Lane kiffin aint holding back
Here Lane K talks about many years ago When when uh Paul fbom who I don't know Why he's anointed as his big analyst but Paul Fine bom ripped Lan kein on his Coaching ability and he got fired at USC People listen people listen to Paul fine Bomb it's so it's unbelievable but Listen to what Lane kin's response is And you said what a joke I was I'm the M Cyrus of college football coaching and I Should be fired and they looked at each Other and later that night I was fired By the way so but hey look what happened I would never got to work for Coach Sav All these other things wouldn't happen So I appreciate you for helping me Getting me fired thank you look at look At what you're doing today you're Predicted to go to the play and look at Miley Cyrus she's had a nice comeback so You wrong that I mean you put me down With that so so really I don't really Know what you're good at like you you Predicted that coach Sav was done that Didn't happen you basically said Miley Cyrus stinks and she's still she's still Going