Joe Montana say the Rudy Story is Embellished #coachschuman #nucsports

Were a teammate of Rudy's at Notre Dame Rudy Rudy I don't know who that is Rudy Rudiger my question was gonna be how Much do the guys that actually played on That team resent Rudy for totally taking The…

Were a teammate of Rudy's at Notre Dame Rudy Rudy I don't know who that is Rudy Rudiger my question was gonna be how Much do the guys that actually played on That team resent Rudy for totally taking The storyline of of how good that team Was and now everyone can only talk about Rudy from now on Um Well it won't lie he got a ration of Crap every time we we saw him and he Quit showing up on a couple of places Because it's pretty well you know the Locker Room's pretty brutal anyway but You know I mean the Rudy's Story made a Great Made a great movie and a lot of it was Embellished and you know we when I run Into Rudy on the road here and there we Laugh about it because you know he knows That you know I tell the truth but And there were a lot of things that Happened yeah he got in he got a sack Was the crowd chanting no well did I Throw in my Jersey no Um so Um did he get carried off the field

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