Hiring A Performers with No Organizational Interest vs B Performers with Great Potential

This week, David Schuman discusses Hiring the best with no upside vs B level players with potential Topics discussed: 1. The importance of self interest and organizational growth 2. The importance of potential vs polished 3. Understanding what mix is…

This week, David Schuman discusses Hiring the best with no upside vs B level players with potential

Topics discussed:

1. The importance of self interest and organizational growth

2. The importance of potential vs polished

3. Understanding what mix is right for your organization

Links mentioned in this episode:

• davidschuman.com

• nucsports.com

contact me at dschuman36@gmail.com for business programs that will help you succeed.

This podcast is powered by ZenCast.fm (https://zencast.fm)

Welcome to coach David schuman's success For Life podcast where coach Schuman Tackles the important topics and Interviews the very best in business Sports and Leadership to help you Maximize your success if you're looking To get the most out of everything you do Then listen now to the success for Life Podcast so let's debunk the myth that Hiring an a performer is going to change The culture of your company or change The business that you run one of the Biggest lies that I believe is told in Business and that I found is probably The biggest detriment is the emphasis on Hiring an a player or topnotch player as A savior for your company and trying to Litter your company with a players Here's the truth the truth of the matter Is you must evaluate a players for very Important things number one you must Evaluate their loyalty to the mission a Players in the vacuum are negative Players a players in the right direction Are 10x players if you have guys that or Girls that are working for you uh that Are topnotch performers but have no Interest in the the culture or in being Successful within what you're doing as a Part of your culture then you do not Need them within your company or Organization it's a short-term fix by Bringing an a player that doesn't fit The key in your organization is to bring

In the highest level player that you can Get that forms and fits to what your Organizational needs are are every human Being is Self-interested and is concerned with Their own Success having said that the ones who Are the most successful are Self-interested but have the interest in Making the organization Successful if you hire someone that is An a performer that has no interest in Anyone other than themselves within the Organization and has no interest in Learning or developing from anyone other Than themselves within the Organization they are going to be a Long-term detriment to your Success you may even get a spike in Sales or initial boost in Revenue Growth or other positive aspects that May come in by initially having An a player that is not interested in The organization but over the long run You will have water cooler Strife Employee Dissidence and lack and lack of Cohesion of your overall Organization the a minus Performer or B+ Performer with an interest in the Long-term development of your

Organization his or her own Success And the ability to Relate and grow within the Organization will ultimately become an A+ Performer that when they become an A+ Performer or as they're on their rise You have to figure out ways to continue To develop them and continue to service Them as so they may continue to Contribute to the Organization but it's important to find The people that fit within your culture That could succeed within your culture That could provide tremendous financial Success and Ultimately will create a positive Environment that will attract others to Your organiz Organization I have experienced this Myself as a football Coach I have hired a Performers that did not fit within the Organization or the long-term goals and In the short run meaning the first few Weeks of a season maybe even for one Season they can be successful and the Long run they create Animosity they create strife And they create a breaking up of the Organization and its values because the Only values that they're interested are Their

Values I have several Instances of where that has been Unsuccessful my favorite Instances are Where a b Performer has been developed into an a Performer That want our B+ performer that's Willing to be trained that's willing to Listen that's willing to develop in my Company on its meteoric rise to an Inc 5,000 fastest growing company we didn't Have the financial wethal to hire a Performers that were ready to go what we Had to take is B and B minus performers And help train them into different Capacities through trial by Fire and through on the job Learning that helped them the key was That those people were willing to Develop now what very interesting and What I thought was really interesting Within the organization this is with my Company Nu Sports we developed those Performers and when they started to Become a-level Performers they then began to disrupt The organiz ation for an important Reason as a small business that you have To understand and when you hire people You have to understand the Level of interpersonal relationships They have and their ability to develop Others so once they became a performers

The ones that were interested in Developing others around them had great Success the ones that were not Interested in that became bored when There was no higher level for that the Climb and then began to create issues Within the Organization Ultimately leading to their firing so it Brings me to another important point Which is you also have to understand a Timetable for the performers that you Have within your company if you have an Understanding of where you may need that Person for a certain time period or the Long term and have a timetable of where Their growth can be and they have a Timetable for themselves and then you Also begin to develop based off of their Performance a timetable you can see if There's long-term or short-term success With that individual and how far you can Try and take that individual that's very Important within the Organization I'm a huge believer in two Very important things number one you Must create success for the individual And number two that individual who You're creating success for must be Interested in the organization Succeeding as a whole and that could go For a football team that I coach that Could go for my business that I run and That could go for any sort of

Relationship that's within an Organization if you do not help the Individual Develop eventually they Grow a lack of fondness for the Organization if you do not develop the Understanding that the organization is Important and your success in the Organization and what's going on in the Organization is important then once they Reach their individual success they lose Interest in the organization you must Have both in order to be able to Succeed now within the the development Of finding an a performer versus a b Performer obviously optimally an a Performer that has an interest in Developing the Organization that is an interest in Themselves and it has an interest in Continued learning is your ultimate Person to be able to get within your Organization so you must understand that They are the hardest to find and the Highest Paid if you come across those Individuals and can afford to pay for Them within your company grab them Because they are going to give you Exactly what you're looking For this coach human signing off I Wanted to give you more about a Performers versus B performers in your Organization and the lies that people

Are telling you about a performers Versus hiring someone who's a be and Developing them if you have any Questions you could always reach out to Me On this blog or at Twitter at nuuc footb Look forward to next time talking with You this coach him sign off

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