Mastering Pass Precision: Secrets Every Quarterback Must Know! 

Unlock the key to flawless throws! Join us as we dive into essential tips for quarterbacks, focusing on the in-between pass that can make all the difference on the field. Perfect your technique and elevate your game today! #QuarterbackTraining #FootballTips #PassPrecision #RPO #RunAndShoot #FootballSkills #YouthFootball #FootballCoaching #GameDay #AthleteDevelopment
So this is and again I'm I'm certainly Not trying to coach other coaches but This would be in the world of RPO Because our quarterback Zion Yun here His eyes are going away from the ride All right so his eyes are there so this Is a a basic run and shoot vertical Concept all right where we're trying to Get kids down the railroad tracks and And make the easy St now what he is Instructed to do which he has struggled With Is he has a tendency to pass the ball Too for far down the hash mark or even Outside so this should be if we took the The three types of of passes you know Just a flat Drive throw and a short pass You know a high I call it a one yeah This is this is an in between throw this Should be two yeah he should be putting This thing like this thing should be in That kid's hands when he catches it I Believe at 12 to 14 yards at the latest 14 yards because otherwise you're Starting to get into the safety ends up Winning L you want it's that in between Throw right that over that over the Linebacker before the safety now