It’s Worth The wait and it’s incredible #track
See bobbles the Baton at the pass and That puts Kentucky in fourth old SC Passing on the inside I'm not sure if that was incidental Contact necessarily but Purdue is Winning this race so far Janae Mitchell For Purdue on the anchor Kendall Ellis For USC now into third for Kentucky that Is KL Clark [Applause] Kale Clark a great closer for Kentucky And I just don't know if Purdue is going To get caught Now there's no way it's going unless They've dropped the Baton perdue's going To win this which we certainly didn't See here comes SC USC oh my God the Catch Purdue I don't think oh my Goodness oh my goodness look what's Just Happening USC wins the women's team in The last year Four by four unbelievable by the leg by Kendall Alice candy