How the D1 Social Media Promotion is impacting the younger athletes very positively

Analysis of their videos do you know We'll retweet you know summer workouts Anything they're doing that we feel is Pertinent will retweet and and keep them Out there uh we've had two guys Gavin Marshallak 2026 quarterback Has now…

Analysis of their videos do you know We'll retweet you know summer workouts Anything they're doing that we feel is Pertinent will retweet and and keep them Out there uh we've had two guys Gavin Marshallak 2026 quarterback Has now had articles written up uh by uh Syracuse website on I think it was 24 7n Rivals cash fare is the safety from Arkansas just had an article written up By Syracuse they were both up at the Syracuse camp this past weekend they Didn't get to connect which kind of Sucks because I I would have liked to See that they tried to the camp was so Big and there were so many kids but you Know those are camps they probably would Have never been invited to never been on The radar for Um you know and and now they're you know They've got their profiles on these Other websites and they've got articles Being written about them and that's just Part of it it's not part of what what we Try to do or promote but it's a it's a Side effect Um then there's the other ones I was Just dming with a kid he's got a group Of five offers he's got

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