Lavar Ball made his sons great players by following the plan and making them accountable

17 turnovers I'm very disappointed in You It's about the childish that you got Me on a whole another zone I tell you a Stat so you can see what the hell this Is Two for 10 turnovers I don't…

17 turnovers I'm very disappointed in You It's about the childish that you got Me on a whole another zone I tell you a Stat so you can see what the hell this Is Two for 10 turnovers I don't give a You heard it seen it read it or wrote it Down yourself I'm going to say them out Loud so your ass can hear them Again End of the third quarter your ass Got eight turnovers That's what I'm About to say You don't have no concept Of how you're going to start the game The game should have been assists You're Not getting no good shots for people You're worried about what you doing The First one you launch a 40-footer You terrible son I thought you Was better than that man You think You're bigger than what you are and You're not

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