Great take on foreign born basketball players

Foreign-born players in my opinion are More mature Jokic Luca we're playing against men When they were 15 16 years old they're Not on IG waving around guns they come Into this league having played against Men and they're very…

Foreign-born players in my opinion are More mature Jokic Luca we're playing against men When they were 15 16 years old they're Not on IG waving around guns they come Into this league having played against Men and they're very mature they're also Very focused on basketball they're not Consumed with their brand or a shoe deal It is all about Hoops they're also and Let's be honest about this we're all a Little bit like this I just went abroad When I go abroad I feel like a visitor I'm more gracious I'm more polite I'm in Somebody else's house or land the Players come over from overseas they Come here and they're loyal to Milwaukee They're loyal to Denver When he got drafted said I can't wait to Get to San Antonio they're going to get A great team player there's gratitude There's skill there's maturity I love Jokic you don't see foreign-born players At least recently that I can

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