Growing a Strong Football Tradition with Manalapan Head Coach Dom Lepore

Growing a Strong Football Tradition with Manalapan Head Coach Dom Lepore Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go to for more…

Growing a Strong Football Tradition with Manalapan Head Coach Dom Lepore

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All right coach D we're back I I still Can't figure out so when you came on Initially yours was perfect but you you Thought you were looking at this from The side well I'm using now now you're Like a little like you is this I I Changed my phone to Straight Up rather Than side so I I've been going back and Forth whether using going off the laptop Or going off my phone so I'm kind of Going back and forth because I felt like On Tuesday I was like a little delayed With it for and for how fast he talked I Needed to talk even faster which is Amazing I don't know if anybody could do That but right you know coach definitely Made it happen that's for Sure I got a I got a great raccoon eyes Going you could tell we've been working Camp all week dude my sunglass is Like brother I just had you're not guy You're not gigantic Buck the gigantic What do you call it hat yeah the kid Said looked like had an egghe head in The shadow it looked like a egghe head So that's what happens when you're Working with first and second graders You're extremely honest oh it was it was Fun though it was a ton of fun uh we Have we have a great guest on today Coach leapor um coaches at man alipin uh Uh really one of the story programs of Of uh the shore conference um so he's Really he's taking over a program that

That's had a lot of success he's had a Lot of success it's a b big high school Big yeah really big school and uh he's a Heck of a football coach and and I'm Really curious to really talk to him About you know what it's like uh taking Over story program continue to build on That program and and all those kind of Things so without further Ado let's Bring our great guest on here coach Laort how's everything going how we Doing man great to be here tonight I'm So excited couldn't wait for this when Uh when coach D when coach D reached out To me last week I was like yes let's do It you know I I was so excited for it so I I've watched it on Twitter I I've Tuned in and so I'm really excited and Obviously coach Schuman you know you Being a part of the short conference and Uh you know at time so it's great man I Love it I'm really excited to be here Yeah no it's it's exciting to have on You're you know you're at a great Program a sto like I said a story Program um G give everybody you know Your background as a player as a coach And and you know how how you got to Become the head coach of man Alvin yeah You know I I'm I always tell people I Was very fortunate because uh you know I Grew up on Staten Island went to Totville high school I graduated uh Totville in

1989 and then I started coach I knew in High school I wanted a teach and coach I Knew that at an early age so I again I I Was fortunate I went to Kane college but I started coaching at Port Richmond High School in 1990 1991 so going on like my 32nd year coaching High School football Here so it's pretty amazing you know I've worked with some great guys the First guy that hired me who was like a Second father to me is Coach George is Joe George who's now took over the job At Woodbridge High School and uh you Know coach George gave me a job in 1991 And then 1992 he took off and came out To Franklin New Jersey so I stayed at po For two years and then I went back to my Alama tville high school and coached With Jimmy mson when coach D and I were Talking about Jimmy uh you know in the Past we've talked about Jimmy Jimm's up At Wagner College now uh I learned a lot Of football under Jimmy and then in 1997 I moved out here to Freehold New Jersey And and I became an assistant coach Defensive coordinator at Freehold Township and in three years I took that Program over at 27 years old I I was one Of the youngest head coaches in the State and I tell you you know you you Think the guy or you know so much Football until you're the guy h no not Until you wear that other hat brother Like K right to the teeth like I say now

At 27 years old I knew nothing you know I knew nothing but you know but uh it Was a great learning experience I was There for 13 years total and then uh Obviously my relationship with Eddie Guerreri and Tom gallu were at man Alin High school and then when I left fre old Township in 2009 I came to man Alpin in 2010 and then uh I actually left for two Years and went with Mark Chelli to Neptune and in 2011 we won that state Championship yeah not a bad guy to leave For no no no no one of my best friends And then um you know the second year 2012 we lost it to Nottingham at TCNJ so We were actually in the state Championship two years in a row and then I came back to uh man alapin in 13 and We went on some run you know from 13 to 17 and you know we were in the state Championship we won it in 14 every year And uh you know it's just and then and Then Eddie decided to step down in 2019 After the 2019 season and I took over in 2020 which was that Co year was it was a Crazy year a hell of a year to take over Brother hell of year to take over man That was nuts that was nuts but I tell You what you guys have coached a long Time and you coached in that year I I Think was better football yeah we were At rbr that year yes yes and that was a Wild year that was a wild that was the Beig as Derek at Derek was say that that

We that that that was the end for me in Rvr that was the end that year that was It was such a oh it was crazy it was a Crazy played a game without practicing Bro we played a game literally with a 7 A.m. walkthr and a 12:00 kickoff come on Down hacking sack like let's figure out And they played the best game of the Year so figure that one Out that's when they realized they Didn't need us anymore they said Oh what are they doing like next oh my God that that was just such a crazy year And then uh yeah and then and then the Following year 2021 and then you know been there since So it's uh it's it's been a ride but I'm Very fortunate very fortunate again Working for some great head coaches Coach George Jimmy mson you know Mark Chelli Eddie guerreri so you know had Some great guys to work under absolutely You've had a lot a ton of success yeah As a coach uh talk about what it's like You know and Tottenville where you play That that's especially when you you grew Up there that was a story program that Was the program at Staten Island yeah For for a very long time um you know I Remember you know growing up in North Jersey like I didn't know much about New York City football but I knew about Tottenville you know so um talk about You know working with some of those head

Coaches and how that kind of shaped you As as becoming a head coach yeah I'll Tell you what um Jimmy mson you know my High school coach and uh you know who I Coach for at Tottenville he you know Jimmy was is like the ultimate X and0 Guy you know he's the guy I learned you Know my work ethic and and had a game Plan at a young age I was a defensive Coordinator for him at you know at 23 24 Years old so you know Jimmy taught me All the ins and outs and those were the Old days and we always say like these Young guys today you try to hire you Know these young guys have no clue I can Tell you this no clue coach no clue I Used to that could be a podcast that Could be six podcasts in itself like oh My God I'll tell you stories Jimmy I Mean again there was no such thing as Huddle you know I I'll never forget Monday nights Monday nights I had I took A class over at Kane College I would we Would have practice on Monday I would Leave and go take class till like nine O'clock I would come back to the school And I would stay in the building in the Office till midnight and that was on Monday nights and you know again there Was you know we would stay Sunday till 78 n o'clock Monday till midnight you Know that's the way we did it and that Was just that old school mentality you Know and that's that's what I learned

From Jimmy you know and then uh again Working under Eddie guerreri Eddie kind Of you know as I said before becoming a Head coach at 27 years old you know you Think you know it but you're certainly Not ready you know and there was so much Learning Curves in those 10 years as a Head coach of fre Township but then I Would say you know Eddie Eddie Guerrera Eddie guerreri really shaped my you know Shaped my you know my coaching style and Just being under him for for so many Years and learning from Eddie was uh you Know kind of kind of showed me the way Of how it's supposed to be done you know I and that's a huge thing and and me of Derek always talked about it like I was Lucky enough to work in North Jersey Under DJ nus and um Brian Dunn DJ nus at Riverdell and Brian Dunn and you know Working under those guys like just like When you work on you you learn so much You pick up so many different things and You're 100% right about the the Assistance today don't don't really know What it's like I mean DJ DJ he would Just be like go order the food yeah That's we did right like you're gonna be Here like you know listen this I mean You you'll know this but we we used to Actually they used to make us chart in The beginning with pencil and paper like He used to have me chart and pencil Paper I'd be sitting there my my eyes

Would be glazed over oh my God I can't Make it through he's like what it was Though that Part on your position too right you Grade your position i' be There no That was like part of like hey that was Like all right you in if you want to get To where you want to get to like this is Part of the process like you got to Start from the ground up and work up you Got to be the grunt right like you have To go through this process of learning And doing all of these things that suck Like yeah this is the worst like you Think you're just GNA come out here and Like hey man I call plays or do Something like like that's not what it Is I loved it but it was it was like you Had a love and hate relationship with it 100% like I loved watching film I loved I loved looking at what my players were Doing but at the same time like you had To put it you like you were required to Stay there so it wasn't like you Finished your job okay now you had to Get with everybody else and see what They had that's when you're start you're Sitting there and then you start to get Glossy eyed it's like oh my God are we Ar we're we arguing out you know whether We're gonna line up over here at a one Technique or a three technique how we Going

Block are we are we going to and we're Talking about the same [ __ ] over and Over in no let me draw it up no I'll Draw it up like no draw up cards right Like now I gotta do oh hey you got to do The cards for look okay here we go now We drawn up card oh my God I just but These guys they really feel like because They played Madden they can just come Out here and call play and no offense to The young guys I get it it it it kind of You're product of what you grew up with And what you grew and obviously like you Know I know my coaches would probably All be impr prisoned but like I still Wouldn't like you know what I mean I Wouldn't trade it for the world things Evolve things change and if you don't Adapt like now you're on your own he you Know how many years I worked for free oh It's amazing like young kids thing ask If they want like how much am I getting Paid exactly what's my get paid like Paid what are you talking about dude if You're doing this like for the money Like you think you're gonna gain Something from this dude uhuh buddy Don't and don't even try and work it Down to see what you get per hour Because you really J it's five cents Maybe pennies not even y pennies I'm Probably in the negative with tolls So talk talk and I I think it'd be great To hear how you know um talk about how

You know it was um and and uh it really Like when you first started especially As a head coaches uh at 27 years old Which is which is really I mean it's Amazing like I think Unable I I think when I was at head Coach at S I think I was 30 so I mean 27 Like yeah I think that might have you Know been my first or second year of Coaching you know like it was that's Incredible talk about like a lot of Things that you learned be from a young Age like the mistakes you made the Things you learned throughout that Process you know I I I think at a young Age sometimes you you're so full of You're so full of piss and vinegar you Know what I'm saying great way to put it You want to conquer the world you know And you you're such you're out there to Prove but sometimes you don't really Stop and think and uh sometimes the Decision making that you make you're not You know you're thinking on Instinct Instead of you know and again that's What I learned the most from Eddie you Know and I'll tell you one of my big Flaws I think as a young coach um you Got to have conviction you know and I Think sometimes we get caught up in and You know as young coaches we do this and I've seen guys that have done this Before you know one year you're in one Offense the following year you're in the

Second offense you keep on Switching you Know one year you're in the stack Defense the following year you're in the 44 then you're in the 5-2 and again I Think I made a lot of that you know Those mistakes when I was a young head Coach always looking for the answers and The thing I the thing I learned from Eddie is conviction Dom just stick with It you know what if we're three4 we're Three4 if we're GNA ball and we're Running power we're running power you Know you got to evolve in things like That you know of course like anything Else but that was the thing I I I Learned from Eddie how he shaped my Career was conviction where as a young Coach I made that mistake a lot where You think change is good all the Time yeah I I I think obviously Establishing what you're good at is Really really important that that is Definitely the hardest thing a as a a Young head coach and on the flip side of It you got to learn those things like Firsthand so when you became a head Coach again it became something you you Took all the stuff that you learned as An assistant you took all the stuff that You learned as a young head coach yes And really you know probably began to Really shape you know you as as a season Coach coming in uh you know as a head Coach again um and I you know it's one

Of those things that like it's an Experience that the guys Co have been a Head coach as a young person it's an Experience that is very unique because You're like you're growing up with the Kids that you're your work even though You're older than them you're still Growing up growing up with them because You're evolved in your system you're Figuring out your coaching style you Know what I mean Well I tell you what I had I had an Awesome situation you know I coached my Two younger brothers at freeold township If you remember yeah yeah so when I took Over in 2000 um we we went four and six and it Was the most wins we've had in like 15 Years and then and then the set my Brother my one brother was as a junior Was a starting quarterback my other Brother must been fun yeah right was an Outside linebacker and then his senior Year my BR my brother Paul we go seven And three we make the playoffs it's the First time in Freehold Township history We make the playoffs in 30 something Years we go seven and three so you know I always say it was a pretty awesome Experience to coach my two brothers but You know especially for my parents too That's cool that's awesome that actually Is so cool like you always hear about Guys coaching their kids or whatever for

You to coach your Brothers one shows you How young of a coach you were right to Be able to do that and then two to be Able to survive that Man was pissed a couple times supp have Loved it your parents was yeah well I You know my dad got AR rested Soul he Passed away two years ago he you know he My dad was my biggest fan you know and Uh but I said they had to have thick Skin because they had one son who was The head coach the other son was the Starting quarterback so I said thank God We had success because uh a little bit Easier that would have been Brutal you have a couple losing Seasons There and it's going to be bad in the Stands no no doubt about it what what What was the transition like coming from Staten Island football to coming over a Short conference what was what was that Transaction like I'll tell you what I Mean there's nothing like it um you know I I know I know you guys were saying Before coach you was saying about you Know City football and and and right now Probably Staten Island football you know Next to arasmus Hall who's who's doing You know tremendous job phenomenal Phenomenal Staten Island football is the Best there is right now but you can't Even compare in terms of uh you know Just the fans and and the morale and and That was the biggest thing you know when

When I got the free old Township and Playing those Friday nights I mean just Recently stat Island started playing Friday night games but you know which is Actually crazy to think about right Because you think like City you're Thinking like all right lights Everywhere right like let's play on Friday nights but it's just a different World yeah different it's pretty Dangerous out there in Right like everybody inside we're Playing Saturday when the lights are on Yeah exactly Saturday afternoons but um But yeah that was the biggest thing just The Fan Fair and you know we've played Some big games at man alipin you know You you know there's a couple of Thousand people there on Friday night so That that's pretty awesome you know yeah You got a and you got a great setup There too in terms of fieldwise like There's a lot of it's just it's nice Right like just the whole setup itself a Lot of guy facilities matter like I'm Sorry it part of it like unfortunately Like well fortunately or unfortunately I've come from a lot of programs that Have had amazing facilities you're Talking Mount Olive which is I can't Even explain it a West Orange situation Like these places and that stuff matters And I think that's something that a lot Of guys Overlook but your setup is nice

The walk in the track the the stands Itself you gotta walk to get to the down That path yes the whole path like I I Just think it's it's really a nice like Awesome setting on a Friday night yeah And our Administration is tremendous I Mean Sean Curry has now taken over as Principal and you know last couple years Sean is the former defensive coordinator For Coach nard seille he's a football Guy and and then Beth English oh the Best and Beth English is my athletic Director and you know I know Beth since She's a young you know young teacher Young kid at free old Township we were Together and she's doing a tremendous Job so you know we got a great Administration right now and and a great Great parent parent organization I Always say it's second To None you know A parent a football booster club and Stuff like that parents club they're Awesome so it's nice to hear the Positivity coming from that when most Times you hear oh this parent's this or This administrator is this and and look We all know we've been around it and We've been we've been part of like you Know the part of the negative process But it starts at the top and those guys Are up top don't believe in the mission Or the statement or you know they're not All on board or they don't understand The game itself like it's very difficult

To have success so you're very fortunate Like I'm sure people would kill to have What you have yeah yeah no very Fortunate I'm very lucky so it's it's a Great support group yeah yeah the Tradition there in at man alipin like it It's a place that people know about it's A place that's had a really good history Obviously a lot of success uh talk about I guess the groundup like what what is The the ground up look like I'm in Alin Because I'm sure people are so Cur they Have so much success they' always you Know uh churned out really good players You've had really good teams you have State championship teams what what is it Like at at the junior level all the way All the way up to you guys well again You know that's that's something you Know we take a lot of pride in and I Always tell people you know when I have The opportunity very fortunate because Coming from freeold Township when I was There um the pop warner splits between Burrow and Township right you know so It's hard to get some consistency there You know and at man alipin you know we Very fortunate we got you know we got The a right across the street um I got Guys in that organization that their Sons have played for me so right now we Got a great we got a great pipeline Going on right now between us and the Youth Level and uh you know I do a lot

Of camps with those guys I clinics with Those coaches so you're very handson Yeah very Hands-On coach very Hands-On And it's just a great situation right Now a lot of support and that's Important right because look you're a Big town there's a lot of talent so you Know what like those privates are going To look right there No doubt doubt you got and and if you're Not look if you're not having success if You're not doing the right stuff like Those guys are going to look to go other Places and for the most part coach I Think you do a fantastic job of keeping Your kids like the ones that look we Know the ones that are goingon to go Want to go and it's it's not even worth The thing right it's not even worth the But I just think you do a great job of Keeping your kids that you know are Going to be manalpan guys I think it's It's something that's so underrated Right now Um it's something that I've been on both Sides of it um you know being up north In that in the big North conference with That like you're just looking at guys Taking people all over the place right And uh I just think you do a really good Job of allowing those kids to see hey Man you can come here and do the exact Same thing as if you went elsewhere and You could do it for free with your

Friends with the school your dad went to All that kind of stuff like I think That's extremely like just do a great Job with that coach I I appreciate that Man I really do I really do I know it's A hard gig it's a hard gig you know hard It's not easy and it's something that Within These you know recently it's it's The newest thing that we got to get done Right it's the new thing that we got to Handle or or look at because you know With that new transfer rule y guys are Just looking to go ABS so yeah no and I'll be honest with you um you know in Those middle years between like you know 2000 11 12 up to like 17 18 you know I think We got a little complacent Eddie and I Talked about it and I used to tell Eddie And then all of a sudden you know you Start losing that kid you know that one Or two kids and I I told Ed I said Ed we Really got to start the bridge this Gap So the year before you know in 2019 we Started with the camps and then when I Took over 2020 yep that was the top of My priority list I said we have to we Have to bre you well you got to be Interactive right you gotta be you gotta Be hands on you can't just like you know Shoot an email hang a poster no you Can't just show up to a game one time Those guys need to know who you are what About and not so much them mommy and

Daddy mommy and daddy want to know like So what's this High School coach about How what do they run what do we do right Like is it the same thing that's hands On is like the way to go no doubt I Spend as much time down at the ayf Practices than I do my own practices in Camp you know I'm there all August I'll Be there a couple of nights a week you Know I'm with the guys they text me you Know during a week you know and you know Again I bring those guys in we Clinic Offense defense special teams whatever They need you know it's got to be an Open book because you got to have that Relationship with the guys and like you Said the parents that's the key that is The key I I think the Bri I think the Shore Public Schools do a great job of That maybe bet you know because coming From originally from North Jersey Remember all big North football yeah Remember F all those battles and um uh You know we would win some we lose Some left we'd hope he get him back Hopefully he was start and we get him Back and yeah you know we put him in a Good situation but um from from a Situation the shore has done a really Good job I think in the sense that um With with the a programs with the Coaches and and and you do a particular Good job because I think you know as a Person who's now an A coach with my own

Son um You know that's a key part like Bridging The Gap between so they know who the High school coach is coach 100% they Know what you know what he does they They know that you know he's interested In the Pro I think that's such a big Thing and I think with social media Because it's so easy like social media Is very easy to post up it's easy you Know but it's really the Hands-On and And I notice it because I still I've Still R you know run some camps and Stuff and I notice it like when you're Around the kids for a few days here and A few days there it it's amazing the Difference that it makes with those kids Because now they know who you are and I Think you you know you doing that in in In manal makes a gigantic difference Because and that's why I think a lot of Not you know not every program in the Shore but a lot of the shore programs do A better job of that because I noticed That there's a lot more um higher tier Players at the public school than than 100% you have like a g like you have the Halves and Hales Nots kind of thing yeah And um but in down here you have like Even programs that aren't maybe a Powerhouse will have some dudes you know What I mean absolutely every team you Play has a dude if you're up north that Guy's not there right like he he's at a

He's at a depal he's at a Bergen Catholic he's out of bosow and you could Say what you want about the the privates Down here right there's not as many not OP are more limited but if those guys Want to go find something else they're Sure as hell going to go find something Else so you know you and now I it's a Big thing like I say it all the time Like you have to recruit your roster Whether it's a junior a sophomore a Freshman like if you like literally your High school roster because these guys Look at this transfer portal it's like Oh wait it's the same like college we Could just do this or do that it's not Like that guys like you know what I mean Like I think a lot more parents and kids Need to be educated on the way the game Is now and these rules that just come Out where you know they hear like oh I Can just go wherever I want no it's not Like that dude you know yeah no doubt And Coach Schuman you said it before About the kids knowing you like that was Always my number one thing I want the Kid those kids by the time they're five Six seven years old that's coach lorei I Want to go play for that guy someday you Know and uh and that's always been my Thing though I want those kids to know Who I am you know and uh I do I do those Clinics during the winter I do those Couple of clinics now in the summer and

I'll tell you what it's funny I did like Three Saturdays in June and then the Last Saturday you know we have the Bracelets like I'm an alip and football Bracelets and I had about a hundred of Those made and I hand them out to the Kids I mean it was like fraking Christmas you know those kid excited to Put that wristband on you know and me Those are things we got they're not That's I told them that thing don't come Off don't come off you know but but That's what you gotta do K you know it's Funny and you recognize it which is is Great like I I I saw this F the first Time I and we do this now like with the Little kid camps I run um but I saw this For the first time I saw Brian Dunn do This when I i' had been a coach for a Long time yeah you know with with nyus At Riverdale and then I was a head coach A couple of times and then when I was Back as an assistant with Coach Dunn I I Worked his um Youth Camp and he and I Won't say what he charged but he charged He's in Ulta pans so let's put it like That he he's able to charge little more Than everybody you're going to show up With more kids so but he did this thing He did this thing that I do now which I Thought was just amazing so he would Have you know at the end of the camp Like the groups you're with he'd be like All give me five or six MVPs you know

I'm like five or six MVPs like like and You know we had like you know six MVP Player Player he would he would we would be Going and we having like 10 15 M you Know he have like 100 person Camp 10 15 MVPs yeah every you know 20 MVP every Every camp and he did these and he G he Had like a little prize box and they Could pick prize and I just thought I Was like like the light bu went off and And I saw how those kids would yeah Would look at you know the young kids Would look at it and I'm telling you Even 11 12 year olds you know I mean They loved it and I was like if I ever Am head coach again I'm I'm doing that Kind even now I obviously I'm not a head Coach I'm running camp and I still do it Because I just the kids the their faces Light up yeah and they all and you know What then that obviously that means the Parents G and they love it they enjoy The it's it's it's it's kind of like It's very um simple and easy way to help The kids understand how important Football is right no doubt no doubt you Got a you're work you worked really hard Yeah here's something here's something For your work and like you said it Doesn't matter if it's a little it Doesn't matter if it's a t-shirt it Doesn't matter if it's a the ass like They love it like anything that shows

Them like hey man I'm recognizing your Hard work and I'm really and and you're Doing a great job so here you go Bud Here you go that's it be part of be part Of what we got going on here at man Alapin you know and that's the most Important thing I always say just drink The Kool-Aid like just drink the Kool-Aid drink the Kool-Aid I could be The Kool-Aid Man about the size I'm at Now God help us talk about your Development like your your program like What what are you guys doing in the Summer like yeah what what is what is it Like for the kids to be a part of now What what are they doing right now to Get you guys you know ready for the Season right again again things that I Learned from Eddie over the years you Know my my uh you know 13 years with Eddie um again the weight the offseason Program I I always felt like you know That was his thing you know hitting the Weight room we're always biger faster And strong than everybody else and teams That we were playing so you know we we Give everybody off that month of December like most we come back from Christmas you know the holidays New Years and then we're right back in the Weight room so we're in the weit room Three days a week and then uh you know Once the me of Champions is over we can Start throwing the ball around and you

Know we start getting ready for seven on Sevens and you know we were at Mammoth a Couple of weeks ago we had the uh Allshore one on a Tuesday at the wck Wreck and then we do one in the district So uh those are the three seven on Sevens we do but right now um then I Give him the week of Fourth of July off That's like one of our dead weeks that We got get yeah that's a good that's Always a good move I think especially When it falls on like uh especially when The the holiday falls in the middle of The week it's like M like just go do Your thing we'll be back hitting it hard We got time exactly yep you know what Coach I just think it's one of those Things where you know every sport has Become 12 months out of the year now Which is kind of insanity right it's so Different than when we grew up you know Where you know we played in season and Then in the summer you were being a kid You know now it's baseball lacrosse Soccer basketball it's just so you know Everything is 12 months so you know That's another thing like coach going Back to what you were saying before About being a young head coach at 27 I Didn't want to know that you know what I'm saying I didn't want to share my Kids like you know I was like no you got To be a football player but I you know As you grow up and you mature it's like

You know it's a battle you can't fight You know what I'm saying so you got to Be a little flexible that way so we go Three days a week week now we go Tuesday Wednesday Thursday I stay away from the Mondays and Fridays just for smartest Move ever that's that's a that's a That's a seasoned coach who knows what The hell's going on especially living Down here at the shore Fridays no no Doubt coach no doubt that that was the First thing I you know one of the first Things I changed that I said you know What we got to stay away from the Weekends not just not just for the kids You know and the parents but for the Coaches you know we we need breathe too Man like I need I need a little bit of Break too right we talked about it last Week right you got to you got to go out With your girl and you got to go to Dinner and and and happy wife happy life Bro we ain't trying to kill like they Know what the season entails this is a Little bit where you could hey like There's all like you're also it's Important like you are important and Just show your players like ultimately Guys like there's more to life than Football and at the end of the day you Know we're trying to produce great young Men right like yeah we all want to be we Want to have every player go on and play You know some of them don't want to do

That so at least develop them as young Men and kind of show them look man like This is the way to go there are certain Priorities yes I want you to love Football and be all about it but also at The end of the day like this is life and Like I want you to become good men too Doubt coach that's number one ultimately That's what it comes down to right the Winning the winning is great and you Love winning the Championships but it's About developing those young men you Know that's thing that's that's huge Yeah yep football's not the only thing That matters Conversation Is crying over you give you handed me Tissues or Something life has the vi on life have IAL we talked about this like you know I Got a one-year-old things have changed The Viewpoint oh there you go there you Go if I look back and thought to myself You know at 38 years old that I would Ever be like saying that part of like You just wouldn't have done it right no Doubt it's real man like that that's What it is and like now I've been in it This about to be my 15th season like now I have players that are like you know it Used to be coach you know I'm at school Blah blah blah and then now it's like Coach can you come to my wedding and It's like coach had a kid and it's like

Holy [ __ ] like you had a kid and then It's like wait a minute I have a kid Like oh boy like so it just that's That's the greatest part about coaching Right is coach like just having those Guys have that like coach like thank you So much that kind of thing like it That's the best that's why we do this That's why you know we work for five Cents an hour 100% coach 100% it's funny You said that because if you would ask Any of my seniors that graduate there's Something I always TR say just invite me To your wedding that's what I want to be There that's it they all know that Y I'm curious how Um you talk you you talked about it so I'm I'm curious about about it um Because I see it at the Youth Level a Lot like literally all the seasons Overlap in some way like kids who play Uh football they're playing like some Form of if they're a baseball player Fallball and then then you know they Let's say they're playing basketball in The winter or wrestling or whatever and Maybe they're doing some football work And then in the spring whatever sport They're doing there but they're also Doing some form of another sport yeah Always doing how do you how do you m Like I don't know how do you coach your Kids through that because that H that Sharing part is definitely something

That's become more and more prevalent Right and and football's always expected It's I always think it's funny because The other sports don't want to share a Football but football's always expected To share But question for years you know like the Football coach he doesn't want to share Later the football coach is always the One that is willing to share absolutely I think we get talk about how you know How do you handle that how do you how do You kind of approach it with your Players how do you kind of coached him Through that well again coach I I think It was one of those things like I said Before I think it kind of comes with Maturity you know and that mindset and The other thing is you know the first Thing I noticed when I came to man Alipin was that um you know the coaches Were all on the same page you know work With a great bunch of guys and you know When we first got there Rick Garretts And was the was the head basketball Coach um you know Scotty prman was the Head wrestling coach Brian Boyce is the Head baseball coach and these are guys That have all had success but we all you Know we got great relationship great Friendship with each other so it's like You know Hey listen our guy is gonna Play a little basketball during the Summer but he's gonna come to practice

In the morning or a guy's gonna play a Little baseball during the summer but He'll be at your football practice you Know if you work together it it you know It could happen you know what I'm saying But I think you got to have that open Mind you got have mindset you gota be Open-minded you know and I think that Just comes with maturity a little bit But it it it really comes with the guys That you're working with you know I got A great great relationship with those Guys yeah I think I think that's I think That's probably the first thing that Maybe new head coaches should do when They when they get in the building is is Get to know the other coaches the other Sports build some form of a relationship With them you know what I mean so so you Understand what they're looking to do And then that way you can adapt it it's The football coach has to adapt right It's just tell you I'll tell you Something I think it's one of the things Is that you have the most guys on your Roster of any sport in the building Right and football is is the most the Most visible and I'm sorry like it's Nothing against those other sports but Football rules high schools like i' Coach no I was gonna say it's funny to Say it because he's one of my close Friends now and I love him but you know In the beginning when I was a young head

Coach you know Brian gollop you know Brian goop at at fre Township basketball Has had tremendous amount of success They just put him in the Hall of Fame But I can remember those years he had Some of those great teams back in the Day uh you know TJ lefas who passed away But Marcus Roberson and Eddie fiser Kevin fiser and I swear and Brian may Deny it but you know those guys were Football players and he told those guys Hey you got to play basketball I think One year I had TJ lefas out its safety It lasted like two days during the Summer next year I know the kid Disappeared I'm like what happened to TJ And the guy said I think coach goop got To him and said you're not playing Football you're playing basetball buddy Like you're a Hooper You're a hoop guy you know but but again I think you know again like you said Before coach I think you know if you had That relationship with those guys and There that understanding then you could It it works it works that that's one the One of the things that I I think and at A big school this is obviously like Yours you have a big high school yeah um Recruit one of the probably biggest in The shore I would guess but yeah and you Guys you guys are group five right big Group five well we last year we were Group four but we kind of go back and

Forth yeah we were like right on the uh Right on the edge this Year what do you have 2000 in the school Say it again coach how how many in the School total yeah we're about 2100 2200 Yeah so we're right on the we're right Between group four group five so I think You you know back from when you started Coaching which you probably you know I Think is interesting a little bit Different like in the in the early like You know two early 2000s and even going Before that in the 90s A lot of times You could actually as a football coach Take the back basketball coach or Bas Just put them right on your staff yeah Yeah and and that usually now they they Were with you a lot more so you could Kind of work schedules out easier Absolutely but that's much more Difficult at a bigger high school and The era is different where you know and We talked about it briefly like coaches Are different especially younger coaches They want to kind of Coach their Sport And they also want a little more of Their freedom now so it's not like we're Guy you not as many guys go from season The season like they used to so uh so It's harder to just say hey you know Come on come my staff you're you know You're you're the cross coach be it's Not it's not like it people think it's a Oh that's what you do it's not always a

Slam sometimes you're able to do it Sometimes sometimes you're not um talk About how you bring your young coaches Along because it is we laugh about it But it's it's it's an important thing Because obviously they're critical for For for sta as you continue you know to Get older and older as a coach even Though you dude you're in phenomenal Shape I wish I was in the shape that you Were in like That anybody continues continues to look Like he's 30 years old like I don't know What the secret is maybe you're eating The grass off the field over there Because it's great grass by the way like Field but like come on man like when you Do your manalpan football calendar like What month are You my girl my girlfriend keeps me in Shape she's a you know she's [ __ ] man What she's a bikini model too so you Know She Co stupid he knows what he's doing He knows what he's doing that's that Staten Island that's right that's right The Staten Island Game she a Staten Island girl too she's a St island girl There man like there it is she she's a Staten Island girl as well so [ __ ] I Ain't messing with her whoop somebody She's Bel you don't mess with Staten Island girls way yeah she's a black belt Too so oh coach come on man you're just

Rolling down the list here like check Check check like oh I don't know but That's awesome talk about how you Developed those guys talk a little bit About that and you know what's funny Coach you said it before about Lessons Learned as a young head coach and um and I'll tell you when I when I was in my Late 20s early 30s I wanted to do it all You know what I'm saying I wanted to Have control you know and again that's a Mistake that I made as a young coach but I can remember specifically I guess I Think it was about 200 six or seven and I had three young guys on my staff Couple of names you might recognize Mike Gator Mike was a you know Hall of Fame Kid of an Alin right great player Mike Stoya right Mike stoer is now the ad Right Mike stoer coach me Mike fando Mike fando is a North Jersey guy and Mike's now a fette teacher for those Guys were fresh out of college and Coach No lie and you know I just felt like can He what can these guys do you know what Can they coach can they coordinate they Can't so I I I did the off offense the Defense and the Special Teams you know For about two years and I tell you it Was a lot of work but that that took a Couple years off your life yeah it did Take a couple years off my life but it Was one of those things where you know I Just felt like I wasn't sure if they

Were ready but again I think that came With youth and I think you got to trust Your guys you know you gotta learn to Trust a little bit that's huge and I Think that comes with maturity but you Know I think developing those guys um You know you want to see them work you Want to see their work ethic you know And and watch them grow and press um but Again I just think it's h you got to Give guys responsibilities you know you Got to give them you got to give them Jobs to do and you got to let go a Little bit that was the big one the Biggest things I learned you know you Got guys hard yeah you know they're Gonna make mistakes they're gonna fall Down they're gonna fall in the face you Know you live and learn so I mean [ __ ] So do we as as you know quote unquote Seasoned coaches we still mess up we Still do [ __ ] that you know what are we Doing like doubt it's kind of part of it If anything it's like you know little Bit of responsibility here okay look oh He can handle that position on his own Okay next oh look he can handle that Maybe that special teams you know maybe One of them or something oh he can be a Box coach can he go up in the booth Right like there's so much to like with Assistant coaches in you know I mean Look I always said like you gotta coach Your coaches you know that's the most

Important thing because especially now These kids like the kids see right Through your [ __ ] so if you got a Coach that's just out there rah rah woo Woo like you know just to wear the polo You know they're going home saying yo Coach doesn't do anything like anybody Can give like I can give anybody 10 Minutes of individual and they can Figure out what to do now is it Coordinated with what we are doing Collectively I think is one of the Biggest Parts but I mean I I was always A firm believer in in when you're with Those young guys little bit of Responsibility at a time let them kind Of earn their way into it and then Eventually like now they're drinking Your Kool-Aid yeah no out no doubt and I Think that's what you got to do you got To give them a little Freedom they're Going to make mistakes but you know you Got to be trust you got to trust your Coaches you got to trust youres that That's the I I I think that's um I for Me as I and I think I I think a lot of Head coaches the hardest thing is you You and and maybe you could talk a Little bit about it you have a view of How you want things to go right and you Kind of and then you give it give it Either maybe whether it's coordinator or You give a role to to a guy and you kind Of translate to that to him and then

You're trusting him to do that talk talk About what your expectations are of Those guys meaning yes they're gonna Make mistakes right but what what is it That a young coach can do that earns Your trust that you you're like hey even Though you make mistakes here and there You know you're on the right path what What is it that a young coach can do I Think the most important thing is with Me is loyalty right so loyalty they got To be loyal to you um they got to be Open-minded one of the first things I Learned as a young head coach you got to Be open-minded don't be so closed-minded You know um communication to me is the Most important thing too you know you Got to be able to communicate with your Coaches if your coaches could Communicate um but again I think it's One of those things where they gotta Show to they got to show you they got to Prove to you that they can do it that You know that they could do it the work Ethic is important like I said before You know one of the first things I Learned from Jimmy mson was you know was Work ethic you know putting in the time You know if you're walking off the Practice field and you guys are walking Into the office and that young assistant Is walking to the parking lot and Walking to his car y I mean that's That's not gonna you know that kid's not

Gonna make it with us you know what I'm Saying that's that that's not gonna fly So I think work eth some of those guys Like if there's a guy that you think is Pretty talented yeah but I and I I do Think that a lot of the younger coaches May not yet understand you know that you Know because if we grew up a little more Old school mentality that was kind you Know grew up with three days for God's Sake totally different type of game Absolutely do you not even grab one of Them and try to explain it to him for You know like Hey listen like if you Really are serious about like what what Do you do from that standpoint how how Do you take a guy that you think could Could do something but he just doesn't Know you know like he really doesn't get It he just it hasn't doesn't get it yet Doesn't get it yet say doesn't get it Doesn't get it yet yeah and again that Was one one of the things I said before About communication I I I think I'm a Pretty good communicator so you know I'll always lay all that stuff out you Know to our guys and and if I got to sit A guy down oneon-one and say hey these Are my expectations of this is what I Expect from you um you know I think it's Hard sometimes um to take a guy Sometimes a young guy and put him right Up to the varsity maybe got you know let Him go coach The Freshman you know let

Them be around the kids a little bit let Them learn um you know I think a kid a Guy's got to grow got to grow in that But you know there's like that mold that That you want him to be you know and I Think he's got to uh he's got to be Open-minded he's got to accept it you Know if he's not accepting to it you Know you get a good feel you know it's Another thing I always learned from Eddie you know a good head coach a head Coach that has a good pulse of his team Right so Eddie would always say I know The pulse of my team so that's huge I'm Always kind of that way and and again Took that from Eddie like I I got I know The pulse of the team if you trust me And you listen to what I'm telling you I'm gonna lead you in the right Direction What you your very first statement too Like the Loyalty um you know it's uh you Know being grounded where you're at Doing the job where you're at not what The job you want but doing the job that You're at and being great at it right Now and to me like as a uh you know as a Coach and having been a head coach and Then been an assistant you know after Having been a head coach just like you Have where you know sometimes head Coaches are hesitant to hire another Head coach because they they have their Own ideas but I always would tell guys

Hey listen you're you're the head coach Y I'm going to be your best asset Because you're going to be able to I'm Gonna work really hard but I'm also Going to be a guy who can rely and and Ask questions about things that you Might not be able to talk to other guys About um because they been a head coach You know what I mean so um and I think That the things that you know that Loyalty showing guys head coaches that You're loyal to them yes you know as Long as you're going to be there I you Know I recognize that not every Assistant coach is going to be there for A million years anymore which when you Get them that's gold right it's it's Gold it's gold yeah absolutely when You're with me you're loyal to what We're doing you're loyal to the program You're loyal to me as the head coach Because I'm essentially the one that Stamped you right so how do you I this Is a tough question so I you know I Don't know that I know the answer how do You what what are some of the things That you do to work to in instill loyal In the guy especially newer newer Coaches on the staff what are some of The things that you you like to do to Really kind of get them to understand That we're a family and this is what We're trying to do together well I you Know I just kind of I guess I just kind

Of try to be like a role model myself You know what I'm saying just just um You know I walk I walk that walk so like I'm not GNA tell you one thing and then Do something else you know yeah you know Actions you know my actions I want my Actions to be uh louder than my words in Terms of how I operate um you know I'm Big with the ego thing you know you Can't have an ego like I've been I've Been a head coach I've been an assistant Coach I've been the coordinator you know Listen we all have a little ego yes it's Part of being a coach you know but my Ego isn't bigger than you have to have a Little bit of an ego you gotta have a Little bit of an ego I don't care what Anybody says if you don't have a little Bit of if you don't have a little bit of This like I don't care It's got to be checked it's got checked Like I know yeah exactly I've been an Assistant coach I know I could be a Great assistant Co assistant coach you Know what I'm saying because my ego I Know how to check my ego you know Because you have the head coach and Again he's the head coach but you know I Think it's one of those things where you Know you got to lead as an example you Know for those younger guys um you know I'm big with I'm big with whatever Happens in the room it's got to stay in The room

You know whatever's whatever's Talk Amongst the coaches I'm not I'm not big On social media and putting our business On social media that that burns that's Why we're a family that's it's this is What it is we're talking loyalty like y So I could you know I and again I kind Of can feel a guy out by the way we Communicate on the staff and if there's An issue I'm gonna say something you Know I put something in you know we got Group text amongst the coaches if Something gets out or leaks out I'm like Hey bud it's got to stay here you know What I'm saying so and we know and we Know where it came from right because There's only so many of these you know What I mean like come on bud like what Are we doing here like let's talk about This yeah you know and I think the I Think the communication and the coaches Meetings are very important you know I I You know we'll have like two or three Coaches meetings leading up to Camp you Know and that's the top you know check The ego at the door you know like coach Said it before this is our family what Happens here what happens in the room's Got to stay in the room because again You know I have I've had fathers on my Staff that have you know their sons in The program and that's not an easy thing To do you know my head freshman coach Right now it's hard my head freshman

Coach his son is gonna be a junior you Know I've had other guys on my staff That have sons you know it's not easy It's not easy no way you know no I think You you you brought up a great point About how important everything is to Keep everything in the room and that Guys you know like literally check what You know you can have an ego but you got To check what doing and ultimately You're you're you're the head guy right So um you know it's like you don't have To always love every decision I make Everybody you you you right you could Run scenario like we've all done as a Assistant coach when we've been Assistants you could run the scario if I Was head coach I would have done but you Don't have to ver put it in your binder Bro b when you're a head coach yes and Maybe you give the listen then on Monday You in your Co and maybe Co coaches Before the coaches mean you pull coach You know the head coach aside and say Hey you know I saw this and that also Shows the head coach that you're doing Your research you're paying attention to The game absolutely you know I I think That's a that's a an important thing and You know what and and what's listen and And I'm curious your opinion on this Yeah huddle gives so much on your at Your fingertips now right like it really Obviously almost too much right but it

Gives you so much at your fingertips What what what do you like expect guys To come prepare because even when I you Know as a 2020 when when I was at Rbr obviously the technology in huddle Has has come so far that you could Really do a lot of things and my almost Everything to H my mentality always is Like I'm gonna do a lot of the stuff Myself because I like to know what's Going on but I'd like to see what Everybody else does right so you know Like what we you know we used to check We used to look and see okay which Coaches watched any film absolutely Right 100% what are I pull it up every Monday I pull it up every Monday and I'm Meeting I look at all who's watching Film yep right yep and even with coaches It's like hey it's like okay you know You're watching the football game on Sunday okay because maybe you're not Coming in as much as you used to but Yeah you should we break looking at film And if you got zero hours yeah uh uh uh Looked at then you know if you're giv a Suggestion in in a meeting you probably Should keep your mouth shut because you Have zero hours filmm so and and so one Of the things that I I think is great About huddle is gives you really quick Easy access talk about what you like to Have your guys kind of do for you with Respect to there's so many things they

Can do there is and you know what coach It used to be you know five 10 years ago Um I used to have all the guys input the Information so whether you're on the Offensive staff or the defensive staff They would all split up the Responsibilities you know so like yeah You know if you the defensive Coordinated and Derek and I are putting In like the down and distance and the Hash and the stuff like that so we're All watching film and if you're the Offensive coordinator then we maybe We're putting the uh you know what Coverage it is what the front is so we All got you know we all got a piece of The of the pudding now you know we're All involved but now with huddle a six You know now now they're doing it you Know so so again it's it's one of those Things like you said before you just got To trust your guys and again you can Tell and again we're fortunate 100% you Can tell just by the questions that are Asked or just the way they approach it Like you know Monday like when I get Back on that JV game and those guys are Already on the board it's like hey I'm Coming in and look I've always been a Firm believer and and you know I coached With Dave for two years and you know my Role as an assistant coach is to think Of everything possible that you haven't In terms of you got so many other things

Going on like hey coach what are you About this and my job is to just present It to you and whether it works great if It doesn't and you say no no but I'm not Pissed if you say no or I'm not feeling Some type of well coach doesn't want to Run this because you know dude that's Not what this is about right football's The Ultimate Team game where everybody Has a job to do and you need to do that Job to the best of your ability and That's when things some guys do feel but Like my point is that some guys do hell Yeah some guys get pissed there are guys That are great I I will say great C There are assistants that are very good Coaches yes that sometimes get get you Know I'd like to do More that's I I'm curious what what Coach has them do because there's some Guys that you you assign things to and They they'd like to do more and then There other guys that you might assign Things to and maybe they're not well not That they didn't do it it's maybe they Weren't you know they didn't understand How to do it right they didn't Understand exactly what but that's why I'm curious what you do from from that Standpoint yeah so no like we're you Know I'm real specific with their jobs And stuff like that so you know our two Coordinators we lost coach there oh he's Here

He's we oh there we go there we go we Lost I kissed him off again no I'm get It holy [ __ ] yeah I thought I was having A Stroke so again with huddle like you Were saying before coach the meeting Times obviously has changed right so you Know we bring our guys in on Saturday After a Friday night game you know we'll Watch the game film with the kids and Then uh you know we'll lift we'll get The kids out of there and then we'll Stay as a staff probably till about noon And then everybody goes home and then You know we start watching film and Again it's one of those things as you Know as years have gone on you got to Expect that everybody has your film Right so you know if you played five Games you have five games if you played 10 games you got 10 games right so don't Ever think that no one has your film Everybody has your film right Everybody's swapping and and looking for An edge right so you know these guys go Home on Saturday and then the Coordinators they you know we we again We have the Huddle assist so that goes Out that comes back and then uh you know Guys just start watching film but you Know we're communicate and we don't meet On Sundays you know that was something a Little different than what Eddie did we You know I I've thought about coming

Back to the Sundays you know I kind of Play around with that a little bit but Again it's like one of those things like You said with huddle you don't have to You know as long as you guys are Communicating with each other all day And that's you got to know your staff Just like you got to know your team Right if you to like if you see it and You're like you know what I think we Need to all be in here on Sundays then You got to make that call but you know For the most part you know especially Like you know hey like you're the DB Coach like you should have a group chat With the linebacker coach the dline Coach D and the head coach right Offensive staff you should have your own Gig whatever like I just feel like that Shows initiative in terms of an Assistant you know wanting to be a part Of that right like don't just show up on Monday and be like well what do they run Like I don't need to know that or don't Tell me like what we did on Friday night You I've just watched 24 hours of that Film and critiqued everything so you Know like you know I think it's just a Lot of guys just don't really get it Like because I don't think they've ever And this is the one that I've seen since You know being in you know North Jersey And now down here and whatnot with with Certain staff some guys like you know

Playing in high school or that type of Gig they've never like experienced it on That level right like every program has Been different we were fortunate enough To play at high level high school Programs that prepared us for college And Dav has referenced it too play low LEL high school program that's what I'm Saying that's where I'm that's know I Was a good athlete and got a scholarship But that's but that's like what I'm Saying right and that's what I'm getting To Dave is that when you came out of Small group one Saddlebrook ball and all Of a sudden you're at Yukon like shell Shock right like whoa like I wasn't Coached that way you know it here's the Ball go run right like and I could tell You know when I got to Sacred Heart I Was so far ahead of other freshman Because my coaches coached me a certain Way absolutely we watched film did all Those particulars and it wasn't just the Head coach it was the assistants right Like that stuff mattered when I got to That next level I was so far ahead of Some of these guys like I mean it was Crazy like you know coverage wise these Guys had no clue they're like what do You mean what's cover three what's cover Four I like dude you played High School Football like what are you talking about Listen Derek if I told you I told if I Told you what I knew coming out of high

School football I knew like our plays Were literally like pitch right to Dave You know I'm not kidding like I'm not I'm not kidding when I say this so but I Know that's why my play safety was Basically don't let anybody get behind You yeah oh just stand here what it Was I had a learning curve I was like You Know started drawing stuff up in college And I was like what are they doing I Didn't know what they were doing I I'm Not kidding I'm like like what what do They do I never saw anyone draw other Than like we watch film I never saw Anyone draw an X and O in high school is That crazy that is crazy everything was Taught on the field and never I never Saw anything on a board in film they Would explain you know explain this but I never saw so they started drawing Things I came in there I was like I I Know I called my dad I was like I'm like I'm just going to be looking at this Playbook for like yeah because I am not In the same you know level as far as Knowledge wise right so it's it's and Obviously now that's the beauty I guess Of now you know even even I mean if you If you're not doing that all the stuff As a coach yeah Um be really bad coach you said it Before I mean one of the things I mean Obviously it was a terrible year and

What how it went down 2020 with covid But that taught us like like Derek said Before about with zoom you know with Zoom meetings with your kids and stuff Like that I mean I mean it's come so far Now I mean you know our coordinators our Position coaches as coach said before You know they're doing with our players You know so that's going on all during The week you know where you know we Didn't have that before 2020 it's amazing uh I I want to ask you One final question yeah what is it about Man alipin that that really makes it Such a special place because every year It's a you know people want to cover it They want to watch the games there you Guys get huge crowds for home gam what Is it about man alapin coach you know What I I think it has that that blue Colla mix you know it's it's got a blue Collum mix it has a you know it's it's Made up of that that North Jersey I Always say that North Jersey that that New York that you know just that mix of The just work ethic type of people you Know where it's it's the it's the it's The teachers it's the cops it's the Firemen it's the you know it's just it's The Carpenters it's the plumbers it's You know people that that that lunch Paale type of uh type of environment you Know again we do have our you know there Are wealthier people in in man Alin of

Course but I mean I think you know Majority is just that blue collar you Know type of attitude and uh you know And that's the biggest thing I find you Know it's just uh the kids really want To work at it you know and they want to Be successful and you know when you tell Them we're gonna we're gonna do this They're gonna say okay let's do it you Know it's yeah you're not getting a Million questions milon questions it's Not it's not why it's like all right Let's do it you know I got to jump how High you know and uh yes that's amazing So that's the biggest thing but I would Say it's that mix of that just that that Blue collar you know mentality you know That that's the biggest that's what I Find you know and the support and the Support from the Community absolutely although if the Home prices keep going up in Mammoth County you know might only have rich People living here soon Everywhere it'll be but no you're I I Think you're you nailed it on the head Um and that obviously translates into Kids that are tough kids and kids Football and have the mindset to play The game our coach has been fantastic Having you on awesome I hope I take we Didn't take too much of your of your Thursday night you know I'll do another Hour if you want I don't care we I don't

Care if you want yeah listen if I if if I normally we do our show on Friday yeah Yes So it doesn't interrupt dinner you know But this week we rarely get to ex's and O's on this we talk any scheme I'm ready To do some steem if you want no listen We rarely get Bring and we'll save that for after the Season though there you go we don't you Know we now know that you run power Really well and we want make you know we Don't want you know we don't want to Give away the nuances of your power game No no yeah yeah yeah no listen hey it's Another thing I learned from coach Guerreri there's NE no Secrets no absolutely not everybody Knows everything everybody knows Everything there's no listen the minute You your mindset changes you think Differently you're better off there's no Secrets there's no Secrets coach appreciate it man really Thank you for taking the time great Having you on Coach any anytime you want To talk football you know do it we we're Glad to have you on it's great thanks Coach appreciate all right man thank you Thank you man great day coach Man great awesome Take Care thank you All right that was fantastic really Really really really great show I didn't Know he was a Staten Island guy I love

That yeah no I didn't know that E I Didn't know that either I didn't know That either but but I know this he's a Better shape than both of us so well Listen listen it don't take much like no Offense to him I know he's in great Shape but it don't take much to look Better than us we talk about this [ __ ] Enough we should really just like start Doing I'm so strong I'm so strong I got To slim down um so strong I got I tell Myself that Too well that that was a great show I'll I'll let you go get some dinner if you Haven't already and we had a hell of a Week it's been a great week go go enjoy You know where you're gonna those kids Were good those kids were great this Week they really worked hard and through That heat man they like okay just keep Giving me water coach and we're good to Go no they did they did a great job I Don't know if you saw because I think I Think you're in the in in the the we Also we also have like bun a bunch of Thank yous came in in ourn that's good And we found and we found the smartest Like little secret ever like that we're Gonna have as a ga for the next 25 years Oh my God yeah that that if I was lit Guys I found my analytic guy I found my Analytics guy for the next like 30 years We're good we're set he was he was he Was ready to go every with all that

Stuff I got more I I have a whole Playbook now so we're good to go Fantastic all right let's get off the Show great show all right man

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