Great Tip on Serving #coachschuman #pickleball

With the returns we've put more Slice on The ball so how to make more difficult For our opponents to be a little bit More aggressive is who wants to serve Here What does that ball have yeah I'm coming…

With the returns we've put more Slice on The ball so how to make more difficult For our opponents to be a little bit More aggressive is who wants to serve Here What does that ball have yeah I'm coming under yeah and the ball is Going this way which makes it harder for You to do what you are looking to do Yeah because most of my opponents have a Slice what do you think is a good serve A Top Spin higher ball because to hit The ball up here Yes Sometimes if you have somebody that Returns with a ton of like cut don't Give them balls here it doesn't matter How hard you hit the ball I love when People hit flat and harder why I can Just use their case and in the bowl so If you have somebody who has Good slice return give them highest

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