Leading a Big Football School in Modern Era with Head Coach of Hackensack Brett Ressler

59 min read
Leading a Big Football School in Modern Era with Head Coach of Hackensack Brett Ressler Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go…

Leading a Big Football School in Modern Era with Head Coach of Hackensack Brett Ressler

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All right welcome back on our uh our Second podcast of the week with uh Coaches um we're going to bring on Brett Russler head coach hack attack High School uh he's been a head coach for Quite a while now I would say probably North maybe around 10 years he's been a Head coach played I believe at TCNJ I Want to say um and uh he'll correct me If I'm wrong uh was a coach before Before he was at Hackensack at at menum High school um played his football at Hackensack High School I believe under Greg toll um yeah during that those that That great run they had there um so he's Really really it's interesting we'll get To talk to him about what it's been like Returning to the old alma mater Returning home yeah and leading and Leading his uh Team there um hackin saac In New Jersey is one of the kind of Story at least North Jersey story programs um huge history There from a from a football standpoint So uh there's a lot lot to unpack there Um and and and on a quick side note I I Think we'll have we're we we I got coach Ball game booked and I and I should have Uh Badland chugs booked pretty soon so That that that'll be some exciting uh Different stuff to to to go into um as We go so it's it's been real great you Know doing these podcast and then one More signup before we bring on Coach the

The the um the short form Style with the What would you call this the vertical Style Derek I guess yeah I've been Testing it versus the landscape Style And this style seems to get um a lot More views so I'm not sure if YouTube is Pushing it out more like you know what I'm saying or maybe people are watching I I my guess is I don't think that's the Case I think they're watching on their Phone much more and this 100% I think It's more accessible this way so people Just you know what I mean plus I also Think that the recasts do better Obviously right because the different Timings and of whatnot the evening yeah The evening recasted in the evening so Without further ado let's bring on Coach Coach what's going on fellas how we Doing thank you for having me man coach Appreciate you taking the time bro it's Great to have you on give give us I I Don't know if I you know did your Background justice or not but I want to Let you go kind of in depth because um Obviously before you amend him you were Coaching as well so and and and I I'll Bring it up because I know coach will Bring it up back when I had schumans Elite Training in hackin sack he he he Was one of my guys down there and uh um He actually you brought you brought us a A couple of those I think you brought us Uh some of Ed Church Ed Church's Sons

Guys right hockey yeah yeah we did uh It's been it's been a fun ride Man full Circle I mean listen dude you know it's It's a long way from uh uh the Schuman Wrestler connection goes back much much Much much uh deeper than just the Establishment of this podcast you know So uh you know if you go back to the Family history man [ __ ] we could we Could talk for a while but uh at the Same time do you know that do you know Any of the do you know I got I got some Of the uh I got some of the tidbits That's for sure so I know the uh the Family it runs deep well well my father And his father are very good friends and They taught together for as as fed Teachers for I don't know I mean BR you We're talking I think it was 30 years Right at least at least yeah that's that And that's listen we know f his father Did your father go to did your father go To sad Brook he did he did so I think I Think your father was my father fette Teacher four or five short years later When my after my dad graduated a job Opened up he got hired into Saddlebrook And then uh yeah the rest is history man They shared they shared a fizet office On uh what is that may Hill Street you Know for Mar Market Street mar mar Street I and I taught there there you go Man so it was I tght in the middle School for one year bro what an

Experience actually it would be one year And a September until they let me out of My contract but That and wild dude and uh um Mr wrestler As I know him because he was obviously a Teacher when I was in school there um Mr Westler was the girls track coach for For a incredibly long at least when I Was in high school he was he was for a Very long time and my father was the Boys track coach um and then and then Eventually uh Mr wrestler stepped down From there but um and then my father did Like I don't they like I don't know how How they even called it like a Coordinator position or something but That that's when I think coached with Him like a few years after that but uh But yeah he was the girl and and listen When I say championships Galore like uh Mr wrestler was an unbelievable track Coach so our boy would be winning Championships his girls would be winning Championships it was like it it was like Unbelievable you know and and then of Course of course uh we dated across the Teams and that that made it even more Fun because and my father would you know And his father would know know all the Things that were going on because They're fizzed teachers and what do the Fizzed teachers do half the time they're S they're sitting there talking about What's going on so it it's funny but

What uh what the funny things is when I Coached with my father Um but when I ran for my father when my Father be all jacked up for like a like A big track meet he'd be like you guys Don't go near the girls at Mr wrestler Be like what do you do with the girls Want to like talk to the boy you know Because they want to socialize you know You mean and here is our like our boy's Track team and and like if if my father Saw us like you know going over and talk He would Lo he would lose his mind you Know what I mean but uh it it was really Really it really really goes along long Long way they're still good friends to This day and uh so that that's quick History for you I mean it is it is we Can go on and on man like you know you Bring that up I remember I mean listen You know I was the the little punk kid Probably running around I don't really Remember so much being around sbook I Was pretty young at those times but you Know after my father had coached Longtime coached uh with with your Father over at sat Brook uh my brother's And sibling and my sister were going Into hackin saac high school so then he Ended up going over to hackin sack Coaching my sister and my brother and Track mostly my sister my brother uh you Know only ran track for I think two or Three seasons he didn't do the the full

The full uh the full fouryear Gambit but Uh but at the same time you know he took That that success and I ha and I'll I'll Give credit cred too all the stuff he Learned under your father and what those Two built over there um and brought it Over to hackin sack and and then you Know worked under legendary track and Field coach at church who you know what The track and field facility is now uh Name after at hackin saac it's now the Ed Church track and field facility and Uh you know worked under him as an Assistant coach and he coached multiple Allc count athletes All State athletes And division one guys and girls over There um which was pretty cool and and That's kind of Segways to where I am Right now is you know I go back to when I was hired at hackin sack in 21 and you Know talking with uh you know Darren Cooper at the record he's like man how Long you been coming around I was like This is where I was this is where I've Been born and raised you know I would I Remember you know jumping on the high Jump pit during practices in '94 you Know you know with my father you know at Picking me up from school and things Like that and watching my sister run and Obviously my brother play ball uh for Coach toll and then when it was my time In the you know early 2000s then it was Kind of cool to be be around at that

Time and and do that whole thing and Then that kind of segwayed into how I Got to know you know coach Schuman here He you know I graduated from hackin sack Uh I got my you know was starting my Degree in exercise science and and ended Up being another fys teacher just like My father right but uh I I got some uh You know a field experience with Coach Schuman you know at the ice house and at His facility that he was running in the Upstairs area uh training athletes and Getting my start as like a strength and Conditioning coach uh which was really Cool and learned a lot and learned Really how to get back into coaching so It's funny what you know his father Probably taught my father and maybe my Father taught him he's now in stealing It in me you know because that was my Real first true work experience was for Uh for you know coach right there Incredible I know I was right right as I Was going to school at tcj and and doing That whole thing and and and then lo and Behold here I am you know full circle Back I think I had at the time right Before he passed um I don't know if you Were in there when he was there but um Dodie denell I don't know if DOD was he Doing was yeah Dodie was my uh he you Know I was more of a defensive guy but You know you know I was football Everyone's practicing both sides of the

Ball so he coached the running backs and I was playing fullback and got coached By Dodie Dodie Dodie was an excellent Coach man you know University Nebraska Product uh you know there's guys up and Down up and down the he's a legendary Hackin sack name you know I mean back in The 70s when they had Dodie Dell in the Back field and another man by the name Of Lee lkin running the ball you those Guys were were the ogs of of the 70s When it came to to Hack and Sack you Know their running attack no no doubt Which was Infamous because that was like Statewide like everybody knew if you Were playing hackin sack like even Me Growing up as a young buck in Morris County right like hackin sack was always In that top five of the state whatever Or you looked at it and it was like Hackin sack high like and they always Had a run game and that was just Something obviously that was total Opposite of where I came from at Butler Where we were spread wide and whatever But you would look at Hackensack and be Like damn these guys are always Good yeah well and Hackensack football Has gone through like lots of Transitions over the years like the 70s They were real good um then there there Was like uh like a a little dip in the 80s and and then toll took over it Brought it back it's been kind of um

Back and forth that's why they brought You in you know what I mean because um They're looking I think for really some Good stability and and to build for the Long term with Hack and Sack because it Is such a story program what what was it What was it like so being a player this Is this is always my first question for Guys who go back to where you know they They they uh they went to uh what was it Like being a player there and now coming Back as a head football coach many years Later it's unfinished business that's What I like to call it um you know Obviously I have an immense sense of Pride and and you know yesterday we're At the super Football Conference media Day and uh you know I got asked a Similar question like you know somebody Actually and one of the reporters made a Comment like there's probably not a Coach in here that has more pride in Their program than you do and um and I Kind of took that in and it kind of hit Me a little later that you know when You're when you step on to any football Program and you guys know as coaches Like you you have to take pride in that Because you want your kids to take pride In it right you know that's you're You're you're pouring in immense amounts Of time energy and and all El in between Into that program prog um and then when It's your your Alma Mo which basically

Uh molded and shaped you now it's like It takes on a whole another level like You know you talk about every coach you Know has some sleepless nights Regardless if they went to their their Program or through their program or not But then when it's really the one that Uh built you and made you the person who You are and you have direct connections With people in the community and Families and and and it just means that Much more um you know so it's it really Is uh I I say it's a blessing but also a Curse which is you know I always say That too and but at the same time you Know it with Great Expectations you know Comes a great responsibility to carry Through with that and and with pressure Comes diamonds you know so it is what it Is and that's that's our mentality at Hackin sack we got to make sure it's Been you know I lost the State title Game in in 2004 our last title was 2000 We've won League titles along the way But uh we want to get back and put Diamonds on the hands of our players and That's what that's what we work towards Yeah it's it's a uh well the alumni of Hackin sack is a it it it's maybe the Biggest in Bergen County of all the Public schools as far as like Fame Alumni the school's been around forever And um uh uh so I I I could and the and The alumni come around at ha SEC so

People don't realize I just because I Grew up in Saddlebrook and obviously Your connection and and from track and Knowing Mr church over over all those Years and and and you know knowing Benji Knowing all these different guys that Are involved and hack Zack Mike Bello And and so knowing how they they all Have a vested interest especially the Guys that that played there um but even The the you know past teachers and and Past coaches it's amazing like hacken Sack I mean it's the county seat of Bergen County right um and and it's it's It's really the capital of Bergen County And so everyone really has a uh a vested Interest in it and so it's so Interesting to me because that's always I remember over the years of coaching Like every time like the hackin sack job Would come open and or or something was Going on the Hack and Sack you would you Would hear everything you know when when You lived in Burn County and as a Football coach like you would you would Hear it oh this is going on hackas Sack Or that's and what what is that like and I'm and obviously since you're an alumni You know people much better than Probably anybody else right um what what Is that like and and what kind of Relationships do you have to build there I mean listen you Know if you look at my coaching staff 10

Of the 12 all play for hackin sack you Know I have all State running back khem Hazel as my offensive coordinator you Know an Eastern Michigan product I have Another All State wide receiver and Walter King as my wide receiver coach Yeah so you know who also you know he Played at Ruckers um you know I have a Quarterback from the mid you know 2010s Jaylen wheeler that's helping out with Our QBs uh up until last year you know I Had all State linebacker Mike Sanchez as My defensive coordinator you know like That's the one thing you know that and To even rewind even more the people that Work in hackin sack with me like I work Under my former coach and and you know Coach Gordon Whiting right I work with Uh the principal now of the school is Was my former And offensive line coach when I was Playing Jim monisa whose you know family All went through in the 90s um you know Celo King is another one cool so like You know so it's like and then not even To forget like the the guy you know who Also coached me in high school was and Uh got took over for Coach uh tol uh was Coach Ralph dos right who was also my Football coach and wrestling coach um You know he's a hell of an asset to have In the halls and he's still around and And there's not you can't walk down a Single hallway on First and Beach and

Not bump into somebody that's willing to Talk football with you uh you know and Then you go back even more like you know I share fette office with uh you know a Longtime assistant coach and TC and J Alom and and allamerican there wrestler Was you know Mike Walker so like there's This athletes and coaches Galore that Just want to help you be successful and Help the kids and have that Hack and Sack Pipeline and and that's just the Alumni connection now from a game day Atmosphere you know you walk on on Thanksgiving Day like and we've been Fortunate these last you know two times We've been home that uh the weather's Been great so you're talking the stands Are packed you got people along the Fence um we always do our Hall of Fame Induction so it gets a little crazy and Uh you know but it's it's all that's What it's about it's it's family it's Community it's everything in between so Hold on you're about to maybe meet one Of the next comments is my my my Daughter walking in right can you say hi Reagan right so um But you know that's what's the cool part About being a coach at hackin saac is is The family aspect because I can bring Her around and then at the same time I Can you know enjoy talking with people That shaped me and molded me and and get Through that you know that's very very

Very cool how how old are you Reagan Reagan how old are you can you Say five five five nice yep yep so yeah I'm living the life brother I got one That just turned one yes I have man soak It in soak it in for sure brother girl Dad I'm going to save for it because I Know it's like you know these things Only happen once it's definitely been an Eye openening experience for me um but I I love it you know but like you want That right like you want to be able to Take your career and your passion and You know kind of mold them where it is a Family atmosphere right like H and we Dave and I we go back right and we Always talk about this right when we Talk about like guys in college coaching In college and you know just that rat Race of hey my family's living here but I'm here for the season or you know You're sleeping at the office like you Know then you have guys like you know Dbos that are like you got to go like if You if I see you in the office and You're missing your kids stuff like We're going to have problems right like So there's a fine line between it but When you can link it especially High Schoolwise you know with your alma mater Where you have all of those outside and People coming back and that other kind Of stuff like it really just adds and Shows your players too that the culture

And it's more than football right Because you know you have guys from These guys don't know anybody from even The 90s you know what I mean like they Look at them and they're like that guy's Ancient and meanwhile you're like I Looked up to that guy and he's now Coming back for games or he's you know In your building as an administrator Like that to Me for example when I was at Mount Olive All of my administrators were Sports Oriented guys and that's not any knock On academics or any of that nature it's Just they got it and realized how Important that was to the picture of not Just football but like the entire Seies pick up those Crayons F she she's messing with the She's messing with the ice machine over Here so it's funny she's filling up her Water and going back to watching Whatever she's watching CU we got a Rainy day up here in in Mor County you Know but uh no but like you said it it Is you know High School football is you Know I think an American Pastime Everyone talks about uh uh baseball but Like you coach football or being a coach In any sport like it's truly in my Opinion the everyone says college is the Best four years no high school has got To be the best four years experience of Your life because it shapes and molds

You you know you go through those Awkward stages of coming into high School trying to figure out what you're Doing and who you are and then by the Time you leave you kind of have a gist Of you know what you want to do in the World um and like you said when you when You look at the family atmosphere of it Like that's what makes it work like you You're not scattered all around the Country you're not spending you know 17 Hour days in the office during the Season you know coaching division one Ball or you know coming home late at Night and then the next thing you know You got to answer DMS and texts from From you know recruits and things like That it's like you can truly be a father Be a family figure that that be is very Important in the world today man you Know you know we need more people that Are stepping up to be those those role Models for their kids yeah I mean you Even see uh you know Pro coaches and and College coaches starting to force their Uh staff to to go spend time with their Family and I saw it like um you know uh Bruce Aran said you know said said it to His guys and um and uh you know Andy Andy Reid is saying it to his guys so You know those kind of things are really Becoming uh uh bigger and bigger things And obviously in high school that's the Great thing about coaching High School

You could you're going to work hard but You still have to uh you still have the Ability to have a family have a a Relationship with your family which is a Good Thing and uh you know that's uh uh I Think it's super Important When yeah I got back um you when you go Into that super Conference um media day what what is the Conversation there That you're coach they're looking to Have Uh I'm losing you a little bit there Coach yeah can you hear me yeah you're Good now you're kind of going in and Out I'm going in and out oh Uh can you hear me Now okay I don't know if I have h i I Look like I'm frozen but I'll finish my Question before I at least you're in Okay pose this time too and just so you Know Brett like that's not his Piano that's definitely not my piano and And that pose isn't me get going getting Ready to go get some Cheetos either um But well so I I'll I'll put this Question I'll let you talk about it Before I before I I log myself back in And out um so I say is like when you go To that media day and they they have all The coaches there and you know Hackensack is one of the big you know

Obviously big School Story tradition um Like what are this what are the things That like the media likes to ask you From a question standpoint because I'm I I I think that like the first thing that Comes to to to my head is okay what the First thing you want to know is what Kind of team does Hackensack have do They have a you know division one Players uh You know those kind of things that that Come to mind like uh are you losing any Guys you know in the modern era of Things like do you lose any guys to Peros I because I'm not even sure you Know when I was up in Indian Hills and We you know we played J mendum you know That obviously was a huge thing you know Where I was right that was a that was a Big deal that was one of the battles you You had to fight on a regular basis Right um is is is what what are some of The things that they're asking you about You know hack Football uh you know one how close are We to kind of bursting through uh you Know and basically you know uh I don't Want to say restoring their Glory Because that's the one thing that always Has been a misconception you know hackin Saac has always been a perennial playoff Team like even though the records may Not show it like they've made the Playoffs like Benji Wimberly did a

Tremendous job here um you know getting Kids into college and also you know Establishing the that winning mentality Or I even should say establishing but Continuing that winning mentality um you Know and and then even before him you Know people forget that Mike Melo was Here for a couple years right and then Before that was my coach coach Whiting And then Coach dos and then ultimately Coach tol uh who had in the 90s um you Know it's just we haven't broken through That uh to get that championship and That's that's just hard nowadays man Teams are so well coached um throughout The state you know and the way football Is going is like you said and I'm sure You can see it in some numbers like You're not getting that allaround Athlete that you might have got in the 90s you know what I'm saying like that Sport specialization is huge yeah Exactly and and I will say this I'm We're we're blessed at hackin Tech where We do have a great rapport with track And basketball and baseball and Wrestling and then I will say this we Don't have a lacrosse program so that's Even another program yeah that that You're not but I could definitely see That bro I could definitely see that and Especially like obviously you coming From mendum right like you know that We're talking Morris County like

Lacrosse is King but I could 100% see That just because you know in order for Lacrosse to happen dude you need a feed Her right and hackin sack's a place Where there's probably a thousand other Things to do right in terms of that I Could definitely see lacrosse like not Being something that's on the radar is Jimmy lose still doing baseball there uh He's actually it's funny you bring down Up coach The Rose coach The Rose is Helping me out he's actually coaching he Still teaches in our Middle School does A great job with their fizzed Department Uh is not involved with our baseball Program he's involved with another Schools baseball program does a great Job for them but he's actually I call Him like my jack of all trades like he Is the director of football Ops Equipment manager he the DFO man yeah he He does he he'll talk scheme with me He'll and but also at the same time he Can make a hell of a pizza man if you've Been to his family's restaurant in Garfield Barcelona Barcelona is the Jimmy lose Was this is going to be seem Unbelievable but Jimmy lose when I was a Freshman at Saddlebrook he W he was a Varsity coach back then you know so Really that's awesome yes yes so he was I I think he I want to I can't remember If he was the head baseball coach but

Then he went over and like he went for Some years he was at a forom and then he Went then he came uh back to hackin But yeah Jim Jimmy's Jimmy Jimmy's great He was the baseball coach there for Years right yeah Y and so he uh he Actually was at Bloomfield teaching for A while then came up to hackin saac Coached football coached me uh for my Later years and then obviously was a Teacher in the middle school at that Time uh still longtime football coach For us and and does everything that you Ask him he's like the he's like our our Connection to the to those years you Know he does coach under Mello coach Under Benji you know coach under under Coach dos and and all them so he's he's Seen it all he's done it all and uh he's Definitely that veteran presence that You need on a coaching staff because I Will say this you know we have some Younger guys they're still you know a Little bit wild and and and fiery and He's the one that you know kind of keeps You in check a little bit you know which Is important that that's that that's Phenomenal um and and you were saying so You you were talking about how like the Um there's you know there's not as many As the three sport guys but you have you Know obviously you have relationships With some of those teams I I'm curious Because I see a little bit at the Youth

Level you're is your daughter your Oldest uh yeah yep yeah so you're kind Of maybe just beginning but one of the Things that I find interesting about you Sports is that um football players will Play multiple Sports um but and maybe some of the Basketball players but there's a lot of Sports where they're trying to Immediately like from the time they're Young putting them in like one sport so It does make it I think it does make it Harder when they come up to high school You have to almost like re-recruit kids Who may have played like different Sports is that something that you you Know you do like are you do you walk the Hall still at ha Hey listen my best my Best kids are some of the kids that Didn't come out until their freshman Year or sophomore year like I will say That we have an all conference lineman Coming back and uh and and Big Mike Neevis and he was a kid that I saw play Freshman Basketball bball and my Defensive line coach R is a hackin sack Alum rich kber and he saw him too he's Like yo we got to get this kid out and He's been a starter on our offensive Line now for two years and he was all Conference last year and and to be Honest he's drawing a lot of D3 interest And and now even d2s because he's grown A little bit he's GNA get over probably

6'2 his dad's a taller guy so he might Get to 63 6'4 and that's going to help Drive him to get into college and here's A kid that didn't really play any youth Youth sports you know football Particularly um but dude I'm using your Your dad's old trick a little bit you Know every now and then you got to break Out a box of donuts have an interest Meeting you know K kids come to practice For the donuts and next thing you know They're they're standing they love uh They love playing football or they love Lifting weights because that's again you Know you know working with you and and Getting my background in more strength And conditioning I'm a huge weight room Guy and uh between coach Whiting and the Athletic office and and Mr monano as a Principal and then our uh recently Retired superintendent it uh Mr Sanchez They completely renovated hacken sack's Weight training facility and now it's This unbelievable 4,000 square foot wow Fully loaded yeah I heard you I remember When you were talking about that man Like you're like hey man we're good We're up in this and I know that was Conditioning stuff was always kind of Like you know you're bigy even when you Were at mendum I can remember you trying To you know trying to to kind of build That up and and instill that in those Guys now look we know mum's like a

Different world where every one of them Probably got a personal trainer and a Personal chef like but that's a Different you know what I mean but like We both know like and Dave and I talk About this all the time like facilities Matter right and then and anytime you Can now put something like that on Display not just for your program but Also the other programs right like now The younger groups that are coming in Hey look at this new facility how much We care about not just the sport itself But like all of this other stuff that Goes into it like that adds a huge Appeal and that's like what people want To see man like they love that stuff When guys are you know upgrading and and Focusing on that aspect of it because That stuff takes you beyond even when You graduate like you're always going to Work in people people love to work out And love that stuff like that's an Appeal yeah I mean and I think too is And and what I harp on a lot during our Our parent meeting to start the year is You know I think you're uh I I think you Know especially now being a parent right Is you don't want to just see when the Season's over you don't want to have That disconnect from uh from the team Right so you know we really preach that It is a a 12year uh development period you know

Like yeah we're we're playing in the Fall but you know we get we we we do a Lot of weight training during June July And August a you're talking 12 month Programs yeah the only time we're really A little bit hands off is we still Always play Thanksgiving Day right so The only time we're a little bit more Hands off that because I'm telling you Right now like it is basically other Than one or two games down here that are Really like traditional and Dave and I Have been a part of it when we were at Rbr you know red B Regional and Long Branch I think it's like they just hit Like a hundred years on it if not it is The 100th year something of that nature So you know here Dave and I are going Into this kind of looking at it like hey Man if we make the finals like do we Really want to be playing a game against Long Branch which is a pretty good Freaking team on the regular you know What I'm saying so like do we really Want to do it but Tradition now look you Know I went to Butler we played a Thanksgiving Day game every year against Caldwell and it was either for a Conference chip or one of us was in the Chip you know what I mean so I loved it And I thought it was a great thing Especially when you know like you said That alumni is lined up on a fence so do You you guys still play we still play we

Still play I think I believe this year Is our 90th year um of of playing it Obviously we didn't play it during covid Um but and obviously I think there was a Couple other interruptions along the way But it's believe this is the 90th Meeting uh obviously hackin Haack has The upper hand in the in the wins loss Column but uh and you play who is it tck We play tck we play tck yeah so it's Literally like you could pump the ball And hit their field right like am I on What that is pre previously you know Some of the Traditions was that you know The the marching bands and the flag Twirlers they actually would March from Either High School to the game but now They' shortened it down and and you know For the sake of obviously Transportation Detail and everything like that you know And traffic on Thanksgiving is they they Only mark from a select areaa yeah it's Not like it's not like that's a main Road or anything with people tring on I Mean you know Bon County you know coming Through you know Anderson Street or Main Street and hackin Sack you know all that Stuff you know Queen Anne Road and T Neck you know I'm sure that's not a an Easy road to you know shut down but uh But you're listen you are definitely Like one of the Few I know like South Jersey like Philly Area still does some of it right but for

The most part like a lot of those games Man have been straight up eliminated Just based off the way the schedule is And you know when the state finals are And just people just like I don't know It's just it's something that's it's sad To me because I was a part of something Like that and like I I loved it I I Thought it was the greatest it was my Favorite game every year no matter what And like that tradition stuff like and Dave and I talk about it a lot with you Know just the way how things are now With you know kids leaving schools and Transferring and all that like you just Sometimes like guys don't understand That that stuff right like that Tradition stuff that camarad like all of Those things like that's what you Remember moving forward and I think a Lot of these guys are just so worried About me and where can I get into the Next you know how is how am I going to Get to the next level or how am I going To go to this school or that that they Kind of start to lose out on that locker Room team tradition stuff and it it to Me it's just sad and it's hard to Continue to instill that culture right But like that's the main that's part of It right like because that's what drives Programs for Success yeah I mean when you look at it Too like you know you can go up and down

Like the hardest thing I think to re People have to realize with this Thanksgiving Day game and uh you know we Were a playoff team but then we picked Up like an exhibition game at the end of The season with Elizabeth just to fill That void because like the first round Of the playoffs really month you're a Month yeah you're a month before so you Yeah so I hate the Thanksgiving games so I I'll give I'll give you my polar Complete opposite thought process on This I absolutely hate the Thanksgiving Games and I played in a lot of them when I was in high school and they were fun I Mean they were they were great yeah but To me like um if your season's going Well and you're you have a chance to Make a run for the the playoffs um uh That's frustrating that the Thanksgiving Day is looming there and if you if You're having a rough season and you got To go three weeks and go to the Thanksgiving game well that's miserable I I hate that so like when we were we Were at Red Bank I mean listen it work This is what I was just talking to it Worked out for us because we you know we Played Long Branch we we beat the snot Out of him and it was great you know but Um that that was fun but I could tell You that like those three weeks like the Hardest weeks it was pulling teeth it Was like it's also when a lot of your

Team gets in trouble because they're Like what are we like you know what I Mean there's nothing to look forward to That Week like a certain way it's just There's a lot to it I hate it as a coach Loved it as a player yeah well like my Thing too is you got to understand is You know we been it's one thing if You're if you have some rinky dinky Tradition that's only been play no this Is a huge tradition I'm just no I'm just Saying in general yeah I'm just say in General you know Like this is like I by that I hat oh They did that was definitely on the Thing that was like all right do we want To like oh he wants to get rid of a 100-year game Fu and that'll get well That's it dude you can go down the list And you if you look at like peber and Een I'm pretty sure if you ask people Yeah perber don't they don't care about Playing the njsa playoffs they as long As they beat e they don't care you know They don't give it that's said and There's the cool thing is like I've been At that game too you know you know back In 2013 I was an assistant coach under obviously Arguably one of the best coaches in in New Jersey history and Bill carluck Right um you know we made we he came Back his first year and brought menum to

The state finals he made a unbelievable Run and yeah and we unfortunately we did Draw peber but um we went and scouted Them on Thanksgiving morning and to be a Part of that Thanksgiving Day game Versus at you know at Lafayette it's Just an unbelievable atmosphere man I Mean you got guys wearing their varsity Jackets from the 50s 60s and and they're Talking trash to each other and it's Like it's like it it is close to you Know smalltown Texas football or or Smalltown USA Football that you could Have and uh you know that's that's the One thing that has kind of taken away From because remember Thanksgiving games That's when the season would start also Buggy ones too so yeah that's true but That's and again we had I'm teasing I'm Teasing I get it it's just you know You're preserving a sense of history That is not it's it's it's harder and Harder you only have three in Bergen County now Dumont intenna East Side who T head coach who's the tck head coach Now um is it Howard Clark or is he's Gone changes every year yeah no Harold Clark uh the man he retired retired um You know they have an Alum lead in their Program now and and you know we'll see How that works out for them but uh you At the same time yes it is his first Year you know so at the same time you Know we'll see what uh we'll see what

Happens with down the road because the State is obviously making harder and Harder with the way the story the state Tournament lays out um you know again You can be playing because you mean you Mean to tell me like you know we get on A run you win a a sectional title that Next week on Thursday you got to play a A Thanksgiving Day game and then come Back on Tuesday to play a group final Like it's it's quick because they want All the games done so there's only a few Amount of schools that it affects Hackings sack being one um you know T Neck now out of the ivy there would be Another obviously if they make a a Title it's not going to it's not going They're not going to do something about It until you like until you do it right Like until you literally have to win That sectional play Thanksgiving win That thing and then go have to win on Tuesday then it'll be like wow they hack Sack just whip te neck now so that That's the they they just beat him up so I don't even think that's like part Maybe maybe getting out maybe T getting Out The Ivy maybe they're maybe they're Starting to make a jump I don't know Well then you would have to now make a Decision like how we going to handle Like Thursday's game if we're playing in A final on next Tuesday you know like What am I gonna do here like you know

What I'm saying like I just knew when I Was at Butler and we played Caldwell on Thanksgiving Day if one of us was going To the finals that next week like there Was no question like both teams were Playing their dudes like you were Playing in that game you weren't like Sitting out like no we got the State Final next week like no that was like We're coming and we're going but then Again it was usually for a piece of the Conference title or like I said one of Us was going to like the other finals I Mean I think sophomore year we were both Going to the finals yeah well there's Been multiple years hackin sack actually Played tenek on Thanksgiving and then Had to turn around and play them in the States play them again right like that Happens too that's crazy that happened In the 90s you know a few times and it's Days the end the he yeah yeah yeah well I think one of the the the different ber And talk about this in Bergen County I'm Curious your thoughts on this because um You're one of the programs that has Obviously continued to be able to Sustain but tck what you brought that up Used to be a Powerhouse right Beyond but A lot has changed here the uh and a lot Of it has to do with yeah like they they Play I think they play in like one of Those uh youth leagues where there's a Lot of Allstar kids and so they kind of

Bring in kids from the outside they had At least I remember was telling me he Was trying to get it back to where it Was like in a regular town league Because it was better for them to get Keep Town kids but I didn't know if that You know I'd left I don't know if that Had happened because um but you know tck Is not what it once was I'm sure they You have the ability to because Obviously tck has always had some really Good athletes over the years um and some Really good football players but like Hackensack Hackensack is much more St Well it's bigger it's a bigger High School but much more stable as far as um Their athletic department it's a it's a It it's become over the years you know What was once like these were the two Powers this kind of give God a little History lesson here Derek these were the Two I know like in Bergen County before The parochial like oh yeah these Cathol it used to be Bergen Catholic St Joe's they got the guys they got and That's kind of how it was and then you Had hack attack tck right and like they Were like and then there were others That were powerful but like that was Like the big and then Jil rivalry back In the old days and uh all the way up Through when you know when you were Playing um but what what has happened is The the with the super

Conference T and tinck had kind of had a Dip they were in the The Ivy and I think They did pretty well in the I but yeah Um but they're not uh now they're the Super they're not the they're not the Same And that's by the way that's that's my Own if I was a teen neck if I'm a hackin Sack alumni I want to play that Thanksgiving Day right now because There's no doubt like we we could you Know have bragger rights over T neck Have a better chance of Bragg if I'm T If I'm a t I'm way I'm thinking oh my Goodness how many times is Hackensack Gonna whoop us it's it's really Interesting the Thanksgiving debate I Don't I don't know how we've gotten so Far on it but the Thanksgiving debate is Definitely uh a a a true real thing Because when you talk about football in General like getting kids out for Football the in the old days the Thanksgiving thing was a really really Big that tradition was what helped get Kids out for football so you are trying To get some traditional things and it is A lot harder in the super conference Because you know every once you know There's so many teams in it and it's not The same structure that it used to be Back when you played and back when I Played like When when I played at the bpsl like you

Played you know the same teams every Year you knew who who you were playing And you look forward to that that's What's changed a little bit the super Conference is magnificent in in itself And what it does but it's also lost some Of the luster and as far as like the Actual traditional rivalries rival That's why you want that's why I do Think you know the the Hack and Sack Fans and maybe even t f want to hold on To that because you know what like There's still one rivalry that we have Like we no longer you know we no longer Have some of the old traditional Hack And Sack rivalries that we used to have Now at least we still have one is is That kind of a little bit part of it or I'd say you know what the biggest thing Is in and you know after this you know I Think we got to get back to you know Talking ball a little bit but you know With the thank with the Thanksgiving Game is day it is Here's And The Ivy did exactly what it's Meant to do it's meant to help revive Programs a little bit like tfelt you're Right did fall on some hard times that's Why they're in the ivy they had success These last two years in the ivy I Believe they've got and just going off The top of my head I think they have 14 Wins in the last two years uh in the IV So seven wins each year um you know

Which is good for their program that Winning boosts numbers winning boosts Morale winning boosts a lot of things For teams and that's what's great for us Like doesn't matter really what year We're having overall it's always that Like oh well tck did this in the ivy Hackin sack you know did this in a Regular season like what's going to Happen and and it's that healthy banter Between the towns and kids that and That's what and that's what sports are All about you know like oh we're this is The year or no it's not like you know it Goes back and forth in the old coffee Shops and and barber shops and and Around town and and this that and what's Cool is I actually have one of my Coaches who uh he's actually the girls Basketball coach at Tac he's on my staff As uh a coach uh coach Allen coach Brad Allen and uh he played at Hack and Sack And same thing he sees it from both Sides like he's when it's winter season He's all about tck you know Athletics But when it's The Fall season he's all About Hack and Sack Athletics and so on And so forth but uh you know that's what That's what Thanksgiving is all about Man it's it's a healthy rivalry it it Keeps the tradition holding on to the Tradition of yester year and allows us To kind of you know put it put it on Display a thing of the past that isn't

Really around any more for a lot of Schools on Thanksgiving morning it's a Homecoming for everyone you know and and When you win it's great and Unfortunately when I lost as a player That turkey is the worst Tas in Turkey You're ever gonna freaking have man you Know who who who do you guys have as a Schedule this year uh coming up you know Arguably we're you know you could say We're in the one of the hardest Conferences in the in the state you know School from a public school standpoint You know at our conference yeah we got Northern Highlands we open up Northern Highs in in uh conference play followed Up by yeah followed up by Wayne Valley Followed up by Ridgewood followed up by Rmao and then obviously uh uh who's the Team I'm missing here no that's it it's Only only five teams yeah you know then You got pic you got pic Kennedy and Baringer sprinkled with with East with East Side done some things yeah coach Mags does a great job with East Side man You know he's he's a great guy and a Great person for that job and I have a Lot of respect for him and obviously you Know uh you know I would have loved to See you know that longtime uh Traditional rival and old school Andel Rival with Clifton on the schedule a Little bit but that didn't work out you Know there's times we played pay County

Tech um you Know yeah you know so we always you know At the end of the day like you know Hackin I we don't we don't we don't duck Smoke you know if people want to play us We play them uh just name the place and Time and we'll get it done um you know Some you know obviously baringer is new To the schedule we haven't played them In in a pretty long time but uh you know However they made the schedules they Match this up and obviously T neck is Always at the end of the year and the One thing you know I'll end with this You know people it that game is very uh Competitive for a better term right it Gets heated it gets passionate and That's because and I I'll be I'll say The same thing man for a lot of kids It's the last time they were GNA put Helmets and shoulder pads on it's the Last time they can ever hit somebody With all their might and ability and not Get arrested for it you know they can do That the next day to that same Kid and and they're they're they're Going to get they're going to get Arrested for or something like that you Know like for again a lack of a better Term you know it's just football is a Physical sport and that game lets out Physicality on both sides of the ball You know and that's what it's about you Know east side and Kennedy are the same

Way and when the Peri used to play it You know it's the same thing Bergen Bosco in the finals that's a physical Game man it's passionate I've been a Part of that one dude that was that's Incredible it's the only time I've ever Felt an outdoor Stadium Shake was Playing those two and that was at overp Peek Fark right so there you go man I'm Just telling you like you know how Rivalry games get man it is it's Ohio State Michigan man it's Ohio State Michigan I'm fortunate now to be a part Of one down here right like where I'm at Now you know Brick Township against Brick memorial is become like a big time Rival and they don't screw around like That's week one right like and we don't Even have a week Zero game they do right But like just to kick off that one it's Like boom here you go you're playing the Dudes on the other side of town and you Know it's like old school like you know Like even like a like a Wayne Valley Wayne Hills type thing right like that Used to be like where and I look I Always diagnose rivalries by like both Sides have some clout in it like it's Not just like one team always wins but Even when the even when it's unbalanced In that fact like you know like these Dudes are coming to play whether it's 0 And 10 against you know 10 and0 it's Going to be a physical game like that's

Just what that stuff brings out man it's Awesome that's it that's that's and That's why you know rivalries are so Important whenever they decide you know Schedules and things like that that's Why those perennial powers and those Perennial things you know are so Important when you look at scheduling Like you know and I'll talk from a Morris County standpoint like at the end Of the day you know Roxberry playing Irvington or something like that but Roxbury playing Randolph yeah that's a Game you're Ol rockberry like you know what I'm Saying like Mount Olive West Morris like Y yeah I'll West MOA seems like a Rivalry game you know what I mean like And you've been a part of some of those Where I've been a part of those Traditions and long coaches right like Those guys that have been there for a Long time and are just like I call them Just steady Eddies right like even when They're supposed to be bad they're good Like those and it's kind of like you Know I always equate being down here in The shore to Morris County football Because that's kind of the levels you're Getting right and those you know but the Problem with the shore down here is Every year they redo the schedules so It's never it's not even like a home in Home like all right you were better this

Year you're bumping up or all right you Were B like I mean where I just was we Played one school on the road five years In a row like you know what I'm saying There's not that whatever back and forth But it's definitely a big part but you See it from the NCA right with like the Big 10 now all of a sudden you got USC And UCLA and Oregon is going out to USC Right you know for like that game like Hey Ruckers has a shot to win a lot of Games because they're not playing the Top five teams in the in the Big 10 this Year right like I don't know dude like Could you I Don't Ruckers gets to go play UCLA and The Rose Bowl like for a regular season Game like does that take something away From it I don't know coach what is um What is uh Your youth program like now these days Uh as a feeder for for Hack and Sack how You know what's the situation there is That are you getting a ton of players Still from from the Feeder uh you know I think one thing we Have to recognize too is just how cities Around the country and also around New Jersey are are evolving right uh just Like everything changes so we still have Our long stay you know hackin sack Junior football program um you know they Run everything we always get a you know Steady slew of players from them uh the

Biggest thing is people got to realize That hackin sack for a long time had uh Maya the town of Maywood going to Hackens sack we don't have Maywood kids Anymore right oh that doesn't happen Where do they go to school no Maywood Now goes to beckon they drive down Route 17 to go to beckon why why is there a Reason for that like is there any is it Politics yeah lack of better term Probably politics you know if it don't Make dollars it or sorry it doesn't make Dollars doesn't make sense right so it Might be that um that was all before me That was all those Wheels were set in Motion before I got the as an Alum did You get like Maywood like were Maywood K Like look you know you can divy it up And be like hey this kid's from Maywood He's that way or this guy's from that Town he's that way were Maywood kids a Big part of the program for Maywood Different way to wor word it yeah and I'll be biased man I I grew up in Maywood you know yes I went through Hacking sack but like and I spent Majority of my time in hacking sack but You know I lived in Maywood I grew up in Maywood went through Maywood you know Maywood Public Schools till 8th grade Then went to hackin saac for high school Um you know and and if you go down the List of hackin sack alumni like Maywood May there there's Maywood pulls weight

Yeah exactly you know like and you know We have this is that healthy Conversation you have in the coach's Office about the you know Maywood Kids Versus hackin kids and this that you Know who's the best Hack and Sack Athlete kids from may play the wood bro Like they can get like It's the same Butler because you have Two towns that you know even small Butler you have Butler in Bloomingdale And you know they've since merged the Youth organizations which I was I think Is is one of the greatest things ever Right because up until eth grade both Towns had their own youth programs so You never played with some of those guys Until you got to high school right and They've since merged that and it's just Only Helped everything right because now You're talking you know all those kids Are playing together from freaking you Know second or whatever grade like we Had um we had Iggy on yesterday you know Coach IG from who's now at Ramsey he Lives there right and his youngest is is Like four or five and he's playing in The flag League because he lives in Bloomingdale and you know it's just it Adds that whole tradition and you can Start it sooner where now your guys are Kind of linked up and and moving forward That's crazy I didn't know Maywood is

Now going to beckon yeah so obviously That limits our our some of our numbers Coming in um and puts on uh you know Things you know from hackin sack South Hackin sack and Rosa Park so you know But at the end of the day you know we we Are big school we have and that's when You C back yeah circling back to coach Schan up there like gotta recruit the Halls man got to go into the gym classes I'm a phys teacher for a reason you know I like to be able to talk to kids and See kids and see what kids are ask best Part about it and try and get kids out Uh because at the end day that's high School sports you know like this isn't I Think the one thing now you're seeing Especially in in 20 24 is there is such A divide between a lot between those you Know even the the group five schools and Then the the non-public right um crazy You know so we still live and die with Recruiting our hallways and and and not Worrying about you know going out and Getting the best kid from this town at This age and you know we recruit our Kids we know our kids um we recruit our Own Halls we recruit our hometowns and You know make sure kids know that there Is a pathway to a a solid future coming Through hackin sack like we have the Best facilities now you know name a School in buron county that has a pool On site you know we do pool it was 90

Something degrees 100 degrees with the Heat we're all right cool we're not Going outside we're gonna go do a pool Workout you know we're gonna go we're Gonna go in our 4,000 square foot weight Room that's airconditioned and get it Done you know there there's already talk About converting one of our gyms into an Indoor you know and putting Turf down And figuring out a way to make that work Um there's early stage planning to put a In at one of the fields at at at on at One of the Hack and Sack schools just to Alleviate field space and make sure it's Year round available for kids I mean Look where theit Olive right like you Saw that like and it's just you just Have to have the guys that are willing To like you know what I mean look at it And say hey we can use this for not only Our students or whatever but we can also Use this to turn a profit in terms of Face is an issue with a That's y you're gonna have to like you Know Union City put something on a Roof yeah exactly which by the way is One of the best places to play man Phenomen I love the co Nest dude it's Awesome yeah I love I that is a great Place to play unfortunately we came out On the short end of the stick last year Uh playing Union City in the first round But man what a what a cool facility and What coach Valdez yeah coach Valdez has

Done a great job down there yeah Congrats to him because he just got into I believe the Hudson County hall of fame Or or he went into something as a player So kudos to him Coach Wilber Valdez but You know like I said like and we even Talked about it before we got on air Right we're talking about like you know There's just highrises everywhere There's not much and like Dave said There's not space to go and be like oh Look at that open field over there let's Just you know put something there Whereas at Mount Olive that was like There was ample amount of space to be Like all right hey let's throw the Bubble up over here or hey we'll redo This field here right like space matters Yeah and and if you look go ahead coach What do you got I was curious because um Uh like some of the other school like Schools that like um like in canedy east Side right in Patterson they have you Like multiple like yeah they use the Middle schools no no no no multiple Youth programs right so like Silk City's Like kind of like an allar team thing Then they have the um then they have the Regular Patterson teams that some one Team plays in The Independent League Another one plays I think that league With like RI uh riverdell and all them And then indan Hills and stuff and then Another one plays as something else like

I didn't know if is Hack and Sack all One thing or do some of your kids all One thing but will be kid or do they Play they do they they do we have some Kids that play for some of the Silk City I believe another one's Bergen County Allstars right that's one yeah that's up There you know but the biggest thing is My job as a head coach now in the 21st Century is I got to know who's playing Where right and I gotta make sure to Those games yeah and I got to make sure They know me and make sure they know That I know them and I do I have a Running list I have a running Spreadsheet doing this and doing that You know but at the end of the day um You know that's where we myself coach Whiting are you know superintendant of Schools and principal like facilities Are huge you know getting kids that see Hack and Sack is huge you know and the Ad there he is he is he is the Athletic that's he's the athletic right Yeah okay yep so and I was blessed to Have obviously coach his son his senior Year and his son you know edged his name Into the the record books you know he Had seven touchdowns in a game for us Six in the six in the first yeah six in The first half and you know came out uh That was against bake in 21 um you know We uh I told him you know first again Because I I do believe in obviously

There is a series of sportsmanship as a Coach and you know I say Kurt you know You're at six right now um you're you're Going to get one more drive and that's It and sure enough that's when he popped Number seven on the third I think Believe it was a third and long too uh You know he hit and and and broke that Record because that record you had some Hall of Famers some legends that had six You know guys that are you know division One all-americans NFL guys that you know You're talking rashidi Brown that had Six you're talking uh Billy Harris had Six Yak Mo Brown had six khem Hazel had Six you know like it's it's the it's the Ogs of the running backs at hackins sack And Naes That yeah you know and now I was like All right you know I talked to you know Coach Whiting obviously being the former Head coach and it's funny he actually Got on the on the phone with because Billy Harris was his Godfather um and he Lived out in Colorado was an All-American at University of Colorado And was drafted by the Giants um back in The 60s I want to say um he got a you Know word spread out to him that hey Curtis just had six touchdowns and and He and you know Billy Harris is like hey If there's one person that could break It or should break it it should be a son Of hackin sack and that's you know

Curtis Whiting you know family all went Through you know which was really cool And a special moment for me my uh my First year you know um you know so just Just wanted to make sure you know you Always pay homage to those Legends and Ogs before you because you brought it up Back you know uh a little while ago Coaches hackin sack's been around Forever you know our first football team Was 1902 you know so that's one of the The battlecries we always tell kids like Hey listen man like if this ain't for You this ain't for you but at the end of The day like there's a standard you have To live up to when you put on you know The blue and gold and regardless of how You feel about it I said football is Going to be here whether you like it or Not and it's going to be here after you And it's because it's been here before You and if you don't want to live up to It there's the door kind of deal you Know and and that's kind of how me and The coaching staff you know live up to Those legacies and such oh yeah hack Hack and Sack the the athlet it's the Tradition it's it's definitely second to None in North Jersey and everybody knows Of hacket sack so it's it's uh it's Quite it's quite a thing to be the head Coach there and and to build it up and It is interesting that you have to um That you have you know now the way that

Buron county is and and I guess and County um you have you have your players That play here and then you have players That are playing on like like allar Teams you gota you got to track them all And build relationships with it because That that has changed a lot um and and It's obviously beginning to change Everywhere but it's changed a lot in New Jersey because the kids will play in Those like Allstar things and then then They'll they'll play in another team for Traveling you know to Florida or Something like that and uh and you know You'll hear you'll hear oh that kid from Hack attack yeah yeah we definitely want Him right so yes know it's it's it's so It's so interesting um how that all Works and and I definitely you know the Hallways in hack ISAC uh have always Been recruitable and will always be Recruitable to the end of time because It's just you have so many kids that uh I used to always do the same things even Saddlebrook and other places but but Yeah I mean it's one of those places Where you know you could have a kid that Was playing basketball throughout youth Didn't play any football all of a sudden He comes in you're like wow this kid Could be a phenomenal football player Not you know not just a basketball Player and and and Hackensack has such a Big tradition in basketball right so a

Lot of kids may may start out in there And then those are kids that can become Football players for for you and and and There's other sports as well obviously Wrestling but there's so many good Sports there that you're able to to be Able toh find kids um you know just Being there and being a fizzed teacher And being able to be around those guys It's it's it's really really awesome I Don't I don't want to take up uh too Much more of your time what is the Outlook for this season one I'm gonna Get go very simple for you man it's one And0 every week one and0 every week you Know I will say this you know High School football and as you guys know It's a game of depth it's a d game of Staying healthy um you know you're You're going to have your kids that you Know can play Varsity ball and that will Be ready to go week in and week out it's Their ability to make sure they can stay On the field and limit the mistakes and Not beat ourselves so it's always one And0 um you know we we we are steadily You know getting back to where we need To be we like our schedule we like our League we like our kids you know and you Know we love the support of hackin sack And and if we have that you know we're We're we're just Trucking along man you Know we don't get too high we don't get Too low and we just keep we keep going

Man like like coach said man steady yeti Man I hope to be one of those steady Yees one of those days man that's it you Know if I if I can do that you know you Know you know stamp a stamp a check mark Next to my name as as a successful coach In my book you know because wins and Losses are great championships are great But you know you know this it's it's Making sure those kids that come through They know that you know you care about Him more than just you know whether or Not they can block power counter tray You know it's whether or not you know You see them in in 10 years from now and They're not you know idiots running Around town they're productive people in Society that you know are giving back And and leading by example you know no No doubt about it well well said coach We really appreciate you coming on today No doubt man appreciate you guys Football yeah no it's been great um you Know we wish you a very very best and I'm I'm sure you guys will continue to Stay that uh upward climb as you keep Building the program up and um it's Exciting exciting to see and you know People don't realize because I remember We played Benji Wimberly um that that Covid year yeah yeah that whole year Remember yeah with no practice no but I Remember Benji telling me how because we Were dealing with the similar kind of

Thing um how difficult it was that year In Hack and Sack and there really had to Be a you know when you came in there Really was a rebuilding that had to Happen because Co affected different Different programs differently so really Great what you're doing because I Remember how upset Benji was you know I Mean how everything was going for him And um and that really had to get that Had you required a rebirth you know in The program and you've really done a Great job of doing that and you know People don't realize how Co affected Some of the programs yeah based off of Decisions it had nothing to do with the Kids or the coaches or or even you know It may not even have have anything to do With the administrators per se it really Just kind of some of the decisions that Got made because people didn't really Know the answers and they made decisions It had effects on some programs and some Programs had harder you know it took a Little while will come back so you've Done a great job of really building that Right back up and and um um you know it It kudos to you for that and you know Obviously much success in the future Appreciate that man and and again you Know just briefly I'll touch on you know Just Co in general I mean I I I hate to Say you know or hate to even look back And think people are judged on those

Covid years it's because I think it's Just a blessing that kids got to play You know you look at they the city were Shut down people are this or that like You know like wins and like you said Wins and losses aside you guys were Playing with a day of practice like I Remember playing Pake Valley when I was At mendum and I only had 14 kids on the Sidelines because I had kids you know That were uh uh whatever their pod was Compromised remember you had to practice Pod this that whatever it was all those C we sh we sh the tree on that one yeah So it's like you know I couldn't I Couldn't play a game and I'm bringing up Freshmen that you know were not ready to Play a varsity game especially against Against paake Valley but you know we Were we went up there we competed we Played hard we end up losing by three Points in the fourth quarter but it is What it is you know we played ball and And you know coach Wimberly again is Just a a tremendous asset to have in my Corner as as a great as a coach as a Person and and just as one of those Again one of those steady edes back you Know that just has the right does Coaches for the right reasons you know That's I think one of the most important Things and has continued to do it right And now he's moved up to being an we've Had him on right and we we talked

Patterson we talked everything from Patterson Catholic to politics and it Was you know he's phenomenal his son Does some good thing does good things Too and with all his stuff and he's just A great asset to have I was I mean it Was crazy when I was at bosow we played Hackin sack and that's when his I Believe one of his sons was on the team And had just transferred from Bosco to Hackin sack to play with his old man so I saw it like at the start of when he Took over and then to see him obviously When we were with Dave at the end of it You could just tell that like it was Taking its toll and like something Needed to be done with Hack and Sack Itself so and look and you and I I've Known you since you were up there at in Mendum and whatnot and playing Mount Olive every year and it's just like it Was good to see you go home because I Think that's exactly what they needed I Appreciate that man that was actually my First uh first win as a head coach was Against Mount Olive so 2016 man my first Year welcome dude I still have that uh I Still have that game ball somewhere that That's one that actually you want to Talk about the biggest [ __ ] show of my Life like that might go down in history Like Man appreciate you coming on dude no Doubt man and like you said man

Everything happens for a reason you know I believe in that but so but nothing Nothing but the best to you guys and Thank you again for having me make sure You give my uh make sure you give my Girl Danielle her props bro she's one of The best trainers in the like she is Phomen without a doubt yeah she does We're very fortunate to have her and we Actually have another full-time that's Just as good now uh you know D yeah so We're fortunate to Have fulltime trainers so awesome that's Amazing too good job I'll catch you Later we'll see you soon have a great Season best to your father too coach Schuman all right thank you thank you He's doing he's doing well he's making Progress that's all that matters man It's all that matters absolutely thanks Buddy be good all right that was great That was really Great um I realized it was raining Because I can't see from the basement I Think that's what was like all kinds of Oh it's horrible out yeah yeah that Might have been why I was having I'm Dealing with there de there's all kinds Of stuff going on down here yeah yeah y Great podcast great talking to him and Then uh we'll be back uh Friday Friday coach D coach D on Friday Which which will be great dude get ready For a ride so that that'll be really

Great um let's get off and we'll see you Guys next time

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