Is Dak Prescott Ready to Win in the Playoffs?

The video discusses Dak Prescott’s performance struggles in the NFL playoffs, the missing elements in his team, and his overall capabilities as a quarterback. Wow but that was last year 69.5 uh completion percentage now has he Struggled when teams…

The video discusses Dak Prescott’s performance struggles in the NFL playoffs, the missing elements in his team, and his overall capabilities as a quarterback.

Wow but that was last year 69.5 uh completion percentage now has he Struggled when teams at you know in the Playoffs that's the hardest thing you're Facing good really good defensive Coordinators in the playoffs and on the Road on the road they struggle too that That's a a tough deal but from 2022 to 2023 he went from 91 rating to 105 he Went from 15 interceptions to nine he Went from 23 touchdowns to 36 I mean I don't know he is improving he yeah but You gota you gotta win that's like Dating a listen this this girl you're Saying Chiefs possibly the 49 no no they Can do you can break through you need Guys to break through he's being paid Enough he has enough Talent he needs to Break through there's something missing Running back he doesn't have it no he Doesn't I all right I'll give you that But he did have a running back they did Have a running game for a little while And then Dating her but she's she's brain dead You know what I mean like she checks all The boxes but the one that you need you Need you need something there there's Something missing with Dak Prescott wait Hold on brain Dead let's go back right for a second Here yeah let's unpack this because this Is way better than than as much as fun

As football is yeah yeah she's a Billionaire but there's nothing Upstairs is are we talking a 100 IQ are We talking 80 no no no like like yeah Basically right that's you know what I Mean yeah yeah no I'm not see drooling If she no no she I mean she's in Wheelchair drooling I Can't my thing is though it's it's like That it's that missing chip you can't go All in because you're missing that one Important piece that's the one important Piece that Dak is missing the playoff Wins they are yeah so Dak going 12 and Five every year 11 you know 11 and six 12 and five whatever that none of that Matters because the other one it doesn't So Congratulations if Brock pie was the Quarterback Cowboys how many wins would He have oh I think eight yeah I don't I Don't know you got you have you have Great backs in the backfield moard and Mcaffrey I just think that it all ends Up falling on the quarterback so to to Frank's question is is act good enough To do that I that's the question I don't Know if he is if it all falls on him Can't answer a question with another Question well I Dave I asked you last I'll answer for you is he good enough The jury the jury's out on him there's No there there's no way really know so Far he has not proven that he could but

I also like I said last time they also Defensively you know okay let's bring Michael Parsons off the edge

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