Having Patience and Empathy with People and Your Athlete’s Surroundings

Having Patience and Empathy with People and Your Athlete’s Surroundings Coach Schuman addresses an ever increasing issue in athletics that when there are errors with coaches or things don’t go the parents or athletes way, the parents influence negatively on…

Having Patience and Empathy with People and Your Athlete’s Surroundings
Coach Schuman addresses an ever increasing issue in athletics that when there are errors with coaches or things don’t go the parents or athletes way, the parents influence negatively on the athlete and thereby affect there long term experience. This can be helped by having patience, understanding and empathy. Everyone makes mistake and figuring out how to fix and address them are the key.

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Please watch: “(287) Legends Live! Is there enough parity in college football? ”

It'd take a couple seconds talk about Lack of patience in understanding and How it is a permeating issue among Athletes and parents and something that Needs for especially for athletes Parents to figure out a way to handle That been running events now for over 15 Years And during this course of time I've Worked with so many great parents and Athletes and people who have really Really focused on the process and what They can do and I always say Occasionally things happen you know we Screw up sometimes we do our best to Resolve the issue and everybody does at Some point but how you handle that and As a person your own empathy and your Own ability to rebound and try to Refocus and focus on the things that are Most important instead of focusing on The things that are always negative I Think that's a big issue that I see Among parents and then impressed upon Their own son or daughter That's an athlete that then reflects Their own experience because as a young Person they're going to be heavily Influenced by their parents and a lot of Times parents with their own Insecurities or something that they're Frustrated with and sometimes Understandably so frustrated with Permeates down to their their son or

Daughter or athlete and that person then Begins to get a negative framework and When that happens over time over and Over again you start to lose the luster And love for something that you enjoy Doing because you become frustrated and I think it's important as parents to Really focus on what you can do to Continue to overcome and achieve how you Have empathy towards things that happen And how you bounce back and handle Things being mad and angry All the time is definitely not a Solution for success and I think of this More as like kind of a public Announcement cuz I deal with so many Times and probably over the course of 15 Years we've probably dealt with Somewhere around 250,000 families which Is quite a bit the population is almost Quarter million families over 15 years And I've seen the same recurring theme Get much worse over time And I think this can be nipped in the Bud by simply realizing that you've got Develop empathy you have to develop the Ability to understand you guys develop Patience for the process that goes Through you know along with how your own Development is what programs you go to And will continue ways you continue to Improve and and how you can focus your Own abilities inwardly in a positive Manner

Kochu and signing off we'll talk to you Real soon

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