Gridiron Chronicles: Building Football Legacies – Georgia vs. New Jersey with Marion Bell, Head C…

Gridiron Chronicles: Building Football Legacies – Georgia vs. New Jersey with Marion Bell, Head Coach Southwest Dekalb Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and…

Gridiron Chronicles: Building Football Legacies – Georgia vs. New Jersey with Marion Bell, Head Coach Southwest Dekalb

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We live all we're live oh okay I think We're live Where should be Good don't mind me I'm snacking I just Came out of Youth practice but we'll get We'll um we'll we'll get on we have Great guest today legendary coach coach Bel who is from New Jersey and um took went down to George's Now head coach To calb high school and taking over that Program after a tremendous successful Career in New Jersey his son also is one Of the top defensive backs in the Country at the high school level uh Committed to LSU is that right uh coach Yes yes yes yes he is currently Committed to LSU so we'll get to talk About that so we'll get to talk about Some really interesting things not just His career as a coach but also a little Bit of the angle from um from a dad who Has a top level recruit I think that'll Be real interesting and so with without Further Ado let's bring bring coach Bell On here coach hey how you doing coach How's everything going it's going well I Can't complain good good good we got we Got what's up coach D we're excited to Talk to you're you're you're living a Good life down there in Georgia you know Join son Sun uh all year round no more Winters for you yeah no more sing for Me you may have to deal with me uh Because I just came I just came out of

I'm coaching my son's U team so I I have A little food right next to me my wife Maybe so I might you might see someone Snacking occasionally while while we're Doing the podcast but we're excited to Have you on uh like we said in the intro You know two two great perspectives you Know as a coach obviously you've had a Great career as a coach and now taking Over a new Program and then also as a father of a Top level recruit which which is uh for You might be even more exciting right And then obviously the father of of sons Who are coaching at the highest level as Well which I think is you know you you Have some really unique perspectives so We're really excited to talk to you more Today I appreciate it I appreciate It coming from New Jersey Okay and going to Georgia Um but before we get to that tell tell Everybody who who may not know as well As we do just a little bit of you know How you got into the coaching you know Your career all that kind of Background um and and then we'll go for There because there's a whole bunch of Stuff that I want to talk to you About okay well I started my coaching Career right out of college I went to Ramapo College I played defensive back For them uh for four years

And uh right after college I started Coaching at Westside High School my alma Ma where I played at and uh I was a Defensive coordinator for Westside um When I first got out of college and I Moved from Westside and I got a job in East St I started coaching at East St uh Cliffy J Scott on coach Bill Norwood um I was a freshman uh head Coach and then I became his defensive Coordinator um and then from coach Norwood I started coaching at Livingston High school And then I left Livingston high school And came back to East Thor campus to Coach under coach uh Larry scharer uh Rest in peace coach Shu and uh Schumaker Uh resigned and I took over as a head Coach at East St campus uh and once I Took over head coach East Campus I was Fortunate enough to win a state Championship in 2007 and uh we were very good had a very Successful career there um but you know Like sometimes you know towns want Change and uh they want to move in Another Direction so I W up being the Offensive coordinator for baringer high School and offensive coordinator for um Rosel High School under two my former Assistant coach Coach Ron Ley London and Coach James Williams um and then I was Offered the job to go back to Westside As a head coach and I decided to take it

And I went over there and turned the Program around and uh decided I just Need a life change and I decided to move To Georgia wanted my youngest son to um Go to school down in Georgia cuz my Family is here my mom was here she uh Passed away a couple years ago um but uh That's where I am now that's what Brought me here and I'm coaching now at Southwest Camp High School a legendary High School here in Georgia um and uh It's been Great what what was the move that made You go down to George was it family or Was it you know you just just felt like You needed a Change no it was family it was family And I think it was kind of I was kind of Driven by God God kind of moved me um New Jersey was good to me I had a very Good career there coaching um living um Teaching but I just think God had a Different plan for me and and uh he Allowed me to move my family moved here So I decided to move and uh it's been Great ever Since it's it's pretty I love the fact That you made the move by the way I want To make the move to the South but I Can't get out of here cuz my kid's so Young I want to make the move myself um you Know what's amazing too so I remember When you made the move um your son

Jaylen right that that goes to Grayson Grayon yeah right and um when he made The move I remember you went to like one Of the camps that we had down there you Were starting to kind of put your feel Feelers out as to what the world was Like down there from a football Standpoint he went down there started Basically right away at at Grayson Now now is committed to LSU is one of The um you know top recruits of the Country in his position what what Um what was it like as a father of Someone becoming such a top level Recruit like that now I know you had Other sons that obviously played played The college level and had had great Success but but this son is one of the Top players in the considered one of the Top players of the country in in in his Age group and uh so what what has that Kind of Road been like for you for you As a Parent um it's been great um I did have The opportunity when Trey my oldest son Was coming through he was one of the top Players as well he was in that in that Class with Vernon hard Graves and uh yep And uh Jaylen Ramsey and he got a chance To play at the the Nike opening with all Of those guys uh he was on the team with Ezekiel ell so I kind of had a little Experience with it um we just took it to Another level with Jaylen um coming out

Here at Grayson um he came down in the Eighth grade and uh down here you could Play Spring ball in the eighth grade With the high school so they moved him Up in the eighth grade to the varsity Team and uh he had a a really good Spring in the eighth grade and uh by the Time the fall came he was a starting Corner for them and he started all 14 Games all the way to the semi-finals in The playoffs playing against the number One player in the country Travis Hunter And uh it just been great Hello and uh he just took everything That he learned from myself and my son And uh doing it his way Now yeah it's incredible and and LSU so Tell me about that that like process There with LSU and and what what were Some of the interesting factors for him In making a decision Prospect wise Because one of the things that we we Always talk about is everybody's Recruiting process and how it's Different what what were some of the Important factors for him well growing Up in a in a football household um we Always studied defensive backs and uh he Played for the Brick City Lions um out Of North New Jersey um shout out to big Body Nas um and he he prophesized this He always wanted to to go to LSU because It was considered DBU and he's been Playing DB since he was probably five or

Six years old so it was always a dream Of his so when he had the opportunity to To get an offer from LSU and then it was A committable Offer um he got the offer from coach Olaff before they got let go and uh then When he got re offered by coach Kelly's Staff we thought that was a sign and uh He just wanted a couple of his teammates From high school was committed there and He was just like you know what let me Not waste no time let me just go ahead Commit um because this is my dream School and he actually said that uh for The Brick City Lions documentary that he Was gonna be a LSU star and as a Quarterback in the next five Years that's incredible that's Incredible that he he he already knew at That point that that's what he wanted to Be and that's where he wanted to be I Mean obviously the great quarter Quarterbacks that have come out of there Um and great defensive backs in general Patrick Peterson obviously um but that's Just one of many many many guys that Have come out of there that have been Big big time prospects and Big Time NFL Players um taking over a new so you went Down right you were originally an Assistant I think right as a as a as a Coach when you went down when I first Came down I just sat out I coached W Ball for for a year um just to stay in

The game and then I took an assistant Job at southet high school thanks to Coach Brian Lamar G me an opportunity to Come on and coach and still go watch my Son play so I was a freshman offensive Coordinator for southet for a year and Uh we did really really well one of the Best freshman teams ever had uh in the School and uh I just decided I wanted to Get back into High School coaching on The Varity level and uh South was the CAD job open up it was 80 jobs that open Up and uh I only applied for one and I Talked to a couple guys that I knew and I asking what kind of school was Southwester Gap and they said it was Similar to what I what I used to coach At in New Jersey so I appli for it and I Never heard anything and then all of a Sudden about two months later I got a Call the first interview and then I went Through the first interview then I went Through the second interview and the Third interview then the fourth Interview then finally they offered me The Job wow that's incredible where is the The cob uh relative to Atlanta how far Is it from uh Atlanta it's like like 20 Minutes It's oh decator yeah y y yeah very Familiar okay we got coach D back it's Great um that that's really so so as far As now taking over a program what are

Some of the things that you're Instilling that are similar from what You've done in the past and what's Different than than what you've done in The past um I'm taking over a program That was two and eight last year um four And six the year before um but before That they were pretty good had some very Very talented kids that played there um But coming in it was a discipline issue Um and I'mma just still in discipline That's all I've ever done in New Jersey Was instill discipline and pride into my Kids and get them the confidence they Need to be successful to go to the next Level whether it's football or just Being employed by a company but they They leave my program and they and they Feel real good about who they are as a Person um but the difference is here we Have Spring ball so you get to work with Your kids all year round um so I was Able to come in and Implement my offense My defense my special teams from day one And I got the job March 1st in New Jersey you can't do that you can't touch Your kids until June whatever the last Track meet is over so you get a chance If you're a worker you get a chance to Really work and coach football here Opposed to in New Jersey and the kids Here like over the whole state this a Huge State they really like playing Football like you don't have to beg them

To play football like they want to play Football that's a huge thing I mean we We've talked about it a couple times uh We talked about it with tarig we talked About it with Coach Jackson from from West Virginia um about how the South has Really become like from a scholarship Standpoint you know starting obviously I Guess you would say like North Carolina All the way obviously to down to Florida All the way west out to Texas right um And then obviously California would Include in there as well just the way The structure is they've dominated the Scholarship landscape I we were talking About it uh I think yesterday that there Was only one new Jersey kid in the top 300 players but Georgia I mean there's a Ton of them ton of players from you know All over the South and obviously the Fact that they're playing a lot more Just what you're saying really and the Fact that they love football like Football's football's like my guess is That and haven't run a lot of camps down There football's important in New Jersey And New Jersey has a good tradition but Football down in the south is like a Religion right so it's a it's a Different thing well the thing is coach Down here this like last night we had Our our fall scrimmage game scrimmage Before we open up next week and uh every

School in Georgia has a top player on Their team that's gonna go power five I'm talking about I took over a program And I have a power five kid already Committed to uh BYU um so every kid Every school here has a power five kid Or two or three or five but the Difference is they get a chance to get Evaluated during that live period when Spring ball comes around they get a a Full evaluation from the colleges to Watch them play football in New Jersey You can they just come to your school And say hi to the kid or see the kid but Here they get a chance to watch the kid Perform and that's why they get offers And get um scholarships and get um seen More because because of the way they do Spring Football that makes a ton of sense I Mean it it's just a matter of the more People can see if everything's being Equal and I seen somebody and I haven't Seen somebody else you're you're going To recruit that player I Think it's it's a it's a no-brainer I'm I'm curious um and Derek you could chime In anytime I know you you you were you Were gone for a little bit so if you if You want to chime with something just Chime in in front of me um yeah no Problem like I I mean listen that's Something that we' talked about you know Even more so recently and you know

They've tried here in Jersey to do a Little something in terms of you know Okay well we'll give you a couple days Where you can kind of guys can go on the Field out There work out and do this or what Listen that still talking like you're in A live type of game scrimmage at the end Of your Spring ball These see that not the same as organized Drills Like Football yes see at our spring game Coach we had about 20 20 schools there Watching our kids play and I'm talking About LSU uh uh Georgia Tech um you name it They were there watching us play so to See those kids play that early it gives Them the opportunity to pull a trick and Say hey look we want to offer you a Scholarship that's that's that's an Enormous thing how about does has nil Like uh become a thing at all in in in George I know all the states are Different like I don't know if they're Allowed to get nil in high school yet There but is that become is that a huge Thing with the prospects down in Georgia Well see the difference now in Georgia Is you can't get an nil in uh in high School that's that's the state law um I Know like in in Louisiana uh Brian Kelly Went to the state and for for the the

Louisiana kids to get Nils in high School here you can't get Him that that's that's interesting so so Everything that bring obviously the Their offering is going to be that's Going to take place when they get to College so from an nil standpoint is Um have you seen and it sounds like it Hasn't been a huge effect but has the Transfer portal been in issue on the Number of kids that are getting offer Down at the high school level or no Impact um with with what you're seeing Well see here trainers they have a lot To do with the kids here in Georgia so If you train with a guy um that's like The liaison for the trans transfer Portal so guys want guys they go to the Trainers and say okay well he train the Top BBS or he trained the top Linebackers so let's go to his trainer And we go through the trainer we don't Have to go through the high school we Won't break no no rules and the trainers Are saying hey man I got a guy that's in The portal and that's how guys are able To get leave one school and go to Another a bigger School that's interesting that makes a Ton of sense actually that's how you Could get around that whole kind of Circum event because they're they're all Trying to figure out now like I I hear Some the coaches that are college that

Are saying hey we need that we need to Get in some sort of regulations of how People are tampering but I don't know How you're going to be able like once The cat's out of the bag in this whole Thing you know what I mean it's kind of Hard to put it right back in the box Right because yeah yeah yeah you know I Mean it's it's obviously you want the Athletes to be able to control their Careers to be able to obviously Pro Profit from it you want them to do that At the same time you also want uh to be Able to have a situation where it's not Craziness too right for everybody yeah That's the hard I mean that's that's the True balance of it all um what what do You see like like like some of the Possible I don't know best ways of all these Things for for High School coaches to Handle stuff like when when different People come in for kids um you know Working with trainers like how how how Have you found the best way to do Things um I I I I found the best way to Do things like this man like I'm an Honest guy I try to do things the right Way and uh I just try to advise the kids The same way I would advise my own kids Um just try to do things the right way Don't be in it for for the money the Fame being for all the right reasons Because when football stops you're going

To have to fall back on a career you Know you don't want to go somewhere okay You got a few dollars but then you wind Up not graduating because you got in a Portal nobody picked you up and then you Still you got a few dollars but that Money is not going to last but so Long do things the right way coaching Just tell advise kids the way I would Advise them all SS yeah that make that That makes a ton of sense I mean that That's the best way to do it and 7even And seven is like enormous in the spring Down in Georgia like I oh yeah Georgia And Florida obviously um you know but I Mean it's it's it's grown up here but I You know I try to tell people like There's a club on every corner in Georgia and Texas and in in in Florida Like whereas like we have our club up Here in New Jersey it it covers we we Cover the whole Shore the whole entire You know we have kids from middle sex County we have even kids from like Del Barton up In in in in Georgia or like you'll have The the top tier programs that'll draw Kids from different areas but then You'll have each area have like their Own club that's playing and they're Playing in League Play and you know like Because I know um uh who's the guy who Used to be a strength coach down there He runs his own League like you have

Seven on seven leagues all the way Throughout the spring right Um it's amazing how many opportunities There are to get better do you advise Kids like um to play multiple sports do You want them to you know if they want To do track do track if they want to Play basketball do basketball like how Does that work down there well for me I I I played all three Sports in high School so I would never not advise that Um and here even at Southwest academ our Kids play multiple sports like the my my DB that's committed to um BYU he was a State champion of 400 um so he came us and Spring ball he Might have practiced like three or 4 Days right off the track you know played In the game so here they they play a lot Of sports man like it's not just one Sport that they they concentrate on they Athletes they play multiple Sports yeah it's I think it also Probably makes you overall a better Athlete too right Le less likely to to Get injured being a play multiple Sports And plus you I think you enjoy your Season too right there's nothing wrong With playing Seven and Seven stuff but If you play multiple Sports you look Forward to the football season you know To your season yeah to your season right Now he's having so much fun like he won A state championship in track um 400

Team uh state champ and now he's like Enjoying football so much more you know So a lot of times like what you don't Want to do is like overdo it like you Don't want to play three Sports two Sports I think is good enough yeah yeah Yeah yeah I I well it just becomes a Time thing right and especially where in Georgia which is like Flor in a sense That like there's no winter I mean There's winter sports but like if you do Track right you start in January right Track like listen track 707 everything That's Outdoors starts all up again all Over again in January yeah exactly so It's it's impossible because you're You're gonna go right from football and Then you're like okay if I'm a track guy I'm doing track for the next five months And I'm doing seven and seven right and Uh but if you're a basketball you're Basketball yeah if you're a football Basketball guy don't they do it all year Round too do they do a down there yeah I I thought I worked hard like I thought I Was a tireless work in New Jersey but The school that I'm at now these guys Work 24 hours a day all year round Basketball girls basketball track Softball like this school is a school of Champions like if you going if you going To Hall of Fame the or the all Champions They have they have multiple Championships in different sports

Wrestling my my tailback is a state Champion and wrestling 39 and0 at 218 Pounds Wow that's how that's how like it's so Different to to coach kids that you That's coming to the table with a lot it Must be refreshing too in in a sense That um and and New Jersey has great Sports great athl we we obviously both Grew up here um but to go to go to where Like they just live for sports you know What I mean they live for sports yes They do you know in New Jersey you're Always almost like justifying how sports Are important right like you're you're Always like as a teacher to coach like You're always justifying to Administrations how important sports are Like how much we need it as Co coaches With the kids and stuff but down there They they want Sports they want Sports Let me give you an example like like my Son's school right right in that county Which has I don't know maybe 30 high Schools the the High School coaches Don't teach Classes they just do football you know If it if it's a class it's weight room Which is all football players in New Jersey I used to work from Bell to Bell From 8:15 to 2:15 and that was my time off you don't Get no time in between to touch your kid You can't talk to them here is different

You know even like now here at school I'm at now like I do so much less in Terms of working I still get a chance to Get with my kids and talk football and Do Football well the relationships must get Stronger too because of that right they Can sit down they could tell you what's Instead of putting out fires right in New Jersey I feel like you you sp you'll Spend your day you know oh you hear About something from a teacher you're Putting out a fire right as opposed to Being able to build relationships build A relationship all day long yeah yeah You know that's the Difference that's interesting that I I Think I didn't I didn't realize how in- Depth that was you know because I was Never I was never te I was coached but I I wasn't a teacher obviously Derek was a Teacher you you were a teacher the Bell Thebell thing and then all of a sudden Boom you got to go right into football Practice or or whereas you're able to Kid needs to see you about something Could come over and see you because You're focused more on the the full Thing with respect to sports they can Come and see you talk to you build Relationship tell you what's going on at Home whereas New Jersey you you're Finding out on the Fly you're walking to The field and someone's walking with you

Telling you hey so and so's not going to Be here today because this is going on Yeah he suspended yeah now take my Career for example I coasted in a city In New Jersey so imagine what I had to Deal with and then still coach football Yep you know here the weight room is a Part of their their curriculum is a part Of their their class so you don't have To worry about doing weight room after School you take weight room in School so if you're an athlete you don't Have to miss a sport because you got Weight room your weight class your Weight room class is during the day and That's something that New Jersey I know Where I East St and West Side they Didn't do that right you know everything Was at the school so if I ran track I Couldn't live weight Play basketball I couldn't live weights Here you can lift weights during the day And play your second sport in the Afternoon which I think that's something That New Jersey uh High School Administrators need to think about if You really want to build a good Program there's there's no doubt if you Want to build a group right you're Saying if you want to build a group Program that's that's got to be the key Because it becomes a limitation to what Um what those abolutely and their Development obviously gets limited

Development Holds yeah it's it's it's a totally Different ball game Coach no no doubt about it Derek I'll Let you ask me and Coach been going back And forth you you have you have so many Technical difficulties I don't know I Might have to put like uh I might have To bring bring over a tower for you just Leave it Outdoors a tornado it's like a tornado Going on around here so Wi-Fi is going Crazy listen you know look it's a lot Of yeah down here it's like it's wild But it is what it is um so apologize for That but coach I know listen I know it's We've talked to some guys that have had The opportunities to to go down south Like you have and listen a lot of them Hit on the exact same thing and that's Always a big one weight room is a part Of now it's not deterring a kid from Another sport because he's going to miss This right and it only adds to that Acceleration process in terms of Maturity on and off the football field In terms of hey I have to I get to see My I have to see my coach day right There's no escaping that weight room Right even some of those guys that try You know finagle and get by it it's like Hey you're Still yeah yeah exactly exactly and I Think that's something that New Jersey

Should adopt because I mean I know like Coaching at East St and Westside it was Tough trying to get kids that come to The weight room and they want to play Basketball they run track you know and Then you know it caused controversy Between the coaches because you know They think I'm being selfish because I'm The football coach and I know I know you Need strength you know and and it caused Controversy between us when it shouldn't Be that Way well that that's a big thing that That I've noticed in high school every Place I've ever Been guys basketball coach is at odds With the football coach uh coach is at Odds with the football coach just Because there wasn't a solution for the Weight Room and all a sudden guys who should Get along so you could you could have Their kid in your sport now people are Trying to hoard kids for their own sport As opposed to everybody going from Season to season and being successful Because it that was that used to drive Me crazy I'm like we should be working Together that yeah yeah yeah if our kids Are going from season to season we're Going to win championships if we're Exactly we're we're controlling our own 10 kids and that's it we're not going to Win none of us yeah none of us yeah but

I tell you man I I I I I pray that Someone from New Jersey here's this Conversation start Spring ball start Weight room in in the um in the school Give the high school head football Coaches don't give them a full load they Already have a full load and foot Football is not two mon football is year Round the high school football coaches Shouldn't be working as hard as they are And still trying to manage a football Program and still be held accountable For Winning you know some of us did it you Know it's a lot of us who did it but it Shouldn't be that way because that's not The way it is everywhere in the world no You're you're 100% right and hopefully At some point the fact that New Jersey And and and there's other states you Know the Northeast I would say in General it's an issue right so you know Um uh Pennsylvania maybe has a little Bit more but you know obviously New England is probably a problem it's you Know so the coaches really have a an Issue and really the truth is this is I Always say this it does like yes it Affects us as coaches we we maybe cannot Be as good as we could be but the people That it ends up really affecting is the Kids are the kids yeah they don't Develop the way that they should they Don't get the opportunities and the

Opportunities become you know um limited Because like we always and we try to Explain it to administrators in New Jersey like they they don't so there's a Lot of people that don't understand how Big an opportunity Sports is for so many People and now I mean from the time when We were kids it's like 10x from that Time period you know like exactly Exactly your son and and and his friends You know Sports has been part big part Of their lives all the way through and And their parents lives my son who's Even younger much younger he's eight Years old like we just go from sport to Sport to Sport and so do the parents Like they they're taking the kids to Sport and it's part of their social life Now right like that's part of their Social life so this is where I think Administrators down the South I think They get it right but they get it up North Northeast they don't realize that Sports is the fabric of the kid social Life as well it's not just a sport these Are their friends like when I see my son He says uh can I stay up to practice and Hang out because kids have older Brothers that are on you know still a Practice in youth or whatever I say yeah Like they're hanging out that's how he Makes his friends he's hanging out with Them not just in practice but now he's Hanging out with them 45 minutes after

That's their play time that's their you Know yeah play date whatever you want to Call it you know And for for me you know coaching in the City that was the bonding time that the Kids don't have to be on the streets or Doing something that they shouldn't be Doing that was time to keep them away From all those elements absolutely That's differ like here man we Practicing we work so hard that they Don't have time like I'm still like you See where I'm talking to you I just Scouting I'm outside because I didn't Even go home Yet you know so that's that's the world That I live in now you know you Understand what I'm saying but but in New Jersey the the administrators never Take that stuff into consideration it's Just like I pay you to teach and that's It you know and I think that's that's Not that's not fair because we put so Many hours in for such less money you Know you the money it's pennies pennies Absolute pennies it's absolute pennies And and the amount that you're giving to Them and and and you have hundreds and Hundred of players that come back and Tell you how how important it was for You to be able to help them not not just Not just football-wise but literally Changing kids lives like changing the Trajectory of their lives and and sports

Is the impetus for that because it gives Them it gives them that camarad it gives Them something that they can focus on it Gives them a goal Point like hey I can Go to college I can do this and and you Know I always say like listen it's great That kids go division one and all that Stuff and you know I I was lucky enough To play at a high level but the most Important thing is to take football and Be able to leverage it to get you where You want to go t that Tariq talked about That I went to ramama Old college right I played at Ramold College I played a Couple years at North State University but my friends from Ramapo Will be my friends until the end and we Built such great relationships that that I don't think no D1 no D no Pros will Ever be able to replace that you know Cuz we were a very tight-knit group um We won a lot of games and like those Would be my brothers for life you know Regardless of where we are in life those Will always be my brothers that's the Most important thing those relationships Like those are the people that you you Call up when there's something going on In your life that you could talk to and And it's even more of an impact and you You start building that stuff in high School you have some friends that you Have from high school but College if you Get right spot what you said you really

Not just battling with them because You're on the football field with them But you're eating lunch with them like My favorite time in college was sitting Around the lunch table like I mean I oh I mean Student Union the Student Union Was everything for us yep that was that Was everything for us that's where Everybody hung out at that's where Everybody just sat we hung played pool Just sat around shot to breathe and and Just developed really good friendships No doubt about it coach um I I don't Want to I don't want to keep you any Longer um all right anyone that anyone That wants to reach out of you I don't Know if you have Twitter or you have Anything that people could reach out to You players that want to come over to Southwest toab High School and play for You Hey listen anybody from New Jersey Want to come down we welcome you man Welcome to the West absolutely absolutely thanks Apprciate it co no problem it's great Talking great seeing you again all right Have a great night coach D I talk to him All right all right I will Absolutely that was great so we got to Have coach on Coach D had a has a ton of Technical difficulties I don't know What's going on there today but it was Great talking with Coach Marian Bell Legendary coach in New Jersey now over

In in the state of Georgia really some Amazing Insight not just into recruiting But his own uh his own son being a great Football player himself he has a couple Sons a coach at the highest level one of Florida was recently I think at Florida State maybe somewhere else now um I Think he's at Florida State uh but just Fantastic football Family and uh really interesting to hear The differences between the South and Where we are in New Jersey continuing to Develop there until next time thanks so Much for being on the podcast we'll see You all soon

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