Mastering Offense: Why Some Teams Excel with Unique Systems

🚀 Discover the secrets behind successful football teams! In this video, we dive into the evolution of offensive strategies and how teams like Knowles and Point Borough excel with innovative systems. Learn why unique approaches to practice and player development…

🚀 Discover the secrets behind successful football teams! In this video, we dive into the evolution of offensive strategies and how teams like Knowles and Point Borough excel with innovative systems. Learn why unique approaches to practice and player development can make all the difference in achieving team success.

📌 What You’ll Learn:
How unique offensive systems give teams an edge
The role of practice in player development and performance
Insights into team strategies that break traditional molds
Entertaining and practical coaching tips

🎥 Don’t miss these game-changing insights to elevate your playbook and coaching style!

0:00 – Introduction: Why Offensive Systems Matter
0:30 – Unique Strategies That Set Teams Apart
1:15 – The Role of Practice in Player Development
2:00 – Breaking Down Team Success Stories (Knowles & Point Borough)
3:00 – Entertaining Coaching Tips & Takeaways

Yeah so if you kind of ask me some questions on 
it you know you know the evolution and everything   I think guys see things downfield now and that's 
fine that's fine but where it started was on the   Line of scrimmage and why don't guys more guys 
run it as I said Ethan jro's team runs it as well   As anybody have seen obviously Brian Gallagher's 
running it very well at no but those are the guys   You really want to talk about why they the reason 
they've stayed in what they did was not to be   Different to be different but to be different 
because it's effective and you really can't   Practice against it you know I mean they just have 
so many reps at it and they're and they're good   You know if they have a kid that's a good college 
player he's a good college player I mean how many   Guys in the pros are playing quarterback that were 
Wing te guys if you're a good player you're a good   Player Point burrow down here does a really great 
job of running what they run their kind of system   That's I've watched them I've watched them and I 
think they do good things men them's in a whole   Different Stratosphere I gotta yeah you you 
you you you've I mean coach you've mentioned   Them a bunch of times um that head coach where 
did he come from to put that in like is that   Something he brought from somewhere else was 
a college route guy and he he he he had he had   Coach Mor Morgan Roth on the staff and there's 
another fell I I haven't met these guys in terms   Of knowing them and I and I would feel bad about 
that um actually Mike Judge senior's Dad I think   He was on Don margan Ro sta Don was with him 
but the guy running the offense now is not Don   Because Don's son is having a really really nice 
career up at sasan as a receiver so he's goes up   And watches them they're in final eight so yeah 
they're they've been excellent the last couple   Years yeah so I mean you know those guys are um 
they're they're pretty special so you know the   Question becomes like hey do you want to do that 
everybody puts their little tilt you know taint on   Whatever they do um I guess it depends on your 
personnel for me it's often not the Personnel   We have it's about who's the next guy like what 
happens if we don't have this guy right you know   So you know now we're gonna spend all this time 
inserting this or or installing it and then it's   What it's get thrown out the window well my point 
is that so so if you're in a shotgun and you're   Running you're running a lot of read stuff I would 
I would uh recommend that highly because and David   Has done it you're running backs can take all 
your quarterback reps they can learn those reads   There's only how often did you do that like we 
did that right like beginning of practice there   Would be coach there would be five guys taking 
Snaps and maybe two of them were quarterbacks   You know yeah we had we had we had seven in the 
morning on Monday and because we follow all the Rules right see I'm GNA tell you how you get 
into into this whole thing because we got to   Have an entertainment value in here all right 
the first part of the entertainment value is   We read the njsi handbook and I'll show you my 
IM my imitation of understanding that you take   The book out and then you turn it upside down all 
right and that should give you a pretty good idea  

On what you're supposed to be reading right 
then then you take a you get on your bicycle   And you ride down the street and you look at 
any school that's in your neighborhood that   May be doing things that don't look like it 
even when you turn it upside down or sideways   That doesn't look like the rules I read all right 
and you decide what you can or you can't too all   Right then you go down to the train station 
all right and you realize that you can make   More money as an Uber driver schools than teaching 
all right but but as I digress all right so my but   My my point is um we had seven the other day 
and we actually did use basketballs all right

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