How to Optimize Speed Training for Pro Athletes: Expert Tips

2 min read
Discover the key differences in training pro athletes vs. younger athletes. Learn how to fine-tune sprint mechanics and prevent recurring injuries. Unlock the secrets of proper training for improved performance. #ProAthleteTraining #SpeedTraining #InjuryPrevention #FineTuningTechniques #SprintMechanics #PerformanceEnhancement #AthleticTraining #YouthAthletes #ProAthletes #SportsScience…

Discover the key differences in training pro athletes vs. younger athletes. Learn how to fine-tune sprint mechanics and prevent recurring injuries. Unlock the secrets of proper training for improved performance. #ProAthleteTraining #SpeedTraining #InjuryPrevention #FineTuningTechniques #SprintMechanics #PerformanceEnhancement #AthleticTraining #YouthAthletes #ProAthletes #SportsScience

I don't know the science nearly in depth To a lot of these guys but I could Connect at a whole different level than A lot of these guys and that's I think a Major difference in in success so yeah I Think that's a big part of it um talk About what you do with pro athletes Versus how you approach younger athletes You know and like what are the different Kind of things you have to evaluate when You're trying to develop them when They're in different stages So overall it's very similar it's just The matter the matter of like how much Time say we're spending on like a Foundational drill with a youth athlete Versus like an NFL right like a lot of The NFL guys are like the Ferraris right They they're coming to me fast they're Coming to me strong they're you know They're established at this point it's Just like fine-tuning them right so Believe it or not like a lot of these Guys have never really even been exposed To like proper training until like maybe Now or with in like the last couple Years um and they were just kind of Relying on overall like pure athleticism Right um but now at this point like with The with the high level it's more about Like communication one like what are They looking for like what do they think They need versus like what when I look At them and evaluate them and what I

Think they need and then kind of Combining it but at the same time it's Just like little tweaks that really will Help them stay healthy and and you know Be able to withstand the the whole Season right like a lot of guys will Come to me like hey this is like the Third time reoccurring hamstring some Sort of soft tissue and it's like a lot Of this could be fixed and just you know Tweaking their most of the time it's Like their top end speed so just their Sprint mechanics in the top end and once You kind of fine-tune that from the Weight room and it through the field you Know there's no more reoccurring Injuries and that's that's really what It comes down to it's it's overall the Same structure of workouts

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