Listen to the story of tony gwynn who was a basketball star long before a baseball one
He went undrafted and didn't get any Offers to play in college basketball Though was a different story and Tony Got a scholarship to play guard at San Diego State University this guy could Play I mean to this day he holds the Assist alltime record at San Diego State I saw him play against depal Kansas and all these big time basketball Schools I saw him play against Danny a All the time Danny Ang was at BYU I saw Him you know hold his own I mean he was Good so good in fact and so important to His team that his coach wouldn't let him Join the baseball team insisting that Tony Focus entirely on basketball at Least until his junior Year I always thought the basketball Coaches were trying to keep him a secret But word ultimately leaked when the Aztec top baseball recruit Bobby meum Arrived on campus in 19 79 I had known Tony because of playing against him in Summer Ball but hadn't seen him in in a While and as I was sitting here talking To Jim Deets in his office you know I Saw somebody walking by and I said wait Is that Tony Gwyn I'm like oh wow great So you know will be be better he goes no He's not playing baseball I'm like wow That's crazy I said this guy's the best Baseball player I've ever played against Bobby meum told me about this young man And I said H okay but the problem is
He's playing Basketball we talked to Tony and Tony's Like yeah I'd love to play but I can't His reaction was yeah I want to but I'm Afraid of the basketball coach I think That was his exact words you stuck I Said Tony I'll go and talk with the Coach then I kept kind of working on him Working on him and then he finally said Yeah go ahead give it a try so we tried And Gwen's college baseball debut in the Middle of that 79 season would become Part of his Legend I was concerned about Him not swinging bad for 2 or 3 years But it was just line drive after line Drive after line drive he had not had Batting practice had not really gotten Into it had not train and he went over There and went three for four