July 7, 2023

Using dotes in college camps with Respect to them part What is it five or six Anyway listen this is important okay This is really really important let's Think about Why colleges want everybody on campus If they have to…

Using dotes in college camps with Respect to them part What is it five or six Anyway listen this is important okay This is really really important let's Think about Why colleges want everybody on campus If they have to go out To go and meet with more places and find Out more players it makes it harder to Recruit if they're able to have you come To their campus And recruit you there that makes it Easier for them to recruit and it also Makes it easier for them to just find The one Diamond uh in the whole entire Camp That goes to the part where you've got To make sure you go to as many programs As possible in the time allotted and That means you must build relationships Give the yourself the opportunity to get Recruited and not limit yourself to one Option it's very important Go where you want

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