Leveraging Football to Get Your Degree

2 min read
I'm not made for this and you know it's Just feelings and you can't act on Feelings but those things become Important because if your mom and dad or Whoever you live with your single parent Your aunt your grandma…

I'm not made for this and you know it's Just feelings and you can't act on Feelings but those things become Important because if your mom and dad or Whoever you live with your single parent Your aunt your grandma can't afford it It's only going to be a disaster from From the first day in the door on if you Can't pay bills and then two Academically because you are setting Yourself up for life you know with a Piece of paper and a piece of paper is In the end I'll be all but the piece of Paper opens doors for you and I'm a Perfect example I hated everything about School and I tell my guys this all the Time there was one reason I went to College and it was to play football and And ultimately as you grow up and you Mature you realize that you need to do Certain things to set yourself up for Success and if I didn't have that little Piece of paper my dad was a plumber Right and he didn't go to college but we Had a great childhood so the piece of Papers and everything but for me Specifically if I didn't have that piece Of paper you know I coach football for a Living I've only coached at two schools And this is year 21 at Kane University So if I without that piece of paper in 2002 going on an interview I'm not even sitting here you know I'm Probably in the police academy so

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