Guiness Book of World Records: Eric Booker AKA Badlands Chugs, Nathan’s Chugging World Champ

30 min read
Guiness Book of World Records: Eric Booker AKA Badlands Chugs, Nathan’s Chugging World Champ with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale @badlandschugs @coachschuman All right today we got a very very Special podcast on we're gonna be we're Gonna be talking…

Guiness Book of World Records: Eric Booker AKA Badlands Chugs, Nathan’s Chugging World Champ with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale @badlandschugs @coachschuman

All right today we got a very very Special podcast on we're gonna be we're Gonna be talking to the legend world Champion world record holder Guinness Book of World Record holder um his name Is Eric Booker but we all know him Online as bad land chugs he has gone Through I mean the accomplishments he Has we we we can't even like read it all So amazing I mean but most legendary and I'm gonna read some of it but most Legendary known as uh the uh for Nathan Hot dogs he is the three-time I believe Um lemonade drinking Champion but he a Chug Champion he he's he's taken down 49 Glazed donuts in 8 minutes he's taken Down 16 and a half canoli six minutes Two pound of chocolate candy bars in six Minutes 15 burrito Ville burritos in Eight minutes among many um he's also a Rapper as well uh has a I guess that's Like you know that the man can only do So many things he juggles so many things It's unbelievable but I most came to to See him uh following the chugging on Tik Tok as Badland chugs and really watching Over and over again the different drinks That's how I find out about some of These interesting drinks that are out There uh from him so without further Ado Let's bring on Eric Booker bat known as Bad land chugs what's going on hey What's going on Coach how's everybody Doing hey there is there's the champ

Yeah's what's up everybody oh man thanks For having me on appreciate you taking The time man we're so excited to talk to You um it's unbelievable like and like I Said I came to to come came cross you on Social media like many many people have I actually watched watched you because You're so so uh such a powerful presence On social media such a huge following Nathan's has to have your lemonade Chugging contest on so I got to see that As well you know what used to be what Used to be the number two thing on their On their radar has really become I would Say it's side by side now with with the Um uh W with the hot dog contest which Is unbelievable the number of of Guinness B World Records you have talk a Little bit about like how you came into All this and and how you kind of got Into this role and uh uh and started Doing all these eating contests how you Got from where you were at one point all The way to here well basically the whole Thing started in way back in 1997 you Know June 2st okay I mean back then I Used to have a local Nathan in my town I Live in Long Island at the time I was Living in Long Beach New York and they Had they had like Nathan like you know All over like New York you know I'm Saying like big ones like the one like Like at Surf and Stillwell right so our Local one was in Oceanside you know it

Was kind of like like a Chuck-E-Cheese Dave and Busters type of thing where Where they would have the restaurant in Front and like a game room in the back And yeah so I knew the manager there Right and because I always used to come There with my kids play a few games and Stuff like that get a couple of hot dogs And then I just saw a poster in the Window it was uh Uncle Sam with a Frank In his hands with in the I want you pose Right saying I want you to enter the Nathan's Hot Dog qu contest will to Qualify for it and back then it wasn't As big as it is now so I asked the Manager I was like hey how can I get Into this and he said well just show up Saturday June 21st 12: noon talk to a Man named George Shay so I did that and You know Mr Shay was like oh my God we Got to get you in so so you know you Know he got me at the table right and Like my very first contest there was This one guy you know guy similar size As mine he was just like oh you know a 30 Whoppers so you might as well just You know just just don't just watch okay Watch me do my thing and I'm like well I Don't scare too easy so you Know and and then I peep dude was online Before the contest ordering like you Know a big Sprite you know like like a Pregame meal I'm like who does that in The Eating Contest you know so he he

Must have like the capacity of a woolly MTH or he's just not too bright so I'm Like okay we'll see we'll see what Happens so when the smoke cleared um I Won the contest I it's uh 17 hot dogs And buns in 12 minutes it was 12 minutes Back then Right and um for that I got you know There was no money back then with with With Nathan's back then you got like a Trophy your name in the paper and a seat At the finals in Coney Island and you Got a year supply of Nathan dogs right And I thought a year Supply was okay They give you a card you come in yeah Yeah yeah like or something like that For the whole year they gave me two big Boxes 48 Links of Nathan's Hot Dogs here cook them yourself bro like Here cook yourself well you know I mean I kept half I gave half to family you Know you know family that that that I Don't hear from all year until around This time it's like yo the barbecue is Here what's up with the hot dogs hot Dogs I'll bring the hot dogs exactly so I did it for the hot dogs initially That's hilarious that's Crazy and then you start then you start So how did the chugging thing become Such a big thing like so because I Didn't know that until you I didn't Really realize that like the lemon the The lemonade contest was a was a huge

Part part of Nathan's and um and Obviously because of your social media Presence that you know that highlighted It so much um but but talk about like How how did you get into the chugging Thing like how was that something that Became a thing for you well um in in 2012 right I wanted to start a YouTube Channel because I saw like um you know Other competitive eaters like like Matt Stony and Patrick deep dis beretti you Know the current Nathan champ and a few Others were starting their channels they Were getting little steam little Momentum so I said I wanted to try Something but I didn't want to just have Like a mukbang channel you know yeah do Something a little bit different right And you know I you know I I noticed that I could you you know drink you know Things fast right and and you know I Mean I mean chugging is pretty big so I Said let me just start bad lash chugs Let's see what it's all about you know And it's like you know that the channel Started slow as all YouTube channels do You know what I'm saying you it you know The hardest thing for a YouTuber to do Is get your first 10,000 subscribers Right y right and then and then you know I mean I would just do it I wasn't Consistent you know what I'm saying and But um but it but it took one eater Right Carmen Scotti he's like he's like

A very really he's an awesome eater Right he had to like just like light a Fire in my behind he was just telling me You know this is the PG version yo BS if I was you I will start posting like Crazy he didn't say Crazy you're good listen you're good I I Don't want Said we gota keep it PG Right so he he was like I was like you Really think people will watch me you Know chug stuff oh man he's like about Five5 and he was he was like really Getting ready to just beat me up and Just be like you know come on what you Doing you gotta do this you gotta start Chugging you got to do this you know so So you know I I started posting more Consistently asking the community what They wanted to see and and and you know It's just the numbers just kept going up And up and then you know it it went all The way to like you know the silver Plaque which is 100,000 subs and then Then a million I got a million in about Maybe like a year you know they got the Gold plaque and right now where we sit You know three and a half million Subs You know it's just that's incredible Yeah it's just incredible it's just God's favor you Know I'm just a Subway conductor from New York you know what I'm saying that Each H dogs in my SP so that so that was

Your so originally obviously like you Know you looked at this and you were Just like all right you know this is Something you know cool let's see where I can run with it right because Obviously like look you mentioned you Had a family right you got kids and you Obviously had you know a full-time job At that moment which is you know like All of us right like yeah consistency With our YouTube channels and stuff like That like you got to you got to dedicate Time but at the same time here you are Raising a family working doing all this Stuff but now you get to that certain Number of subscriber subscribers now you Can kind of start to Branch out and do Some things in terms of that um that's Just incredible I think it's an Incredible story about how all of a Sudden like like here you are like you Just win a contest and then before you Know it now like you have all these People viewing you doing when something That you thought was like Hey this could Be a hob like this is a hobby yeah yeah You know it it was it was you know Basically that you know but um you know You know a lot of people tell me that You know you got to make time for your Dream all right you know what I'm saying You just make time for what you want to Do right you know like you know besides Like you know taking care of your family

Going to work and stuff like that you Know you got to sell a little little Time for you you know fun stuff you know Saying saying family and stuff and it's Not fun cuz I loved what I do I was a Track worker and worked on in a Conductor on a seven train so that was Fun Oh that's to me look like I'm old school I'm a history guy so like people start Talking trains I get all jazzed up and Excited like people don't understand and Then like obviously us being from Jersey Seeing that you're from Queens from Yours from New York like that just gives Me a different sense of that how long Before people started to like see you in The street and be like whoa this is I Know this guy right was that something That was that came about as the Subscribers went up and through the wall Oh yeah yeah I mean I I mean every now And then from being on Nathan's because I've been doing Nathan's for the past Like over 25 years you know around Nathan's time they'll you're the OG now You're the OG yeah yeah triple OG and so so so I would get that around You know four four Li but now since my YouTube has been blowing up it's just Like you know I mean I mean people like Yo it's bad lands and then you you know It's like it's like I you know I I I I Pass you know a group of young folks and

They be like that's him who is that yo Yo yo Yo fun that's gotta be awesome that's Great like is this you you're like yep Same guy Like the only part I can see right is Somebody being like you know hey can you Chug this quick it's like hey come on Guys you know like people have people Have bring BR me drinks right hey I was Just in London like like two days ago Right and you you know I'm I'm like Looking at Big Ben you know and I'm just You know you know just chilling out you Know sitting on this big there there's Like a big mushroom in in front of the Hotel I was at right and there was this Guy he was jogging right looking like You you saying boat just jogging he just Looks at me and he's like he's like hey Badlands I'm like oh what's going on Right then they're like one minute later He comes back hey un I gotta get a Picture with you you know come on let's Let's do this fam let's get this picture I'm like you know how crazy is that you Know what I'm saying I mean that I think That's the ma the like there's all the Things around social media I think one Of the beauties of it is that um someone Who Maybe wasn't ever expecting that to Be able to to make something like that Media they a part of their business Becomes business and like um me and

Derek talk about this all the time Because we interview like a lot of Football coaches and and a lot of uh you Know athletes and those kind of things And and um uh like a year ago or less Than a year ago we were at like uh I say Eight months ago we had like 50,000 Subscribers and now we're at like 830,000 right and up yeah it's Unbelievable so we're excited because You know we we you know talking to guys Like you and and then doing a lot of Shorts and we and and and we figure Figured out like how to really kind of Grow the channel and and um uh but it's It's one of those things where it's like You see it starting to take off and you Get excited by it because you're like Okay maybe I'm doing something right Here and this is this is growing it and And um uh it really started with us with Shorts and then then obviously me and Derek doing the podcast really started To like one one hand started to help the Other type of thing you know and um uh Re really grow it and it's really Interesting because we get to talk to Great people like yourself um but it's It's it's really really exciting what What is like um so when you kind of this Is my favorite part about what you do Where do you get do they send these to You the different drinks that you come Up with and how do you how do you do you

Like ask your audience because I think That's it looks like you're doing Because I always I always see it Probably after you asked your audience And then you already decided right but Is H how does that how have you done That well basically I um I just you know Go to my local 7-Eleven and see what's There then I go to my local Walmart and Once I exhausted all that you know I Just you gotta just ask the people what Do they want you know you gotta give What they want and so I'm like you you Know I'm I'm like that what was the Movie where the guy said um it was do Hard he was like I'm that King who wept Silently because he ran out of countries To conquer like I ran out of drinks to Drinks to chug right right right right So I'm asking my audience this it's a Global audience what do you want to see Me do and then I Stu I'm like why don't You drink lucazade from the UK why don't You drink um you know like because I Living Queens yes yes why why don't you Drink like um you know like like Pepsi Cream soda from Japan why don't you Drink like you know um thumbs up from India you know so it's like I had to Like make friends with a lot of like you Know call soda plugs from all the world Not Yeah yeah just just people who just like You know have soda shops and sell sodas

And you know you know people on eBay you Know that they have their stores on eBay And stuff like that And then you know I will buy something That I'll be like like hey you know if You have anything else just let me know And then and then you know now you've Basically become their product tester in A Wayy much I mean look Listen work right like every every great Thing has had to been tested on Something so you know what if if if one Hand can help the other you know hey why Not right like in real They're looking at it probably from a Perspective like hey this is basically Free marketing for a product that I'm Trying to come out with if or if I've Had it like now I can push it more and Now you're talking International like Now your audience has expanded like oh He's trying this from here or hey this Is from my country like let's go like I'm sure that's added to the entire like The whole thing oh yeah yeah I mean I When I was in London I just did like a Whole week's worth of London content of London drinks you know like stuff I've Never even heard of you know and and It's like you know and I was telling you Know the people hey I'm in London what You want me to do what you want me to Drink and everyone was saying like from

Various sodas various fruit juices to Like afternoon tea you know So I love it like I better get a piece Of cake with this thing two here now Yeah I I love the one with the uh the Swed when you did the Swedish fish oh Yeah yeah oh that that one was because My son's eating Swedish Fish before he's Like is that really a drink I said said I said we're gonna find out right now if That's really and he Dr he goes and then You said it tastes kind of like Swedish Yeah it does I mean I was I was in the Mall um uh about a couple months ago Right and I passed by um um you know it Sugar right that's where you get it from Right and then um I saw it and I was Like oh man I gotta get that and someone Grabbed the last of it and I was just Like well you can't do that today right But then I noticed that said it's sugar Right next to Nathan's right Cony Allen So so so you you know I have a buddy Who's like head of one head of security At Nathan's right he he like um he he Like manages a store that it's sugar Next door and he was like come on bad You you you know let's you know let's Just see you know go in there and do What you do right so I saw there was Only five there right I'm like I don't Want to just take all five from I want Everybody else to leave he he just took His arm like

Shacking and talk just grab the whole The whole Lot that's unbelievable and one of the Other favorite that's incredible that's That's so cool it is so cool I I I love When um I don't know if you're friends With but I've seen you a couple of times On the guy who does didn't suck um oh Yeah yeah Chuck yeah yeah Chuck is Awesome yeah I love it when you guys are Out there together like you guys just Have such a good time and you laugh and He he does such a great job in in in in What he does it's uh it's so cool I all Of a sudden I watching one of his and Then I I'm like oh there he Is all I thought it was phenomenal you Guys were going eating in spots and Having a good time I mean that's what That's what it's all about too that's Definitely what it's all about I got a So one I got a question so would you if If you had a choice or like a preference Would you rather like chug or would you Rather Eat um I mean I I would I would chug you Know what I'm saying I would love to Like you know as far as Nathan's I Because you know right now the chugging Is in its infancy it kind of reminds me Of how the hot dog contest was it was And that's what I was gonna ask Obviously like everybody when you hear Nathan's eating you know hot dog eating

Contest everybody like oh yeah right Like oh I've seen that on TV or I've Heard of that right the chugging I feel Like you could be the figurehead of that And bring that to a level where all Right hey Nathan's e uh hot dogs are at You know that contest is at two chugging At three you know like at what point What will it take for the chugging to Get to where the hot dog eating contest Is I guess is my question well I I would Say just like um I would just follow the Blueprint you know that George and Rich Shay laid out to make the um you know The hot dog contest big you know what I'm saying I would do I'll do the Qualifiers you know what I'm saying and You know Pro probably get you know a Couple of more sponsors that you know so There'd be a little bit of prize money In there and just you know I would just Follow their blueprint pretty much but You know you know but just promoting it More and just like um you know you know If I can get like a few people chugging Into the qualifiers maybe like after the Hot dog qualifier maybe get you know a Few people be like okay all right you Know you know instead of a gallon we' be Like we have a half gallon of Nathan's Lemonade you know what I'm saying and Just you know who whoever wins you know What I'm saying or or if it goes to like What they don't finish it go to the

Measuring you know I'm saying the person Who drank the most you know I'm saying Within a minute or you know will go to Go to con Allen yeah so so yeah that's That's Really you you've got to be able to sit Down with them and talk like because I Think that the way I look at chugging Especially what like you've brought the Attention to it like in unbelievable and A gr Grassroots level most importantly Grassroots level what I think is so Interesting about it is that unlike the Hot dog eating contest this is this is a Contest chugging that Most people have done at some point Right most people have chugged something Right you know come on we we all a lot Most people went to college and we've Chucked the beer right we chucked the Beer you Know been here bro we've all had That on that beer like everybody's got This thing down to a p a matter of What's in that picture you know what I'm Saying no doubt and I think that's what Makes I think d right that's what makes It so cool and you know the same like Where people can identify with it right And and the fact that obviously you're The world's best chugger is one of the Things that brings a ton of attention to It but I think that it's like yeah you Know uh as it continues to grow like

More and more people will be able to to Get involved in it because they they Have some experience with it right and It's probably a lot safer than hot dogs Going down people's throats too right Because at least it's a liquid the word Thing that happens they throw it right Back Up yeah I do find it interesting though Like like you said though right like People hear the word chug and Immediately like to me like you think Beer like I literally like I just feel Like that's where a lot of people go and Also like like Dave said like in Comparison to you know eating the hot Dogs right or or some type of eating Contest like for the most part when you See people trying to throw down food That fast there's always a drink Involved right like whether it be uh you Know guys that take the buns and they Dunk them in whatever and then they're Shoving them down right like the the Liquid always seems to find a way in There why not just like cut out all the [ __ ] and just it away Like like like what are we doing like Let's just let's just cut to the chase You know what I'm saying but like I said I think it's interesting because it's Also one of these things where you know It Amasses Society in itself right like

Doesn't matter what color you are what Religion you are whatever like people Chug [ __ ] like so you know what I mean Like yeah in a time now where you know This country is so like off world world Bonkers like everybody comes together You look up on that stage for a Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest or any of that Stuff and and there's an array of color Shapes sizes beliefs male female Whatever you want to work with I think It's something that ultimately like Brings everyone together in a positive Way and I think like just the the Promotion of it to grow this with social Media all of those kind of things where You know everybody wants to be some type Of famous like hey man like go do these Contests and then to flip the switch a Little bit for a business to just say Hey I'm hosting a chugging contest on Saturday afternoon come on sign up come On in like now you're promoting Something for your business and you're G To get that clientele no matter what you Know what I mean so I just think overall It could be something that could really Kind of like take that next step right And I think you're in the process of Doing that it's why like the content That you put out is great I love it it's Phenomenal I just think like so what What do you like if you were going to Give advice to someone who wanted to get

Into this what would you give what Advice would you give them well um I Would say to like just um just when as Far as chugging just start slow okay Just start slow yeah don't be going to Try don't get the full gallon right now I would just we're not promoting that We're not promoting it I would say I Would say start slow you know you don't Just put 315 on the bar and say I'm Going Ben it like you don't do we gota Go like lead up thing man exactly we're Not ready for three plates yet no not Yet buddy not yet Yeah just just start slow you know what I'm saying start with something nonar Carbonated I would say start with water Water is the elixir of Life water is the Hardest thing to chug in my opinion Really because it's really because it's It I'm telling you water is harder than You think because it's it's not soft It's not softened by like sugar or Anything else that's added you know to Make up whatever drink it is right you Know start um you know just start taking B big gulps you know what I'm saying Because that's how I started and start Counting your gulps you know And I would say it take me about to me About like about six gulps to get to the Bottom of this right you know you figure Out how many gulps it take you to get to A bottom of a of a beverage and then and

Then you then you be like okay it takes Me 10 gulps to get to the bottom all Right you know maybe I'll get nine or Eight gulps you know what I'm saying so And you know unless you're like one of Those Advanced guys on Tik Tok that just Open their throat and just Go but they had a lot of practice in College yeah yeah but no I'm just saying Just you know just start slow count your Gulps all right and just you know you Know just increase your volume over time And oh man and it's just like listen you Know watch my channel around like um Around like like springtime like around April because that's when the Nathan's Qualifiers start up you know say hit Your stride it's like pre-training camp For the NFL like Hey we're leaving August 1 like we got to start to cut This window right like and that's Dave I Think right like look at it like like Even you're talking like you have a Contest on this date right we're talking Chugging and here's a process of Basically training from here to to to Here so like even something like this Constitutes dedication trusting the Process taking like doing the right Things you have to do to build up to Where you're at to kind of be at your Peak when it needs to happen right so It's just like anything else now I also I have carbonated versus non-carbonated

How be like like yes you all know those Couple gulps of a soda and that you just Feel that that that like down there oh I Can't imagine right yeah I that's got to Be the to a big difference when it comes Between carbonated and non-carbonated Yeah I I would say do not start chugging With McDonald Sprite because that's That's like chugging hydrochloric Acid I got a video on Tik Tok you know Hanging out with Dame drops another YouTuber who does food reviews right and And um and and we we're reviewing like McDonald's new $ five menu and and you Know I just happen to have my boot with Me right and I'm and you know every time I see something that's a potential Something that I could do for video he Always like what you thinking about bro You gonna do that yeah he knows he knows He's like hey I see the smoke coming out Like Exactly so so so so so I so I know how McDonald's Sprite is so tough you know It's I I don't know what kind of like Soda machines they got in McDonald's but I went to chugging this two two liters Of McDonald's Sprite oh my goodness is My throat was on it was like melting you Know wow that car that carbonation man Very very it's it's no joke yeah espec It's it makes regular Sprite in the Bottle seem like water I mean it's Something else that that that's amazing

That that uh you put extra carbonation In I bet you they do that because they Probably are serving up so many drinks During the day they don't want to get to The point where it's no carbonation And if it's coming from like and if it's Coming from like a fountain machine you Know I it's sitting in there so the Combination naturally like leaving you Know whatever I mean look we're not We're not fraking scientists here no We're Not Specul average like hey Sprite this um I Assume you know Bas like you've chugged A a variety of drinks correct yeah what Would be the hard I know you said water But what is what was the hardest drink Or is the hardest to kind of get down Well let let me go into the annals of The internet the internet is a crazy Place that have you Ching all types of Crazy stuff I've done oh my god I've Done apple cider vinegar I've done fish Sauce [ __ ] man are you crazy I I've done Thick Water you know I've done this thing Right um someone requested a cameo for Me you know that's something else I do Shout outs and stuff damn look at you Yeah shout out happy birthday and Someone someone was like someone was Like you know you know for my my boy for His for his birthday would love to see

You chug the brine of non peral Capers I'm like what the heck is that I don't Even know that and capers are like some Little I little like little like like Like mini Olives on like salad or piz like you can Barely even see him yeah it was super Small right and then I'm like what the Heck is this I'm looking up on Google And seeing everything right and so and So and so I chug it I do the video and It was just the most I was just it was So like strong And it was just I was just like 30 Seconds Up you know wiing the faces and stuff oh My goodness crazy so so I will put that On the list of like crazy things I've Chugged you know definitely the you know Beans with the Bomb hot sauce that's Pretty hard you know but but you know It's like you Know the internet you know they they Will have you thinking of stuff that you Will never think of you know oh hell Yeah oh hell yeah they they're like They're thinking like and that's been Like their main thought and like you've Never even thought about it to be Anything and they're like well can you Just like you know hey whatever what but Hey at least it keeps you on your toes Oh yeah oh yeah it's all good what's Your favorite what has been your

Favorite drink to to CH maybe what's Your favorite drink taste-wise and then What's been your favorite the Chug W This that that's so hard because I've Done so many but from the top of my head I would say I do like the um the Pepsi Cream soda from Japan that's delicious You know the um that they use do they is That because they use real sugar with Their stuff or yeah once you once you Leave the US is all real sugar okay yeah Once you no wonder you went International Bro yeah that corn syrup I don't you Know you get tired of that real quick You know yeah yeah once you you know That and like back home I would say Mexican Coke because it's it's um it's Real sugar I love Coke Zero you know you Know as far as the zero zero sugar stuff Coke Zero I love that's like the only Thing I would drink on a regular if I Was to drink soda Um uh let's see the Bazooka Bubblegum is Good bubblegum soda you know it's really Good Does that taste like the Bazooka Gum that it tastes like Bazooka gum Bazooka Joe Back in the Day stuff yeah It's really good the only the only thing You could get for a nickel like when I Was growing up that was like you know The Bazooka Joe S right there I remember My old man in his old man softball Leagues with the giant tub of that [ __ ]

Like we go yeah yeah that's uh the FL Like to me like you look there's just The flavors of everything obviously is Like do you have a favorite Flavor a favorite flavor I love Strawberry anything strawberry that's my Flavor right there love strawberry it's A good one to go with if it's if it's if It's strawberry I'm there you Know oh wow that that that's that's your Favorite flavor as a whole yeah now you Had two drinks to your right to your Right right now what what two drinks do You have right there oh I actually just Have one I have like PSI I have like a Wild Cherry Pepsi you know okay you know This is not technically a drink but I've Done it before Sriracha Oh saracha before this is like you know Like this is how you look at it like When you're you know when you're in high School or college or whatever and you're You're out with your boys and you're at The diner table and you're like yo man Like chug this I'm that guy like That's what I'm saying you were that Guy give me that [ __ ] bro like I got me Do that yeah you were the guy that was Like hey here's a spoonful of cinnamon Crush it and it was like yeah I've done That I've done that you know what I'm Saying and um you you know I'm that guy Who was like oh oh oh you went to the Grocery store what's in there you had

You bought you you um you making some Steak tonight let me let me Chuck that You Know but I think that's part of the appe Too right hold on M matter of fact let's Make this interesting all right all Right talk here we go cheers baby Bottoms Up [Music] [Applause] Cvy hell yeah hell yeah tastes like the Steak I had last night yes there it is There it is ladies and gentle look at That that's what Phenomenal phal that's amazing D I think I should have to try and match that Drinking my Snapple Ice T neck to see if I can match it you think we that was Sick that was awesome um hold on hold on Hold on hold on I'll comes out here we go hold on all Right it's your boy bad last chugs with Coach Schuman and Derek the Pascal and We're doing this baby here we go three Two one enough Talk let's get It yeah all right Dave That drink here I drank oh I trank the Regular L snap snap IC tea good all good One carbonated one carbonated nice job Fellas oh listen hey we can't thank you Enough for coming on today it's been

Awesome awesome having you absolute Pleasure bud I have someone that wants To say hi he just came back from Camp Sure say Hi hey what's going on that's my son Troy he's a huge fan huge fan good to See that's the man right there Troy That's the man right there oh yeah yeah He had four touchdowns yesterday Awesome awesome awesome Eric yeah we Really appreciate you taking the time And kind of coming on and you know we we Do a lot of this stuff like coach said We meet with a lot of people that are You know either coaches or or or or in Some type of you know any type of Competitive sports or or any just like Just competition in general like Everything has a process everything Takes work you know you've built Something based off of you know you Found something that you like to do and You really enjoyed your time and then You sudo made like a business out of it Or found a way to make money doing it And I think really that's you know Something that all of our viewers or Something all of our guys should really Do like it's a lot more fun to be happy Doing what you're doing you know the Classic line of like you know if you Find what you love to do like you'll Never work a day in your life and I Really feel like look like even you

Coming from you know like you said like You worked on trains or conductor as a Train like you even enjoyed doing that But that's really kind of like what it's All about you found a passion for Something and you're just running with It rolling with it and enjoying life so We appreciate it man we appr inspiration Listen before I let you go before I let You go tell everybody where we C we can Find you where you know Cameo can find You where they can find you on Tik Tok So So okay no doubt well you know you can Find me on YouTube at you know bad lanch Chugs right I'm on Tik Tok at the real Bad Lance chugs you know I'm on um Instagram at Badland Booker X Badland Booker you know I got songs on um um What do you call it um all social you Know all social media Platformy research you know I need a Playlist you know if if you want if you Want me to give you a birthday shout out Or advice or anything on Cameo with a Chug of your choice just book me on Cameo okay and I just to tell everyone You know what I'm saying whatever you do In life stay hungry and focused a boy I Appreciate it we appreciate it man that Was awesome thank you so much for coming On you're truly an Inspiration appreciate you big gu if we Can do anything for you like let us know

You know what I mean I definitely will Anytime you want me back on just holl at Me we we'll have you back on absolutely Find something buddy we'll find Definitely I'm there all right have a Great day thanks a lot all right take Care Chach God bless God bless you bye bye that That was phenomenal phenomenal Phenomenal podcast wow that was great That thing of gravy Like that was awesome that was so Awesome that was so awesome he just Chugged gravy TR that's Incredible that was amazing that was Amazing he's my Hero Hey dude hey you hung right there with Him I mean not going to I'm not going to Say that I'm not going to bring up that Yours wasn't carbonated in his wife no Mine was not carbonated mine was not Carbonated you still put that thing down Pretty damn good but remember gu he just Did that after a thing of gravy what do We do oh my goodness well that was Another great great podcast um we we'll We'll get off the show until I think We're on tomorrow I guess again right We're on tomorrow with um actually uh a Guy that a kid I grew up with um he's Been a head coach of Wayne Hills High School basketball Kevin Grimes um highly Successful been there I probably about

10 years now so it's GNA be cool to Interesting to talk to him about you Know some high school basketball stuff Awesome all right we'll see you tomorrow

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