Improving Youth Football Players Skill Set On The Field.

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Improving Youth Football Players Skill Set On The Field. Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go to to register Get the…

Improving Youth Football Players Skill Set On The Field.

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All right welcome quick intro today um We are Talking well the topic on here is Improving youth players skill set on the Field um but before we talk about Anything what want to uh if you're Interested in joining us for our Passing Academy it's Academy it's my football passing that's our passing University that we're running in Haslet New Jersey um La first night was last on Monday the today tonight again is a um We'll be going 6 P PM for youth 7 PM for High school middle school and it's a Great opportunity to really to to get Yourself ready for the season that's the Bottom line Objective um no fluff No listen you if you want to make 50 Moves on the side you can do that over At warm while you're warming up but then You're going to learn the skill sets I Mean yes we're going to run routes yes We're going to teach it yes you're going To catch the ball but we want to get Your the skill sets better uh both Quarterback and receiver tight end so Check that out um I'll put that into The banner below here and um so you can Go go do it obviously for for our Parents that are on for the younger kids Our youth camps are coming up in July go My football Youth and all the Stuff is on there um if you're coming to

Showcases for NU Sports just go right to My football you'll find one That's uh hopefully within your region And our Allstar games invites are coming Out as well so just a lot lot of things Going on check those things out okay and Back to back to what we're talking about So I one of the things um I thought was Really interesting doing the first day Of the the The Passing Academy Um and and you were over working with The receivers but just watching the Quarterbacks is that and and I see a lot Of these kids in flag football and and They throw pretty decent flag football But what I realized after doing The Passing Academy first day is the Fundamental development of the skill set Like technique wise even though someone Has an arm like they might look good in Flag or or even they could throw in a Regular tackle but they have to develop From the ground up that foundation and That Foundation is so important Because that allows you and in my Opinion when you see guys and my Experience when you see guys who you Know everyone wants to make a off Platform throw right well if your Fundamentals are sound your off platform Throw will keep your mechanics in place And you'll be able to do those kind of Things but if you don't have the Mechanics your off platform throw is

Going to go as an interception to the Other direction um or just won't even Get to your desired Target in in the Right way and I noticed at just in the First session with the young guys um we Were able to get almost all of them to Instead of hold the ball like this and I See high school kids do this by the way Quarterback to get it right in here Carry it within the chest on Let It rest With against your thumbs in the middle Of your chest so you have a firm carry But it's relaxed your body is relaxed You don't want to be a tight quarter you Don't want to this this is how they used To do uh right here tight your shoulders Are all tight and now all of a sudden You're supposed to throw loose keep it In here nice and loose because it's it's All these things are the same principles Right if you want to explode it's not Being tight running that makes you Explode it's relaxing yourself so the Explosion can happen so you have a firm Grip but your shoulders and your arms Are under control control relaxation Right you don't want your shoulders all Up high nice and relax so when you go to Release the ball you can get maximum Power it's just when you watch a Sprint Their run okay they're driving hard but Their face if you see their face is like It's nice and relaxed right that means Their shoulders are relaxed that mean so

They're able they're they're in control Right and allows them to go faster so It's the same kind of principle and I Saw the kids right right the one one the Great thing about young kids is they're Sponges right so if you show them it you They that's what they start to do and Within a few weeks they'll just do that All the time and then you know what you Won't even have to really revisit it Other than uh cleaning things up every Year so that now that's done right and Then the next thing is the release right A lot of kids because they're young if They play baseball they kind of are they Go out a little bit to the side their Elbows too far I just kind of they're Too far out here and instead of in Control and in here by your so they'll Throw like this you know like almost Like you throw a pie right so they start To do this now they're in a better Position stronger position to utilize The muscles that are most powerful which Is your core muscles your legs hips Stomach you know um uh your your your Butt your upper quad right so that's Your your whole entire core is your most Powerful so the arm is what allows you To be accurate but the body is allow Allows you to give you the power if your Arm gets extended out Here okay what starts to happen is it it Won't matter what you're doing with your

Body because your arm is no longer a Proper extension of your core it's now Away from your core and now is its own Entity and that's a problem because now You're putting all the stress on your Shoulder to be able to throw an elbow And that's not even talking about how The ball comes out differently and all That other stuff stuff right so you guys So just in that first day over and over Emphasizing I saw young kids I'm talking Young me first first and second graders Doing it um obviously had kids we had Some of those young guys and they They're sponges you know I think the Most important thing about like what we Do and how we do it is that we're Creating good habits right and if you Get those good habits at a young age They're going to constantly do and what You want to push to them and what I Think that we do a really great job of Doing is that look every rep is Important but every and every rep has to Be the same and now when you create that Habit now you're not even thinking about It and when you take the thought process Out of it now you can just go that much Faster with everything right so I think Like as we go forward you know you look At some of those things like what you're Talking about like you know for the QBs Having the ball in front you know Keeping loose you know relax all that

Type of stuff same thing with the wi Outs right so you know we start out and And we teach them to start and stance Right so the whole important thing is Hey you need to have the same stance Every single play and come off that ball The exact same way and if you continue To do that through your repetitions rep Rep rep and they're all the same now What happens is when you get up to the Ball you're gonna just get in that Stance and you're G to be comfortable With it and now it like I said it allows You to go that much faster you're Creating muscle memory and at a young Age to create that good muscle memory And those good habits go going forward Then the body just takes care of itself In in the maturity aspect getting bigger Faster stronger without even you know Having to do any any work that's GNA Happen right so you see these guys and You got to remember what they're looking At right so social media wise they're Looking at all these things they're Looking at guys that are older than them High School guys college guys Pro guys Guys that can do things but they've They've worked to get to that place you Know that these guys are at that Starting point and need to just trust That hey I'm going to do the exact same Thing over and over and over to create That muscle memory within my brain so I

Don't even have to think about getting Up in my stance or eyes looking in at The ball or you know nice you know bent In the knees so I can explode out 75% of My weight should be on my front foot so I don't fall step and I think that's Really like the one of the most Important things is your footwork coming Off the line we talk about it all the Time and we laugh about you know you see All these guys on every vid on every you Know social media site or whatever and They're dancing all over the place and They're going here to here to here to Here when in reality those first three Steps four steps five steps need to be a Vertical right push out like you're Thinking you want to make that corner Think you're going deep every single Play whether it's a run or a pass and if You can create that then I think you're Already ahead of the Game there's no doubt about it um I Think it's it's an important thing and And also obviously the the the basics of Catching right okay so you can catch a Ball from a few feet you can catch a Ball from 10 10 feet you can catch the Ball from 20 feet you can catch the ball From 30 feet but now you got to catch it While moving correct right so that was One of the first things I noticed like Your kids that are really especially the Young those kids are good athletes to

Begin with right naturally and they Could catch from static correct okay They can stand they can stand with their Dad and have a catch right and they can Do all that stuff and I think the most Important thing is going through that Catching process you know taking a Picture and look that's how I teach it Right I was taught that way like Everything should be a picture and the Also your eyes actually catch the ball Right so wherever that ball is your eyes Need to be and your head needs to be so It's almost it's a hell of a teaching Tool to be honest right if you're Teaching hey I'm gonna take a picture And wherever the ball is my head goes Right so now it comes down to it say hey I get a fastwood in there and I don't Catch it and you take one to the face You're gonna learn how to catch real Pretty quick right but it's also about Eye control where my eyes need to follow That ball and my hands should just go There and then once I catch it I don't Want to fight it I want to almost you Know kind of cradle it or like you're Catching an egg make it soft so that now I can catch and then the biggest thing That I stress coach and I know you've Been with me for a while and you've Heard me say it a thousand times is we Catch and we tuck we catch and we tuck And you create that muscle memory

Because you know look at it like this How many times does a receiver catch a Ball and instantane instantaneously he's Not either contacted by someone within One or two steps right so you know that Contact's coming so that if we now Prepare for that catch tuck we're gonna Have that catch and secure it every Single time right and I G to show you Something because I'm curious what your Thoughts on it and I don't I don't mean To put you on a spot but I I I I I think this guy this is just a Random person doing drills okay and There's some things I like but there's One thing you'll notice that I I I Really have a question about with the Receivers thing and and the reason why I Have a question about because I see it All the time and I don't know if it's uh If I'm the crazy one or or everybody Else is crazy I'm trying to figure this Out you know and you'll see in a second So watch watch this here right I don't Want to you know I want to move the Frame because I don't want to call the Person out so because it's not you know He's just doing work and good for him For good for him for putting in work Right so uh but so there are things I Like about what he's doing like I Actually think these are pretty simple Drills that are pretty good okay but There's one thing that always concerns

Me that of what he's doing what what What does it look like when he changes Direction to to me it looks like his Footwork is out of his framework right Like when he's when he's making like Look how wide he is when he's making Even even step like I mean look how look At that wide W everything is wide now Look he's probably that's gonna be first Of all before the injury part isn't that Going to be slower correct that's my Thought right but my thing also is this Too look I get it he's probably 6'4 65 Right he has that length but to me when You get out of your framework and what I Mean by that is when your feet come Outside of your shoulders right I feel Like you're almost Overemphasizing and putting more Pressure on those joints on those knees On that ligament and just overall Overextending to a point where now I Have to go Further you know so if I have to go out Of my framework like I said outside of My shoulders I think it's going to take You more time to now plant readjust your Weight and like we were talking about That inner core strength right those abs Obliques all that kind of stuff look at How wide that stance is he's almost the Full width of that of that hurdle and And and moving and I just don't see Where you can generate enough power to

Now accelerate of that as a white out And do what you do well look at you know If I could draw a line on this he's Almost he's on his heels first of all Right not good he's not really pushing Off the inner part of his foot because You need to be more pigeon toed you need To if you were like this but pigeon toed With your heels out you might be okay Yeah heels Out how I uh and you know how I teach The receiver stances is you know hey You're standing there feet are shoulder Width AP part take a step like you're Walking down the hallway okay that Should be your comfort level now you Take that front foot and you tilt it Right and you move your toe in just a Little bit so that now you have balance Especially in today's game where hey We're on the ball you may be sitting There when a quarterback's trying to Change a play right like you want to be Comfortable out there in your stance but You want to be ready to go so that Allows you to create that nice balance Stance slight Bend in your knees you Know a little lean forward make sure the Weight is about 7 25 on that front foot And now you're driving out as you Explode off the ball so this is the way That we see it right this is exactly Opposite of what you want the knees are Pointed inward right okay which is all

That pressure on that ACL and MCL Everything bad the heel is in and the Toe is out so less power correct okay More chance I mean if you got rolled up Here you're done ankle wise I mean Everything could Blow blow every every CL in that in that Everything is just blown out all the way Up to your hip you know and so this toe Should be Inward and correct the heel Should be outward and if I had a thing I Could can I draw oh no I can't now look If you were to take those hurdles and Move them in a little bit right like now I think that would create something Where hey it's just a quick bam and I'm There you're never extending outside of Your shoulder length also look at his Arms right like his arms aren't doing Much you know and I understand some guys Think hey you got to Bang the Drum some Guys think hey just normal whatever Different kind of pace for me I think It's more about comfort for the receiver Itself knowing your own type of hey this Works for me this doesn't work for me Right type of thing and as they progress Right now a younger guy you're G to tell Them how to do it you do it this way but Eventually these guys are going to start To see certain things and try certain Things and things are going to work for Them that don't work for others right And I think that's a big part of it too

But it starts with having to do the same Thing every single time you're out there To create that muscle memory that now You do not have to think about the Physical part I don't need to think hey I got to get five steps get my cleats in The ground get around and turn you're Just naturally you've done it so much That you know that's what's happening And you just do it which now allows me To say okay as I'm getting rather than Having to think about getting my feet in The ground and get back here I can now Say hey that corner's bail and I can now Stick it in the ground or hey that guy's Pressing me and I can do this right so I Think without having to worry about the Physical aspect of it now you can get Into the mental side which will put you On a different level now I'm going show You a a different one okay um let me Stop sharing Here And we'll start sharing here and I hope You I hope you don't mind me doing this Because I think it's helpful I I think This is great because this gives a Visual for guys to see where in our Heads what we're actually talking about And what we're thinking about Okay and Like I said I think it's good for these Guys because like you said the young Guys are sponges man Cooper all right So this is the one of the most of all

The guys in the NFL and I'll just stop It in the beginning hold on who stays in His frame every Time all right it allows him like he Doesn't have to run a Four like watch his feet watch when he Makes this cut though watch where the Toe is can you see the toe look at that In the Ground watch a little more here how Could I do this um does this allow me to Zoom in more am I more zoomed in now I Don't know yeah you are there a little Bit a little more okay yeah that's Better so let me see if I can just Slowly look look at the P look this is Perfect see the toe the front part of The toe the turf's coming up the turf Heel out toe in right knee in right Now this is a powerful position that Allows you to get out of your brakes a Little bit quicker okay I'm not saying The guys don't get out of those other Ways their guys are so damn strong Somehow they get out of those breaks Fast okay but anatomically over time Where they don't put themselves at they Need they're going to make these breaks Thousands and thousands I mean lots of Times balls aren't even coming to you And in football right you still have to Do this break you still got to run the Route so you don't want to put that Pressure on that knee of just because

All the times you're going to run routes And it's not gonna come to you correct So like how many how many targets are You actually gonna get a game but in Reality how many routes are you really Running look how great his SE his next Step is he's Still look and you can tell like he's Generating power right there I mean it Is phenomenal Look look now he's about to Break same thing yep watch him put his Foot in the ground inner part it's not Out if it was if this toe was out and The heel was in dud that his knee would Explode explode as powerful as he is Correct now I will tell you the one Thing look at that right here in look Watch his feet underneath look at his Body frame he's look it chest o almost Over his knees okay I mean it's Incredible that's his four strength Right like that's his tightness in the Middle to be able to move maneuver his Body right here boom look balls already Gone break same thing yep and look at His foot in the ground look at get look At he's even getting ready look at that Push off of that one look at the toe on The left hand side right there ex one's Even more amazing because instead of Getting out of his frame he turns his Hips and that's what it's all about Because anatomically it starts with your

Feet and it works all the way up correct So now look everything follows his body Look at his arms his arms are ready to Receive the ball look I'm Up hands I'm picture I'm catch look and Look that's not a very good look in that Situation that's not a very good ball Right like that ball he has to actually Kind of make a play on that you would Really kind of want that out in front Here so you could catch and turn right To the pylon instead he has to turn Around the other way watch him look at His toes He's now he's in reaction mode now right He already got look he's already caught The ball he's already got it tucked Right so he's ready for the explosion Now here's his feet all right now I go Be a football player and look at that Even this that where he's this is a Reaction mode where sometimes you get Out of your frame because a reaction Done this so many times he also knows Where he is right he also knows where he Is in another spot he may take this Wider but because he's down here on the Goal line he knows where hey I gotta get To that pylon right now bang I'm gone Right well look he's not reaching the Ball either right he's got that thing Tucked he knows hey I'm gonna clear this I'm getting in this this route running Because route running you could control

For the most part hands on you but but You could really now that and even in His reaction part where he's running He's still almost completely Anatomically correct correct it's harder When you have to react to something but He does it just because he's done it so Many times he's able to get his body Right in and look at the corner the Corner the corner has no idea look at The corner How bad his position is see there you go This is uh you know this is perfect look At the corner now he's in a bad frame Look he's pigon toed he's got you know Out he's not pigeon toed he's outward Towed right right right my fault he's But I mean look look at his knees his Legs it's it's just look it's he can't React no if he was in his frame he'd Have a chance to make a play on this Ball so it's it in one play you could See and look these are both Pros right Yeah and that's the thing right like These are guys are at a high level but Even at a high level look you see one Guy doing it right one guy is not is Doing it wrong that's not to say that The corner for that team right there the Texans doesn't do it right you know the Next time if it I think it's the Texans Or no I I think you know what I think Happens no I well I think that he does It more often wrong than right because

And that's what his body remembers right What his body remembers so here's the Other thing too and I know this will be The argument and this is kind of where I Think you and I would get blowback on Something like that is like hey you're Looking at Cooper cup he's a short right He's like one of the shorter guys in the League how do I stay within my framework If I'm you know I but in the grand scheme Of things how does a guy who's 65 now Stay within that framework let's let's Let's find Jerry Rice I think that's the Jerry Rice was how tall I think 62 maybe 63 now we also know that when you get to That high level receivers are kind of Broken down into pseudo categories there Are guys that run certain routes really Well and don't run other routes really Well correct are we in agreement on that Yeah I listen there are guys that are But my point is that you want to even Whether you're big small or in between The more you do it the right way like The more you're the more here is g to Just happen naturally the better safer You're GNA be that is that is that a Fair way of putting it not only are you Going be better but you're going to be You're you're G to have a s I'm G just Try to find us I also just think that Like listen like when you when you start Getting to that high level and all that

Kind of stuff like right like now you're Talking about look I can run routes on Air and I can keep my body this way or That way but even so if I'm running you Know now if we're in game mode right and We're in a game and I'm running a route And I'm outside of my framework you know Who's to say that now like you said all Of a sudden I don't have other guys that Are coming in and now with that leg kind Of out there right rather than in my Body rather than in close to my body Where I could protect it it's just kind Of out there you're gonna get rolled up On guys are gonna tackle you and hit That you know what I'm saying where I Just feel like the other way you it kind Of gives you uh less opportunity for Injury all right well let's and I don't Know if we'll be able to see it here I'm Try I have a couple of good Jerry Rice Stuff so um we're also using two of the Best that have ever done it no no but That but who do you follow okay corre Like like if you want to be the best why Wouldn't you look at the guys that are The best watch Sherry Rice as an older Person okay running around at what is he 50 okay this is 2017 this is him at like a like a camp Or something yeah he's probably still Out there just doing his thing you'll What you'll notice is he stays within His his frame no matter what he does all

Right let's see that's why we talk about Certain lifts right like certain lifts Can help you with that explosion in that Core muscles all right here's old man Jerry look at him running around look at This everything's tight I I love the Fact that he's Wearing yeah look at this look come on Man look how tight it is so let's let's Go Slow look first step look explosion off The ball you can tell that he's and you Know what's interesting about Jerry gone He's naturally outward towed so watching Him run Right anatomically incorrect just His his nature of how his body is okay So let's see when he Breaks does he push off in he see he Forces himself inward see it he forces Himself inward even though he's Anatomically his body the way he's you Know is more outward he forces himself Inward right well look at his body you Can see when he goes to cut his lean Right so he uses that weight up top to Pull that of it into where he needs to Be inward inward even though his his Normal running style see because see That look he's still he he turns his Hips to Run it's it's it's amazing because he's A naturally you can see right away he's A naturally outward tow Runner okay

Which is probably his I love how he Makes a cut right here I love how he Makes this cut right here like he's Running away from a safety it's just Great I love it right all it's great This looks like the opening is he is This like an old school opening like a High school camp or something yeah it Might be an old school opening yeah it Looks like it yeah he's got love it I Think that's so Interesting um because of the way that He he is even naturally outward that's His like there are people that and Actually work more than everybody else Just because his body is that's just hey Bro that's like the that's the you were Dealt so you know what you got to figure It out and work and he knows but think About it he's done it so many times Right that he's created that and now he Just he does it it just goes it's still Here right to be like hey polish it make Sure I go through it that's why I tell These young guys like they should as They do this as like when they start They should get up there and they should Talk themself through okay here's my Stance right like okay my feet are Correct my shoulders right my my body Working up my hips okay now I'm good I'm Looking in right my eye and then what's The other thing that we talk about with White outs all the time right like what

Do I do with my hands where do my hands Go right do I have them up here do I Have them hanging right we've seen guys Do the with cross all that kind of stuff Look whatever they want to do is fine With me as long as we're not pre- snap Movement doing this thing right but the One thing the Only Rule I have is that If you're in press coverage or you're Going to get pressed your hands better Be up so you're ready to fight and get Out of there if you keep your hands down On press coverage that DB automatically Is going to win that and get hands on You before it and now you're erased and You're out of the play right away so you Got to make sure your hands are there And get ready to fight get out stack Your guy and make sure you're in your Route and that's something we that's Even that's down the road you know what I'm saying like these first couple Sessions man it's about catching and It's about your start get off the ball Catch the ball and like you said it's a Lot different catching the ball you know Standing in the backyard with Dad 10 Yards away or running a route across and Then start to move you start to move Slowly you move to the right you move to The left but uh so let's look at this so This is you know I always talk about one Um I'm uh very friendly with a guy named Jeff Christensen who runs

Throw uh this well you you'll see who's Throwing here but this is throw a deep And this is their this is their work in What June all right he's in Arizona They're high school kids with this Person and you'll you'll see who it is Is in a second okay because he he trains And you'll see I see who it is yeah so You'll see what they're working on Right okay here it is see look at the Ball carry what I talk about nice job Patrick nice and right right here I'm Sure he has a nice grip on it but not Too tight where he's trying to pop that Ball look how relaxed his shoulders Are look at those Shoulders elbows are down look at his Legs the elbows are down how many times You see guys rolling doing things with Their elbows up okay elbows down good This anatomically Ball by ear right Perfect good okay so now let's watch Here this is all high school kids with Them do they all look the Same almost all of them this kid has a Little bit of a overbend here yeah right Here this kid's a little taller right They're high school kids with them That's a pretty big boy right There but but look look how Pat is Patrick is preparing to make a regular Throw here it's funny because everybody Use Pat uses Patrick as the guy who Um is is he just makes Crazy throws he

Does all this you know he works this First okay Like and and we've talked about this and I've said this to you I said look Everybody wants to make all these Off-balance throws and throw across your Body and this and that and they use him As the example but you got to understand Something he's he's out there when he Does that stuff he's doing it to make a Play that's not what he's doing on the Regular this is what he's doing on the Regular he's working his basic technique And mechanics so that he goes through The same process every time he gets a Snap and then he is now prepared to if I Have to make that play or if I have to Make that throw I can go do it right all Right here's what I want you to look at See this kid see the Patrick in in in Red the kid in black and the kid in red Front of them do you notice look at Their all their left foot all the same Inward inward heels out right toes Inward just like starting a receiver Stands put your toe in so that you have That balance and now you can bring the Power right and you're and anatomically More correct look at their heels and the Right the right fo Okay all the same so you it's not a when I tell you that there's a guy I like and What I I zombie apocalypse they're all Like look at this boom that's not

Patrick that's a high school Kid well it's his uh Brother actually it's not because that That's actually crazy but his brother is Like you know not even don't really Don't keep that's Patrick okay but but Look at they're all the same look how Great this is that's so Funny he has the same hairstyle I guess He's coping Patrick that's what I say It's his stunt double I should have Realized he didn't have the frosted tips Um so look here Again these guys that are throwing to The right they're all the same and Here's the other part right and this is Amazing my my whole thing is this too I Know everybody wants to be able to throw The Deep ball and do all that kind of Stuff but you know what like as a Younger guy you got to build to that Right like I can teach you and like just By maturity in in itself and growing and Getting older your arm strength and your Distance on your throws is going to get There you can't be like you know what I Mean like all these guys I want to throw A deep I want to throw my man stick to The basics get down the short routes First now your armst strength you build It up so that now you can hit those Windows and do all that kind of stuff But I think the most important thing is You need to know where the where to

Throw the ball right it's all about it's About accuracy and timing if you can Drop back and throw that ball before That guy turns on the comeback now You're a completion if I can throw that That corner route shallow with the Defense is on over the top and I could Throw it shallow but in front of that Corner that's dropping underneath maybe In a cover two right in front of that Safety that's a good that's a different Throw the timing about that stuff Matters right like hey don't wait till He's open right he's open now trust your R and throw it well let's let's let's Look at some let's look at some Patrick Let's see if we can and we see our guys Do that right and it's one of the basic Things that we always have to teach in The beginning it's like hey man you Don't wait till he's open he's open now So throw it those windows close quicker Right the higher level of football you Get the quicker the game gets and that's All that's got to speed up all through Your mechanics everything but that Doesn't mean that now that stuff gets Thrown out the window just because You're in the middle of a game okay you Still got to be and that's why reps are Important because now when you are Dropping back and you got four guys Coming at you and you got another guy Off the edge over here your body just

Knows hey this is where the ball should Be this is how my feet are now let me Step up here and I can throw it and let It go if you're thinking about that Stuff in the middle of a game now we got Problems because you're thinking about Your mechanics and your footwork and I Got to do this and I got to do that and Meanwhile you're getting tackled or Meanwhile you're not seeing defense that Just rolled their coverage like you got To have that muscle memory created so That it's just natural and you don't Have to think out there absolutely let's Let's see if we can see the this here Man that dude looked like Patrick Mahomes man he has the same hairstyle I Know we messed that up and that's life Um that's that it's good because there's Only 30 people that'll watch the whole Thing so hey you know well hey those 30 People right here check it out legendary Leadership got your book buddy all right Here oh you have it yeah there it is There it is Boardwalk beast and we got Our we got our legendary leadership Let's see if we have it here let me see If I this is it here and look I think I Want to give a credit to those guys that We had that first night at our passing University man because those guys Literally came in and and they don't Know what to expect right like we can Explain it whatever but like we also

Coach it at a high level so we're Telling them things and these are young Kids man we're talking young puppies Here that are like you know that just Love the game and kind of want to get Into it and and I think it's great that They're out there and they're doing Their thing and you know they're Phenomenal they listen and they just Want to get better which is awesome all Right so look here Patrick Patrick's a Little bit out of his frame here little Wide there but look at his arm angle but Look at his look how he recovers he's a Little wide but uh obviously he's being Rushed it's a little different when You're being rushed but look how he gets His feet to right see how he gets his Foot in the right position it's with Pressure right so with pressure he Literally has a guy hanging on New Jersey he literally has a guy hanging on His jersey the toe's now in and now he Gets enough on the ball well that's Another part right so guys are talking Arm strength right but that comes with Maturing when you get in the weight room Right when you you can get that arm Strength because most guys right there Cannot make that throw with just that You know and a guy hanging on their Jersey but he gets his because he has Such good mechanics exactly here here's A here's a better example

And look I I you know it is look I don't Think you get to the league unless your Mechanics are solid and that type of Stuff but I I just feel like there's Always stuff to work well remember some Guys are very different guys are so Talented see here's the thing most People aren't some guy these guys okay You want to learn from the guy didn't Take are doing things anatomically Correctly uh Because right like that's going to help You in look at that oh wait hold on I Lost oh here we go all right here it Is oh whoa who let's freeze It now that's his drop look at his feet Right there look at that in to Bo out Right heel he looks just like those kids We looked at right now looks like it Looks like he's going through a clinic They have the same coach those kid he This guy works with Patrick but um That's what I thought it was Patrick Because he works with them then maybe That's why the kids have the same Haircut as him um so uh but he's been to One of their camps right right so but Look at that that's exactly what those Kids look like they're high school like I said it looks like a zombie apocalypse All of them are doing the same it's Awesome dude see it's awesome I mean Good God that throws me all right so but That's I wanted to bring those up

Because this is what I want to do when We we talk about these kind of things Show things that are good show things That need to be corrected it's not Pointing anybody out in a negative Manner no absolutely not these things Will make the difference and making you Better over time and I mean I don't know It it's it's awesome because you get the Power you're less likely to get injured But anyway um I think it's also like When you do it that way okay right now That your feet are under you you're Almost doing a squat right like a pseudo Squat where you're strengthening your Legs just by running routes that way you Know it's one of those things like you Know that you don't really think is Happening but it's happening the other Thing it's like too like when we're Talking catching and all that kind of Stuff like for the little guys and stuff Like it's literally about just being Comfortable with the ball right because Once you're comfortable with that and Look I get it right now they're so small They when they tuck it they can't even Like keep it right here right now you Know even using their Ball but I think That's what works for them and it's Really good It's awesome it's awesome um we we Actually gone for 38 uh minutes breaking This down I I I really like it before I

Go you have a gaming chair right is that What you have this thing dude yeah I Just got one dude this thing is fire Yeah this is what I I got this too like It goes you know because every now and Then when you need like a little like it Just goes all the way back too yeah I Love I it's like one of the best things And now I'm glad I'm not a gamer because I'm pretty sure when the new NCAA comes Out like I'd be Addicted even though the college Football players are rebelling did you See that no what happened oh they're They're pissed because uh EA Sports only Wants to give each one of them like 500 Bucks for having their name in the game And they're like 500 only are you Kidding me this is EA Sports like NCAA 2024 football like I should be getting More than $500 so they might they're Right now they're like in a situation Well what is what is the cor uh that's What I'm saying I don't know like what It would what how how do you put an Amount on it like what does EA Sports Make from Madden oh God I you I I'm Curious so they make declared revenue of 1.62 million from oh wait no 1.62 Billion in 2021 across FIFA Madden and NHL FIFA's Probably big too I didn't even think It's probably big too so let Let's uh I I was just doing I was say it's a couple

Hundred let's say it's 300 did you see The soccer player that just signed a six I think it was a 64 six $643 million Deal for like a sa team if you grow Google it it's right there because no Wonder the people in Europe that's in Sou he makes he makes more than what Would be a salary the total salary cap For an NFL team That's Incredible maybe maybe I have my kid I'm In the wrong country and I played the Wrong sport you gotta be Ted lasso I Guess oh I could do the mustache dude Look at I'd be good with the mustache Ted lasso gets the Uh tasso took over soccer I also uh Highly recommend Netflix new documentary On Arnold Schwarzenegger I watched the First one last night phenomenal really f Phenomenal I mean this first one took Him from when he was a kid in Austria to Through all his bodybuilding stuff and Then the second episode is him as an Actor and then the third one there one Hour and then the third one is him as Governor so you see him as Mr Olympia And all that stuff you see him as you Know Kindergarten Cop and Twins and all That uh Terminator and command Commando's the best one commando's the Best one commando's the great commando's Great Conan too Conan's great predator's

Great predator's greato that's Predator Was and then and then he went into like The funny stuff right so then he was Like the Kindergarden Cop was funny as Hell twins with Danny DeVito was awesome But it takes you through it's an hour Each episode of how like first one's all About bodybuilding second one's about Like you know being an actor and then The third one is about uh being Governor So highly recommend it okay well I'm Gonna watch it uh I'm a I was a huge I Mean Arnold was big when I was a kid It's awesome it really is awesome I Didn't know his like I didn't know the Story of like you know he I knew he grew Up in Austria or whatever but I didn't Know like that he was like from the jump He's like look I don't belong here I Need to get out of here and part of Being in Austria is they don't give you A passport to leave until you do like Three years in the military do was he um Did you ever see the movie um oh what is It um Pumping Iron have you ever seen it Yeah it's crazy oh it's F unbelievable Dude it's like the way he looked D but Like it also and obviously it's all him Right so it's interviews with him like Now going back and forth and he's like He's like look I cared about nothing Else other than bodybuilding like I left Austria got to the United States went Out to LA and he just started like like

The original Gold's Gym that's where he Was yeah that's where he lifted he Worked with that guy and then there was Like another one where he worked with That guy Joer yes and he talked about like look Hey I don't then he was a little Different right and then he because that Guy weer said to him hey look like I Understand like all this bodybuilding And all this athletic stuff but he said At some point that's going to go away And you're GNA have to use this so Arnold like took classes in business Classes in school he wanted to be like a Part of all this stuff he started that Guy offered him um like space in his in His magazine for Arnold to like sell Stuff Market stuff and that's how he Like yeah so there's like a business Side of it that he was like he marketed And he said he goes look I didn't bet on Anybody else other than myself he goes I Marketed myself I would go around I Would just be doing these poses for what How much money here how much money there And like people had never seen something Like that and he used to mess with other Dudes and was like dude like I don't Even know why you're showing up because I'm gonna beat you he was like that guy Yeah he did listen L fno he used to Intimidate l l farno was gigantic he Like he originally yeah yeah yeah right

That's what remember AR he talks about He was originally like um like the guy Who was in this movie Hercules was like His Idol right and he had his picture on The wall above his bed and all this Stuff and then Khan maybe KH J Steve Reeves yes that's him that's it Steve Reeves so I know my bodybuilding dud but It was crazy because he's like he's so He's like oh I get to finally compete Against Steve re right and he like he Beat him and then he was like oh I kind Of felt bad and then he's like but I Didn't and it's like all right Arnold Like he's hardcore dude and it was it Was so cool to learn about it and he's Like I just used to like he was like 22 And stuff like just like getting after It dude and he was talking about he's Like look I never worried about a diet Like I wasn't big on a diet or whatever He's like people just gave me whatever I Needed supplement wise he goes and Then no listen and then he goes and then You did steroids for four months before You were competing and then you cut it Off he said it he's like yeah we were All steroids he goes you do it for four Months while you're training to get into The competition and then once the Competition's over you don't do it until The next time you do it Okay dude ARL ARL you see him on Venice Beach dude and he's like holding like on

His arms and stuff and he's like dude I Only knew a hundred words of English Like and one of them was like I'd like To take you on a [Music] Date and he's just sitting there back in Austria with a cigar and they're Interviewing him and they're having this Conversation and he's just like yeah This is kind of what I did like highly Recommended bro you're gonna love it if You loved all that stuff you because all Those other guys it's all like old Footage of him too like d in the weight Room on Venice Beach I mean these guys Are like I mean he is massive and like The first thing when he came to America They're like hey dude you got a great Chest but look at your baby calves like You don't even have Cs and he's like Damn I gotta work my Cales like that's That you Arnold dude the movies of of His Movies um Commando I'm a big twins fan The comedy was good with Danny Deo Commando was great though tamanda was Just a pure like testosterone just like It was Rambo it was yeah right and you Know who the girl Was do you you know who the girl was in It that he saved the little She was in other stuff too it's Alysa Milano yeah it's Alyssa Milano is the Girl she got now she has a MLB clothing

Line I think I a felt baby too but and She's the most annoying political person On the planet but um uh she makes money From Alyssa Milano is the girl just Because I was in love with Alyssa Milano As a young kid I like her and and then Uh I don't know what she even looks like Now but when she was young and then uh But I guess I could look it up after This um so then Alysa Milano and then Let's see she was Wasn't who's the boss yes who's the Bosson yeah that was my show man that Was a great show oh she looks great Tony Danza was she looks great she does okay Oh Phenomenal absolutely oh she still looks Really good that was a great show who's The boss was a great show that that's When so you were in a you probably were In a tail end of whens were still she's 50 by the way so she's your age oh sorry 49 yeah I'm 49 one more one more year What's up yeah one more year till you're A pickle ball champ 5050 that's when I stepped my training Up listen one when you go to her page Like you Google her type her name in the Third thing that pops up is Commando oh That was that movie yeah that I remember Predator was great because every all all These Like like soldiers are in there and you Know they're all like his name his do

You remember his name in Predator no his Name was Dutch oh God he was that's that's Hilarious oh God he's also got it's a Pretty crazy life too cuz he talks about Like his growing up and stuff like that And his dad obviously was in the Military for Austria they lost World War II you know what I'm saying so he was Talking about a country of kids being Raised by EXs Soldiers with PTSD it was Tough like they talk about the whole Thing and you think about it you're like Yeah man Austria like they were they got Crushed World War II they lost Everything you know what I mean and now To grow up in that he had an older Brother who ultimately he says that his His tough upbringing with his parents That drove him to get to the United States to be in this bodybuilding that Negative whatever pushed him the the the That pushed him to get out but it was Something that pushed his brother a Totally different way and his brother Ended up dying in a car crash for drunk Driving because he had issues he rather Than use it as fuel to get out like Arnold did he went the other way and Went negative and just started drinking Himself so it's a pretty it's it's it's Dep it's in depth but he didn't even go To his father's funeral he he he only he He says when I went I started the

Bodybuilding like stuff I blocked that Was I ignored everything that I was I Ignored where I came from I ignored my Parents I blew off he hadn't talked to His brother in years when he passed away Cause he was so locked in but he also he Talks about this too dude which is crazy And I'll end with this because I'll let You go he talks about How when you're so driven and you're Constantly looking towards what do I do Next what do I do next what do I do next He goes I don't have time to sit there And go how do I feel today oh I don't Feel I feel bad today he goes I didn't Have time to worry about that [ __ ] and That's what he literally says in it he Goes because I just went on to the next Thing what's the next thing I'm gonna Accomplish what do I want there he says I was so goal driven that all the Whatever's going on in my head or my bad Upbringing or any of that stuff like Wasn't a factor it's interesting he he's An interesting Character he's obviously well Accomplished dude the first scene is him Just zooming in on all of his like Trophies and [ __ ] and it's like dude There's like Every all these trophies he's got all These medals and stuff he says the thing That started when he was young he used To hang up the pictures cuz he was

Walking by a store one day and he saw an American Muscle and Health magazine or Whatever it was was so he used to take He looked at it and he's like oh this Guy did this and this is his workout he Goes so I just copied whatever he did And I did it three times a Day really he just and then he used to Take the pictures from the magazines and He used to put them above his bed and His mom used to like lose her she's like All these other boys his age have Pictures of girls above their bed and my Son has pictures of naked men above his Bed where did I go wrong like where did I go wrong and it's like a it's like a Big thing yeah yeah oh yeah it's it's Wild but you can see why he is the way He is when he talks about his parents Right like being raised by a dad who had PTSD from the war his mom obviously had OCD because he talks about her being Like insane about cleaning the house Like every other day she'd be like on Her hands and knees scrubbing the floor Like so there's obviously something that Got passed down but he just took it and Was like yo I'm getting out of here like I don't belong in Austria he's like People in Austria they grow up they go To school till they're 18 they get a Wife they have kids and they get a job He goes that wasn't for me like I needed To do something else I felt it in my

Bones to go do something okay bro guess You freaking I love when people think That that's what I've always liked about Arnold like he thought like I remember When he was in his movies career and Like he could have he was originally a Terrible actor yeah horrible he he Worked so hard at it and to get you know And he became this action star he was Making like 20 million a movie and he Could barely like he didn't even speak English great and um Last Action Hero oh I remember that one that was a good one Too like such like what I I I I it when His movies would come out I was Immediately going to the movies to watch It like twins was great because Danny DeVito and him together like just it Was the premise of the movie itself was Like whatever but it just those two like It's just kind of funny especially when You get guy like those two guys together There was a time where every movie he Would put out was a hit right Terminator Let's see what what was His he Did what was his Movies oh my God yeah dude he has a Rolodex of him jingle all the way with Sinbad jingle jingle all the way I've Seen that one oh Batman and Robin Remember he was Mr Freeze yeah he was The freeze played a great that was a Great who was that that was the they

Always say that's the worst Batman was That with George Clooney yeah yeah yeah He was in uh True Lies that was a good Movie that was a great one too because Uh what's her name was in there Total Recall Total Recall was a good one That's where they put like the chip in Them Right kind of what the government's Doing now yeah yeah yeah dude he had a String he went from right when he went From like because they saw it's just Wild I think it's couple Conan to to Terminator red red Sony wasn't very good I saw it Commando Raw Deal was good Predator The Running Man remember the Running man that was one of those quiet Ones that was the one where they were in The game show and you you you were like Instead of going to jail they put you in A a game show and you had to um try to Escape and he wins he gets through he Kills everybody is every one of his Movies he yeah what's great is yeah That's that's what's great too is like He always he's killing everybody he Kills everybody he did like two Terminat want the Terminators the Commando I I think one time I was Watching it it this was like about 15 Years ago and I uh I played this game Where I counted as how many people he Killed it so many people he killed in The movie it was just like it was like

It was extreme number he also he also Did the other one Junior where he was Pregnant oh yeah well he ahead of his Time he was a TR what I'm saying talk About crazy roles that and listen he was Also a guy that's like you know he's Also a guy that's like willing to just You know whatever try it out he don't Care listen you you look at his life he Goes from bodybuilder to actor to act to Star really right like a a star to Governor my man you've lived a very good Life in three different very different You know is he power positions how old Is he 60 he might be older than that Arnold Is why don't they list his age oh here It is Arnold Is 75 wait till you see him in this dude if I look like that at seven oh my God he's Still LIF dude there's P like in this Thing they show him and he's still in There Like and you look at his and he's still Got like a dude let's go Records his squat is 545 bench press 520 deadlift 683 clean and Jerk clean and jerk 298 that's okay oh My God clean wait is pound is this Pounds or kilograms because like he's From Austria no pounds pounds okay he

Obviously he didn't do the cleaning jerk Or to snatch or clean press much he Obviously squatted he B deadlifted he Deadlifted you know 683 he Deadlifted obviously he was strong too So he says it in the thing he's like I Used to deadlift like 700 pounds he's Like you kidding me that is Arnold Arn Arnold wow that's like great it Literally just came out watch it it's Good but well it'll be there's a couple Great ones so that one then then Urban Meyer thing is coming out I can't about His whole Florida run I mean look you're Talking Aaron Hernandez Tim TBO the Pouncy Brothers uh who is the who is the Fast the real Fast Receiver yeah Percy Harvin like Cam Newton did you see his um what's the guy That used to work coach with him that Has his own podcast a pretty popular one The guy who coached with him at Ohio State I think he got in trouble or Whatever I don't know you should you Should watch it I see I got check it out Well anyway I'm real big on uh obvious I've told you a thousand times the pivot That's my that's a big one for me I love Listening to that one that one's really Good busting with the boys is pretty Good that's Tyler lean and uh what's his Uh another like small time linebacker But it's good there and then the uh the

Kelsey Brothers do one new heights it's Called what a PO dude the two of them Together is ridiculous so this one's About college football okay and so this Guy was Urban Meer remember the guy who Got in like a little bit of trouble with Urban like I don't anyway it wasn't the Strength guy he brought in right It was a it was a CO anyway so this guy Coach with Urban Meyer okay and then he Um so he talked about when Urban Meer Came to Florida he said I am recruiting And he got this from Lou Holtz because Lou Holtz I read his book and he said When he came into Notre Dame he couldn't Believe how slow everybody was and he Said we're only now from now on Recruiting guys that have Bonafide uh track times right he only Recruited speed that's what Urban did so Urban said we're only recruit we we want Track athletes that we could that we Could make into tough football players So so he took all those guys like Harvin And all these track stars basically I Mean and and turn him into Mega stars at Florida he turned him into meast stars At Ohio State because he was talking About that Ohio State as good as they Are they don't have that many guys Anymore that are burners like when when They had all those guys is it move the Sticks it might be move the sticks it's With um let me

Say it's very Good no Bucky Brooks no is that is uh Let me Look Bucky Brooks is the guy no no I Think Bucky Brooks is the blond here Guy well look either way I'm just Telling you that's going to be one hell Of a document not move to Sticks um let Me see former Ohio State Coach Podcast it's uh Zach Smith oh that's yes Sport isn't it his Brother-in-law yeah that's the guy that Got him in trouble he got him in trouble For beating up a f em I believe yeah It's Zach Smith his podcast is great Dude oh my God I didn't know let's go You got to watch his podcast it's great What the heck it he lets it Fly dude he Men menace to sports yes that's it yeah He lets it Fly oh former Ohio State Coach Zack Smith keeps it real talking All the things college football and Sports in general so what he did right Is he got in trouble he's now labeled The bad boy so he just runs with it okay I'll start a podcast and I'll just say Everything that I really feel I'm not Sugarcoating anything and I'll I'll Monetize It is podcast whatever Whatever he also a lot of hot takes I'll I'll let you go because you gotta get Wrong but um tonight yeah tonight uh my

Football passing is still Still getting in we're going all summer And then Um you guys soon uh it you know keep Competing keep getting out there if you Guys want to go to camps my footall you don't need to slash you'll See check it out we got a lot of stuff Going on fellas hey just continue to Work work hard work hard work hard That's all I got to say I work hard keep Going Perfect all right we're out

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