I don't know if that's good bad or what I don't know if it's good bad or

Indifferent I'm not sure I mean he's Went he's he's having a pretty good year So far but they haven't they're gonna Play the tough part of the schedule Coming up they're playing Michigan State This weekend and I really feel like with All the craziness that's going on there They're ripe for the picking are they Gonna take advantage of it I don't know Anything about either team right watched A couple games I don't know whatever but They're playing Michigan State this Weekend and I feel like even though Michigan state is what it is if you get Like that win that's probably a big win For them right like so let's use Ruckers As a good example of this right let's Say so I would my guess I mean I have to Look at history here he he look his Class is ranked pretty high 34 so let's Let's say for argument sake shano's Class is pretty good let's just say Argument sake it's pretty Good okay so it's a pretty good class Only four New Jersey guys and one of Those four is actually from Michigan Originally okay he's here now let's look Let's go back a few Years and This this will tell you how kind of New Jersey recruiting is changing where you Are is changing so let's go back to 20 Uh uh I don't know if 2020 is a fair Thing because of that's what I was just

Gonna say I don't know if 2020 works Because of the co co let me go maybe go A little earlier now maybe go like 29 19 Let's go 2019 before Co so let's go Before Co all right so here's what Ruckers had from Jersey in 2019 one two three four five Six seven Eight nine although the kid didn't end Up going There transfers they have 10 11 12 13 13 Jersey guys in that class one Of them was who so and that was so those Guys are now the yeah like the like the Running back from bosow was probably one Of those guys and now he's part of it so My point is this in 2019 they had 13 Jersey guys 2024 they right now have four Jersey Guys committed and besides Jersey guys In 2019 they also had one Two two New Yorkers so that's that's What I was just gonna ask that 15 New Yorkers I I won't count PA but those PA Is probably Philly so that probably Should count too but let's just say for Argument sake that's not the case Okay So 15 guys and that was before shano I Think but 15 or like his first year Maybe Yeah maybe his first year and and let me See how many New York guys this year one Oh arasmus Hall Curtis

There yeah one Rasmus Hall Kid I thought which is something that's Gone down because that was huge I Remember like a couple classes had a Bunch of New York guys two two because They have Duff so two so two New York Guys so that makes six so 15 compared to Six that's a Big big difference that's now mik but Here's my question right like is it Because they're better play chanos Thinks better players are outside of it Pulling the or is he pulling from the Portal well even in 2019 there was you Know of of those kids six or seven of Them were um that were three of the Jersey kids were from the portal so see That's I don't here but here's my thing What what's the level of talent it's got You know what I mean like what's the Level of talent for that year right was There was there better guys that just Weren't in Jersey you know what's Another school I mean listen here's Another look the kid from the kid from Matan offensive lineman defensive Lineman just got a Michigan offer Yesterday which now gives him Michigan And Georgia plus something else is he Right He's I I I watched him play basketball Last year and I was like oh okay and he Didn't have anything yet like he's right Up there with the with the with Jaylen

Matthews and those other guys that are Big Time now so let's look at uh sah but I Think pit is the one that's coming in Crushing people right Now P only had a couple guys I mean they Got Willis it wasn't a it it it wasn't as Big enough right what's his name the the Kid from rbc's going there Brutin I think that's it so let me see Hold I'll tell you a Second Michigan does well because Partridge yeah they're only gonna take One or two kids right they're gonna take They're gonna take the top one of the Tops and that then be done all right Here we go um what you say uh pit pit uh Uh Willis And Brutin that's It Temple I bet has a lot proba all Those all those Southern Jersey cat cats I think Temple's GNA recruit Jersey they Took three I think or three or four Syracuse has a lot you know who else you Know who I think like you don't see Penn State Penn State has didn't Penn State Use to clean up jersey they maybe they Don't feel it's as hot a place anymore Tor that's what that's what I'm saying That why why am I gonna recruit that Like there's no need one like I don't

See Bri coming out One one guy for Penn State so Stanford Stanford there's a couple because of um BEC because of what's his name the Connection with uh how about Boston College there's not that many Because it's that may not have anything To do With Um that may not have as much to do with Not recruiting Jersey as maybe it has to Do with the fact that they're struggling A little bit do you Think what about Maryland yeah well Boston College one One one guy committed to Boston College How about Yukon how many Yukon have a Few I saw one Two one two I thought I saw three but I'm not seeing it now um Yukon I know The Park Ridge kids going There Rodriguez the Park Ridge Kid two nothing nothing Syracuse has a Bunch uh and that's obviously has too But if you think about like let's go Back a few years okay like to when you So New Jersey probably had 50s something Scholarships when I was in high school Okay but un obviously UNH is FCS they They have a pull the kids number 41 Yukon and UMass were FCS okay like now They're listed as FBS but like it's not Like the talent is that much better so It it's just a team that's moved into

The lower level of division one I mean You got like youas is pulling the 38th Best player like that would have been Maybe a Rucker kid or you know like it's My thing is like I feel like they're not Recruit the top schools other than the Very best kids you know the number one Kid or something like that number two Kid they're going down I feel like They're going down I'm curious about Pennsylvania because Pennsylvania to me Is like everybody wants to go South Pennsylvania has a lot of kids which is You get some speed and then you're going To have some size in like the oh myal Areas all right right Pennsylvania Pennsylvania looks very different very Very different I I'm looking at theirs They usually have more scholarship they They have 63 63 okay and I think Pennsylvania's Been able to hold more of it because Right with Franklin like he's a good Ohio it's Ohio Right yes Ohio as well bigger football Area on the New Jersey side you still Have that southern Jersey Philly so Here's like I'm gonna read you this is How many kids are going to pen state From Pennsylvania one two three four Five six seven Eight you're gonna make yourself sick uh It's in their top 63 it's eight okay That's most of the top kids going where

They should be going pit obviously a Handful Uh West Virginia a few but here's what's Interesting any Maryland um not really many Maryland I'll read I'll read I'll read you I'll Read you one through 20 what they have So one through 20 is Penn State Penn State Wisconsin Alabama Penn State Penn State Penn State West Virginia Penn State Penn State Notre Dame Penn State Pit pit ciny USC Michigan State Michigan Pit Wisconsin but it's like that all the Way down right so you go oh no there is Maryland 48 40 uh 44 48 49 52 Maryland um but you look at it your top 10 is all Penn State yes see you you best guy the best Guys in Pennsylvania go to their state School top 10 look at look New Jersey Top 10 how many of those guys are going To Ruckers seven of 10 are going to Penn State seven of the top 10 Penn State now So go to New Jersey are seven of r10 Going to Ruckers well my question is does Ruckers Want seven of r10 I don't know I'm not Sure are those seven are those seven Better than are those seven better than You know what I mean like should I read Here our top 10 Georgia Georgia Ruckers Penn State Michigan Ohio State Stanford Ruckers Ruckers Texas A&M that looks very different right and

Then after those F like honestly after The top 20 I it's really next tier Schools for the most part you know which Not power five now you go do that in Florida Let's look at Connecticut which is a Crappy state for Recruiting Connecticut surprisingly they have 15 Kids with division one offers well they Have well listen think about their big Us be less than that Avon by the Sea Right like those those big programs have Five each who knows if those kids are Even from the they're not half of them Are from Canada who's from here who's Listen when I do all the rankings and All the stuff on those kids none of them Are from connect kid dude you're you're You're right okay yeah because I you're Right I'm looking at it's prep it's all Prep school it's chest it's all prep School and now listen I'm not knocking That I think it's a great it's a better Experience I think the whole prep school Live away High School is phenomenal I Think that's a great model if if you're A kid that's behind the eightball you Reclassed like you said maybe you're From Canada you don't even know how to Play real football yet right like I Think those are great and the coaches That are there are very good highlevel Coaches right like your boy from Yukon

Willly or whatever who does I think it's Avon by the sea or whatever like those Guys know what's going on what is it Avon Old Farms oh close enough sounds Like I'm going to for like a winery for Beautiful place yes I I no I guarantee You it's freaking gorgeous no sh listen The Northeast right now this time of year it It I I don't there's nothing like it it Is [ __ ] spectacular especially New England okay that's what I'm saying man You're going up they let that that Season at Sacred Heart where I traveled The entire East Coast for football and Playing Games amazing right like it was just What a great thing but anyway go back to Connecticut top do their top 10 which I Agree with you it's totally skewed Because of the the prep school they're All prep school kid it's all Prep School Uh and after this I'll read you I'll Read you the top 10 what schools I go to But first we'll go with the college Penn State Stanford Georgia USC South Carolina uh Michigan Wake Forest Virginia uh not committed yet K's not Committed uh and then Duke schools you Ready chesher Academy Avon Old Farms Avon Old Farms chesher Academy chesher Academy Cho Rosemary H beautiful School You Gotta Be A Millionaire to go there Oh oh uh Avon Old Farms Avon Old Farms

St Thomas Moore Avon Old Farms Didn't hunt School play Avon Old Farms Yeah they killed them right or crushed Them uh yeah so that's that's that let's Let's find a more reasonable State here What about what about New York do New York New York I'm curious if New York is Affected like New Jersey New York is Always so interesting because you have The state you have the city right and I Just think those two are literally Totally separate entities I'm actually Working on one of my buddies to come on The podcast coaches in the city City and Has coached in the city and his son Right now is currently at at Wagner Doing some things as a quarterback as a Freshman so I'm trying to get him on in A couple weeks and he can kind of talk About uh you know the New York football Which is I don't know I think a little Different like whenever you're trying to Play one of those guys out of state it Has to be in September they cannot start In August like there's a lot of more Restrictions I feel like up there I'll Tell you what's interesting Syracuse is Crushing Ruckers in New Jersey nunzio It it has to be nunzio oh I and then my Question is does Ruck are they Recruiting the same guys that's the only Thing I don't know but that's a very Good question I like that well listen I

Know listen KJ Duff the tight head from St St Anthony's in the city he's Supposed to go to Ruckers but I know for A fact like he's number one on Syracuse's big Board right so New York Cory Duff is Number one Ruckers is he really he's the Number one player yeah number one Georgia Penn State uh not committed a Kid is four um interesting Michigan State Ruckers Minnesota what yeah DJ Fck yeah and then that guy must like Acronyms and Wisconsin Wisconsin always Northeast Minnesota two Minnesota guys And then Syracuse is 10 the 10th kid They Only here's what's crazy there's only 15 Kids there's not even a 20 but D1 Offers from New York so that kind of Goes to my theory like New York New Jersey is not as heavily recruited Obviously New Jersey's better than New York but not as heavily recruited cany Can you do look at Massachusetts I I I I Bet you yeah because right I don't think There's as many prep schools there no But you do have I I mean and I don't Know what like when we talk to Corey I'm Not sure what's like how that school I Mean look I know they went down to Florida got smoked but you know that's It's hard to judge you know what I mean

Massachusetts has as many division one Kids as New York which is shocking 15 but still awful um Don Brown cleaning Up Notre Dame Penn State Pittsburgh Michigan State Yukon is the fifth guy Duke BC Virginia Vanderbilt BC smart kids two BC's BC is Not did not clean up in Massachusetts Which is shocking and no UMass no UMass at all I don't know what Is going on Don maybe don Brown isn't That's not his Job let's go to Delaware oh this has got to be all like West Virginia wow there's only Three only three and does it do any play For our boy yeah two of the Three I tried to get him on he's too Into season right now Syracuse Temple JMU JMU the best one out of all probably Wins out of the most out of all of Them Delaware does not have many Division one players yeah but how about Like but like the University of Delaware Doesn't take that JMU guy well they Don't you know 247 is not going to list University of Do they're G it's only FBS they'll list them after but they're Not going to list them until signing it Um Maryland Has 53 it's Marilyn oh yeah think about it Maryland's right up there I think

Maryland's state used to be less than New Jersey but it's past New Jersey oh It's gone it's it's run hell yeah all Right the first guy is not hasn't Committed he must have every offer Where' he Go he goes to I never heard of the School Concordia prep I don't know what That is um then it's Oregon Wisconsin Florida Clemson Michigan Virginia Tech Penn State Maryland Florida State wow Think of the level all these guys are They're all power Five Guys it's like That all the way it's like that we're Talking that Maryland is a hot bed it's Like that all the way until basically Like 50 I mean that's a different big Difference that's pH shift to me that's A shift Absolutely all right to see Maryland Like that let's do a a fun State top 10 That's Like smaller big let's do Mississippi Mississippi small a lot of division one But smaller State all right let's do Their top 10 you ready this is kind of Fun Florida Miss Miss uh not Committed Miss Miss Mississippi State Mississippi State Arkansas so so look at it so Mississippi Cleans up in their state you know what I'm saying like Old Miss cleans up like They have

And they have 65 guys Listed with FBS power five conference Scholarships that's pretty wild right How many people how many people live in Mississippi let's find that out not that Many people live in Mississippi my SSI SSI PPI 2.9 Million One the size of New Jersey 30 more Scholarships all right let's take uh Let's do this last one before I get off Here let's try and find a state that's Small that money let's try Kentucky Which used to have nothing it used to Literally have nothing used to be Considered a basketball state all right Kentucky had has Kentucky Kentucky oh Jacob and Jared Smith remember those Guys the lineman yes they're one and two Okay reach out those are our boys one And two dude that's crazy and hey did You get I I I was reading one of those Messages who was the name of the dude That you we sent to or you guys sent to Oregon State oh the Lyman yeah the offive Lyman Yeah he's a [ __ ] starter yeah oh he's Great um Dave starting now they said the Like I guess she posted a message on on The the whatever app that we use I was Reading the other day holy I was like Damn dude talk about a success story the

Kid went out there just moved for Whatever and is killing it it was cool It is let's see um it's Um I'm blanking right now out of nowhere This is funny because we talked about Him so many Times oh god um Believe I can't believe I'm blanking I Hate when that happens that must be me Crazy but like like it's on the tip of Your tongue yeah and then you're just Like uh uh uh uh it's Um soon as I see it I don't know oh my God there's so many double numbers in College and the zero thing is Crazy It's the guys wear a zero and [ __ ] bro Oh yeah oh zero yeah uh Ben Harman that's it Ben Harman Starting yeah there was hang on let me Get my hang on give me a sec here look Give a sec yeah no like I'm saying I'm Pretty I I just want to like I don't the Message she gave us damn I'm gonna break This whole [ __ ] day she sent a Message on the give me a sec on the on The uh sales message thing A messenger Yeah she sent it it was under Here I have to S it to Mike that's That's what was his name what was I'm Sorry what was his I'm trying to say [ __ ] what was his last uh actually right Here it should be right here

Um now open damn it I wish I oh Ben Hartman has been moved up the a depth Chart at Oregon State University uh oh I'm oh no no oh this is old oh my bad This is old this is old this is old this Is old oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I Don't think in college you you can't see Their Um Death no no no you can't can't So I have to watch a game now Um it's interesting that they list all The kids every player's Twitter in the Rost and Instagram yeah that's a little Weird I guess that's for nil maybe Purposes that is Interesting oh [ __ ] um but yeah so I so That's well we we'll we'll end on that But that that that was it's interesting Looking at like where to scholarships is And how it's allocated because obviously It's still the same number of Scholarships every team has 85 that Hasn't changed right it's just how do You utilize them now how are they how Are they pushed out in in different Areas and where where are they going so But anyway let's let's end it we'll We'll we'll go from there and Uh next Time that was our 20th oh that was 20 that was 20 that was

20 all right

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