How Important The State You are In Matters In Recruiting

42 min read
How Important The State You are In Matters In Recruiting Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go to to register Get…

How Important The State You are In Matters In Recruiting
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All right cool let me expand this here All right uh so today we want to talk About I and I think we've seen a few Videos in this from other people um and Talk About I get the echo again but not just Recruiting but specifically where you Are and the effect that that has on your Recruiting and I think that's a a big Deal uh a bigger deal than most people Imagine and uh we we saw a video on it Maybe we maybe I could try and pull it Up in a second um I can't remember you Know you know the guy but um but where Where where you're from weal we had a Big debate about it and we decided to Bring this on Here the state that you're from this is We're talking football here um but Probably every sport and some some Capacity depending on where you are I'm Sure if you're a hockey player uh being In the Northeast and or or the uh the Mid North like I guess uh Michigan And is an advantage but for football Specifically we saw a Video where uh guy talks about uh that Being from certain States if you're not from those States Your recruiting is a major uphill CL Climb and but he said a lot more bluntly Than that he basically said you're not Getting recruited division one meaning And not I'm not talking about group of

Five I'm talking power five conference Your it's G be very difficult to get Recruited if you are Not in certain States so let's first Talk about the States they're Obvious California Florida California yep you Got California right you got California And look he's talking about just so We're clear right we're not talking just Power five right we're talking we're not Talking just division one we're talking Like and the way he referenced this was Like the ones you see on TV the ones That are playing for national Championships the ones everybody really Like that's the school that's what we're Talking about and he referenced like Three main states four main states right We're talking F four right yeah so we're Talking Cal and this is in no particular Order you're talking California right California Texas Florida Georgia correct right those Four and most of the Recruiting just because of what Everything's is gone is really based in The Southeast Texas um California right right and then I guess like a fifth is probably I mean I I'm sure it's a distant fifth is Probably Ohio that's what I I would say That midw and not even so much like I

Don't I mean I guess you would consider That the Midwest the start of the Midwest right but like it's only really Ohio is what you're talking about and You're talking about those four or five Areas being the hot bed of if you're Looking for that Georgia the Alabama Right us C Texas if you're looking for Those offers you need to be in those States yeah and and that's a big big Deal uh and with respect to recruit now So then the question is what are the why Is that right so let's I think you are Getting an echo so I guess you might Have to all right go ahead so I'll go From yeah yeah yeah uh so why why is it Those States well first off obviously The size of those States they are the Biggest states other than Georgia those are the three biggest States in the United States I'm sure New York is the other one but New York is Basically New York City and then it's Very rural population wise for the most Part outside of the city which people Don't realize but um but the states that Those four states are the largest states And the and the second thing that Precipitates Ates it being a huge Advantage which many years ago that Wasn't the case but I think there's two Things number one uh the weather so Where football used to be a fall only Sport right and maybe a couple weeks of

Spring Football um it is now uh a uh could Possibly be a year round thing with Seven on seven with training with Development right so the ability to go Outdoors and not have to pay literally We talk about this all the time any Money to go and train or develop or even Practice like you there's so many parks You can go to in those States um gives You the ability to really develop Yourself year round within that sport Which was not a thing a huge thing 30 Years ago 25 years ago 30 years ago um And then this and then the second thing Uh with respect to those those states That make besides The weather um that have a huge huge Impact is the tradition of football in Those States and the migration of people From around the country specifically the North that are people are moving to Those states to get that kind of Competition right so you get people that Are migrating either they want better uh Life quote unquote for their family like Warmer weather or they've decided that Um from an athletic standpoint or they That they're going to go down there Because there's more programs as a whole Even though there's a lot of programs Now everywhere there's still probably Anytime you want any program you want is In in particularly in those States and

Then obviously throughout you know the Southeast the southeast Disproportionately and I'm looking to Pull up the numbers here but Disproportionately Um even in the smaller states have a Higher number amount of scholarships so Those are two main factors the third Factor and I don't know if this is a Factor or not as far as is there some Scientific part to it where the others Definitely have that um the third part Is the tradition of division one Programs littered throughout that Southeast sunbell part of the country That have BigTime Programs and and huge fan bases and with The era social media the ability to Promote all of that all the time because Of that to get more people that want to Be a part of those uh um of those Programs and therefore are training to Be a part of that as Well yeah um yeah I agree I mean like You said you're talking I mean look we Talked about you talked about three Factors right size obviously yes we California's big State Texas is big State Florida is a big state right but you're Also talking about like you know you're Talking uh sizewise population right Like so there's like you said there's a Lot of people that are there you know

Not just space itself there's a lot of People that are there um weather I think Is is Probably I think it's it deals with a Lot in terms of like you said now waren Weather right I can go year round I'm Not worried about having to pay to go Inside where am I really going to get The same work that I'm going to get Outside inside I don't think so right so Now you can kind of I mean look there's A reason that you know these some Certain these states have Spring Football where we don't up here in the Northeast you know so I just think the Evolution of it right has become It's a Combination of people wanting to they're They're seeing where certain players are Coming From I think it's I I don't I don't Think it's a very hard argument to say That the SEC is the best football Conference in the country so now we're Talking that's where guys want to go That's where people want to be um cost Of living in general right so maybe if They're you know they're trying to get Out of the Northeast right just because You know maybe it's hey we can go down Here and I can do this and and live this Certain way and if it doesn't work out It's only for four years while my son is Getting you know son or daughter is Getting that education to go to that you

Know go to that that next level or Getting those looks from those those Places and then I think you like you Said the the the culture itself where Those people down there live and breathe Football that's what it is right like That's all that matters is that football Program or that youth program that now Hey we're he's in this program to become To go to this high school so that he can Get a scholarship to this place I think It's more focused on that aspect where In different areas you don't have that So much or Now that it's kind of been set in stone That this is like hey these are the Three places you go to now it's just Like it just continues right so it would Be very difficult for another place to Kind of come out of nowhere and say hey Move to this place because now we're Producing or now we're putting guys to That next level I think the south is Really you know those States California Texas Florida Georgia you know and then A little bit of Ohio I think those are The top five that continuously produce Produce produce and if that's where you Want if you're looking for that division One BigTime scholarship I think you need To look at those places because that's Just where everything is right now That's not to say that is there an Outlier somewhere else I'm sure there is

But I guarantee you and we talked about It like you know the other day if you Ran the numbers I guarantee you you know If you want to look at you know where The top recruits are coming from I Guarantee you that majority of those Guys are coming from one of those four States so we'll pull it up right now This is really so this is a little heat Map okay shows Where uh the the geographical origins of Every division one player okay so I Mean um I mean Look fix anything special to be able to Look at this map and where where you're Looking for you Know right this is probably up Nords New Jersey probably goes that probably right There goes all the way from Massachusetts to Delaware Virginia well This is Massachusetts right and this is Down to Washington DC okay so this is Primarily from Philly to Washington DC area obviously The South I think if you had to throw You had if you had to throw a sixth or a Seventh area in there you're talking About the DC Maryland area right like That area itself produces a lot of Big Time Players good time guys right so I Think they're like the one the the the Next after those initial five right and I wish I could draw this because um Because you can't see my cursor but uh

The the big blot right here down in the Southeast that's the Atlanta area with That county Cobb County down obviously Florida is easy to see the Texas the two Big areas that you see are Dallas Fort Worth and Houston right those are the Two areas if you look at California you See obviously Los Angeles uh all the way Down to San Diego and then up north Towards that Oakland uh San Fran area Right um o over in the Northeast Washington DC Area South Jersey Philly meaning South Jersey like really towards Philly obviously the north the other dot It the other dot is the north Jersey Right so it's north Jersey South meaning Philly towards Atlantic City not where We are as much but like South towards pH L and then obviously you have the Washington DC is the third that Washington DC Beltway area and then obviously in The middle you got like uh the um the Ohio Region okay so you have all this Ohio Region um maybe like you know akine all The way down throughout there different Spots within Ohio right Cincinnati is Probably the lower one the higher the Middle one's Probably um what is it uh Cleveland uh Columbus and then up towards northwards

Maybe like akan type deal so that's Really interesting I I think and then And then honestly the rest of the area I'm Guessing this must be UT Colorado or Something or Utah maybe it's Utah I Don't know uh but it it is very Spar Sparse outside of those areas right I Mean so and then this is the next thing That's pretty interesting this is by This was I guess they did it I don't Know what Banner Society is but they Pulled it from the NCA okay Blue Chip Recruits these are this is not all the Scholarship guys because I know Texas Has like 400 or something this is the Blue chippers the top guys okay by State Which can you yeah you can see it right So you got California Texas Florida Georgia all with 40 plus they Represent 96 141 180 180 one of the Blue Chip Prospects and this really kind of goes To what this this guy was saying um the Rest of them I don't even have to look To know that the rest of them combined Probably don't even match get get SL They probably don't even get up to maybe A little bit over 100 so let's see 181 For the top four and then the rest of These by the way if you look this is the Southeast right so 31 46 60 73 85 96 105 113 121 129 it's not

Even you're talking the next you know Almost 10 states that don't even link up To those top one well this is what it is It's four states that represent 50% of All blue chip recruits four states and Then if you were to add in the South Just adding the South okay take Ohio out You're talking 80% of the scholarships From the South California Texas that's crazy right so there go the Proof is in the numbers itself right so Like if you're if you think you're a Blue chipper right then you think this Is where I need to go right Ohio the one Outlier slightly if one of if you're one Of these you know hey and look obviously Like you know you know in the world of Today where You know social media and you know Marketing and nil and all this stuff Where if you're trying to give your son Or daughter the best opportunity to play College football right then you need to Or play a high level now look this might Not be the same for other sports right We're talking specific football right Yeah so if you want to play SP that and You want to give the put your son you Put your son in the best position To get that Scholarship these states are where the Most good people are coming from so you

Tell me well and then let's do it by Population right so understand by Population so Georgia's population is 10.8 Million that Is New Jersey million listen New Jersey Is the most densely populated state in The entire country we have people living On top of people here you know what I Mean 9.26 million is New Jersey just Looked it up so million so Georgia is just mute yourself a little Bit because it's echoing Georgia which Is Georgia which is around the same one Million more than than New Jersey but Let's just say around the Same they Have oh my Goodness so they have five times the Number of Blue Chip recruits so you're If if you're in Georgia as a football Player that means that if you're a top Football Player either well it's one of two Things either they have 500% more better Football players or you have a 500% Better chance of being a division one Football player but either way it's Pretty wild right so then let's look at Like Louisiana which is at 15 right it's Only 7 more New Jersey well listen how about this like We have a firsthand we firsthand Experience with this entire situation

Right and we're talking about a a guy Who who is a well-renowned head coach in New Jersey right you know State title Winner as a head coach right Who literally did this right took his Son moved down to Georgia yeah right and Now I mean my man is is a top recruit For his class and we're talking legit Right and this was the move that that he Made firsthand right he he he he he he Pic he packed up he he left New Jersey He went down south and now his son's Playing at one of the prominent most Prominent programs in the in Georgia High school football and and he's got a Rides you know he's got offers and Scholarships and all this stuff and he's This stars and he's all that I mean so He literally took this model and ran With it and it's worked out for Him yeah it's very interesting and and Then you see like so like Louisiana Which is I call it little Texas right Four million people New Jersey has nine So let's say it's New Jersey's twice as Big but they but uh in top recruits Louisiana has double the number of of Recruits which means that you're four Times more likely to be able to go Division one from Louisiana Which it I've been there like outside of New Orleans and outside new orans it's It's you gotta drive a long way country Brother like it ain't like listen you

Got Drive f f so that means guys are Willing to drive all over the state you Know what I'm saying this this is Something that I've always said right Like and it's it's it's really hard for For for us here in the Northeast to kind Of understand this right because this is Where we we've grown up in the north East right where you can drive an hour And you can go to a bunch of different Places right the rest of the country you Drive an hour you might not be in the Next you know what I'm saying like you Could still be in the same County you know it's different here Where I think things are more spaced out At these places these other places and Being from the Northeast it's really Hard for us to understand like oh yeah You know like you know because we drive An hour we're almost through our entire State you know these other places people Are willing to see that see that go Other go to different schools different States and see where it is and now Ultimately you're talking less numbers It's more quality over quantity right Because now for every this many Prospects four of them or however many Are going division one this is what You're looking for so why wouldn't you And I get it if you can and you know how Many times we he I'll do anything for my Kid I'll do anything for that all right

Well are you really willing to do do to Do anything and get up and go and put Yourself in a position where now you're In one of these fire states that you Know you can get a better Look Well here here's it here's an even Crazier stat I just found so five star Okay five star Prospects all right five star prospects Florida was number this is as of this Was yeah obviously it changes slightly From year to year but uh 2021 Florida Had 59 this was 2021 class because they Don't always I mean I I had have to dig To to find to but it's it's going to be Somewhat near Florida 59 Texas 45 Georgia 39 and California 37 170 of the 3 31 and it's just what we said um Five-star designations over the last 10 Years so this is from 2011 to 2021 51% were produced from those four States from there only other states in Double Figures were Alabama as you would Expect Virginia and Louisiana all Southern states with 14 Each so so that means that you're Pro And here's a little here's a little this Is a great map now I I I gotta say this Jersey doesn't produce a ton of division One players but they do have a lot of High-end For and maybe it's because of the

Parochial Powers actually that that is The reason why that is listen let's call It out we because listen because we can Have this conversation too because you Can take it and break it down into Jersey and if we have you know if There's 5050 prospects right like we Were talking about if there's 50 Prospects that are going division one College football coming out of New Jersey 30 of them come from one of those Powerhouse prosp one of those Powerhouse Parochial okay with the rest of them Kind of scattered in and probably could Be at one of those right if they wanted To so the the the disparity of where Those guys are coming from is one thing Right but yeah New Jersey does produce Those guys but it's also where are those Guys going right because look you look At States like Florida right that have Five division one programs in the state Itself California how many division one Programs they there right Texas how many Division one programs are there now George is the only outlier in those top Four that we talked about that only that Has one I mean the number one school in The country right that doesn't have Those other you know division one Programs within its state borders Now that being said Georgia is the Number one team in the country New Jersey Ruckers sure as hell is it the

Number one team in the country right so If we're talking division one schools Within those States itself that's the Other part you also now have the option To go to a division one powerhouse Program that's in your state rather than New Jersey where you have one option to Go division one in this state and no Offense I don't know if it's an option a Lot of these guys really want to Entertain yeah well and uh and you need We'd have to do a history study to be Able to understand that because it just Really has to do with the history of Of Ruckers itself not necessarily A Coaching staff or anything um because Obviously everything shano's always done Is tried to bring it in higher level but That's where I think you can start to Get into too right and we talked about This What does your state allow its high School football players to Do season that can help them get a Scholarship right so let's let's and I Want to talk about that because this but I thought this so this is five star Recruits okay can you see it I don't Know if can you yeah you can see it Right yeah you can see I don't know I Wish it was bigger for some reason but It's not so it is what it is um um But let see how can I get this Bigger just trying to get bigger because

It's Just all right Um so that that gives you the fire so That that's numbering each state with How many fstar recruits have come from Each state yes that's correct so I I'll Read it to you just because it's going To be hard for you to see on there but Uh so so you see the numbers I I'll give You so Florida like I said 50 was 50 This for 2011 to 2021 Florida Texas Obviously California Georgia right uh Alabama which is next to Georgia Louisiana which is next to Texas right Mak sense Virginia is in like that what Like we say that pocket right because of The DC area now and you're going hang on So so California has what 37 37 what and then the next one so Number five is Bama you Said five is Bama what's that number at 17 so look at that's a 20 player drop Just from the fourth to Fifth right Like well what's interesting also is Alabama has to be a small state I mean I I don't know uh what's the population of Al five million okay so it's half the Size of Georgia so it does it produces Close to the same level of talent per Capita because I like to look at it per Capita you know what I mean because that Tells you a lot of how then then lisiana Obviously is great per capita 14 for

Only four million it's very similar to Alabama I don't I mean Mississippi has Nine right but what's Miss Mississippi Has a not a great educational system Which makes it harder for for now I Think that's where now this is something Right now this is a conversation of Different cultures different outlooks Different focuses on life right So the argument I guess right like if I'm putting myself in someone that that Would argue as to well I don't need to Go to one of those States okay well look Here's the deal right the argument is Going to be well the education systems Aren't the same in the northeast or or In you know in those States as it is Here in the Northeast okay but we are Talking specific scholarship for Football players right I'm not talking About education I'm not talking about a Job after the fact I'm not talking about A a a person who wants a division one Scholarship ultimately to play college Football at the highest of the high Levels this is where you're going okay I Don't care about you know education you Know per se I don't want I don't care About any of that other stuff other than The fact that I am going to put myself In the best spot with the best Opportunity to play college football at A true true division one Program yeah yeah I think it's really it

And what's interesting like Mississippi's only population is only 2.9 Million right so so they're pretty Much the same as Louisiana and Alabama For per capita right but then after that You get the other one that's decent Decent per capita is the I I'll call it The the Beltway Virginia Maryland DC Which even though they're States you know you're talking 27 27 Five stars came from Maryland what do they call they call What do they call the DM the DMV right Is it the DMV where it's Delaware Maryland Virginia that's a lot that's a Lot I me but you gotta think think about Some of those you know there's some blue Blood programs there right like I mean We're talking Gilman School we're Talking good Council we're talking Gonzaga we're talking you know where was POI at like you know I mean like those Guys that area itself has you know I Mean that's good football that's quality Football a lot of people go there to Recruit that area you know it's it's It's all comparable to where it is and That kind of stretches into your like You know now that's your Southern Ohio Type area where those guys you know what I mean it's all of that and then stretch Into that Northeast Corridor right that Area itself produces a lot of you know Guys and you know like you said when

We're talking about like and I think it Would be a great to like even study like You know the movement of the population Itself within the country right because You know you see like an onslaught of Movement from people moving from the Northeast to Florida or people you know The postco people have like upped and Gone and been to different areas and Done whatever I also think that this the Way you know schools and that type of Thing you know now more and more people Looking at you know like an IMG model or You know the reclassing stuff like the If each state depending on what each State allows for which is something that You know we've talked about in terms of Allowing High School football players to Do things outside of what their team Does or they do um in the school itself Is also a factor in where should I raise My kid right because we talk about all The time New Jersey has very loose rules I guess you want to say in terms of guys That want to go do seven on sevens guys That want to do clubs guys that want do Um you know go to showcases or combines Or visits or you know it's pretty much Like hey you go do what you do outside Of the season and then you know with a Couple stipulations here you know Firsthand experience from being in what You do for so long that certain States Aren't like

That yeah and I'd like to I wish I could Get data and I'd have to I don't know Where we could but I'd love to Know where um in 19 like 85 for Example obviously we know Texas California and and Florida still like Where did most of the well I would think Like you Know I would Midwest would have be big Time powerful back then right you're Talking about like you know what's that Your your Woody hazer like you know like The the Ohio States the midw you're Nebraska of the of the day right like I Mean just look back kind of Traditionally into some of those P your Oklahoma right like that were kind of Those powerhouses back in those days I Wonder if that would have created to see A little bit more of you know the Dynamics or where things have changed But I also think it would be excellent Or really interesting to get kind of Like you know a sheet of okay Alabama Okay you can do this you can't do this As a high school player all right Pennsylvania you can do this you can't Do this right like I also think that That's one of the sleeping thing like Pennsylvania people talk about Pennsylvania football being Penn like Pennsylvania Pennsylvania like okay But where are they in this grand scheme Of it right how many blue Trippers has

Nine middle of the road right but I mean I think only and we it all the time Right like oh Alabama you can't play in In any unsanctioned All-Star games or Pennsylvania like whatever States all Pennsylvania and Ohio are very Restrictive okay Ohio more restrictive Than Pennsylvania Ohio only had eight five Stars okay remember I told you the story About how they used to not even allow Combines right and so right um uh that Changed but which is interesting because You're talking Ohio a place with five Division one schools within its borders Right which makes them have to recruit Out of state instead of instate which Make makes it harder to win Champion I'm Not talking which is why Ohio state is Far above those other four right yeah So talking talking the bottom of the Mac yeah it's It's it's Surprising that that so that limitation Over to Long Haul has in the era of social media Marketing seeing Players literally seeing them a little Less probably translated into just a Little bit and like even yesterday when I was when we were at and talking about It right I said I said look like understand something if If if some if a if a state is now going

To make it difficult for me to come in There or visually see these guys or do Whatever well unless that guy is above And beyond all these others and I know It's a home run why am I going to waste My time I'll just go to another state That makes it easier I'll just go to Jersey it allows it easier I can go to This you know I can go to one Camp right That they're holding it with six 50 kids And I can go get you know whatever I Need to rather than waste my time or Spend my time trying to fight through And navigate paperwork and make sure Everything's online or the or make sure Everything is you know in line so that Nobody gets in trouble or this or that I'll just go to an easier state I'm not Gonna waste my time doing that which Ultimately now hurts the kids in those States in the long run it becomes a huge Deal and it and over time it becomes a Really big deal and until Loosen up some of those restrictions and You let the parents decide if they want To do it or not um then you and and you Know all this stuff plays into it where Can you build more uh training Facilities cheaper can you build it in The Northeast no you can build it space You can't even you can't even listen and This is the other you referenced it Earlier you can go down to Florida go to Any public park set up your hurdles or

Through grab a ball start chucking it Around throwing it and people will Actually probably come and be like yo Where's so and so from where's he going Right here in the Northeast the first Thing that happens is Hey where's your Permit how much you pay for this get off The field or you just can't even find Field space because somebody else is Using it using it right or it's Snowing like what are we you gotta go Indoors now I gotta go indoor and I'm Paying a b I'm paying astronomical fees Right I don't even have the right field Space or what I need to do to now like Or the right surface on the floor so now I'm I'm pushing something that maybe the Safety isn't so much there but like I Have to because I need to like now You're just juggling a lot of things That where now you're putting the Athlete ultimately like in a bad Situation you're putting yourself in a Bad situation like it's just not smart And ultimately that's why these guys Don't work out because like in order to Cover all of those costs and all that Stuff to help kids get better I'm Ultimately going minus just because I'm Trying to put a kid in the right Situation right so these places that are Now hey I can go to any local park and Then you know once some guys see me Throwing there's going to be five other

Kids that are going to wander over and Say let's start throwing because that's The culture right they understand that Okay here not so much it's a business It's about hey I gotta do the right Thing I got to make sure that this is Whatever and then you know it's what it Is well well the space is a huge deal The spa like and you're right uh you go Like you're cultured in the in the Northeast and I'm probably I'm sure the Mid Midwest less because it's not there There is more space but there are dense Cities there so probably in the cities It's probably a problem not in the rural Areas but in the Cities you are cultured like can I go on This field can I go work out on this Field like am I supposed to you don't Just go out there right like I don't Know I don't know I don't know right Listen I can even talk like you can even Talk like like look I get it yeah There's some parks that are better than Others or whatever but you go down to Florida and and you're starting to run Around on the grass down there the grass Is different than it is up here in the North you know what I'm saying like down There you're running around on putting Greens and stuff like dude like this is Real Deal grass up here I'm worried About like uh watch out for that divot Because I'll break my ankle over there

Or hey we're running on rocks today or By game three it's this like you know Like just in general like just the warm Weather just creates a different Biological type of freaking thing that The Northeast you know it doesn't you Know doesn't just correlate now you sold Me I'm Moving you sold me I'm Moving how many and look it's also Another thing too and look you can say What you want like but look we also know That you know we how many times have we Referenced what you know a high school Coach makes in Texas right they are coach only making a Lot more money than anybody for a Stiping position here right like you Don't coaches are are Coach the bigger schools are coach only You don't you also aren't dealing with a Head you know the high school football Coach here in Jersey who's also coaches You know girls basketball and then has To go coach track in the spring because You know that's what he needs to make Just because just to support a family Right down there you go and you're you Know you're the offensive coordinator For a for a Texas high school team and You're bringing home whatever you need And that's your only job right like you Don't even have to teach classes right It's just it's a different culture

Different Focus different mentality About it those guys are just viewed Different no will they respect it Differently um and that's why you see in In in the Northeast the Roo schools Completely dominate because they have They're not they're not under those same Limitations they can corre if the school Wants to do more they can um it it's It's really so I it's it's so so the Question is this is what I think you you Have to do and I I se some players start To do it it's very expensive everything In the Northeast to do things are Expensive so now what you have to do if You're a Northeast player is you have to Go to where the players are And we've seen firsthand reference right We've seen guys go from playing on a Local seven on seven team to going to a Seven on seven a bigger Club out of say A Miami Florida and now he gets and now Look we're talking a kid that on his way Anyway right but now because he's now Traveling going all over right now he's Getting that oh he's playing against This guy or oh he looked good here true Right you're right and now it's okay and I think I think the camps also even like In the summer camp stuff like all right I'm gonna go To um e even if it's a small like let's Say you're going to go to a small I'll Go to an East Carolina Camp you know

I'll go to a because you're between Those right because you know people are Gonna come from here people are gonna Come from here yep go compete against I Also think that's I think listen and I Think that's one of the other big things And the big issues with it is look if You want to be look and and everybody is So quick to oh this guy deserves a Scholarship this guy deserves a Scholarship this guy okay well you're Comparing that off what like you've s You sit here in your little whatever Bubble of New Jersey right or whatever Conference you're in and you think and This guy look he may be the best player But now we're talking a different we're Talking National right National not just This little protective bubble right go And see other players that are really That good and now are you willing to go Compete and if you do compete and and Where do you stack up against that That's where I think you got to go to The to the floridas of the world the Texases of the world the call right Because now just in general we talk About like look in New Jersey the Privates are so much far ahead okay Great but if you took any public school From New Jersey and played play against A a public school from Florida what are You going to get right that's where I Think you can really judge the level of

Talent in it in itself Right the average Joe team right the Average Joe team in New Jersey how do They stack up against an average Joe Team from California an average Joe team From Texas I hate to say it but those Other states where this is the culture This is the world this is all they're Concerned with year round I think you're Going to see the record lean in their Favor and fortunately or unfortunately That's why Jersey's gonna have to um Allow you're gonna have to allow and They do a good job of letting him do Like seven and seven or combines say but You're gonna have to allow them the Freedom to do whatever they want like You can't keep restricting coaches no Let's let's this is the 20 I'm going to Show you the 2022 100 meter Dash okay and and like in Texas okay Their 100 meter D this is last year uh The top times and and the one guy Actually is a football player I think Who had it but I'll show you this and Then we'll compare it to and then we'll Wrap it up but we'll compare it to uh New Jersey see if I can get this here Right Here Um there it is okay I didn't want to do My mathematical formulas for pull those Up nobody wants to see that okay um so

You could see this by the way you see The fastest time Matthew bowling which We all who we all know but um this is 2022 he ran 1022 was the Champion Ninth Place was 1077 to get in the top three you had to Run 1053 this is just 6A this is not Everything combined okay this is just 6A Because if I go to 5A it'll be something Similar right so this is not the meat of Champions this is the group Championship Just the big schools this is not the Whole entire State combined all right so But that's just the big school section If you were to compare just think like Yeah like these are like the biggest Schools so this is what you would Reference like this is the the fastest Time the biggest public schools in the State in incomparable okay good that's What it is and what the fastest time was What 102 1022 and 107 was last ninth all Right uh New Jersey Group which New Jersey by the way is a very good track State so okay better than most most States in I I think it's probably the Best Northeast track state would it be Now what about Countrywide would we be Top 10 top five we're probably we're Probably same is like like a nine an Eight nine seven 7even eight n somewhere Around there we're probably top 10 at Minimum because uh football we're

Probably like top 15 And yeah track I wouldn't put him in top 10 though football yeah maybe top 10 Right it's just that the drop off after The top five is B God that's the biggest Thing in Jersey now look would I take Any of those private public guys or Private guys at the top to play another School and dominate absolutely but it's Not about that right because that's like The own they're their own separate type Of entity in the fact that they play in Their own League they beat the hell out Of each other all season and then Ultimately they just have to go once They get to the playoffs they got to Beat each other again to get to the Finals right so I'm talking about your Average media you know like kind of Middle of the road team how do they Stack up with it so now we're going so We're talking the biggest schools 1022 and then Ninth Place was a 1077 so Now we're looking at where Texas now so Now I'm going to go pull up that was That was Texas group um uh so I'm going To pull up jersey group four Okay I'm not going to pull up the whole Me Champs I think yesterday but I I'll Pull up yeah they were yesterday my girl Took uh second in the 400 hurdles that's Fantastic wow as a as a junior it's Fantastic that's really good all right Group four at least the girls wi at my

School all right here's a group 400 Meters finals okay group four so this is Group four not everybody combined this Is big School New Jersey big school Compared to big School Texas okay this Is not you know I'm not talking about Outliers you know no this is group four New Jersey Race yes 100 meters so I'll share that We'll see it real Quick and then you'll See let's just make sure um and for Those of you that are are outside of Jersey the way it works in Jersey when We're talking about groups the bigger The number behind the group The larger This school so group one is Tiny group Two is above from that three four Football is the only one with five Groups just everybody so can you see the 100 meters here uh you can't really see The numbers let me see if I can blurry a Little blurry okay let me zoom in here Let me zoom zoom Zoom can you see it better now little Bit still blurry uh hi what is that 10 Is that 10 1096 Okay 1096 won the group four 100 meter Dash Championship group four 100 meter Dash Championship even though he did run 1077 in the preliminary but he ran 1096 In the final same

Kid it wasn't Needed so could have been so he wouldn't Have he would first of all he wouldn't Have made the finals in Texas in the big School just I'll mute you real quick so Just so I Don't okay yeah he wouldn't have made The finals in Texas in in their big School would not have made the finals Okay 1077 we said was last okay in Texas So he wouldn't have made the finals this Is the fast fastest guy in group four Now there may there may be other guys in Group like you know we know Kenan had That ran like 107 something right or 108 So there are guys in SW and and same Goes for Texas there might be guys that Ran faster 10 two that are in the small So I'm just comparing big School versus Big school it's mind-blowing the Difference now in all obviously these Are all truths it's warmer in Texas they Could train year round it's it's the Same thing for track as it is for Football right uh track guys they don't Come they're not coming Outdoors so April so how fast can they get develop Their speed right even though they do do Indoor track but it's still not the same As it's not the Same now also you're also talking about Like longterm development and this is my Biggest Point overall like they've been They've been training

This it's not just this isn't just like A hey you know like like these guys Can't like their parents probably ran Track in college or did something in Like this is the way they were brought Up and and and that that's how it just Continues right which is why like you Know you seeing it from this and listen Talk about it too like a time that wins In Jersey in the 100 meter doesn't even Come like you know what I'm saying it Doesn't even get into the finals in Florida or or Any way everybody knows Carl LS Everybody knows Dennis Mitchell Everybody know like now there's been out Like jabriel peppers could have placed Could have placed Florida right now also I'm also a big pretender this like if Those guys from Jersey train and had had the upbringing That these guys that are running you Know 10 tws I'm sure they could be right There too but that goes back to what We're talking about put your kid in the Best spot to get where they want to be It's got to be in one of these states Because now they're surrounded by it Dude right like the the the the neighbor Store walks out the door in a pair of Crocs and runs a 107 well that and this Is the other thing I think it's gotten Worse over time I posted something on my Facebook I don't if you saw it that I

Still hold the group D Bergen County saw It 1992 it's 31 years that's ridiculous 1992 that's ridiculous what does that Mean that means it's probably become Harder to train because everybody thinks Oh you know it's snow out I got to go to Indoor facility like I I'm not going to Lie my father used to train me out Outside when it was snowing put the Boots on running the snow bro and that Helped me we ran snow we cleared it off Wear listen I used to think like I used To be so neuronic about it and every Aspect of life was focused around how Could I get better for football it was Hey if I shovel these steps it's going To work on my strength because you know Like I now I got my core so I'm going to Shovel these steps when it snows you Just figured out some other type of way To train or to do to to get your what You wanted doing the things that you Were that you could do now is shoveling Snow the same as having a full-blown Practice down in in in February in Texas Because I can not even close which is Why this is what we're talking gotta get Out and run in order like that like I Just think like I mean I was good but I Was I someone should have broken that Record by now that's all I'm saying Like I I mean I was very good it's it's It's right but like records are meant to Be broken right like that's kind of just

Like how it works especially with the Way guys are stronger bigger faster Stronger now more access to like just Other stuff that they can do but Obviously not so much when it comes to Here so you know the last guy who was Close Okay the last guy who was close Was now Anthony Pomo ran faster than me Pomo he he has a School record he went 1339 but in this meet the the last Person that was close was Anthony P he Ran he didn't he should have broke it he Didn't run well that day he ran like 147 Or something but um and then right after I graduated the kid who I beat in that Race two years later he would actually Run a little bit faster than I did but In that race he didn't he didn't run uh There there's there's outside Liars that That go is that nobody since then has Even been close right which tells you It's tougher or is it one of those Things like now look like look tracks Are better TR are better you have to Understand we [ __ ] listen Derek Technology dude has changed I ran that In Flats yeah I mean but look like that's The stuff that listen also here's the Other part right so you're in one of These states Right it's not just like coaches that Understand these are the football States You know what I'm saying like it's not

It has nothing to do you're talking About now every media Market is going to Be in one of these states when it comes To that type of thing right all of you Know if I have if you're launching some Type of football something I'm going to These three states to try it out or test It out or I want I want these guys to be Involved right like less taxes less tax Taxes there's no like look LeBron went To Miami for a reason dude it wasn't Just because dwade and d and Bosch were There right like you also saw like hey I'm leaving Ohio I can make a little bit Of money right so yeah now that stuff's Also like you know like it's just like Like people want to go to these Places it it it is it is pretty amazing So I I mean I it was a great great thing To talk about uh now now I we just uh Created a migration I guess um so listen There's a Reas but listen and it is you could say What you look at those States all three of those the three top Ones California Texas Florida all have Multiple division one programs within Their borders I think that matters it Really does whe whether it's look that Does matter you're right yeah or you Know do you Has multiple ones there have San Diego State yeah do you have Florida International yeah do you have I don't

Know Baylor right like but it's still a Division one program bro right so it's Still an opportunity to get that full Scholarship at that high level without Even having to leave your state border Now look are those States spread out yet Is Miami different than Florida State Absolutely is there a little bit of a Difference yeah but it's better than Having ruter Where else what else do you have you Don't I mean [ __ ] some states don't even Have a freaking division one Program that's true but if you think About it though like you New Jersey Would New Hampshire Vermont Vermont Doesn't have anything well yeah and Those states don't have but I'm saying Those are like like that's not even so If you're in one of those States damn Right now look okay play The Well Division 3 yes is division 3 football in New Jersey pretty damn good because of The schools that you have our quality Programs yeah but we're not talking Scholarship here we're not talking fivar We're not talking big wig stuff like Division 3 football totally separate Entity totally different podcast Different division two same thing if You're looking for your Blue Bloods California Texas Florida Georgia top Four look maybe you could sneak in an Ohio if you want a

Louisiana yeah JY support another Division one team Meaning here's what I mean look Utah you Literally have Utah Utah State BYU That's just division one they have three The state is nowhere near as big as New Jersey and doesn't have sizewise like Sizewise yeah Population hell no why is not even close They have like 10 to 15 division one Kids a year right like look at Oregon so right so Washington right Oregon Oregon State you Know Washington Washington state right Like Washington has some players and Look and there that when you showed the Map that one red dot was up near there Yeah even though it's a it's a it's a Strange state but it's like even like Nevada right like Nevada UNLV Nevada right Arizona Arizona State Arizona not not to mention all these School places have FCS plac schools too So correct Um I Think in the short Run if New Jersey had another division One program in the short run it would be A problem they would probably stink okay In the long run benefit wouldn't those Two schools start competing with each Other for players absolutely and then You knock each other off and you raise The

Bar more scholarships available more Players playing your sport dude I think It would be tremendous and that's kind Of I I I assume now look you look at M Look at Basketball basket we have a ton of Division one programs in New Jersey and Basketball people don't even know about Him fdu St Peters C Hall Ruckers rers Mammoth Mammoth division one Ryder Ryder Six I mean that's six so now I wonder he Here now I wonder if that now like okay So you're talking top States football Right I wonder if we did top states Basketball is New Jersey in that top Five my guess at basketball it goes by Population and we have the most People New York has the most people New York City basketball's great always There's also history and it's also the Cold basketball you go inside so is zero Factor listen what was the other thing We were talking about right lacrosse I Haven't heard about a lot of lacrosse Players coming out of Texas no that's an interesting Florida That's History this that's more history Right I W years from now when we're if You wanted to be one of those Cutting Edge dudes you take lacrosse bring it Down to the athletes in Florida now you're good there you go now It's oh boy right like now it's money in It right now there's no money in it so

That's problem and there's no like I Said there's no Pro like there's nothing To get like I'm striving oh I'm a pro Lacrosse player okay is that the same as Playing saying I'm I'm a pro football Player basketball and football are are Good to compare because they both you Have money in this yes there's money Makers right they're money makers There's like an incentive plan lacrosse Correct you you you if you you could be Division one player but you're doing it Purely to leverage your Education right and here's the other Thing I to think too like right like Florida right you're talking about a Certain demographic that they've seen People make it and make Money right living a life as a Professional athlete right for the most Part if you're coming from New Jersey You haven't seen that you've seen a Person go to school maybe on a Scholarship to get a degree to now earn And work for that money right like it's Hard that you haven't seen that Firsthand so when you don't see Something firsthand are you really going To go after it like the same way as if Hey The Neighbor Next Door made it to The league and he's making whatever Right now so that's I think something Else to think about too right like oh Hey if I just you know if I get a

Division one scholarship to this place That's where I need to be right in Jersey it's oh wow I've never seen that Before or like it's just it's hard for Them to see it because they haven't seen It when if you're in Florida California Texas it's like oh yeah the guy before Got a full ride to USC right the guy Before me got a ride to Florida State This is what I'm supposed to be doing Not oh you're one of you know you're an Outlier like that's the the norm you're Creating that where everybody is focused On getting that division one big time Offer where in North Jersey or Jersey in General I just I don't know if that's The same thing they all say they want it But is it there right like or are they Just saying no I'm just going to get my You know I I'll use it to get my Education and go right like it's a me It's not a means like the Beall end all For some of these guys or most of these Guys from these big time States is NFL Or bust like I need that to get me to Where I want to go whereas some of these Guys in the Northeast like yeah it's Great if I get that but if not I'll just Go do This absolutely well on that note and That was amaz I thought that was great I I got a boogie this was great stuff all Right man I I will talk to you well I Talk all day

So all I just make sure you're not Booking your plane ticket to one of These States what do you mean because I don't Want you move into one of these states Already because I mean Now's the Time Right before Troy hits that you know Next level stuff like I don't know buddy I can't win that battle no listen and That's one that's one I am totally going To say Support all right man I'll talk to you All right all right

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