Maximizing Performance: The Surprising Secret to Athletic Success

Discover the game-changing advice that NFL star Saquon Barkley received from a high school track coach. Learn how doing less can actually lead to better results, debunking the myth of “more is better” when it comes to training. Find out…

Discover the game-changing advice that NFL star Saquon Barkley received from a high school track coach. Learn how doing less can actually lead to better results, debunking the myth of “more is better” when it comes to training. Find out the truth about optimizing performance. #AthleticSuccess #TrainingMyths #OptimalPerformance #LessIsMore #GameChangingAdvice #SaquonBarkley #TrainingTips #SportsPerformance #InjuryPrevention #TrainingMythBusters

You got to keep going you got to do this It's quality over quantity correct like It's like if you do This they lose Derek lost Derek for a Second for a Second Yeah good I'm gonna name drop here um But but this goes right along with Dereck's comment about quality over Quantity and the fact that we've been Brainwashed right we've been brainwashed The Church of hard work that that if we Win it's because we outworked the losers If if we lose that's because we got Outworked so we like doubl down all crap Um saquon Barkley called me about two Months ago and said I've been watching Your stuff I want to know what I can add To my workouts that will make me faster I feel like I'm losing a step I'm more Injury prone and and I'm like well You're you're gonna hate my answer Because because I don't have I don't Have anything to add I think you need to Subtract do less and he said you know And he's of course extremely articulate You know like smartest guy ever hardest Worker ever right you know his his his Training videos are legendary and and Here he is talking to a high school Track coach about getting faster and he Says so maybe instead of doing two sets Of 10 100s maybe I should just do one Set of five and I said nah do no no

Hundreds yeah don't even like there's a Long pause and I just weighed him out And he says coach I feel like I've been Brainwashed yeah and I'm like we all Have we all have yeah

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