Mastering Speed: Top Techniques for Athletic Performance
Discover how to maintain peak speed while transitioning between positions. We share effective drills and strategies that have transformed our team’s performance, focusing on acceleration and rhythm-building for team sport athletes. Join us to elevate your game! #AthleticTraining #SpeedDevelopment #AccelerationDrills #TeamSports #PerformanceEnhancement #SportsTips #RhythmBuilding #EliteAthletes #StrengthAndSpeed #FitnessGoals
Now I'm transitioning to top end now I'm At top end now I'm trying to fight not Losing my speed right dude you're you're Eigh yeah you're done and and for him It's just like man I want my guys Obviously they got to understand you Know that the the the the positioning Changes as as I as they go along but I Want my guys to think nothing but push For 100 meters um and and it's worked It's worked great for him but uh yeah When he when he when he said it to me I Was like I was like oh yeah because I Was getting really into driving phase And accelerations and for my for my team Sport athletes which is like you know Like like they don't need to get it like The drills like the wicked drills will Solve a lot of that for me yep push as Hard you can into these into these cones And as slowly climb as you go and build The Rhythm as we're going