Game-Changing Interview_ Meet Jim Delaney, East Laurens HS Offensive Coordinator

54 min read
Game-Changing Interview_ Meet Jim Delaney, East Laurens HS Offensive Coordinator Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go to to register Get…

Game-Changing Interview_ Meet Jim Delaney, East Laurens HS Offensive Coordinator
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[Music] [Music] Hey what's going on Coach D back back at It so we hopefully have a great guest on And uh just shoot him a text that we're On knows because maybe he just signed Off maybe thought didn't know um I will Check I will check he should be good Though okay because he was in there he Was in there but we were talking for a Minute maybe he thought he was in the Wrong thing or something we're good um But yeah so we're gonna talk to coach Delaney today uh from New Jersey to Georgia says is on his Twitter uh Offensive coordinator East Lauren high School if I'm not mistaken um in Georgia And he was a head coach for a long time In New Jersey at High Point um gone to a warmer Pastures uh fertile pastur hopefully we Get to talk about some of the stuff the Differences and uh uh you know coming to From someone up in New Jersey coming Down there and and oh and here he I Think need to something all right we Wait another second he's still not Completely on there I see his name down There I just don't he said there's it's Device not connected I maybe must have Slowed down since he went down to Georgia may may maybe yeah maybe the Phone doesn't uh doesn't R doesn't ring As fast maybe I keep trying to add him

But then he he's not in there all right Um so I've known him for for a long time Um you know he's got a hell of a past uh In the coaching World he's extremely Respected uh he's been nothing but a Mentor to me um the way we kind of Linked UP was he coached for a year at Monclair State and uh and I just Happened to be there so that's kind of Where we come laked up hey coach what's Going on you guys what's up buy looking Good looking good man I will say this One drawback of moving where we moved There's no broadband yet or anything There's like we don't have WiFi you're a little you know come On that that's what we were just talking About like maybe he's got a Broadband Issue going on you know the issue is the Issue is there is none oh All Right dial up the old AOL hey I'm not I'm not saying you had the best Broadband or Wi-Fi and High Point either But it was better than what you got Buddy that's 100% right 100% True coach thanks man I really you uh I Appreciate you jumping on with us and uh You know we're going to go through a Couple things about you know you going From Jersey to Georgia and stuff like That but you know just really appreciate You uh coming on yeah man definitely Looking forward to I'm glad you me

Thanks appreciate it well Co coach D Said uh he said you you you you have Some great nuggets for us today so he he Was excited to to talk to you um just Just so the listeners know just tell Everybody a little bit uh you know your Background uh as a coach and and Obviously where you are now in Georgia Just so everybody understands a little Bit more about you yeah kind of uh been Coaching for I guess 25 years now for for a long time um was A young guy for a while right now like I'm one of the old guys I guess now but Uh coached at uh I was an assistant at Uh whipy park at Clifton um then I went to bayy Ard I was Assistant there for a couple years I was A head fortunate to be the head coach There and school Closed uh coach at Montclair State I Went back to be an assistant at uh West Mars and then I got the higho job I had I was there for four years uh I Got Rift um went to Montville walkill Valley back to High Point for uh for Seven years and then in uh about two Years ago today two years ago yesterday Moved to uh Lawrence County Georgia and I'm I'm an assistant There it where is La it's about uh about an hour south Mon um Dublin is the main is the you Know the big city there I guess so

That's it's right in Central Georgia Right right just about in the Middle very cool and what that so that Was in the middle of covid I guess right Is that it was a season after Co yep was Yeah 2021 2021 was first season there yep I Did uh coach the tight ends and HBS and The defensive backs on special teams Coordinator and then last year and this Year um the offensive Coordinator so what made you move down There what what made you go from being In Jersey down There well first off my wife has um Severe Crohn's disease and uh there's a Lot of side effects I guess that we Didn't really know about one of them Being like arthritis um Do we lose him Georgia I think we may have lost Him he may be speaking on his end but he Be coming it's all gonna come back and Be Like it's the world we're living in um Well I don't know that's a crazy little Thing it might be true the BR the Broadband thing may be an actual I think It's I mean all right I I don't I Georgia still just gets out to their Recruits so I don't know That I guess yeah maybe all the juice Goes to those cities and those places And that's it and poor Athens and smack

Or wherever the smack in the middle of It it's like hey uh what are we doing Down here there we go P back you're back All right good you're were frozen for a Few seconds it's Honestly man I think it's like the Weather like it's really humid It's Humid really uh you're good you're good Humid Um Cold so uh you know we looked at moving Into the South and then when you start Looking at you know teacher salaries and And coaching salaries and whatnot um it It was really Georgia or maybe South Carolina Um and I figur there's worse things I Could be doing than coaching High School Football in Georgia you know what I mean So very cool and and so going going from Being like a um head coach to to Position coach back back to big Adjustment big adjustment and you've Both you have both gone through it so You know what I mean like it's a Different and especially for you coach Being being in the control spot for so Long now all of a sudden you got to take A step back I'm I'm just a position Coach he make his call it's his call you Know what that's speak on that a little Bit you know what I kind of like it Because ideally my goal is to be a head

Coach again right and you always think What what you're doing is is the best Way the way we practice is the best way The way we lift is the best way the way Whatever however you run the program you Don't get a chance to see how other People are doing it you know what I mean So so it's been kind of neat to take a Step back and you know there's some Things I picked up where oh yeah I'm Definitely going to do that and there's Also some things where I've said you Know what I think we were kind of on the Right track a little Bit do you do you View so you know I've been through it a Couple times myself um do you view it as An opportunity To take a step back from a Responsibility St even though you're Obviously office coordinator uh but from A responsibility standpoint meaning all Right uh Mom and Dad mom's angry or Dad's angry there's a head coach you Know how's the delegation from that that Standpoint um you know I I remember uh Uh when I was a coordinator with old Japan in between head coaching jobs and Um we had a great team and the player Would come up to me with like xyzxyz Issue I said that's a head coach issue That guy that guy over there yep Yep after being a head coach for for a Long time sometimes it's nice to take a

Break from that overall responsibility You can focus on your world a little bit More yeah no doubt I mean I've discussed Some things with the head coach But Ultimately those things sometimes aren't My decision you know like there's some Kids discipline wise that we have let go There are some kids that we've had come Back that maybe I'll just give you an Example that maybe I don't necessarily Agree with that he's back on the team Well but you know what if he's here I'm Gonna coach him right right or I go out To practice and so- and- so's not here Not a big concern of mine I coach who's Here and that's fine and and and like You said kind of be in your own little World and not have to worry about any of That stuff um yeah it has been good I Mean I smile and wave at the parents I Don't Yeah right if you have a problem you Going going up the road there and but You know from that part it's Been pretty good you know what I mean And like I said and that was that was a Thing that happened there was a kid and And our head coach said you know what Does everybody think and everybody gave Their opinion my opinion was that I I Think we should cut bait with him and You know and it doesn't really matter It's not that important but right he was Back you know he decided he want to give

Him another chance that's his decision Right that that's that's that's what he Wants to do so I'll coach the heck out Of him That's how the other thing I thought was Um great from a head coaching standpoint When a head coach has another former Head coach that they can discuss things With I think that's a unique Relationship too because you know what What it's like to to sit there and have To deal with all the things that they Have to deal with outside of just you Know the actual game stuff and and and What we call the fun Right so you you you understand all that And um and have dealt with it yourself So you know I I found in those cases When I've been been back as an assistant That you you've been a very Invaluable assistant to the head coach Because you've been there so they know That you know um they can ask you things That they may not feel comfortable Asking someone who's been assistant Their whole life never been a head coach Because they don't know what it's like To have to deal with ex consequence or Wide consequence speak a little bit on That yeah or just to bounce something Off of hey here's what I'm thinking About or you know and there's things too And our guy he's pretty organized he's Pretty squared away but sometimes you

Know like I'll say hey just think About this or or or whatever it is you Know and I think I think he appreciates That you know he's a real good guy as Far as that's concerned but yeah I mean I think he's bounced some things off me I I had the fortune when I was a head Coach I hired Brad Wilbur Derek I think You probably know him or yeah I coached With him in one of our allar coach I Don't know he was a head coach at Pary For 15 Years and so there are so many things That I would bounce off of him and I was Able to take that experience here with Me like all right I'm kind of in Brad's Role right now so I'm gonna give him my Opinion if he doesn't want it and that Was the thing with Brad too like um and He recently passed about probably about Two months ago now but that was the Thing with him too he would never get Mad like I think we should do this yeah Well we're not doing that okay fine and And I learned kind of a lot going back Into this role now that really helped me Going forward does that make sense Yeah Well yeah absolutely as a head coach I Think you you take it uh as a for you Know former head coach you you'll Probably be a head coach again one day Um but a as a a former head coach you Don't when a head coach doesn't take Your suggestion you don't take it as

Personally as a lot of times assistant Yeah assistant would get in their Feelings and why isn't he using my eye This or that or that a head coach was Like you're good like cool let's move on Next because they know ultimately the Head coach has to make the decision hey You know um that's 100% 100 per true That hey look here's what I think you Don't want to do it it's fine it's okay I get It it's your name on it right like it's Your and that's funny and You know I think too sometimes like I Said our head coach is a good guy and Sometimes you know he'll disagree with Something I said and then he'll come Back a couple hours later and say hey Look man I just want to let you know you Know this is why I did it coach it's Fine well you're not mad about it are You no I don't care I I do care but you Know it doesn't it Doesn't um so so New Jersey to Georgia And obviously you were in different Places But talk about football differences tell Tell for at least you know the two years You've been down there like what are Some of the things that you've observed That are Different between Georgia football and New Jersey Football might be

Froz we have To we we're going have to send Coach Some some I feel so bad EX xinity can I Get a truck outside for you or Something be like here here's your Here's and I don't know whether I Should log him out and maybe he should Log back in that might be the better Way this is the text St this is thew Well you know I'll remove him and then And then he can sign back in Maybe like maybe if he I just feel bad He's like yo it's so humid here it's This Me If it's in this middle of Georgia okay let's let's kick him out Real quick and see if we can get him Back in but I am that's the I my 90 Million question we were getting to Right there which is Georgia football Versus New Jersey football especially Because of the growth of the number of Division one players is the fastest Growing state from that standpoint and You know a lot of people we don't speak On it much but we have in the past like The University of Georgia is the number One football team in the country and has Been for a little bit now and remember Those people have no pro team to root For Georgia football is go they do they Have the Falcons who I do think will be better

Because they took that running back from Texas but he can't do everything oh he Can do everything but you know be Robinson yeah and and they have Kyle Pittz from uh Florida the tight End okay we're back so oh So I don't know if you heard but um uh New New Jersey football vers Georgia Football like what are some of the Differences and looks like you might Have Frozen again but I'm not Sure oh uh did you hear did you hear Your question by any chance I didn't know listen real quick do you Guys think I should try on my phone or You think that wouldn't be much better Yeah it might it might your phone might Be better if you have more 5G yeah that Might be yeah yeah I I I would go your Phone that's probably gonna be Better I'mma X this out real quick yeah Perfect you're Good Um yeah Wild all right there he goes take This oh Yeah all right there we go that that's Definitely going to be better that's Definitely gonna be better Coach you're Good man we're good oh oh so what what I What I asked Was New Jersey football versus Georgia Football Georgia being like one of the Fastest growing states of football like

Number division one players they're Now uh always teetering on they're Always top four now but teetering on Three and and and and growing um you Know basically some years have passed Actually California which is Incredible what are some of the Differences you see you know from up Here to down there football-wise Well I I think first and foremost it's More important you know what I mean it's More important to everybody it's more Important to Administration Communities um coaches parent you know What I mean like even the kids not on The football Team know a little bit about oh you're Playing oh you know Johnson County's got Two good running back you know how know That but but you know because I think Everybody follows it and and so I think It's it's more important to everybody You know one thing I was saying to Derek Last Night That I I think about every single school In the state has weight training and I Would say as a class and I would say 80% Of them will have the almost the whole Football team in one period together Right and you know how much you get done There and what you're able to do there And you're able to be with your team Every single day not right like so like

At our place some like the real smart Kids um they're not able to take period One weight because they to take I don't Know physics or Whatever um but and I got to thinking About it Well New Jersey almost has a leg up on Every other school in the country Because have mandatory fizzed so it Should almost be it should be a No-brainer in my mind it be almost easy You know and I think that that goes a Really long way um talent wise you know There's good teams and there's bad teams Right in in both States but I'll say Like even like teams we played that that Are not good U well we weren't very good Last year um They have some you know creatures on Their team you're like oh my God you Know we played a team two years ago we Won 42 to 14 and they had a receiver That we couldn't guard we couldn't cover Well guess who had guess who had the two Touchdowns you know what I mean they Were just able to get the ball off he Caught it and did something crazy and Scored twice so you know I think there's Good and there's bad everywhere but it Just seems like even bad teams will have One or two kids that that look at in Warm-ups and go oh my gosh so um I would Say that would be the big difference um Speed wise I think is is you know about

Every team can run even their guys up Front can run a little bit And you know Uh more athletic I guess you would Say Yeah that makes perfect sense and that That's almost what I expected probably The answer and uh I remember the first Time I ran a camp down in Georgia in Atlanta and this is when our camps used To be really huge I mean I was like oh My goodness there were so many talented Kids like the average kid the average Kid was very talented right that Baseline right of like Bine I'm I'm a High school football player right like I'm just doing this I'm not going to Like that Baseline you know from Jersey To Georgia Is Here Yeah like like these Guys can't will go down to Georgia you Might be a baseline guy now all of a Sudden you go down there and you're Never seeing the field right like you Know that's it's not like wow so so but Go back to what I first said like all Right that average kid played you know Football basketball and baseball well in New Jersey when's When's he lifting and Doing all the you know ability and and Speed whereas if he had that extra Period or that football class he can get That done and we just had that Conversation cuz you're famili with him We had Liam Anderson on uh you know my

Quarterback from the year I mean we Actually played them that year coach so He got to see it live um so we just Talked to him because he signed with Indianapolis so you know talking about His journey about all that kind of stuff And uh you know great kid and what not But yeah totally get it if he had had That you know and he was a three- sport Guy if he had had that period in school Where now hey I can get a workout in he Could do that every day and might have Changed some things so what is that so Does that mean uh so explain that so you Guys have a period where they can like Like in Texas I know they have like a Football period they use that for Workouts and yeah you have that too There we do um the way we have it set up Is we'll have football in two there'll Also be some some General um in there two yeah it's only Two period Day and what he's trying to do is to get It switch where we have all the G In one period and all the Foot you know I would say in one period It's probably you know 75% football kids Second period is Probably 50 or 60% you know football Kids and whatnot they're able to do you Know all all that football stuff right Right and Um I I just think it gives you so much

More Than you know if you if you take one Class a day or over four years right I Mean how much how much time is that that You've had right you're just looking at The time it's like Kobe said if I wake Up if I'm working out if I wake up two Hours earlier and I'm working two hours More than you just by math within three Years I'm a year I'm this far ahead of You because I've just put in that extra Time and I could see that like it look Even if I don't have to go out there and Have my whole team in one period to be Out there running plays I don't need That I just need the cerebral part of Football where we could sit down we Could talk maybe we could do some x's And o's that type of thing and a one Class a day would you know he just add It up I think some people do do that we Don't you know as like you said go out On the field and that stuff we we don't Do that but we do have some of those General population kids but you know We'll lift or do agility and stuff for Like an Hour 10 minutes may I don't know an hour Say and then we have a half hour to like You said maybe during the season a Little bit of film study during the Spring a little bit of you know you Could just make it work it's a Griff It's amazing no doubt um that's big you

Know it's important I can't tell you Like you were saying the differen is um You Know we get you know we feed our kids Before and after and it's usually Donated or or a church will come and you Know provide a meal or really it's Generally it's it's a church group or or A religious group will come and provide So you're talking about 10 games 20 Meals plus you know you probably eat Something during the Spring you know There's there's a lot of people that are Are willing to help and Willing support you and Support I think I think that makes a big Difference is it it is there a big um so Where you are is is the town come out to Games is that is that kind of like a Scenario a smaller town area Or yeah I I mean I would say yes um we Actually have three high schools in our County which there's a lot of counties Where it's like you know there's one School and you know it's a one horse Deal we you know we do have three but You know like I said two years ago we Were pretty good last year we w we Weren't good we you know lost a lot of Kids and whatnot there was a lot more Kids two I mean there's a lot more fans Two years ago than than this year but Um it's pretty good you know we have a Home game it's it's pretty crowded and

And you Know uh I would say it's it's Trending in that Direction yeah I think that Um it's it's interesting to hear like Yeah because I know in Georgia they have Like you said Johnson County they have Uh what's the one that um the famous guy Coaches at coquit and then you got you Know each county has it you know Thomas County was what where like Hershel Walker came from maybe you know so each One of those uh different counties Represent like a whole entire uh high School but that's probably population Wise is what it is right because you get Into Atlanta there's a bunch of Different high schools in uh because There's so many um so much bigger Population I could be wrong of this Stuff because I don't know everything Myself either but I think the further You get from Atlanta you know the way More spread you know I think the Three Counties that are in Atlanta might have 50 schools you know but like down around Here like we're one of the biggest Counties landwise I think in the state So we have three high schools but I mean Like you said uh what you say call quit I think that's the only school they have Um Johnson County that's the only school They have you know uh I think that's Pretty pretty common you know what I

Mean and and Uh but like you said it's it's it's Based on uh population and whatnot Savannah has has a bunch of schools um Columbus Columbus has a bunch of to School so and then the more rural you Get the more the more spread out it Is cool um you know so from a recruiting Standpoint we always end up touching a Little bit about Recruiting how how does that how does That work down there like what is the Biggest thing that like a lot of the Kids do and what the coaches do with you Know do do do Schools stop obviously in Atlanta They're going to stop in certain areas But as you get farther away um do guys Come come in there how do you guys help The kids from that standpoint how does That work down where you are it's crazy Like it's wild when you say and we don't Have well we might now we have a couple Young kids I think could be pretty good Maybe a senior this year as well but Like Clemson Georgia Georgia Southern um Mercer uh Kena uh South Carolina you know the Coaches that that that come through here Um and it like you said I don't know if They're on the way on their way Somewhere but it was crazy the the BigTime schools that that that have come Through here I think man like that one

Thing that kind of stinks I think is I Don't know that there's one maybe There's one division three School in the Whole state maybe and I think it's a Like a like one of those like uh super High academic schools you know what I Mean like a like those nesc school it's Not a nescac school obviously but I Think it's a it's a high em is it Emory is Emory does Emory is Emory have football Or is it I'm not sure I thought it was Like I want to say shorter or uh oh Shorter shorter might be D2 though I Thought I think there is yeah shorter Yeah shorter is D2 that's what I'm Saying like I don't think there're you Know and and it kind of stinks for a lot Of kids that that like said Derek are Pretty good players but are sort of Average right comparatively speaking They could I mean heck they could go to William Patterson or Monclair and and They they'd have a great career um you Know but I I think a lot of the Recruiting similar you know kind of Similar as far as you know trying to Help the kids through social media try To help help the kids make decisions Doing that you know help them with their Their huddle highlights and And I mean I just even like at High Point it's crazy in my mind how simple Recruiting has gotten right we used to

Make highlight tapes and we used to you Know uh make all these calls and whatnot And now it's like it's it's social media It's it's your huddle highlight and then What kind of grazes he have you know and It's it's I think that probably around The whole country has gotten has gotten Way more streamlined and way easier to Do as a as a head high school Coach yeah I mean I think that's a big Part Derek by the way I muted you just Because you had your like little Background Uh feed so whenever you want to chime in You can all right that's cool yeah You're good um so so I was gonna say um Yeah so I think that's really Interesting how in recruiting now you're Right like they go make their huddle Their huddle tape if they do it correct There's obviously ways to do it Correctly and then start dming the Coaches uh reaching out and then dming Coaches that you look and and and the Coaches are doing the same thing too Right so uh that that's like the Starting point for most of it unless you Have obviously a guy that you have a Relationship already where you might be Calling or texting him and texting I That's like it's that's pretty much like The three mediums you know you're Basically Texting dming tweeting and uh and then

You're you're doing your huddle you're Doing your film right on huddle there's No emailing I mean look do people email I'm sure they do but it falls on De ears For the most part um and it's crazy I Remember yeah some GA is reading a Random letter that you wrote like okay Buddy you're good right and listen yeah VCR tapes right you're making highlight Cups huddle right or and those programs Really just took the recruiting aspect Of it and put it into the hands of now The player right to go hey you do yours And then come back to me we kind of cut It out of ourselves right and now these Guys get all like oh he's doing this With that guy or he's doing this with That and the head coach is kind of cut Out of it a little bit because we we Pushed it away so I guess that would be A drawback a little bit too right right Like that I mean that would be a you're Right I mean you know you try to help The kid with the Huddle tape you know You uh you look you look at their Twitter and make sure that that they Have what they need up there or that They don't have what shouldn't be up There I guess that's really about most Part until until it moves on and then You know Once they start worrying about academics And they want to see you know trans they Want to see what you know what kind of

Kid he is and and and whatnot so yeah I Guess we that that's a good point too And it was funny you said VHS man I Remember dreading like the end of the Season there's four kids that want to Play and well I'm not gonna give them The tapes to take home with them right Sit with them and work on a highlight Tap I guess it's gotten easier but at The well even even tape Exchange right Like yeah meet a guy what parking lot What parking lot of whatever are we Meeting in to drop these tapes off like That used to be an awkward situation Well yeah but it also used to be kind of Cool too like yes I go meet I remember I Go meet Dave Albano and we sit and have Coffee and and and and talk and and Bs For a half hour 45 minutes right or or The uh the guy at Mount Al the older guy I can't remember his name now his his Son's the coach Butler Lucen yeah and And I Remember go sit with all Man Loose sit And talk and all and now it's just you Click a button here's your here's your Games and uh here here's a one that that Kind of sucks talking about difference Wise um the pool we don't have the Huddle pool Here um Really and and guys are like I think Where we were like 20 years ago we like You got to call you know not that long

But you gotta called the guy well I know This guy who knows this guy who played Them maybe I can get that tape and Then and I'm just like why can't we just Do we're gonna get it anyway why right We got to do all this it's ridiculous They just look at me like I'm crazy I'm Like I think it's pretty easy to do but I don't know yeah no I agree the pool Thing is the greatest thing ever like What what are you hiding I I used to Love watching I would pull down like Buron Catholics film like what do they Run in here and this and like you know Okay yeah we could do this or Or that used to be like that would be my Off season right like you know somebody You like what they're doing on offense Or you pull it down right and then you You say and at the end of the season you A lot of a lot of you know research that You do a lot of learning you could do And that's not necessarily the case here I think the other thing the point you Brought up is is right too about even Though it was a pain in the butt to to Exchange Film uh the camaraderie among coaches Was definitely better because especially For younger Co like you know I'm Older um if you've been coached for 25 Years you're probably somewhere around My age uh so like we went through that And we were able to build relationships

With other head coaches other assistant Coaches you might get a job you might Want to bring one of those guys with you For the younger guys that are involved Now because that only that isn't as big A deal unless you know somebody you're Not actively meeting newer coaches so You could be a young Guy without really building the network Like we used to be able to do like like Even when I was an assistant I remember They used to say hey uh coach Z so you Got to go you know I was in I was in ber County I my first assistant job was at Saddlebrook where I where I had played In high school and um they' be like hey You got uh Benji wimberly's over at um Dunin Donuts he's like go go over there Give give him the film you know we'll Take care of the rest of this part of Practice and and I would sit there and Talk to Benji Wimberly and and he would Be like oh yeah I remember when you Played at sad Brook and and he was like A young assistant at Paris of Catholic Back then and stuff and so like you you Talked for 30 minutes and now you have Relationship but that was that was how I Met Benji Wimberly like I met Ben Benji Wimberly doing the exchanges as an Assistant and um and you know and then When I became a head coach you know I Already had that relationship and I mean That's just one of many guys but but

That that's those things got built that Way I I think that's one of the thing Now you go you got to go to clinics Again obviously you always go to clinics You can meet guys but you know most Coaching staffs go to clinics with their With their St Right get together together you're not Meeting other guys as much as you used To because here's the other thing too The we Have probably three or four guys that Are not you know younger Guys and we went to the GL ATA there's not a ton Of and you know a lot of times they're Learning football and and and I am too On and it is great But with what you're talking about it's Not great on Twitter and uh YouTube and And uh Tik Tok and there's good stuff And I've learned some things on there Too but you lose that um what is it Networking or you you you lose those you Know kind of relationships that you Could build going to what was that Clinic um it was out by saddle broke Every May uh cresc right you go to the Creskill clinic and yeah that was great Almost like every County kind their own Little thing right like when I was in Morris County you know you used to have The Morris County coaches clinics right Like and you would do little ones each

Week bring somebody in talk do that like That stuff matters man absolutely you're Right Tony Carson used to have have one As well with with I think Mike Meo used To do it um those those were like that's Your buddy yeah I know I know uh the the The that's the uh um the local Clinic Was like a really really stangle used to Run a lineman Clinic I don't know if he Does maybe he still does it but he used To do a linan clinic specifically for Line coaches like I used to love going To that as a head coach because you're Always you don't unless you're a line Guy first you don't get to really get Into the Weeds on things you know you're Basically saying hey here's how I want To block it and they've got to execute It but I would go there and see all the Different ways guys were blocking things And and and just the little nuances of It those those were great that that's I Was tell if I'm for a head job that's my Plan is to set up the southeast line Clinic and get whatever o line and dline Coaches I could get because like you Said it's a it's a and I'm an you know I Coach the o line but it is and get into The the the the details of it and There's there's not one gler Clinic that You could do a 45 55 minutes on and feel Good about walking away that I I know Offensive line play right like it's it's More than that so that's that's one of

My goals as it's pretty far down the List right but but that that's something I would like to do and something I think Was important but you're talking about Them local clinics I remember man it's So funny too like the Mars County Coaches clinic and I used to go to most Of them right but I think they did it Like once a month or and like I wouldn't Go for a month and I wouldn't go for a Second month and I'm thinking man Jerry Gallagher is GNA be pissed at me I Really don't feel like going there's Nothing interest me this month but I Better get my butt There right and right because if not he He'll probably give you a call be like Hey you all right you good what's going On just that camaraderie and listen even Being a young guy right and kind of Coming up through the Reigns and you Know bouncing around with this guy or That guy just developing that Network Right like has created something for me Personally that like it's just on a Different level whether it's you know Going to bosow and coaching there for a Couple years and live in that world for A little bit right or just coaching in All-Star games where you're with another Guy and all of a sudden it's like hey What's up and you just that's just kind Of how it works and like even when when We came down here from up north right

And and I don't want to say what school You went to because coach doesn't know That what high school you're actually From bro so I just you know but I'm just Saying it's different right it's the Shore conference it's not Morris County It's these guys have been here and now You got to kind of like earn your Stripes almost it's a different type of Flow but at the end of the day we're all Coaches all looking to help our kids get To where they want to be right Ultimately right yep yep and uh that's That's 100% true and and I think it's Well yeah I would say it's similar here But I don't know maybe there's not that Camaraderie because I don't know a darm Soul either you know what I mean so I Can't talk to to much about that but um I I'd agree with that you know I thought Your point about the there's a lot of Great content online which is great such Easy access for coaches but the the Thing that came to mind when you're Saying yeah but like it's the wise right If you're watching a team run power Right and and they're wrapping their Linen around um and the GU kicking out And maybe they do they do it slightly Differently or they they pull a Different guy or what like no one you Could watch it on YouTube but to know The why why they're doing it and and and And what front they're doing against and

Why they do it against this front and And why in particular are they doing it Against uh this team right maybe there's A weaker defender or wa or maybe you Know a team has a stronger defender on One side and they're doing so those are Things that you don't get that like that That's what I used to love about um uh The the the the really good clinics was That like you can know why like you know Coach would be up there and say well you Know they the street technique is Killing us all day so we decided we're Going to go to the open side right where Where we had to attack the one and the Five so versus attacking um uh the guy With the three technique side so those Kind of things made a big difference and And now you know you'll get in a meeting And know I you know I I've been an Analyst for the last two years for old Japan so I haven't been on the field in A couple years but I did notice that the Younger guys because of that they They'll make what I would call like and Not young like Derek I mean young Derek's his mid-30s I'm talking about Youngers in their 20s okay so there you Go um those guys will make blade uh you Know suggestions without any backing to Their suggestion you know what I mean so Why don't we run this play or why are we In five wide or why are you know what And then and then you ask them okay well

Why why do you want to do that and It's right like I know you played Madden But that doesn't mean you can coach you Know like that's there a little stuff Like that like my next thing is the uh Was it North Dakota State they run the AAP power right like they're they're They're know well you always got to talk About running the ball like let's run The ball let's run the ball like I know You like to run the ball bro but Sometimes you got to Chuck it hey you You'll appreciate this we were 5050 last Year I never thought I would say that Man I've never ever thought welcome to The world brother and I feel I feel a Little dirty saying that [Music] Yeah um but that's you know like trying To learn her a at Power well they're not Just running power and and no that was Aing pointca Gap like I really like it a Lot but I don't know enough about it Like if you ask me what they were doing I couldn't answer so we're not we're not Running it right but that that's Something that you need you need to Research you need to look at you need to Find somebody not going to North Dakota So you need to find Somebody um that that does that we when I was coaching at at Bailey ard we Wanted to be a a three four defense Right and we kind of kind of

Lin yeah yeah yeah um but then we found Out Monclair was was running it so we Went up there and wore them out for you Know days on it you got to find someone That's doing what you're doing and and Try to learn from it like you know like You're saying or or or you know they get Power or uh you know Lincoln Riley at at Uh well at at uh USC with the with the Counter Trey well they they're so Coached up on that they're so you know You got to go maybe you don't have to go To California but you gotta meet with Somebody That's kind of majoring in that in my Opinion to to try to learn what what to Do and and and what not to do probably For the first 10 years I coached was a Master's class and what not to do right When you when you learn more as as you Go on and so but you're right you got to Get into the weeds of it you got Research it you can't just come up with This idea and you need to be able to to Back it Up yeah and experimenting is is a big Deal like I I loved Lincoln Riley's his G his GT power and then his read off of it Right his backside read off of it it was Just unbelievable used to run at OK they Used to run at Oklahoma all the time but It it's not till you start experimenting And and d d was coaching me but like I

So he knows I'll experiment right and I'll I'll experiment I'll put something In there and if I don't see their of the Week if I don't see there's a progress On it you just you drove it right out And don't even worry about it like it's Gone you know we maybe we revisit it Next year but this year that's you know We you know and you experiment that's How you start to learn those things and And getting coaches uh um uh experienced On that hey you it's just like listen It's no different than a scientist right You got to research it you got to test It right and then you got to see if You're hypothesis is true if it is true Then maybe you can go and implement it If it's false it's not wor for whatever Reason people can't execute it it's not You know uh your your your guard can't Do the job you know uh those kind of Things then then you gota throw and you Got to be willing to do that kind of a Thing or so Our head Coach Um he let me run whatever terminology I Wanted whatever system whatever right And that's what we do and like when He'll ask something like hey why don't We put in or why don't we do this today Whatever you know well no I don't want He always say why well because I think We're gonna do this you know XYZ

Whatever it is he's good with it right Like okay you got a reason for why don't Want to do it that's fine you know and And so that works pretty well but like You're saying I'm able to um experiment And and try some things too um you know And why are you doing this well because I think you know this is and this all Right yeah have at it you know and That's actually helped me grow a lot too Where you know I'm not running Somebody's system I'm kind it's kind of A new system for me as well um and and Like you're Saying we tried so hard to make that um Dagger route work where where two runs Vertical and then one comes in runs a Deep dig and there's somebody in the Flat right And and there was somebody open every Single time we ran Inati but we either a couldn't get it to Him right the Deep day we couldn't Couldn't throw it that far where it need Or we couldn't protect it for that long So you can look at it for so long then You guys say well you know what like you Said if if you guys it's awesome and It's and I'm telling you there was Somebody wide open on every time we did It but if you can't do it it don't make No sense right so we're not running that This Year

Um and and that's you know kind of the Neat thing of being able to experiment You know it sucks when it doesn't work But you're able to try it no but the no Sweat approach to it too is a big big Thing like um I always think assist Assistants sometimes get frustrated in a Sense that because you you put it in you Start to work on it and then you know You're in the middle of practice and You're like all right yeah that that's It for this you know and and then you You know you don't revisit it maybe the Rest of the year um and they're like Well why do we working and each week Maybe you have a new wrinkle and Sometimes it works and it gets Incorporated in sometimes it does it and Sometimes assistant get frustrated but That it's all part of the the long like You know you think about it yes you only Have certain groups of kids you have Seniors and they obviously want to win Right now but uh as a program the Culture is built over time right so you Those experiments help to build what Your team can do well whether it's Spread whether it's Wing te whether it's Some version of option whether it's Anything and everything in between um You're working to figure out what what You guys can do well and what you can Execute and putting them in the best Situation possible and and it's

Obviously how you you know it's how you See it right so you you with the head Coach like someone else might see it Differently but this is how you see it And this is how you see it to to be uh The best way to make it happen and maybe Where you see it in the end you know you See what the end maybe you think could Look like right so how you gonna how you G to take those steps We I don't know if what you're talking About but but but I think it kind of Relates a little bit for my first 10 or 12 years we were a Paul Johnson Navy Under Center you know 9010 Run football team and then Co came on And you know came along you know it was Kind of a perfect storm so so Co was Coming so we had a lot of time right and Went on YouTube and and all that stuff And we had a really good quarterback That was going to be a senior that I Thought was going to be maybe one of the Best we had very athletic but could Throw and then behind Him was a kid that um thought could be a Decent quarterback was not a very good Athlete So again having a ton of time being able To think about like you're saying Putting kids in in a in a position to be Successful well when you really think About it if you're running the flex bone You need a certain type of quarterback

Right you need a certain type of Fullback a certain you know mindset of a Fullback you need to have two wings that Could run block catch and and do it all You know and the more I thought about it Like it's really hard to Stick what Square pegs in round holes or You know whatever it is and so we had to Morph I thought we had if we were going To keep being successful now ultimately I left right but if we were going to Keep being successful we had To kind of change what we were Doing and and to be able to put kids in That in those positions you have to Adapt you have to adapt yeah Y and I Think it's something that that Dave and I talk about all the time because coming Down here to the short conference right And you know you kind of know this world It's it's different right it's a Different type of football it's a Different type of Club so like these you See how their programs are running They've been doing these things for a Really long time and it's been Successful but now it's you're almost Holding your kids back in a way and Especially with the way you know how it Is up north and how big things are how Fast things happen change this that this Guy's going here whatever all that stuff Down here it's like Whoa We had to take A step back and look and be like okay

These guys do it this way but you know Slow and steady you start to see how Little things are starting to go into These programs that now they're kind of Adapting and and moving forward because Look the kids ultimately are going to do Whatever they do whether you're there to Help them and support them in the in the Best possible way that's on you right if Your program needs to like change you Have to do that in order to make it Happen I think it's tough and I you know There there are guys that that'll Disagree with me and I get it it's fine I think it's tough to say to be a system Guy anymore right like to be a um a wing Te guy or a a flexbone guy or an air Raid guy because we we can't go out and Get the you know for the most part you Can't go get what you need to to play Those different positions where I'm at Now we have Can we lose Them what happened there I don't know Did we lose Him oh he back my Bad maybe I was talking too much shut Down go you're say you're good keep Going you're good um like where I'm at Now we have three really really good Receivers and we have couple tight ends That's think are you know are are decent There's not one kid in our program that Could be a flexbone

Fullback there's maybe you know one or Two kids that could play flexible and Wing back right so you're putting your Kids in the spots that you're not gonna Be successful successful yeah I mean You're just not you're not gonna be as Good as you could be right look and Listen and I tell Dave this all the time Like the reason that at Butler High School we ultimately went to the run and Shoot offense when we did in the early 90s was because we couldn't run Wing Teeth there we didn't have the kids the Size the like so we had to figure out a Way to like Hey how do we get like to How can we be successful because we Can't do it this way so ultimately they Just you know they figured it out and That's why I was a run and Sho you know Growing up you have time for a funny Story real quick oh here we go all right So uh ni Oh man do you think it's his phone or What what is it I I just think it's like In and out I just don't know it has Nothing to do on our end I don't think No no I don't think yeah it must be must Be his service yeah funny story like Come on man let's Go story you could just you could just Say no you don't have to throw me out of It let's hear it let's go so it was the This is actually was starting me Thinking about all right maybe we're

Sticking kids Nick was playing for Baltimore and we went to the their that One year they were really good they week 17 games that's you have to explain that Nick what's his name Nick Bole played For yeah so he was a high point guy Right yeah play for me High Point okay So it was a there was a week 17 game They already in playoffs they already at HomeField Advantage they had a buy week Next week so we went to the game and he Said you want to come buy the facility Tomorrow I'll show you around yeah sure Awesome so we go by and we go to Harbaugh's office and Harbaugh's like he You know he's great really really nice Guy he said how was Nick in high school And I said oh coach he was tough he was You know physical he you know whatever And I thought I was going to be funny I Said yeah but I said but he only caught Seven balls senior year and Harbaugh Looked at me and he goes well that's Coaching and I said well I Guess it's amazing how Nick Bole is Really Stuck he did yeah yep and I don't know He's a free agent now but free agent now But he's stuck for a while yeah he had That really really nasty uh knee injury Right well a little bit but he was back I mean he came back what two seasons I Think after yeah yeah interesting I I Didn't realize I didn't realize he

Played uh at High Point yeah and and You're from down the shore was you rson Or Yeah schol bro what now the purple School Bro Rumson was probably a much smaller Town back then right like group two Maybe yeah we've spoke on this a little Bit you can touch on that Jim you can Talk about Rumson and that how it's like You know different and whatnot you can Definitely talk on that crazy man I Think two years we were group one and I Think two years we were group two and it Wasn't it wasn't freshman sophomore one It was like one two two one or something Like that you know what I mean like it Was just a small Never been were they what are they three Now or or or big two might be four three Or three or four I think or Four I don't know my mom's still losing Fair Haven I don't know how they have People that can Afford like I don't know how it got so Big like how can you afford to move in There I don't know what those yeah oh I Know yeah because it's not like they Built they it's not like they just you Know built uh all kinds of condominium Complexes or something they don't they Didn't do that there but I guess uh when I was growing up there was a lot of like Oldtimers in rson right like sort of

Around kind of by a high school and old Time is the best way I could I could put It and and I think was you know they're Selling right and then young people are Moving in and really what they're doing Is young people are moving in knocking Down those little houses that like Maybe I could afford probably not and Now they're just build in these mon I Ities that are like why do you need That yeah but they have you know each of Them have two or three young kids I Guess or you know whatever it is that That must be what it is now so do you Did you go to Adele must be about you Know you know Del Dopra he was my freshman coach okay so He's your freshman coach all right so Yeah right because Dell's probably five Or six years older than me I guess Dell's the man bro yeah he was great he Was great that's That's you know Dave when we came down Here it's like I love D so I called I Called coach and was like look I know You're this year like do you know this He's like he was my freshman Coach man I'm like dude he is the best yeah we Love D we we love good tired right I Think yes but he's now the ad at St Rose oh okay makes sense yes so he's the 0 you know he double dipping bro he Taking that pension money and then he's Good you know now he's still working

He's smart yeah yeah you want talk about A guy on the go was he ever he was Always I'm doing this I'm doing that I'm Doing this I'm doing that like but great Controlled Chaos you know what I mean he Knew where his stuff Was don't if he never left I'd still be A Red Bank yeah I I would bet that but one one Thing have in Georgia and and I Uh I uh I I won't have enough years I Don't think to be able to do it but when You retire you could collect 49% of your Sal no sorry you collect your pension And you can go work somewhere else 49 right so you collect 49% salary plus Your pension which is a lot of guys have Done that and he still be in a public School and so a lot of wow that's pretty Cool probably makeing pretty good MTH Like wow yeah that's that's that's That's crazy y y Damn that that's actually a cool deal That actually but that actually shows You the lack of teachers right and like How they're willing to just recycle a Teacher pay them whatever to come into My building really up on it but from What I heard they're going to increase That 49% to some higher percent to Exactly what you said to get people to Come back and Teach it's everywhere man I no no oh Yeah it's a it's a it's a horrific

Profession you know what I mean any it Don't matter what state you're talking About but we did talk about that a Little bit the academic side of Jersey To Georgia right and kind of matching up Like like BL you have a son right he's What what grade is he now yeah he'll be In right so he you moved him like right In the middle of it I mean that had to Be a decision I mean could you speak on That a little bit well it actually was Kind of perfect It let me think for a end of Whatever Co right and then the next year My wife with the Crohn's you know we Were worried so she homeschooled him for That year I guess it was fourth Grade so he really hadn't been to school In like two years so didn't it wasn't That big of a deal you know what I mean And he loves it here he he I told you I'd like to get a h Co job um he he Seems to think that that East Lawrence Is the center of the world so we'll see How that works Out but that's right that's how kids are Wherever they are they they that's what They want to be everything to happen It's it's been great having you on Really enjoyed Conversation um we we look forward to to Having you maybe in the fall come on is Hopefully the season's going well and You guys get I mean you're probably back

In school in the month right uh so 29 totally quick turnaround right like Totally different than like Hey we're Waiting till September Labor Day like no August like we're back to school May We're done with school yeah one Scrimmage and it's August start season It's crazy Crazy that is wild well coach um we We'll we'll let you go and it was great Having you on um and like I said I I Look forward to touch a base with you in The fall man than all right coach thanks Coach appreciate you buddy I'll talk to You Soon thanks Man that was great he's good man good Dude been through a lot like you know Obviously you think about it he he he Was at High Point got rifted right and Then had went to two other schools and Then went back right so built a program There that was listen solid foundation Right like always going to punch you in The mouth type of program I mean you Talk he talked about his offense being 9010 one year I mean you know like that Was his style but you know that was also The kids that he had and right to make That decision after you're kind of like You know things are going things are Humming I got a good program you know I Do this I do that to get up and go you Know what I mean like I know a lot of

That decision came to like it's a better Position for my wife and that type of Stuff you know obviously family matters But I mean just to go from being a head Coach to an assistant coach right like He he's on it with a lot you know it's That was was cool it's cool to hear also How Georgia football is and some of the Differences and yeah and Um uh you know he he's pretty um chill As a person too so It's he's probably probably good fit Right like oh yeah I mean absolutely It's it's also interesting that he's a Rumson guy but he's an old School Rumson Guy like Dall yeah well listen I mean When like you know we're down here and I Don't know what what do I know like so I Called him like hey dude what's Rumson All about you know tell me about it Right you know like like he said his mom Still lives where over wherever he Probably played he probably played with The guy that's the art red bang coach Now or yeah no no no no he had played With one guy he had definitely played With or for something Because we had that conversation the Same age I think maybe oh no maybe he's More my age I don't know but um that That's that that was really interesting Conversation Rumson I mean as a town has Grown so tremendously I mean the houses Are the houses are unbelievable there so

But but it's funny because D used to Always say like he D was on the other Side of right of It you he's like he's like not that There was a por section in rson but U But uh like but I was on that side I was On the side that was I guess wasn't as Uh as well wealthy I guess um but yeah Great area though just beautiful area AB Listen I I really think like he he'll Have a head coaching job again right I Think he really wants to do that um he Has told me you know and I'm sure he Doesn't mind me saying this but it's It's taken him a little bit more longer Than he was expecting to get a head job You know he you know he was thinking you Know I'll come down here I'll be an Assistant for a year and I'll go get Another like it's kind of not like that You know but uh some interesting things You know I like how he I mean listen Could you imagine if a church group Donated food to a public school up here The the the things that we would deal With like you know what I'm saying like Awesome can you isn't it like great like And you don't have to worry about that Like oh yeah church for whatever is Bringing us food tonight oh the church Like really and meanwhile we'd be in North Jersey and there'd be somebody Like well I I don't think that's right And you know you're forcing Rel like

Come on dude that just shows you the in Like how much it Matters that's a great Point that well football is just so Important I mean the sou you know that's What he started with right like that was His number one difference was people Care down here way more than they do up There I I I think the the right Definitely and I think the other thing That Um that we didn't touch base on is the Number of colleges that come through There it I I I just think it's probably Mindblowing in the sense that there's so Many division one programs that they're All coming through whereas up here in New Jersey there's Ruckers in state of New Jersey that's it right so everything Else is lower than division one whereas Down there there's almost no and I Looked it up right I looked it up there Is only two division three schools down There one is LR college and then the Other is Barry College those are the Only two NCAA division 3 teams in Georgia that's amazing well I think it's A big difference too is division three I Feel is a Northeast Thing Northeast Midwest oh highish Yeah then when you go down there it's All division one or FCS right and then

Maybe and then you have like a lot of You might have na right you may have Like a like a two right like a D2 Something of that nature but division Three I mean it's high school football Or division one and that's It yeah and Uh I feel like maybe down there because It's so important in high school as a Whole in the South that you know I have you read Friday Night Lights of course the B the Book so the the real one yeah the book So I always to this day I always found This part interesting so the qu I think It was the Quarterback no I'm sorry the best uh After booby miles went down the tight End Chavez was an excellent player for Safety uh right and he was a tight end And safety I think right yeah excellent Player I think he was SM really smart Went to iy League or something right When he went there Chavez eventually Stopped playing and part of it was it Wasn't as exciting as high school was so Even though that was an FCS School meant It meant nothing to those people and the Atmosphere wasn't anything like it and When he was there it was like hey this Is like what we do and the entire town Is around and now you go somewhere else And it's non-existent like that does not Happen right if if you're if you're from

The south and you don't go division one Where there's even more people at your Games right than high school but for you To go from you know uh you probably top Place in Georgia where you get 5,000 at A game each night and then Florida well Florida is different Florida may not Even have that many fans but it's just Different but you know a lot of the I Feel like Texas is the big one where People like this is what it's all about Like you know I always use you know like Hey like Grandma's coming to the game And then so and so coming to the game or Hey we're closing the store early Because there's a game tonight right Like that type of atmosphere and look if You're in it you don't know any better You know what I mean like you really Just don't so and then you now move on To something else and all of a you're Like really this isn't this is like why Don't you why aren't these stands Full well Yeah that's uh a rather eye openening Experience it is an eye openening Experience and I and I think there's so Much in high school football in the South that if you're not at the highest Level there may be guys that just like Hey I'll just be a regular student you Know and that that that's it you know That that that's it for me type of deal Uh if they're not play at the highest

Level they can't mentally wrap the head Well the other thing what do I do if I Don't have a division one scholarship Like where else do I go right like are You one of those kids that's gonna are You gonna are you gonna go from Texas to William Patterson University no right You're not gonna go to Fairley Dickson University from Texas for what it's so Interesting it's it's interesting maybe Maybe I say yes I go to Kobe because I'm Gonna use that Academically but I don't know If I don't know if everybody thinks like That I think the high academic schools Probably have kids from a lot of Different areas in division three like Like a kobby or I don't know Hamilton or What whatever you know like uh what is It uh Jeffers what was you saying Jeff for What I was saying another school I was Thinking of like I'm just saying those High academic two threes in that Northeast you know St Anam like stuff Like that like I'm sure guys you know I Just I think it's so in their head that Like hey if I don't go division one then It's a boss It's a it's in the bigger states where That's really your only option Florida's The same way it's not like there's any Division 3es in Florida maybe one or two No you're right you're right you know

Well let's W let's wrap this one up Great great podcast Always other than unfortunately the Technical difficulties oh hey now we Know that's this is Georgia life bro Georgia living that's funny all right Well we'll sign off here Sounds good you got you all have a great Day

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