From Top Athlete to Coach with Razohn Gross

From Top Athlete to Coach with Razohn Gross with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go to…

From Top Athlete to Coach with Razohn Gross with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale

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Ah oh good afternoon I should say not Good morning good Afternoon that hour what's going on yeah Yeah yeah well we got a great guest on To today which is really exciting um Uh everything going well by you good man Can't Complain well well we're gonna have on a Guest that um you obviously had the Opportunity to work with directly um I Saw a play in high school was one of the Tough toughest players I'd ever seen um And not just from a uh a football Standpoint he was also uh probably one Of the best wrestlers I've ever seen so Yeah um Uh and did both of them at at Ruckers um Uh played you know defensive line played Fullback at Ruckers and then was uh a Champion wrestler there as well um a Unique two sport athlete uh in in the Sense that Uh his physical abilities his Determination Um is is very rare among the athletic F Now now he's a a coach as well which is It's great to see him bringing that to To uh young men and young boys so um We're talking about rosan gross uh who Played at Don BOS played at Ruckers and Um really is probably one of the at Least in in this part of the century the The TW the 21st century probably one of The best athletes um in in in New Jersey

Uh coming out of New Jersey um in in This first part of the century uh coming Out of high school there so without Further Ado let's let's bring him on hey What's going on what's up stud what's Going on man going on Coach how you Doing how we doing how we doing you Ready you Ready listen man I really appreciate you Coming on uh listen one of the rare uh Breeds that I've ever coached in terms Of just you know just all the Intangibles so uh and then to see now That you get into coaching we're going To jump into that a little bit man it Really it's really awesome to see you Giving back and you know guys like you We need guys like you in the profession You know what I mean um so listen I Appreciate you coming on man and uh and Like I said it's gonna we're gonna have A little fun here all right sounds good Ron tell tell every I mean I gave a a Brief intro intro but tell everyone that You kind of your full full story Athletically I I'd even love to to hear How you got into wrestling too as well Um but obviously you're outstanding Football player outstanding standing Wrestler did both of them in college uh Uh both of them in high school at the Highest highest level tell tell a little Little bit of that story and then we We'll get into the coaches stuff too a

Little bit okay so you know I started I Started wrestling know back when I was Like little like when I was in second Grade um and at the same time my mom and My dad got me into sports real real Early and they they they figured out Real early that I was made for a contact SPS because I tried I Tred to all these Shorts track and baseball and other Stuff and you know it just wasn't Sticking I was know baseball I was just I was just swing at everything and I Strike out and I I'll be so mad Competitive like it's all right it's all Right it's all right we just got to find The sport that know that that is you so You know um early really early on my dad Got me into football like as know as a Mighty might you know jior pewe level um And then my my mom actually introduced Me to wrestling people thought think That my dad's sport but it was really my Mom my mom got me into a restaurant and Um the the way that worked out was you Know I'm from Franklin Somerset you know Uh go Warriors Um Yeah yeah famous yeah yeah so um I got It in there and you know I really found My Stitch you know in that in the mat Because you know I I I went I went and I Practiced and I the first the first First thing that I did was I I tackled One of one of my partners like really

Spear like goldber spear boom right into The mat and and I I kind of hurt him and I broke his Shoulder yeah so so it was uh they were Like yeah you have a you you have a um a Passion for this sport you can you have A future in this sport so that's when I Really hit the ball running but Wrestling but football would no football Was always my love and always my passion My dad interviews people put the ball in My hand and um I just went from there And um Scott skott's the Limit now you in high school you played At Don Bosco um you had one of the legendary Coaches there uh when you played there Uh in in coach tol and um uh what what Was your thought process in in Originally going to Don BOS coming down From Franklin and what was that Experience Like you know you know it's funny Because really didn't know at know Around my middle school year I thought I Was going to go to Franklin High and Play know play football with my friends And all that other stuff I really didn't Know about the big Powerhouse like Bergen bosow and other stuff because you Know you're in Central Jersey you're Excluded from all that stuff you don't You don't hear anything about that but You know one of my great friends uh Leon

Karu I actually grew up with him know Growing up with him uh he played for the Playf Vias with my dad so my dad coached Him and soon as we heard that know Leon Went to Don BOS we were like you know And I talked to him I was like you know How is it over there he this good man It's awesome I love it here man like you Should come should come out and you know Not knowing not knowing that um I was I Was on the next step to get there but um I actually got sought out by somebody uh In the crowd at a tournament I remember I was at a South play t wrestling and um His name his name is John Sebastian he He actually found me and um he he saw he Saw the uh potential I had he saw the The the the athleticism all that stuff And the football in the football field And the wrestling mat and he was like we Gotta get this guy to Bosco you know What I mean so um and that's that's Really how it happened and then um I got Up there and you know me as a me as a Eighth grader you know I remember I Remember like it was yesterday I walked In and you know I had to introduce Myself to the coaches like coach toll And Chuck and Anthonyo it was a it was it was it was a Full team There it was a it was a full team up There so I was like wow like you know What I mean and like I went upstairs and

I remember my first talk I had with them I had to like I had to like grow up to a Young man at that point and like tell Them why I was here and what I wanted to Do I was so so nervous to tell them like Know set your standard and set why You're here and set why you want to know Come here you know be contributed to the Team and I remember know my dad always Told me you know always you know be a Leader and command the room and look Everybody in their eyes and that's what I did and from that day on they all Respected me and I was a big major Contributor There that's pH that's an amazing Amazing story um yeah yeah that that's An amazing story and you guys had some Some probably of the best teams of uh Yeah because you you were fortunate Enough to like you know obviously the Year before your senior year I had just Gotten there so you had won that National Championship the year before Playing with guys you know like jabril Before you know he left and stuff like That so you had some teams that and Listen you were a major contributor on Those teams as a younger guy where they Were you know senior heavy and stuff Like that but listen I think it's funny You bring up Leon because I've been Trying to get him on this podcast for For months now bro so now I'm just

Saying like now he do it now now he's g% He's gonna do it now like I know how he Works but anyway once you g see it yeah Absolutely but I listen I think it's What I think it's I think it's very Interesting for you to talk about how Listen like you're you didn't even know About the BOS world or the private School world you now have a peer that Comes to you and says hey man like this Is a place that you should be and now You take a risk going there and now you Walk into a situation where you're Looking at coach tol you're looking at Coach morangie you're looking at coach Granel you know guys that are Staples at This program and they're expecting you To act a certain way as an eighth grader And you're kind of Shell Shocked in this Whole situation but the way you were Raised right within those Sports and Things like that allowed you to kind of Give them the impression of this is what I am this is who I am even if you were Smoking mirrors at that point and then You had develop a little bit can you Talk a little bit about how they Developed you as you came around because Listen you played both sides of the ball Which was not something everybody did at Bosow as a senior so talk about that a Little Bit um I I I feel like um my development Process came from my father you know

Really early on um my my dad was a heavy Heavy on know working hard you know and Know really getting me I remember all Right so my eighth grade year I didn't Play football at all because I was over The weight limit and my dad my dad Wanted me to save my weight for for for A freshman year in football he he he Didn't want me to cut that 20 pounds he Wanted me I was I was so hard broken I Was so so heartbroken because I wanted To play in my eighth grade year I didn't Understand why I was holding out and all And all that other stuff but you know my Dad was like listen we're gonna go to The gym four times a week we're gonna Hit it strong you're gonna you're gonna Be the most dominant freshman on on that Campus when you get to Don BOS and I and I trusted him and I believed him and my Dad I tell you my dad prepared me for Those moment I remember I me I didn't Even like go to the gym with him I had To meet him at the gym I had to run Through the gym I had to and the gym was Like like two miles so he was like I'll Meet you there like he was prep he was Training my mind he was training my Mindset and like my and I remember those Days like when other trainers or know People in the gym would just watch how He he would be on me and just like wish Like there I wish I wish my my dad was Like that I wish I had my dad in the gym

You know training me like like this and It was it was it was beautiful because Now you you you uh so had so much Gratitude towards that and know and how He trained me and how he know uh sought Out all that other stuff for me to be Successful in the long run you know and Then when I when I got to Don BOS I was Already seasoned because you know Whatever whatever came at me I was ready For it because I already went through it With my dad my dad put me through those Some some hard stuff like know you know How coach to would be in your face and You know Spin and all that stuff my dad The same thing yeah old school but I was It was nothing to me because it was um I Always I was already prepared for it you Know and um I I just adapted I adapted To the culture real real quick and and I Know they after my freshman year I was a Threee starter after That that's incredible and that work Ethic is the Difference Maker in in in Making somebody between good and great And great and exceptional and and that That's awesome to hear how your dad Really like invested you know uh not not Just in your a athletic success from a Sports standpoint but in your overall Development you know and that that work Ethics what you can bring that with you And anything else you do you know what I Mean so once you have that

You could bring that in anything you do When when now talk about your recruiting Process with Ruckers right I'm sure I Think it was and I'm trying to remember Back to that time it was a different Process Right because you were a two sport guy And and you know I'm talking as an Outsider remembering it you know up in Burn County um but can you talk about That whole process you know with with Ruckers and the two sports and all that Stuff before you get going real quick I Think we should preface to like so Ran's Getting recruited in two sports right so We had just finished up football season Now my man's got to go drop 20 pounds to Get in shape for wrestling all this time You know this is the time though where Like a lot of the recruiting stuff Really starts to ramp up because at that Point there was no early signing day so You know you were signing in you know April or whenever that date was but Meanwhile here you are chasing ring Number two in Atlantic City so go ahead Man tell the story yeah yeah so um so The process know went it was it was Crazy because I I had a lot of things to Focus on you know we didn't know my Senior year you know we didn't get the Job done know like we we should have but You know we we had a down year but you Know I was like okay I had to refocus my

Mind I had to you know make make this Backtack know run at the state Championship for wrestling so you know I I end up know going back to back you Know state champion and then the recruit The recruiting I was getting heavily Recruited know in wrestling you know From all these D1 schools Michigan Old Dominion North Carolina Ruckers you know all that all those Stuff but you know in my heart I still Wanted to play football because I feel Like I still had more more in me and I Think that year that that down year that We had it it really put a little s sour In my heart and I didn't really want to Go out like that and um so the recruit So the the recruiting process was was Kind of hectic I remember uh Koso just Took the job at Tampa And um it was Kyle flood who who was the Head coach and um I remember he put Somebody I was I was D lineing fullback So the the the the main guy who Recruited me was Jim panagos he was a d Line coach and he know know we went out We went out to know a couple dinners and Stuff like that he talked to me and Stuff like that and um he was like Hey Listen this this is what we can offer we Want you to come know come on as a Preferred know walk on and um no minus You know the scholarship money I was Getting for wrestling and foro that you

Know and that was that was a huge huge Thing that I had to talk to my parents About because I know I wanted to do what Was best for me at the same time I Wanted to you know gr I I didn't want my Mom and dad to worry about my my Financial you know my my schooling the Scholarship and stuff so it was a t it Was a very very tough decision you know And the final decision was my my parents Was like well if you're not happy we're Not going to be happy you know what I Mean we want you to do what you love we Want you to do you know and my parents Are are such great parents they they Understand me and they they um they put Me in the position to where I was today So for them to do say that and tell me You know you're not going to be H know If you're not happy we're not happy we Want you to do what you love to do that Was so that was so eye openening and it Was like so much stress like relief off My shoulders so I can go do what I Wanted to do so um I am so I end up Choosing football and going that route And when we got there you know we hit The ground Running and to explain the people just From a recruiting standpoint a lot of People don't understand um so the way That division one's football works is The way scholarships work so even though Rison could have gone on a wrestling

Scholarship it would count if you played Football it would have counted as a Football Scholarship um for the football team And so the reason why he he had to go on As a walk on on football and then Obviously which then even though you Really weren't a walk walk on on Wrestling had had walk on wrestling Because the way the scholarship count Situation Works people don't really understand That they think oh well you could go if You if you want to be uh and this is any Sport outside of football if you like Let's say you were a track athlete or a Baseball player and you had a Scholarship to Rucker for example at Scholarship but they only they they Wanted you as a preferred walk on in Football in order for you to do both of Those Sports you'd have to be able to do Go as a walk on in both otherwise it Would count unless the school was Willing to you know give you the Scholarship in football right so and That a lot of things people don't really Understand that because ran was a Two-time state champion it was Heavyweight right I'm I'm assuming no at 195 195 195 don't be called a heavy yeah I know I know he still thinks he can Catchou he would wrestle up though Didn't you wrestle up sometimes like pin

Got I did I did yeah I'm not saying he Was but listen don't call my man a Heavyweight he'll get all salty I know I Know he was like like 200 yeah I Remember I remember um I was 195 I was Heavyweight in college that's when I I Went heavyweight in college oh you went Heavyweight in college okay yeah uh but So two-time wrestling chip at 19 was it Both the same way both years both yeah Back to back see no uh yeah at 195 one Year 2012 and then 2013 was the uh was The 195 so both years 195 well it was 195 um and then then rest which he sure As hell didn't play football at 195 yeah yeah Yeah yeah we had to kick you up anach Because he had to go both ways so I want To say he might have played his senior Year around 215 220 20 yeah 20 22 and then I I come in two weeks later To see my man and I'm like wait what Like is this the same dude like so you Want to talk about dedication and like Having to really bust like what it is Like he would had to go like 220 to 195 In like two weeks yo it was crazy it was Crazy it was crazy what what did what Did wrestling and then and you've been Exceptional like what did it teach you As a like you know how did the two work Hand inand for you like as a football Player um because a lot of people don't

You know you know in the in the world And and and you're coaching now so you May see well you're you're aware we Haw And maybe it's not as much Specialization there yet you know but a Lot obviously if there were kids that Were going to bosow the a lot more of The kids are specialized in in one sport Per se right um but I've always loved And and and Coach D's the same way as me Like the guys who are three sport athlet Two sport athletes that do multiple Things because I think that it helps you In in both sports but like if you're a Wrestler and you play football I mean Especially positions you were playing Right there's like a direct correlation Explain explain a little bit of that Okay I mean wrestling gives you that Tool that no no football really really Can't give and is is is really that grit I mean not grit but it's really Um I would say they're both athleticism But I I would say that wrestling gives You a tool that you you you have you Have the mindset to go and and and pose Your will on someone and and not care You know what I mean because it's Oneone and you can you can get get that Same thing in football but it's not the Same because you know you have a team Behind you wrestling you're in a mat You're in a m it's just you it's just You and other guy you know so it's

Killed or be killed you know I mean so Either it's gonna be me it's gonna be You and the damn there is gonna be me You know what I mean so I I that's the Type of mindset that you have to go you Know into a wrestling match and because These guys they want to embarrass you in Front of everybody they wanted they Wanted to put on the show you know what I mean so I think that the biggest thing That know wrestling gave me was that Edge to to to really have like coach Told always told me I had a motor like I Had a motor because you know that motor Came from wrestling because I'm Wrestling two two three minute period Straight you know no full intensity no Stopping full on just wrestling know you Know no breaks you know and and when I Translate that on mat it was just like I Like you what what how many seconds Between a play like 10 seconds 10 Seconds between each play You have 30 30 yeah you have 304 seconds Between a play you know so yeah but I Was already I was I was I was already Ready I was already I was already in my Stand ready to go you know you know Coach you know coach you see me play Like I was ready I I wanted to I wanted To to make the play every play I wanted To be the guy that you guys depend on to Make that play every play you know and That's that's the same thing that I

Carry for wrestling I wanted to be the Guy on the mat to show everybody my Talent and show that I'm the best one in The room I'm the best one in the Gym that that is that is awesome that That mindset that the wrestling have Wrestlers have and the ability To it's just you out there everybody's Wa everybody's watching and there's Nobody else to watch and and especially Those dual matches that you guys would Have you know um where it's you know you Guys versus Bergen or you guys versus Del Barton or you you know those those Big matches you know um and sometimes That match is you it's it's on the line And it's for the team championship right And right and um and it's and it's just You out there if you're able to do it They win if they it's that that Individual um the the ability to rise up Individually what wrestling I think Teaches there is is uh and you said the Kill or be killed kind of the Mentality um is so unique and that's What you know I think it probably also You could speak to it uh correct me if I'm wrong but it gives you a confidence Because if you're out there where shoot If I'm out there putting myself on the Line where if if I make a mistake I can Be embarrassed in front of everybody Going out the football field you got Teammates helping you and exactly

Exactly that's not a big that's not as Big a deal as when you're G to go out There just by You I mean I I feel like I learned how To thrive in that You know it gave me an edge it gave me a Tool you know that that that I didn't Even know I had you know um know so but Being uncomfortable and being Comfortable you know you have to put Yourself in an uncomfortable situation So you can Thrive under know under that Compability so that's what I set set it Out and that's what made me great and That made me who I am today so and it Made it made the football field much More easier because I know you have your Teammates but at the same time I'm Competing with myself I'm I'm like I'm Putting myself on the pedestal I'm like I want to be able to make the play I Want to be able if my guys come on it's Cool but I want to be the guy to to be The playmaker I want to that that's how You stand out and that's and that's How which is why you know like coach we Talk about it all the time like what are The differences between you know certain Schools or where you go or where where It's at he that mentality that that ran Had was across the board right so now Not only is he holding himself to H that Level but the guy next to him is holding Himself to that level as well so now you

Get all these guys that are holding Themselves to the highest standards all And then on top of where the coaches Hold it like you know what I'm saying Like motivation I was never coaching Motivation I was never coaching like hey Guys let's go we got to get up to go Because these guys were ready to go all This time and I think that's what Separates These guys that hey I should have a Scholarship or guys that like hey I have A scholarship like that that's that Extra little amount of something that Adds to why these guys make it where They do is they just surround themselves With those and we talked about it Surround yourself with like-minded People right I mean it's just everybody Wants to strive together and it's hard To find that collectively across the Board yeah and I I think I think that What made our team really special was Everybody wanted to make the play like Even even I if I made a play Quan made The next play or Sanel made the next Play you know or like we all had a gang Tackle together you know what I mean Like we had so many hats to the ball and We just want everybody just wanted to Make plays so when when you have a team Like that just that just wants to make Plays you know that's that's a that's a Formula for a successful

Team no doubt about it um I mean that's What made those those bosow teams Special some of the greatest players uh Definitely of the first 20 25 years of The 21st century in high school are from Those team that you played on some Probably um you you could argue maybe The best coaching staffs because just Judging by where all the coaches have Gone on to from oh my goodness th this Point forward you know um everybody's Gone everywhere else so the tree from That Standpoint I is is unbelievable you know Um what what so fast forward the college Right um You Did you played football for For a numerous years and then you I Think you were doing both and then you End up doing wrestling right the last Couple of years or yeah yeah I I Wrestled uh my last two years at at Ruers um Okay that's incredible that you did you Actually got to be able to Both that was like right when they were Transitioning to the Big 12 The Big 10 like 10 wrestling man like Yeah it was um it was it was it was a Weird know weird thing you know um a lot Of changes were being made uh know Chris Chris Ash came in you know uh you know Because coach FL left so a lot of a lot Of stuff was moving and I felt like you Know you know I had um Miss wrestling

You know and I I miss cap on the mat and You know know what better up to change My trajectory of my story you know what And compete at the highest level at two Sports that I love dearly you know and Um that's what made me on the mat and I Was what four years off the mat and yes Coach Co coach coach gell know he uh Approached me he was like he was like no We we still believe in you you're you're A champ you know what I mean so know You're a champ we're gonna get we get You to that level to that big 10 level So I'm like all right cool and I trusted Him you and um we we he started working Well awesome that that's it's crazy like How great is it to be like hey I need a I need a heavyweight uh let's go check Out the football team oh oh I got a Two-time state champ over here yo you Want to come back to wrestling sure any Time now I'm sure your training had to Really amp up I mean you weren't Wrestling training for a long time to Kind of jump back into that I'm sure was A lot oh man uh wrestling training and Football training no it at at the Highest level is definitely different From you know know just because with Football is more like you're you're Putting the pounds on you know you're Putting the muscles up you know you're Doing agility drills wrestling is more Cardio endurance and more um reps than

Anything you know reps reps reps on top Of reps you know and it it was insane Because I never went through a preseason Like that and it kind of forced my mind To like get back into that mode of like Grinding and like gutting it out again And um and I appreciate it because I had To find myself again and know in in Those those times again know I was at BOS like okay this what made me who I am Let me just click back into that mode Again and like let me do a different 2.0 Version high level the ran gr of college You know wrestling so I you know I Definitely thrived in that in that um Environment and you know my coaches Pushed me you know and um I I I loved it Man I really know I loved I love Everything about it I love everything About it because you know it forces I Still do the workouts till today like I Still train like like like intensively Like an athlete today so like it never It never it never goes away it never Goes away so um I'm just appreciate know For me to know do those two sports in College and and uh thrive in those Moments now you're coaching at high School football at we Hawkin right so um What what made you want to get into Coaching first of all like what what was Kind of impetus to that and and and How's that been going since you've been Coaching uh it's been it's been going

Well um we had um we actually had a Historic year last year I came in um me And my boy Albert young he went to Iowa Uh played he played in the league for a Little bit uh at um for the Vikings but Uh me and him were like the only two High level coaches that are on the staff So we we understood know what it took to To get there to know to be know Excellent and be dominant and all that Other stuff so because we we've been There um but the kids you know they They've been losing for a long time and They they they they never knew H how to How to win and or coaches that had the Culture of winning you know yeah um it's Hard man it's a hard thing it's a Remember you were you were brought into A winning stuff like it's tough for These guys yeah yeah yeah so the thing Was was I I was I saw it out and all They needed was a Direction so I I from From what my stature was I gave him a Direction of hey this is how you do Things right hey if you do this know This this is what's going to come out if You do these little things right no You're GNA make a better play you know What I mean don't drop the ball 10 Push-ups like little little stuff little Instead of just just to like get their Mind think in a positive way like like Scout team like you make us make us work Scout team like stuff like that and the

Kids they took up to it and they owned It and we we end up we end up losing one One game and uh we we won the Championship so the first time in like 30 years since they they won the Championship no at no in the MJ NJ cic Um that's the first time in weha they Won the championship so I know please Just say like greatness just follows me So best line Ever so that's that wrestling that's That wrestling you gotta have that yeah Yeah so but you know we I was so proud Of the kids the way they they fought all Year and you know the seniors the senior We had a big senior class we had about Like 18 seniors on the team and know They they accomplished their goal they Accomplished what they know at the end Of their senior year what they wanted to Do so uh it was sweet we we actually Lost to Elmore Park uh in the regular Season then we beat him in the Championship so that was sweet and um You know that like I said that was the First time in like 30 years just they Won won the champ because they they we I Think we turned I think last the year Before they were like one in one and Nine and we went like what eight and one So like that was it was a huge turnar Around huge turnar around for the Community everybody was uh it was it was A it was a great

Success oh that that's incredible and I Remember the last the last person to win Any games over there was um Derek you Might know Zach nasimo when he was there Yes yes so that was like offensive line Coach at the Paul yeah that was like 2011 maybe when he was there or 12 or Something like that um because when I Was at Pal Park we we used we used to Used to play them and yeah yeah well we Had did the same thing back when I was At Pal Park turned it all around and Going to the state championship but um But Pal Park is now back in uh tough Times so yeah they they just they just Face pal par I think they uh they they Beat him up pretty bad yeah you guys Beat him like 40 something to nothing I Think or something like that yeah yeah No and and you know what at at those Those towns like uh palace's Park and And Man yeah you got you guys can make a Huge difference you know uh coaches make A big difference there bit yeah Definitely you know you invest in them And it makes a it makes a gigantic Difference so most definitely that That's awesome um so so uh um what do You think kind of is go is the next step For you like do you want to keep Coaching High School football like what What are some of the things you're Thinking about from that

Standpoint um yeah I'm right right now I'm I'm enjoying what I'm doing the high School football I'm actually the head Coach for no we off a wrestling team too So I'm actually bu yeah I'm I'm building That program up too and um it's going Well um right right now know with my my Wrestling program is kind of know hard Time because you know not not enough Kids are are seduced to the sport so Right now is about just getting out There and um telling them about the Sport and uh you know getting kids on But know I think I should have a good Team this year you know a lot of lot of Kids coming back know freshman know more In tune about the sport more looking Into because you know MMA is real big You know so a lot of people watch the They love that stuff man you know if you Could kind of talk to it and be like hey This isn't like you know if anything Like just any Niche right to kind of get Those guys out because like you talk About there's I mean I'm sure there's no Feeder program over there right so There's no you program that can bring Guys in but if you just continue to just Like get your football players get some Of those other guys in the hall man just You can just I'm just trying trying to Exactly trying to grow it like I mean The seven eighth grade program you know Trying to get that going and um you know

And and just trying to build build what I what I have you know and um I think That's that's really it I'm just trying To put more pen on paper you know my Experience and stuff like that you know College no jobs no head coaching jobs You know are are in there but um I I I Recently been training MMA recently so Like I've been in the I've been in the Kids you know just fighting and stuff And come on man what you what are you Trying to be like Kevin now come on man No no no no I'm just I'm just I I mean This this this summer this summertime I Um I was feeling feeling with it you Know I I was I never like know crossed Over to that to that that spot so I want To just know try my my my my talents and See what coming about but you know I Really like it you know know I've been Training and it's cool and but right now I'm the coaching and I'm just staying With my my training brand you know two Great performance and just trying to get Know much kids and and you know try to Lead my my young men that's it that that Is awesome dude that that is so great What what what a what a great story um Uh you have your training company where Where could people find you on on Twitter or Instagram what work oh Instagram Instagram uh two great Performance um Ray two great ray2 great That's my that's my personal but no my

All you got to do is search two great Performance or 2gp training um on on Instagram and you know I'm on Facebook Too ran gross um and yeah that's I think That's about It ran it was been awesome having you on What what an like I you I you know You're one of the guys when I remember You coming up and I was Co coaching in North Jersey for a long time before I Moved down here um who was just a Fascinating athlete because of you you Excelled at the highest level in two Sports you know it's and and and one Sport which was you know in my opinion Especially in high school at least it It's the most difficult Sport and um and It was to be two time state champ in New Jersey um you know and to be able to Play two sports like you did football And wrestling at different times in College I mean I admire it to to no end It's it's it's an amazing amazing Athletic care and to see you now Transitioning that and and helping young People become a better athlete um you Know on the football field and and Wrestling um and then continuing to Compete yourself which is just Is is amazing I love still got it still Got a little listen listen like I I like I'm very active I'm a very active person Until like I can't do like my my Grandfather like competed and ried

Weights all the way you know till he was Like 70 he couldn't do it no more you Know so like I'm I'm I'm that type of Guy in this is in the blood you know we Know we keep training hard and I feel Like though for for me personally um I Feel like that's a that's a way for me To connect with my kids I look know your Coach is doing it your coach is training Hard why can't you train hard you get What I'm saying so that that's that's Another another outlet that like uh I Try to feed to my players like you know I train every day hard man like you got It's so easy to go to the gym or you Know work on something that you're not Good at and and and become improve at And improve at it you know so that's a That's a that's a big thing that I harp On as a coach and as an athlete so my Thing is I have to practice what I Preach too so I'm I'm coaching and I'm Telling these guys but I have to do it Myself because I don't want to be that Type of coach that they just tell them What to do but I don't really practice What I preach you know what I Mean there's no no doubt about it I Think great outl that's a bit great Outlook fantastic talking with you and And uh um really W wish you nothing but The best I I really really enjoyed the Conversation and hopefully we'll see you On here again soon appreciate you

I Hey listen I appreciate you guys too Hold on one one thing I'm on Twitter too I forgot dang my Twitter was but um my Twitter is uh banr at32 so that's ranr At32 so yep that's it very cool I don't Be going on TW I don't be going on Twitter no more because I don't you know I feel like all the Outlook is on Instagram Instagram Facebook you know That's where I really do do everything That so right appreciate you big guy man Hey man keep doing what you're doing I Really thanks a lot man I Thinkk you guys thank you guys for Having me on man no no problem coach Always love thank you coach SCH thank You see you soon thanks so much luck Season all right thank you you too take Care all Right all right that was great that was Fantastic still got the juice bro oh man The energy he's like he's like a pit Fastic he's like a pitbull and that's How he was like Like bro it was it it was hard to ever To be like hey like sometimes like nah Man he was all juice all the time it was Crazy I think when we played Bergen we played Bergen at overpeck his Senior year dude I think he bear crawled Faster like come you know how guys when You run out between the cheerleaders and Out of the tunnel he bear crawled the Entire way like a dog like a freaking

Fel dude he was gone and he just like it Was out control dude he's just he's just A different type of animal that's Awesome that's awesome it was Greaten at him like a like football guy Like dude wrestling unbelievable well I I find it so you know to be at a really High level at both of those it it is is Really difficult right because when you Normally talk about outside a Heavyweight right because he wasn't it Wasn't so I I he wrestled heavyweight in College but heavy weighs which a lot of Times you know like in in the midwest They might be like um defensive uh Tackles or or offensive linemen and they They don't have to lose weight right no Because they can just as a football Player and and played at a really high Level as a football player and a Wrestler because you have to take off a Little bit of weight to go to 195 so I Thought that was just absolutely Fascinating and that process in to see Him go through that and listen you know How that is it's like it's a quick Turnaround so we lost his senior year They lost we lost in the semi-finals to Burgen and so that means his se he was Never used to having a season that was Over before that first week of December You know so he kind of had a different Jump on that senior year and I watched Him literally go from probably like you

Said 220 225 down to that 195 in a Matter of like two three weeks and it Was it was just Wild like dedication it took for him to Cut that was just insane and he did it Like you know oh okay we're good go like Because I'm going to win this you know I'm going to win this second title in a Row that that is that is a that is Amazing like we just like I didn't just Get one in football like and I'll be Honest had he won a state championship In football I don't know if he would Have played like I think the wrestling Might have taken over and been like cool To kind of like like he would have had His closure with football but we always Always say there's something about this Game dude that just draws you in there's No doubt about it it just draws you in So well that that that was Awesome we'll kick it off till till next Week till next time uh hope I'm sure You'll have another great guest for us Uh next week and um we will see you all Soon appreciate it

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