How to Improve Your Recruiting Prospects as a Transfer Portal Athlete

How to Improve Your Recruiting Prospects as a Transfer Portal Athlete @coachschuman @mfarrellsports This podcast is hosted by ( On and both sign in order for to be Executed what's difficult and what makes These things for…

How to Improve Your Recruiting Prospects as a Transfer Portal Athlete

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On and both sign in order for to be Executed what's difficult and what makes These things for people to understand Very dicey is that I could sign my nil I Mean my um letter of intent to go to Florida but I won't officially have my Nil deal until after I sign to go to That school which is what it's really a Handshake it's me and Mike faroh shaking Saying this is the deal we're going to Do and it's it's almost like you know We're the Oil Barons back in the the old Days right we we sign and we shake on a Deal and then eventually that gets Worked out but what's tough is the Calculated risk that the agent's taking Here is he saying I have a kid that's The top player quote unquote at that Quarterback position he's going to go to Florida I signed my letter of intent I Don't get the money that I wanted Whatever that money is and now I want to Go back on the open market the question Then becomes is is your open market Higher or lower now because you're Deemed to be whether it's true or not I'm not saying it's true or not I'm just Saying you're deemed to be maybe a Headache right doesn't mean you are a Headache I don't know anything about Jayen Rashad other than I've seen a lot Of film on him but I don't know you know Way more than I do so um I I'm just Saying as as purely from like a business

Standpoint does that Marketplace go high Higher or lower because of because of The word as now the agent's calculating That it's a higher marketplace right Otherwise he would say sign this deal um He's calculating it's gonna be a higher Marketplace for him if he gets out of The uh uh out of signing with with Florida I'm not so sure I'm curious what You think about this because I'm not so Sure because it's so Messy and Unintentionally could Mar Jaden rashada I'm not saying he's not get another Million dollars not saying that probably Will but he enters Marred yep right yeah and it hurts his NFL stock too because everybody pays Attention to what you do out of high School now again if he's a great Quarterback in college and he is um

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