Managing Your high school roster #highschoolfootball

1 min read
Might be a benefit to you now that You're pulling from you know different Areas but how do you kind of go about That managing your own roster now coach In this new world of what we're living In yeah…

Might be a benefit to you now that You're pulling from you know different Areas but how do you kind of go about That managing your own roster now coach In this new world of what we're living In yeah DK great timing on this question This is the time of year when kids jump So this is when this is where retention Is the most important right now um you Know from our standpoint we kind of Laugh at the college guys because it's Like Welcome to our world we've been Dealing with this for a hundred years um You know in our world we have the local Public school kid that can go back and Be a be a three sports star and you know Play both ways and you know Drive the Team bus and do everything you have kid That doesn't get offers early enough That wants to reclass you get the you Get the kid that um you know doesn't Think he's getting utilized the right Way or he's the odd man now he's a step From the field or whatever so you're You're dealing with all that every Single year at a school like Iona you Know we're big on the retention deal we Try to make sure every guy on a roster That you know has

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