How Guardian Caps Revolutionized Youth Football Safety

Join Al Natoli as he revamps a youth football program, introducing Guardian Caps for enhanced head safety. Discover the impact these innovative caps have had on reducing injuries, making the game safer and more enjoyable for young athletes. A game-changer…

Join Al Natoli as he revamps a youth football program, introducing Guardian Caps for enhanced head safety. Discover the impact these innovative caps have had on reducing injuries, making the game safer and more enjoyable for young athletes. A game-changer in youth sports! #YouthFootball #GuardianCaps #PlayerSafety #InjuryPrevention #FootballTraining #SportsInnovation #YouthPrograms #SafeSports #ConcussionAwareness #CoachingExcellence

I'm taking over this youth football Program that had 60 70 kids in it and I Was like we really have to rebuild this Thing and restore um some confidence From the parents so we were the first Youth program to be in Guardian caps in The state of New Jersey so my son who's Now 17 years old 18 years old he's been In Guardian cap since he's eight years Old and when I tell you you know from a Coaching perspective and a parent Perspective we all focus on head safety And we'll get into that but Guardian Caps in general during the course of Practice you know how it goes a hard Helmet to an 8-year-old's Shin elbow Body whatever those are tough blows to Take at that age when your body is not Fully just like ramped up to do it and Sometimes it makes the game not so fun So the initial thing that I saw was yeah We have head safety but the the sound of The game and the safety of the game just Went up tremendous because the body Blows and just the little things you Would think of as far as the Head-to-head contact and all that sort Of stuff it was amazing what we saw in Our program we went from having five to Seven concussions a year in practice to Literally zero and we we changed the way We practiced a lot too

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