How to Build a Strong Football Program: Recruiting and Community Building Strategies
Learn valuable insights on building a successful football program and fostering community involvement. Discover effective recruiting tactics and how to engage players and parents. By creating a consistent schedule, you can ensure commitment from both players and their families. #FootballProgram #RecruitingStrategies #CommunityInvolvement #BuildingACoachingTeam #PlayerEngagement #ParentEngagement #ConsistentSchedule #SuccessInFootball #YouthFootball #FootballCommunity
A lot of those kids are becoming Interested so that I think that's I mean That's why we do it right like you know The kids are getting involved that have Never played before just because of what You're preaching you know how that's Kind of one of the things too right like Coach like you know and that's kind of Like what you do like when you get into A building right it's one of the first Things is like hey let me recruit the Hallways right like there there's got to Be at least 10 dudes walking around this Place that for some way you know shape Or reason just haven't been involved With football itself and now you start To see you know those guys now start to See their friends you know promoting the Program and you know seeing the positive Things that are coming from playing Football and now they want to be a part Of it right so that's always a big piece Of the entire puzzle but that takes time To get going right you can't just like That doesn't happen year one where all Of a sudden you have you know 20 new Players out for a team it takes some Time where your own roster needs to get Comfortable with you playing and you Know that's that's I think part of a Huge part of when you take over a Program absolutely what um and as far as Like your s like so what does it look Like because that's probably a big thing
That has to change a lot right your Summer program CH what what you kind of Instituted um what does that look like Like what do you guys participate in the Summer how how often you bring those Guys in what what is kind of like your Su summer program look Like yeah so you know I think the Biggest thing that was you know for the For the kids around here was consistency Too right like you want to be you want To give them something that you know They can hang their hat on also for the Parents and the people in the community Too you know we we've always had the Same you know blackout weeks we've Always used the same time schedule you Know last three years you know you know Eight 8 to 10 Monday through Thursday is Football right and July you know and You're there right and if you got to set Your schedule up or your vacation time With the parents and all that stuff Suppor right family first um it kind of Gives them a schedule they can give to Their parents if you're if you're a Junior you can give it look at the Calendar and you can give it to Mom and Dad right now like you know exactly Where we'll be when we'll do it you know What you know what time and all that Stuff um for the next year and the Parents really bought into it as well so They don't have any problem with getting
The kids there either but you know Monday through Thursday you know we you Know we're lifting