How Fast Does a Kid Need to Run to be an Elite Track and Football Athlete?
Discover the mph threshold that determines a kid’s potential as an elite track and football athlete. Learn why the current recruiting process needs improvement and how miles per hour could revolutionize it. #EliteAthlete #TrackandField #FootballRecruiting #MilesPerHour #RecruitingProcess #YouthSports #AthleticPotential #TrackandFootball #SportsPerformance #NextGenerationAthletes
So like what would Be and you know this uh what would be Like an mph fast number miles per hour That a kid is running from an Acceleration standpoint that you would Say okay this is a kid that's going to Run Elite Track times which also means Probably elite elite football athlete And if we had better ways of doing it it Would really be fantastic the NFL Combine does it in a terrible way but It's kind of like terribly consistent The so so what you would do if you Really wanted to create is to get Everybody together on the same surface On the same day and and I believe that Miles per hour would be would be really Uh uh important uh to the recruiting Process you know like like if I had uh Uh Tyreek running uh 24.9 and and then you watch the uh the Skinny wide receiver for a high school Team run a 21.9 you'd say these two guys Don't compare these guys are not in the Same league I have a freshman that is is Going to be a great football player and Going to be a great track athlete