How to Develop Freshman and JV Players #coachschuman #nucsports

How to Develop Freshman and JV Players Subscribe right away and get all the great updates #football #camps #recruiting #collegefootball #highschoolfootball are you looking to get recruited and need to accelerate your process then go here to see…

How to Develop Freshman and JV Players Subscribe right away and get all the great updates
#football #camps #recruiting #collegefootball #highschoolfootball
are you looking to get recruited and need to accelerate your process then go here to see the best athletes in the USA

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But I'm one of those guys that and a lot Of people may not agree as a I've been a Freshman head coach for year for a few Years too and it's one of those things Where I'd rather go six and four with my Freshman team and have kids developed And go nine and0 and I'm playing the Same 11 kids all the time because you Know you're going to need that extra 25 Kids to be on board for special teams You know you're going to need them as For depth in in the backup but that's The from The Freshman JV standpoint so You're developing these guys by the time They get the JB but um as far as Development goes in the varsity level I Mean you start basic you always come Back to the seven on sevens and you Build on the extra read you know the the Cross read of a of a of a number three Receiver if you're a backside safety Like you don't get to that stuff until You know middle of the summer it's a Slow Bild

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