Leverage is key to winning your battles on pass rush

1 min read
This great here by University of Buffalo Showing how to use leverage from Wrestling to be able to win in your pass Rush moves we're getting by an offensive Player very good stuff right here Important to listen Leverage is…

This great here by University of Buffalo Showing how to use leverage from Wrestling to be able to win in your pass Rush moves we're getting by an offensive Player very good stuff right here Important to listen Leverage is the key To Winning that was good we did a good job The one I just show is actually a little Bit harder than the next one on the show So what we just worked on was getting That lap pull getting that angle getting That pass Leg what we're going to go from now is Arm drag similar to a rip and pull right Simar so we're using it to get the angle To get to the legs right so we're Here Here here here through here I'm pushing Pushing I feel that pressure back I like To go from the wrist here pull the wrist Down feed it this lat hand I'm feeding To the armpit

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