Harvard: The Appeal and Power of an Ivy League Education

Discover the allure of Harvard, a university that stands apart in the Ivy League. Learn why its brand name holds global recognition, making it a prestigious destination for ambitious students. Join us as we explore the unique appeal of Harvard…

Discover the allure of Harvard, a university that stands apart in the Ivy League. Learn why its brand name holds global recognition, making it a prestigious destination for ambitious students. Join us as we explore the unique appeal of Harvard and its impact on the academic world. #HarvardAppeal #IvyLeagueEducation #GlobalRecognition #PrestigiousUniversity #AcademicExcellence #HarvardExperience #HigherEducation #HarvardBrand #StudentAmbitions #AcademicImpact

So I think it's really cool how uh the IES and in particularly obviously you Know Harvard is one of them that really Are able to do some amazing things from That standpoint um talk about the appeal I mean I I don't know if I have to even I I know I'm asking maybe a loaded Question because obviously there's an Appeal at Harvard right but talk about The appeal of coming to Harvard and and And some of the things that you you know In your process you really just said This is the place I got to be yeah I Mean uh having you know recruited Against Harvard for a number of years When I was at when I was at Princeton Like there's a a Certain uh way people look at Harvard That's just a little bit different than Anybody else in the ivy league uh the Brand name that it has you know when I When I talk to recruits it's like you Realize anywhere you go any in the Anywhere in the world you're on a street Corner and somebody asks you where you Went to college and you tell them you Went to Harvard they're goingon to know Exactly what you're talking about um 100% you know you know power one most Powerful names in all education in the World um so the ability to be able To get in and with any recruit that has The academics that you're looking for um Because you're they're going to

Immediately consider you um

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