58 min read
FROM SUPERSTAR PLAYER TO BROADCASTING SENSATION WITH ADAM BRENEMAN with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go…

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Up man we're back what's going On um hopefully soon we will have On uh Adam Brenan it should be a great Guest um and we'll know shortly uh if Not you have the two greatest uh Podcasters available to you but before I Do any more to that we're going to go uh Myfootball D1 promo if you're looking to get Recruited me and Mike farell have a Program just for you that will help you Out he was Rivals analyst for 25 years The national analyst the number one guy The guy I was probably the inventor of The combines as it is today and from an Analyst standpoint that there's nobody That has reached out to more coaches Players dealt with some of the best in The country help you get promoted and You can leverage our following mines Which is on Twitter alone it's 600,000 Mics is I think 300 and then uh let's Not even talk about obviously what we're Reaching out with YouTube reached 57 million this past month Alone um so We're continuing to grow obviously People are chiming in coming into the Podcast thanks as we're looking forward To having had him and hopefully we will Have him soon I have not heard anything Um so maybe coach might want to send him A quick uh message uh while we're Getting ready but before we oh there he Is perfect um and uh before before we do

Bring him on um free agency's been going Wild today so uh sorry fans all the fans Out there crying away Oh and he goes into the division so you Get to see him twice a year my friend Sorry guys I know so with without Further Ado we'll bring on our guest um He was one of the top recruits in the Country with the Penn State as a tight End um I remember him coming up uh when He was in high school that probably Dates me a little bit of course um and He was he was a fantastic player um he Went I played ped State he uh I think he Finished at UMass uh when the coach yep Was All-American I I I believe he was at All-American in high school first te All- American High School Absol he was Was the I think he was one of the like Number one number one tight end recruit In the country yep in the country uh Coached in college for several years uh Arizona State yep and and now is a media Sensation um I he's interviewed some of The top coaches in the country among Other people um let's bring them on Without further Ado Adam Brean how's Everything going Adam I'm great Appreciate you guys having me on I'm Excited to be here we're excited to have You we're excited to have you welcome I Truly appreciate you call me a media Sensation I hope I hope yeah I hope Someday I live up to that to that kind

Of uh to that kind of intro well hey You're on your way buddy I think you're Doing everything right um your path is a Little bit different than everybody Else's so you know uniqueness has a way Of of finding itself to the top my Friend so I think you're doing a great Job from from our perspective anyway so Really appreciate you coming on taking The time man we look forward to it I Appreciate appreciate me on and love What you guys are doing so uh so Appreciate me on uh it's it's fantas Asking to talk to you Ju Just for people Who may not know about you um just kind Of give a little bit of your journey uh And I think we hit on some of the points But I I um I I remember what kind of Athlete you were so uh you know because I was one of the comom minded showcases As you were as you were coming up and I Remember where you you know what type of Player you are but talk about your Journey from where you are to where you Are Now yeah it's been it's been quite an Interesting ride uh It has been the one thing I've learned During my journey is that whatever you Think is going to happen whatever you Think the plan is that you have for Yourself it never actually goes that way Uh and and it's just all about how you Respond to things I've seen a lot of

College football seen a lot of football I mean you guys talk mentioned a little Bit but was a was a fstar recruit Depending on where you looked fourstar Some places um one or top one or two Tight end in the country coming out of High school had offers from everywhere Went to Penn State uh had a good start At Penn State was a freshman All-American that Penn State and then Had a knee injury missed two years in a Row uh thought I was done playing Football my knee was not getting any Better uh thought I was done and Miraculously my knee started to feel Better and I transferred to UMass played At UMass for two years as you mentioned And was an all American two years in a Row I mean I was catching like 75 passes A year as a tight end led the country And receiving by a tight end Mackie Award finalist and then right before the NFL draft I was I was at the Senior Bowl I was at combine uh failed physicals With my left knee my the same knee that B that had the issues at Penn State was Not fully healed and was still giving me Issues so ended up you know realizing That no team was going to pick me up Because of my left knee and about a Month before the draft just decided to You know didn't really have another Choice but retire from football uh which Was tough at 23 years old I was just a

Two-time All American and and retired From the game so uh it's tough I I I Always make the joke not really not Really funny but I I was about as close To playing the NFL as anyone's ever been Without actually playing in the NFL I wasn't even like I didn't even Make like a I didn't even have a Training camp I I you know I I had to Retire I couldn't play anymore and um You know when that happened it was tough But I've always loved the game of Football I love what this sport has Given to me I look back on my time and It's easy to say wo is me and I you know I I miss on all this money I wish I Could have played longer and I I feel All those things but at the same time I've also lived the dream that very few People get to live I was a three-time All American I was a five I got to do All those kind of things and have those Relationships and those connections and Then uh got into coaching coach with Herm Edwards at Arizona State for about Two years was a tight ends coach there Was the youngest coach in the country When I was there as as the tight ends Coach our staff was Herm Edwards Antonio Pierce Marvin Lewis um a bunch of great Ones in the in the coaching world and Then when I left Arizona state was Really trying to figure out what I Wanted to do next and saw this kind of

Gap in media and thought that there Wasn't a great college football voice uh That was talking about the game breaking Down the game and I felt like I had Unique credibility with all those Experiences to talk about this great Sport uh and went all in on it on social Media and now it's evolved to you know Content all over the platforms my Podcast that you mentioned where I Interview coaches and players um and Then I I'm a broadcaster I work for CBS And ESPN call games on Saturdays um a Bunch among a bunch of other things but Uh that that that's the that's the Journey it's it's on a mission now to be One of the you know Premier faces and Voices in in the game of college Football well you're on a fast track There so I mean I've been following you And Coach D's been following you for a While as well um you know I enjoyed your Interview with halfy but you've you've Interviewed so many coaches and and That's one of the things that really Intrigued us tremendously because Obviously we're always we're talking to Coaches that's like we've had them on From guys that are currently coaching to To guys who are long retired and and and Let it spill you know let it all spill Out you know what I mean and uh so it's It's really cool cool to have you on and And talk about those experiences now

First of all what what do you like Better because everybody everybody's in The podcast world now do you like Broadcasting a game better or do you Enjoy like meet meeting with people in Doing the podcast or is it equal it's Just so different I mean it it's it's I Mean when I get ready to call a game You're going on live television I mean Your heart's racing your Are sweaty it's like a game baby it's Like kickoff it's like kickoff I mean You're like you got the producer in your Ear like counting you down uh you're Preparing all week I mean I show up to Do a podcast I'm just winging the damn Thing I'm like you know I show up and I Just sit down and start talking to the Coach um it's it's a little bit of a Different Spectrum as far as you know I'd say like the podcasting stuff for me Is fun because I you get to kind of peel Back the layers and I feel like I've got Enough respect in the sport to 100 for People to do it and for coaches to know That I'm not going to screw them at the End of the day but they also know now That like I'm not coming to do a podcast With you to talk about you know who your Favorite second string receiver is on The team like I want to know like the Story I want to know about like Jeff Halley what do you hate about college Football James Franklin told a story in

My podcast about him getting booed off The field at Penn State and thinking to Himself like man am I gonna make it here Um you know talk to Dan Lanning about The challenges of his wife being sick And like all that kind of stuff is the I Want to really peel back the layers and Allow you know one of my favorite Comments when when I do the podcast After it goes out is fans you know Obviously a lot of times it's new it's New fans from different schools that are Now following me or seeing my content And I get a a lot of comments saying Like I've never seen coach X I've never Seen coach Landing in this in this Format or this way before I've never Seen coach Franklin talk like this or I've never seen them be so open a lot of Times coaches are so buttoned up and Y They're so reserved Yeah worried about what they're going to Say um so that's really fun for me now The broadcasting gets you feeling like You're playing on Saturdays again so There it's it's tough to say which one I Like the most um but you know it's it's They they both compliment each other Super well too a absolutely no no doubt About it it's really interesting um Because we we've interviewed a few of The college coaches and you have to kind Of put your questions in there and you Got to submit them because there's a pro

Like a lot of people realize there's a Process to it and um it it's completely Different than we've interviewed retired Division one coaches where they sit There and and they just have us laughing Uh who do we have on that was hilar you Gotta have him on your podcast at some Point he'll have you laughing so hard Who was the coach Tony Tony Deo oh Tony D mayo oh God he was he's a triple Option I don't if you you know the name At all but no famous for really running The uh the guns spread triple option and He retired and he you know coached it Like Iona when valano was there and he's Telling us all these it's it's it's so Funny and so Interesting seeing how coaches are now Like Co coaching is you know you're the Face of a corporation now I mean for Lack of a better word right and when you Talk to a retired coach obviously he's He's retired from that Corporation and Now he's he's free I think it's so Interesting how coaches have been Elevated to this status and and I'm C Ious from your standpoint uh when you You've interviewed these guys do do you Do you feel that like some of them have Really struggle with these rapid changes In in in the college football process Not just n and transfer Port but the Whole thing being the CEO essentially at All times right yeah college football

Coaches are sick and tired of what's Going on in college football right now From the transfer portal to nil to the Coach's calendar is what's really brutal I mean the calendar they to deal with of Finding day and you got free agency Going on during the season I you got uh Coaching staff uh turnover at an All-time high coaches going to the NFL Tampering happening like crazy in College sports no one really follows the Rules but at the same time there really Aren't any rules because the NCAA is Weak uh so there's a lot of issues in College in college sports at the same Time I don't think college football's Ever been in a better spot I mean the Game's never been stronger viewerships Never been higher uh but I I do think There's going to need to be some changes Because this this sport is losing a lot Of great coaches to the NFL that don't Want to deal with recruiting and and Dealing with college athletes right now Because of what's going on and and I I Do I do think too a lot of college Coaches they all like nil they're good With it right they're good with the Transfer portal look it's the Combination and the lack of Regulation And the lack of guidance from the NCAA That has caused this kind of chaos and Uh again I don't think Nick sain retired Because nil is in place I don't think

Nick Sab retired because of the transfer Portal I think Nick Sab retired because Of the combination of it all coming at The same time all at once and having to Deal with players trying to get bribed By other schools to jump in the portal And you know he's sa been talked about In his in an interview I saw recently at The at his end of year Meeting with every single player meets With every player on the team every Single guy almost asked how much money Are you going to pay me because other School X Offering this yeah is offering this that Where that's not allowed that's not Supposed to be happening till they get In the portal and two in the NFL there's A general manager that takes care of That there's the the head coach isn't Consist constantly having to deal with These kind of negotiations um so I There's some issues in the sport I think That I think that again we're in a good Spot but some of these uh legislation Guidelines regulation needs to be Figured out whether it's at the federal Level with with actual law legislation Coming into place place or or the NCAA Or the Big 10 of the SEC breaking off And forming their own their own Super Conference or their their own entity That governs college football yeah That's there's something that's gonna

Have have to happen I've SE I don't know If you get these but like I get all These um search firms that you know like They'll send you like the updated jobs And some of the things I've noticed that Are really interesting um goes to Exactly what we talked about they're Trying to figure out that general Manager thing right and then there's Like an nil general manager too right so You kind of have um uh uh a structure That's starting to mirror kind of an NFL Structure and then obviously player Personnel is going to become I mean you See it on every roster but the old days Player Personnel just meant making sure You get along with the players player Personnel really is now a guy in Evaluator talk a little what the the the Sports changing completely and and the Role of general manager is now needed in College football because it's hard for a It's hard for a head coach to manage Every aspect from the N to the portal to The roster to allocations of Scholarships to compliance to all that Stuff uh the the difference though in College football is that the head coach Is in charge of the general manager so At the end of the day it still all flows Up through the head coach who ultimately Has to make that final decision uh in The NFL the general manager hires the Head coach a lot of times or they

Comeing together and the and the head Coach reports kind of to the general Manager uh so that's kind of the Difference in Dynamics so it's always Going to flow through the head coach Which is kind of part of the issue and The reason a lot of these head coaches In college football are wanting to leave There's also a change in a lot of the Structure of actually how you manage a Roster in in Scholarships in college Football uh like when I was at Arizona State as a tight ends coach I knew that I had three scholarship spots for this Class and we were going to take three Tight ends so I was in charge of finding The tight ends evaluating them over the Country figuring out who I wanted to Offer in recruiting those players Well I also at the same time have to do All the recruiting coach my current team Game plan on the weekdays and all that Kind of stuff so during the season I'm Not all that focused on evaluating the Best tight ends from Louisiana you know I don't even know who they are because I'm the season where some programs now Texas Tech is a great example of this Have changed the structure where they Said listen it doesn't really make sense For our coaches to decide who they're Going to offer just like in the NFL the Scouts and the general manager decide Who the players are the coaches coach so

At Texas Tech they're saying we're Taking off off the plate of our coaches We're taking off their plate any Evaluation of players coaches are no Longer in charge of evaluating the Talent that's going to be the Personnel Department who are going to go watch the High school film and decide who to who We're going to offer and recruit and That flows up to the GM and then I think It flows to the head coach um and then The the coaches the coordinator position Coaches get told who they're recruiting Just like in the NFL they get told who They're going to coach now I'm sure the Coaches have some say but for the most Part it's kind of separating the Personnel Department from the coaching Staff coaches are just recruiting now They're getting told who to recruit and Then they're coaching whoever they get Uh and and I think that that kind of Structure we're going to see more and More of in college sports as things get Crazier and crazier right and you Actually see it like you know I know Dion is doing it at Colorado like you See a lot of these staffs now actually I Mean look you go to the website and you Click on coaches and it's no longer you Know head coach offensive coordinator Defensive coordinator position coaches No you're seeing person player Personnel You're seeing who's responsible for nil

Each one of like college staffs are now Expanding and there's so much and it's Almost like you know the off the- field Guys that aren't on the sideline that Aren't practicing an IND like running Individual every single day those guys In the Personnel Department are almost If not more important than those guys Coaching up the X's and O's you you you Think about a guy like Courtney Morgan At Alabama now general manager at Alabama right was at Washington correct It was at Washington with kayin nebor Was at Michigan before that correct he's The guy that's responsible for literally Putting these rosters I mean it was kind Of funny the national championship game Right was basically based off of it was Like Hey man these are your two rosters That you created and now they're both in And like who's the first guy that guy Hired when he went to Alabama the guy That put my roster together yeah I mean Yeah cordney Morgan's become one of the More powerful uh figures in college Football because of that he built those Two rosters and most fans don't even Know his name he built Michigan's roster He built Washington's roster he's now Building Alabama's roster and that and That in that general manager spot yes He's in charge of all the recruiting Department all the Personnel but he also Serves as kind of a senior adviser to

The head coach as someone that they can Go off of they can bounce ideas off of And I when I when I met with kayin deor And had him on my podcast when I was at Washington this past year in 2023 I was Talking to him off camera just about his Staff and he said and I was asking him About you know coach Huff the the o line Coach and about some of the coordinators And he said to me uh he said Courtney Morgan's one of the most important People in this building uh because he's In charge of the roster I mean that is His his baby right same thing with Dion Dion has a Personnel guy at Colorado who Handles All of the off the field stuff I mean You saw in his documentary you know on On uh I think Amazon Prime it is you Know that guy is literally standing in Front of the team talking about guys This is the guy you need to worry about Right because I'm the guy that's gonna Find your replacement that's what I'm Looking for you know and that's kind of The world that we're living in right now Yeah 100% 100% yeah and Dion's Completely changed the game from oh yeah That's that's a podcast in itself yeah Branding to Uh what it means to really be a head Coach and and and it's funny I got a um I I I was trying to get Dan Lanning on My show for a while um and uh and wasn't

You know not didn't have much success it Was during the season after the Colorado Game when Lanning and Dion drama was Ever I got a I got a I got a text from Dan Lanning one day he said he just sent Me he said podcast question mark I said I'll come out to Eugene coach I'm on the I'm on the way coach I'll be out there But yeah it's just it is funny it's been Cool to see that shift of I think five Years ago there's there's no shot that Dan Lanning would have sat down for an Hour to talk about his life there's no Shot that kayin dor would have done it Or James Franklin or Shane Beamer like It would have been Greg you got Greg Shano my Greg I've known a lot I know a Lot of people who know Greg shano really Well And yeah the coolest thing for me people Were like first of all how did you get Him for an hour and a half talking and And and and like how do and how did you Get him to open up so much it was so Cool because he he recruited me to Runers back in the day but that's also That's where you that's where your you Know your your your journey your path Can benefit you my you know what I mean Like that Network you had from being That five-star athlete gets you in the Door with these guys to sit down and Open up I mean the intro the intro to That was like hey buddy what's going on

How you been it was like you guys were Best friends you know yeah no it's been It's been fun yeah coach sh was a he was He he he came ready to talk which I was Which I was excited about he was he was Uh he was fired up for it so yeah it's Been it's been fun no I think it's it It's interesting how you're able to to Get them to open up I think that Relationship I think what Derek said is Really true um you know the fact that a Lot of these guys recruited you and it Makes a huge huge impact and people Don't realize that the the football World at the high level it's it's like a Big circle like you know it's all about Relationships there's no such thing as Six Degrees of Separation it's like one Or two degrees you know what I mean of Separation so you know this guy or that Guy and um it it's a pretty tight Circle It's very interesting to see because of That you know on recruiting with like Parents how the and maybe even High School coaches too but they're on the Outside looking in at a lot of this Stuff I'm curious your thoughts on it Because um I you know obviously you you Were a BigTime recruit you know maybe You didn't have to deal with some of the Things that they deal with now because It was a different time but um you know I wonder what either coaches think or What even you think about what they

Should be doing from recruiting stand Because it's totally different they're So uneducated it's amazing in in an era Of information you might find this Fascinating in an era of information They really don't understand as much Right they're they're trying to figure It all out and Coach High School coaches Are trying to figure it all out and it's Hard to get information from college Coaches because they want to maintain The relationship and they don't know What's going to happen from one semester To the next because of transfer portal So they're trying to maintain Relationship with players they might be Interested in but not they may not be Ready to pull the trigger on what are Some of the things that you're seeing And and what do you think can help some Of these people I I think the most Important thing the most Important the most important thing for These recruits to understand is the true Meaning of what an offer really is yes That is the biggest misconception in College football recruiting uh an offer Does not mean that you have a guaranteed Scholarship spot at a school it doesn't And offer nowadays means we are Interested in you at least at the FBS Power five level right um FBS and General and I I'll use this example of How it worked when I was the tight end

Coach at Arizona State just a couple Years Ago I was told that I get two Scholarship spots in in the 2021 class To sign two tight ends I gotta find Those tight ends as we just talked About that doesn't mean that I go offer Two tight ends because I'm at Arizona State and I got to compete with USC and Penn State and all these other schools And also I'm a great recruiter I want to Go out I want to get I want to go out The best tight ends in the country but What are the what's the realistic Chances that the number three tight in The country comes to Arizona Not great but I'm still going to shoot My shot right shooter shoot baby I'm Going to go shoot my shot and try to Recruit the best players in the country So if I just offer the top two guys for My two spots I probably wouldn't get Them and I'd be left with no tight ends So instead of offering two I have to go Offer like 12 tight ends and I got to go Throw them out offers and then see who's Really interested uh who's who is from The west coast and wants to actually Come who wants to take a visit and then I you normally say that you want to have About five to six players really Interested with an offer for every spot You have so like that means if I have Two spots I need to offer 10 guys that

Are really interested in coming to my School um and then you have a board Where you rank those 10 guys you offered One two 3 four five six seven eight nine 10 and if the number seven guy tries to Commit I got to make a decision where am I with number one through six that I Want more than that guy it's all a Numbers game and then do I take that Commitment or do I push them off and see If I can get one through six um it's all A game of numbers and and you see Schools all over the country it it some Schools do it differently but every School offers more players than they can Actually take every school in the Country now some like when we were at Arizona State we were very liberal with Our offers like we threw out offers all The time just to kind of get the door Some schools some some schools are a Little bit more conservative but they're All offering more so like having an Offer doesn't mean you're guaranteed Don't know so it's a it's a game that You got to understand as a recruit and And make sure that when you're getting Offered you ask the coach is thisable is This committable how many how many other Players are you offering at my position Um and those are fair questions ask and Don't expect them to say we're only Offering you and you know that's not Gonna be if they say that they're lying

Right if they say they tell you that They're lying um but yeah I I I think That's important to understand I mean in The day and age of of social media I'm a Big that that you should be creating Content online around yourself around Playing football around your journey you Got Mar you got to Market yourself you Got to Market yourself I mean the amount Of players that that I actually would Find from just just my DMs social media People sending me things on DMS on Twitter DMs I mean I was checking my Twitter DMS all the time as a coach and Seeing who was in there and and who was Sending me film and I I would review it Or or someone on my staff that if I had An intern at they would check my DMs I'd Say hey go through these DMS because Like if they reach out to me on DM They're interested so let's see if we Can find anyone you know are there any Offensive linemen under the radar that We need to look at here so I I would put Yourself out there and two or number Three the final Thing it takes some grit and some Tenacity to if you're a lower level Recruit that doesn't have the big time Offers but you want to go play FCS Football or or or group of five Football it takes some work where you Got to go send like 2,000 emails to Coaches I mean when I was trying to be a

Coach I sent 500 emails one night to to Different coaches when I it's not that Hard you go online you do some digging You go in the athletic department Directory you find some email addresses And it may not be the coaches and let me Put this out there too the coach isn't The one you want to you want to message Or DM that's not who you want to hit up You don't want to hit up the coach you Don't want to hit up the the the head Coach you want to hit up someone in the Recruiting department you want to hit up Someone in In like a uh an analyst role a graduate Assistant because all those all those Are people are young guys that are Trying to make a name for themselves who Are evaluating the recruits and then Giving them to the coaches to sign off On and look at more so the way to get in Is like my my recruiting intern at ASU Would bring me 15 players a day to Evaluate those were 15 guys that he just Found on his own bringing to me so you Want to get on their radar because They'll actually respond to you they'll Actually look at your stuff those that Are are going to put in that work those Are the ones that are going to answer You those are the Ones say oh look this is look at this Guy like maybe if I bring him to if we Hit on this guy that's that's my guy

Like I could use that right 100 that That happened so many times the amount Of times that my that there was a guy That worked for me Andy Reinhardt who um Who was a kind of like an analyst role Wasn't a full-time coach he would bring Me players that he found through Twitter DMS a lot of a lot of these were players That reached out to him like I just said And he' bring him to me knowing like Putting his standing on the table for The guy knowing that if it pans out well Like that's his guy he brought me that Guy right and he found this player from The middle of nowhere in in Montana that We're gonna go sign at Ariz state if he Comes be if he becomes big time um you Know there he is so uh it's there's a Lot of opportunities out there it just Takes some grit and tenacity and and Putting the work in you made you made Some great points it's it's funny Because me and Coach talk about this all The time and you're explaining it to Parents quite often and it's funny There's this air of you and I've been Doing this for a long time but there's Still this air of they don't believe That this is actually the case and you Say you got you have to reach reaching Out is a is a full-time job listen there Are some guys that are slam super slam Dunks you cannot you cannot put yourself In those categories right so even even

The guys outside of the top 200 50 still Have to work to get themselves multiple Offers right yeah those top 250 players In the country those are your four and Five stars that they they might be like The slam dunks right but those High Three stars those guys end up with 10 Offers some of them have to work to be Able to to to get those offers it's Really really great point you brought up About who to reach out to uh how Important that is and the in the era of So social media how you there's so many Guys in these staffs that if the more Guys that you're reaching out to from an Analyst standpoint it creates possibly An an opportunity for you which I think Is just it's it's really interesting Because it's changed so much and there Are guys that you know I'm friends with That play D1 football and they'll come To me and they'll say I have no idea how To approaches with with my son and they Were division one football players Themselves you know and and um some Sometimes guys who were literally Coaches of BigTime high schools sometime With their own kids they're sometimes Like okay you know what's the direction That should go so I I think that that Information is unbelievably valuable uh For for them to understand what the World is like the landscape is like Right now uh in recruiting you know what

I think is all people would find really Interesting too obviously you were an All American I mean you you you did Great things on the Field talk a little bit and we'll go Back in time a little bit here talk a Little bit about what you did as a Player right there's players out there Want to be the kind of player that you Were in college uh and would have been In the NFL obviously if it wasn't for For injuries um but they want to be that Kind talk about what you were coming up And the things that you worked on and You did to make yourself into player you Were you know I knew in my career that By the time I was in college I learned Pretty quickly that I wasn't the most Athletic guy in the world I didn't I Wasn't going to be the I wasn't going to Jump a 40 in vertical I wasn't going to Run a four four 40 yard dash uh but There were things that I knew that I Could work on that would make me put me In the great category uh and one was my Hands catching the football that's my Recommendation to any anyone who plays a Receiver if you want to differentiate Yourself let me back up a second to Coaches want to give the ball and want To play players that they trust that They know will do the job when it Matters the most not not necessarily the Guy who can run in a straight line the

Fastest not the guy who wins the 5105 Shuttle drill during conditioning uh They want the guy that they don't need To think TW when they see the play on Their call sheet and the balls going to You it's not like ah do I trust them in This moment if it's a big moment who Does the coach trust the most and as a Receiver usually that's the player that Catches the ball the best that's Normally who it is it's the guy with the Most Shore Hands that's who I wanted to Be so I on this meticulous routine of Catching 200 passes a day of grip Strength and hand work of uh doing Drills where I track the ball over my Shoulder work I mean I'm talking like I Would see like eyesight doctors to make Sure I could see that I I had you know Things from like thinking about the Different kind of strips i' wear my eyes Under The Lights to make sure I didn't Lose the ball in the lights every little Thing mattered to me because I wanted to Be the guy that could that made the made The plays when it mattered the most and I knew I wasn't going to be faster than Everybody else um and it worked I mean I I was there was a time I don't know what The it still stands but when I retired I Remember Pro Football Focus put out that I had the most consecutive catches Without a drop in the Pro Football Focus Era in college football um incredible

Now I'm sure that's been broken that's Like one of those stats where it's like You know it's like there's so many Nuances to it it's like uh most most Catches by a guy that's 20 years old Who's from Pennsylvania LeBron stat right because They'll make up stats so let make make Up whatever you want but so that that Was a big thing for me um you know I I Think too I always tried to a little bit Of like an off the field tidbit you know I went through a lot of adversity in my Career I mentioned I missed two years in A row at Penn State I was on a really I Was I was on a really high high and then Some really low lows but the one thing I Always tried to do was be a positive Force in the locker room and I knew that I can't control a lot of things that Happen to me what I could control is the Attitud I brought every single day and I Know that if you asked my teammates when I was a penat or if you asked James Franklin about me when I was on his team And was hurt he would they would all say I think uh that no matter what was going On that I brought a that I was positive That I brought energy in the locker room I was a positive guy that you wouldn't Know I was going through some of that Injury stuff that I was just a positive Force and I think a positive attitude Can really cure everything that's one of

Coach Franklin's core values at pen State is positive attitude and it's so True you can your mindset can really Dictate your circumstances and uh and Don't let your circumstance dictate your Mindset so it's uh that was something And I think that people and athletes who Who are internally positive and then you See it externally have a tendency just To work out better they things end up Working out their way they end up making Plays when the game's on the line Because of that attitude they carry Themselves with every single day and and There's nothing worse than a Negative Nancy than the negative person locker Room who's always complaining who's Blaming the coaches who's blaming other People um that's a that's nothing that You want to be around a locker room so Being positive no matter where you're at On that spectrum of being an athlete uh To a freshman to senior to Great to not Playing positivity can cure at All those are great points I I I think First of all positivity it's a Contagious thing right so I love that James Franklin they uh uses that as his You know his Mantra because if you have Positivity it's contagious it it goes Throughout the organization throughout Your team and when you have negativity It's Also contagious but it's destructive

Right so it's a different kind of Contagious right so pos positive being Contagious goes through all your Organization in a great way negativity It's also contagious but it's Destructive to the organization and Nothing good comes out of it it's it's It's one of things like you know we talk About uh all the time like when when you Have coaches on on your group chat right Or you you have players on a group chat Something could happen there always that One yeah well if if yeah that could Change something everybody's thought Processes almost immediately in today's Era right almost immediately right and Everyone's like ask a question about it But when you have guys that are that are Positive and and have the right Viewpoint they also could change People's viewpoints almost immediately In in in the right direction and in College football I mean High School Football college football obviously the SE guys are all in different group chats But in college football I mean that it's A it has to be difficult because coaches That could literally dictate your career Right you know something happens that Day on on the field of practice not Addressed properly you're you're on some Level of eggshells and all of a sudden You're dealing with certain things um I I I think that that has to be something

That and obviously you you really have a Just the way your approaches to Everything is super positive I I'd Probably hire you as my GM right wife Bring just to get everybody get Everybody on the right page um but it's Um talk about like how how do you how do They handle that like how how did you Guys handle in the locker room um Because you are you are still obviously In in the Moder there was you know when I played well I played there was no Texting you know you had you had to go In uh uh call a guy on the phone then he Then he'd have to come over then you'd Have to all be hanging out so talk about How coaches may handle it how do you Guys handle as players and how you got Things in the right direction yeah I I I Think one of the great balances for Coaches to figure out is how do you Balance being close with the players and Having a really good relationship of Being trusting and loving but at the Same time you're not their best friend Coach right coach and and it's something That I like when I was a I was 25 when I Was a tant coach at Arizona State my my Starting tight end was Curtis Hodes Plays for the commanders who's 23 um so You could have had guys on your roster That were older than you yeah I mean it Was tough yeah exactly like there there Were there were there were guys that

Were my age and um and it was there were Guys in your recruiting class the lot of Ros exactly it's it was an interesting Dynamic and um you know the reason I got That job was because of that was because Of the relationships I had and because I Could recruit and players wanted to come Play for me because it was like I want To go play for the young tight ends Coach at and I could go get those Players to come um but at the same time Herm Edwards used to always say to me he Would always say You can't be their friend you can't be Their friend you can't be their friend Um and that means like Even making sure that I'm a young guy Making sure you don't go out at the same Place as your players are going out Making sure that they don't see you you Don't want to be at the table next to Them with a pitchure beer just like Exactly exactly so but I think that that That is a really fine balance that a lot Of coaches have to deal with everyone Young coaches and older um you know and I think the great ones are able to tow That line so well I think of a Dan Landing of a James Franklin of a uh guys Who are known have really strong Relationships with their players that Truly know they care about them but also Can be extremely demanding and can be um You know extremely tough on

People I remember again and not I'm Referencing a lot of Coach Franklin Quotes here I remember coach Franklin Said one time uh he Said you can be incredibly demanding of People if they simply know that you care About them and that that is where the Balance comes of um you know making sure That you have that kind of dynamic in Your relationship and it doesn't skew to Way too much one way or the other it has To be in the middle um is when it solves A lot of issues because then your Players trust you enough to come talk to You about issues or come talk to you About things that um that they may not Be comfortable talking to most coaches About at the same time they're going to Be on time to your meetings they're Going to they're going to uh you know Not not wear a hat when they show up to Their team meeting they're going to not Have earphones in or me they're going to Be paying attention because they also Have that respect for you as a coach and As a person and what I found most is That players want to play hard for Coaches they care about and and when and When you make it a a we thing and we're Doing this together you know I would Hope that when my tight end goes out and Performs that part of their thought Process is you know it's not just me out There it's not just it's I want to go

Perform to make my coach proud because Of the effort and the care he puts into Me so um I think that's the dynamic and When you have that it kind of fixes Everything else you have the leadership In the locker room that can that can Handle any issues that can that can get Kind of the cancers of locker room out There you have you have the uh the the The team that's coached well that also Has the internal players that that you Know can make things happen and make Sure everyone's rowing the boat in the Same Direction it's a great point it's a Fantastic Point uh if you had a crystal Ball what where do you where do you see Like a lot of the things going like uh You know we we Grace you Adam Brean the The the Zar of the new NCA which would Not be called the NCA but the Zar of the New Organization what would you like to to See happen and some of the things you Like to see in college football me I Wish I had a great I've been asked this This a lot and I don't have a great Answer for what it all looks like I I I Think a few things Um how it all come together I don't know But I do know that number one college Football needs a governing body and a Governing governing commissioner or Person in

Charge separate one from the NCA a Separate football needs its own commit Yeah let let me explain there is no College football commissioner who's in Charge of college football so like like If I ask you that question who would Your answer be we we as someone else we Someone different with give is it Charlie Baker the inbl president or my Argument is that the people really in Charge of college football are GRE that Pick the playoff yes Greg s Greg sanki It's the commissioner of the Big 10 Commissioner of the Big 12 um but the Fact that Greg sanki is the most Powerful man in college football as the SEC commissioner Greg sanki is also Responsible for swimming and Diving and Wom's softball and basketball and lacro Like he's also responsible for all these Other sports so how can he put football First and make the best football Decision when he also has to make sure That basketball in the SEC is doing well At the same time right there needs to be One person in charge of college football Um and in charge of making sure that That everything goes the way it should Um so that that's number one find a College football commissioner um I uh Nick Sab would be great uh I nominate Myself no I'm just kidding uh Cod you Don't want to do that bro no I don't Want to do that I don't want to do that

Cod would be Great you'd have to pay me some Buu Bucks yeah We we we couldn't afford coach Schuman We couldn't afford um but uh but yeah I I think that's where it starts I think That the um that having some kind of Guidelines on how many times a player Can transfer uh is is important um and And make finding a way to make sure that Players are transferring because it's Best for them and that there's not Tampering and and things going on Outside of of uh of what's allowed and And then eventually the the main thing Here is at some point soon athletes are Going to become employees and there will Be Revenue sharing on the TV contracts With them it's going to happen everyone Knows it every ad I talk to knows it's Gonna happen every head coach knows it's Gonna happen no one will say it because They're afraid of getting sued um but Everyone knows it's going to happen uh Pretty soon and that's what the Dartmouth players right coachie uh That's what they did they they said Declaring themselves employees or Something along those lines yes I think It waset team or somebody somebody had One one team at Dartmouth has has Literally said like well look we're Going to be this is what we want to do This is how we're going to do it and

Like you said I think it's all going to Trickle down it's going to happen Eventually I think a lot of people feel The same way you do about you know a Governing body and somebody ultimately Who's in control who can just focus on Football um I think the limiting of the Transfer thing is something that should Happen and like parameters I yes I mean I don't know how you do it I don't know How you enforce it but like you said you Can't have a guy literally transferring Every other year because this is a Better opportunity or this is that or Whatever the nil stuff that's a whole Different world right like I think that Whole aspect of it like I believe College athletes should get paid you Know I sure as hell would have loved to Check every week or for whatever for you Know when I was in college because as a D3 player man you don't get [ __ ] you Know you literally are playing for the Love of the game but it is that's a Whole different thing but I think these Guys deserve it the amount of time that You put in I mean you just think think About what you told us that you put into The game as a player right and now That's extra that's not on top of hey You have a lift at this time and then You got to be here for meetings at this Time practice here you gotta host an Official visit guy like there are a lot

Of things that division one athletes do That a lot of people don't see because All they do is they see them when they Turn on the TV right so I think all that Stuff's going to happen it's just a Matter of how it all goes down and when It goes down but I think one of the Things that you said that was great was The calendar has to change there's just Too much going on at one time for all of These guys to be handling it the right Way it's why they cut Corners because They're forced to do that just based off Of time restraints and things of that Nature yeah 100 perc yeah and we're We're gonna I think we're GNA see the Calendar change they're going to move up The early sounding period I just saw um But it it yeah it's time I mean these Coaches have to deal bull prep in the Middle of dealing with the portal and Recruiting their own roster and it it's It's too much right now and and coaches Aren't able to actually have a life Which then is horrible and that's brutal Like that's why you see some of these Guys are divorced who's here whose Family's living here but this guy's Coaching here and then like you said I Mean if it doesn't change you're going To see a lot of college coaches make That jump to the NFL because why Wouldn't I and what's amazing is what's Amazing is when you touch on way early

In the podcast that all of this college Football is is more viewers than ever It's booming it's booming obviously Especially at the top end right and then You have the uh because of that like It's one of these weird things like with Social combination of social media all This stuff con constantly happening all The content being produced around it It's it's more exciting for people than Ever and it's like the it's almost like The controversy of it all makes it more Exciting than ever too it's it's it's Well again back to the whole clicks Thing right like everybody's looking for Clicks and this is what sells this is What people want to see they don't want To hear the great good old boy story About hey this guy worked really hard For three years and now he's the starter And all this other kind of Jive no man They want to hear about how he's been at Four different schools in in two years And now he's this guy or he's that guy They want to hear that stuff yeah and And I will say I mean for all the Negative stuff we talk about with the Portal and nil I mean it you think about Some of the some of the guys who have Had these opportunities correct to find Second homes and to to ask a go the Trans portal has given us so many Amazing stories in college football to Ask a player an 18-year-old or 17y old

To make the right decision the first Time is a really big ask I mean that's That's tough to do and uh I think it's Right that we give them an opportunity To find find the right fit but at some Point I mean the story of like four or Five different transfers um is nuts I'll Tell you a story a crazy story about Just the in inside part of nil in College football right now I was talking To a power five quarterback who was a Very good quarterback at a big time Program Starter and he called me he said hey hey Adam I want to get your advice on if I Should transfer or not I said I I said Listen like why would you transfer you Know like you have a great situation You're the starter at a power five Program you guys could be in the playoff The next year maybe not playoff but like You guys could be really good right You're close you're close why would you Go somewhere else the grass isn't always Greener and he said to me listen I know That I may not play in the NFL for 12 Years I'm not I may not be a top NFL Draft pick I need to go make as much Money as possible while I'm in college And my value is way more it goes up a Ton when I enter that transfer portal Ju Ju Just Like employment works right work More when you go hit the Market free Agency everyone wants what they can't

Have so your value goes up so he ends up He ends up hitting the transfer portal Transfers to a new school gets paid Three times what was get he was getting Paid at his previous school if all else Was equal I know he would have preferred To stay at his old school but he Couldn't because and I don't blame him He want like I need to make as much Money as I can for my family in my last Year playing college football so uh that Just that's the part that we have to fix Right like right how do we make it where You aren't just worth more because You're transferring let's make it a Level Playing Field salary cap it like The NFL does everyone's got the same Amount of M make it like that where now His current school can pay him what he's Actually worth they don't need to go get The donor funds together to go pay him At a new school right right and it's Crazy right because you think about that You think about a college kid right they Hey I gotta make as much money in College whereas it used to be my friend You're going to college to get a degree To go make money in the work world not I Only have four years to make as much Money as I can and then like how about That degree you're getting buddy you Know it's like the mind is just so far Separated from that like we're talking About all this stuff and at the same

Time it's like my man like you gotta go To class bro yeah Like well let's be honest the term Student athlete is no longer a real Thing I mean you you you you really Think that like do you think that Caleb Williams is worried one bit about Comm 107 class I mean you think any of these Guys actually care about going to class They're I the average power five starter Is making like 40 Grand a month like in Re in in nil payments from their Collective it's that's that's just that Ain't even like doing deals that's just Like a monthly stip in they're getting That's like hey thank that's like that's Like basically like saying hey I have Minimum wage right guys I'm I'm telling You I was at a school this this season And I I was uh I had a had a few Podcasts where I had a bunch of players Over to Airbnb I was at and all these Players pulled up I'm talking like black Out Range Rover I'm talking Mercedes AMG I'm talking I'm talking an Audi Q8 Blacked out tinted Windows I'm talking I'm coming back as a Kicker 2024 escal 2024 Escalade this I There was a backup D tackle pulled up in A 2024 Escalade that's like 108,000 car You're going wait minut when what what How come I couldn't have been in this Era I mean you telling me I missed out On this man I was yeah right and you

Were close think about the money you Would have made you were right Here H I would have I would have had the Toughest car on campus I would have been I would Have I would have been unbearable if I Had if I was making 40 Grand a month in College I my confidence would have been At all well think about it I could like Like you back those guys used to get Whatever the they pel grants all right And those guys would be like I'm rich And it was like $800 C my $2,200 got me to uh down to Foxwoods Casino every every every Semester at leuk so coach where I went And blew half of it then I blew it again At Spring on Spring Break Yeah yeah I mean uh like you know like Uh BJ Robinson right running back from Texas he was on the PIV he was on the Pivot talking about you know I'm riding Around in a Lambo yeah that's right I Remember that I remember that well well And now he making it even more more in The but it's very got Kur cousins so He's all right your point is really Interesting about like hey they got you Know some guys who aren't going to make It even if they make it to the pros They're not going to last that long not Gonna get maybe that second contract Right which is where the money is and They can make as much money as they

Would make in the pros in those four Years now they're stacking their money In four years and if they make the pros And they and they get one contract or a Couple years that's e that's just a Bonus I mean um it's uh it's very it's Very very interesting because I I Remember you had a kid that played for Me in high school he play was a tight End played in the NFL for like five Years and this is before he played at Temple this was before niil and you know When he got his five year like he told Me like that was hey I got to my a Second contract that was a big deal Because now I have enough M he only Lasted one or two more years but like That was enough enough money for me to Be able to always says gave me the Greatest jump start uh uh of my life you Know but now these guys are getting a Jump start at 18 years old right so now By the time they get to 22 it is it is Interesting because the college we Talked about this a little bit and and I Think it's accelerated a lot more since We talked about this in the fall but it Was like it it's almost like it's like a Baseball model with like um um the minor Leagues right you have single a double a Triaa right well the NFL right it's the Same thing like s single a is like the Guys that are at like division two maybe Divi division three you may never get

Out of that air area all the way up to Like Triple A ball right which is the Division one guys and so you you know You're trying to constantly move up Right and um which is totally different Than the model that used to be you know Like if you listen if you were that D2 Guy or that FCS guy like there was no Transferring up like that didn't happen Down guys could come down right and then You're good to go but nobody went up now We're seeing you know you see a guy like You know obviously because it's local Mammoth University kid leads their League in rece receptions yards per game All this kind of stuff now what happens He's got one year of Eligibility left He's gone out the window um and and now He's at a higher level I mean you're Seeing a lot more of that movement which That was never the case yeah yeah no It's a crazy time I mean you got whole Whole staffs you know Personnel Departments now that have again very Similar to the NFL the staffs in college Football have a college scouting Department now that actually Scout Players at other schools anticipating Them entering the transfer portal so Like a lot of these a lot of these Programs will have players graded on all Their rival Teams just being ready as soon as Someone enters the portal so they have

An evaluation on them they know what They think about them just like the NFL And the NFL Be a free agent right like this guy's Only got one year deal exactly well they They know he's going to be a free agent But they actually Scout every player in The league so like I like my buddy who's A pro Scout for for one of the NFL teams Like he's they'll actually go during the Season and Scout every player in the NFL Even if they're on a five-year deal at They're current they'll Scout you know Anyone they they'll Scout Patrick Mahomes and put a grade on Patrick Mahomes and just so they have it if they Ever need it right if if something comes Up trade opportunity comes up or they They there so the college teams are Doing the same thing because you never Know who's gonna hit the portal it is Absolutely insane it's wild I I I have What one final question for you now You're on the media side you know in Both phases uh broadcasting podcasts you Know you go out to these schools you Meet with the Coaches what you're doing and and and There are other guys like Derek talked About the pivot right so play player uh Ex players you know um broadcasters Doing podcast obviously you you have a Podcast which is very unique you're Going out you meet players coaches you

Know uh and you're going out me you hit The Road what do you see as like you know Like since you started doing all this Stuff what have you seen as some of the Great opportunities out there you don't Have to share all your secrets though We'll take them we'll take them but but Some of the things that you see as like Opportunities that you find really Exciting in the in the media Place yeah I mean there there's so many I I think Attention is going to this thing right Here the cell phone so uh we know that But I I I I'm a big believer in ver in In video content I I I really believe That the ability to have one video get Hundreds of thousands of views or Millions of views um like the difference Is if I write a tweet that gets a lot of Views or if I write do a long form Podcast it gets a lot of views yeah that Gets a lot of Attention but if I have a video short Form vertical video a minute long that Gets a million views I Mean everyone sees it you know what I Mean like the reach is ridiculous I got My grandma sending it to me because one Of her friends sent it to her because They saw it on Tik Tok so where like you Just don't get that kind of cool friends Bro yeah yeah you don't get you don't

Get that virality on a YouTube long form Video you don't get that virality on the Twitter written content now I do think That that that podcast as you guys know Is great for building a community it's Great for it's great for monetizing an Audience it's sponsors and advertisers Love it because people that listen to You long term or for long forms of time Are going to more likely to kind of buy Products or support sponsors or things Like that um but I'm a big believer in Just V video content I think that it's The it's the kind of basis of everything That that I've done and you know I've I've always said I I kind of have Approached the broadcasting media World From a Content first perspective instead Of like the old days it was you go on TV You get a lot of followers then maybe You start to post some stuff on social Media I was kind of let's build a social Media following then try to get into Television then try to get into Broadcasting and build a you know build A career that way so uh I I think I Think there's tons of opportunity and Video content and you Know really for athletes we're seeing Athlete driven media as the future uh People want to hear right from the Athletes themselves instead of going on A press conference after the game Instead of going on you know uh a show

On ESPN the athletes are actually Hosting their own shows and talking About the game and what went wrong what Went well and that's going to continue Athletes want to have podcasts they want To be heard they want to create content And we're seeing it now at scale across A bunch of college football programs in The Country yeah I so the scale on it is Amazing how they're all putting out Content I mean you know like michah Parson's oneperson podcast right yeah You got the Kelsey Brothers right you Got B Kelsey Brothers these almost every Guy on Monday Tuesday that off day in The NFL is sitting down doing a podcast I thought mik was so interesting because He just basically grabs the mic and just Talks right like like the Kelsey Brothers are obviously they're they're Media Moguls now right and Jason's only Taylor Swift you know so but um but Mikel Parson just grabs the mic sits in Front of Tik Tock or or or and just Starts talking and like and thousands And thousands and probably Millions uh Of followers are are watching everything He says good bad or indifferent and it's It's so interesting because you're like He's putting you in his mind right now No like filter really like I mean they Probably filter a little bit obviously Because they play for a team and the NFL

Has that contract if you do something Crazy they can get rid of you but within Reason they they they are are are Unfiltered and I think that that's That's like mindblowing like it's not Just about the interviewer or uh of Someone interviewing another person it's About their thoughts and and I think Coaches I think coaches will become more And more involved in that process over Time like I believe that the colleges if They want if they if they're going to Allow the players to do what they need To do which is great and I saw like Clem I remember seeing the video like Clemson Has all these different media rooms you Probably have been through some of these Places they got a meeting room for this Photo shoot for this and um uh but Eventually I think coaches so it's funny Because the money started with the Coaches now filed to the players right But the media side I think will go the Other way around like I think as players Talk a lot more about what's going on And you kind of see it a little bit in Some of these interviews when a coach is Asked to answer about something a player Said but coaches are now going to have To go back to that not not just a format Of when you know they have the person a Host with them ask them their formatted Questions for their 60 Minute for their Local fans but to be able to talk about

Their thoughts about everything because I now I don't know if coaches will like That very much but that's kind of where A lot of it's going like I see some of The guys um that are much more forward About like Dan lanning's one that comes Right to mind right like he's great yeah I mean Jeff Halley did it on your Podcast like you were blown away by that Like I'm I'm friends with Jeff have Known for a long time and I was blown Away by that I was blown away by that That uh uh uh podcast and how open Jeff Was and literally what a day later right He went to the Packers yeah like you Were probably in the buildinga proba so I filmed it the week before and then he Uh then dropped it but the day we Dropped it like we dropped it like that Morning and then that and then the Afternoon he made I mean the the the Thing like got 20x the viewership Because uh because of the all the Packers fans are watching it yeah that's A good that's a good fan base to hit on But like look I was just obviously look You played for Coach Franklin right like So he's GNA be a little more open and a Little more what but just my man like The amount of guys that you've been able To get into the building with and for a Lot of cases guys that like you said are Those coaches that are really kind of They stay they keep it close to the hip

Right they don't really talk about Certain things I mean look I I really Became Allin when you got coach Tiano to Open up the way he did because look he He's been through it right NFL I mean he Talked about he's not that open he's not That open he's not look and that's Coming from that's coming from New Jersey coaches who literally have you Know we're in the room with them on the Regular right I mean you know one of my Best friends is on his staff right but Yet you know he so keeps it close to the Hip so the fact that you were able to Get in there and have those Conversations and look I think it's like It literally it's just like in the way And you explained about coaching and It's always been my philosophy on how to Coach is that when you when these guys Really believe that you care about them On a different level off the field it's Not just about X's and O's they're now Getting more comfortable with you and They're willing to literally run through A wall and do whatever it takes to kind Of get there and I think that's kind of The way it it kind of goes but it's also Look you can put those you can put that Out there you can think you have that Kind of relationship and that guy that You just you know mentored and coached And did all that stuff for three years He might get a better nil deal and be

Out the door the next year right it's Really kind of crazy how that world has Really just that's what it is yeah no Doubt yeah it's a wild world man crazy Time we're living in in college football It's a fun time for sure I mean like I Said earlier our games never been Stronger but but it's been uh it's gonna Be a good 2024 dude it was was fantastic Having you on thank you so much for Coming on uh apprciate anything you need To plug for any of your sponsors yeah go No I'm good I'm good we we we we I take Care of the sponsors enough I keep those athletic greens buddy yeah No doubt ag1 all day Baby look I see you're on the workout Grind trying to get back into it and What not I mean look some of us only Wish we were ever six foot bro so keep It going I'm I'm I'm trying to get back Into playing shape so we we we'll see How it goes well can afford that knee Surgery if you need another one no I Can't do it man I can't do it but no I Appreciate you guys having me on this Was fun we we'll do it again this uh This coming season yeah absolutely Anything we can do for you just reach Out like you said anything we can do uh To kind of help you really appreciate You taking the time and kind of giving Us a really indepth uh kind of different Perspective which is unique to only you

Because I don't think anybody else has This perspective or has taken that path That you have especially you know at Such an accelerated Pace with you you Know you being so young and whatnot so Man like we really appreciate what you Do for the game and everything so like I Said if we can do anything or or Anything like that just let us know Appreciate it appreciate man thanks guys All right Adam all right by thanks Adam fantastic podcast that was great Great great talking to him really I Really I learned a ton how about that so I really learned a ton some of he kind Of just it was some of the things that We have been saying right but now maybe Some people now can look at it and say All right that really is what needs to Be done or that's really what's going on In that world I mean look you just his Perspective from being a coach right Like and look I got my intern looking at My DMs and doing all that kind of stuff Like you know like yeah we've been Telling you like when you're actually You're you're tweeting or you're texting A coach like it's not really the coach Bro you know what I mean like these are The things we're talking about and then You know hey you got to put in the work Right like I was a five star you know I Had my hands in the rice like squeezing For grip I was working over the hand

Catches you know I was going He was like you know the fact that he Brought up the attention to detail about Like hey my eye strips under my eyes for The lights like if you don't care about This game this much that much bro go I Think the recruiting Insight was very Valuable um which that's that's kind of What that's our bread and butter right Like that's kind of what to us for so It's funny because hear that you try to Tell people to talk to the analysts and Like when you talk like me for example I'm talking to parents stff say hey talk To talk to the it's not like everyone Wants to talk to the head coach right And they don't realize that that the Head coach has certain relationships With people and outside of that they're Really not g like they're not going to Get to your stuff right away you got to Work your way up the ladder I thought That that was really interesting that You could you you know uh I learned a Ton on you know hey reaching out to uh You know the G the analysts the guys who Are any staffer just anybody that's Associated the ball rolling and here's The deal now we can look at it right Because some guys used to use it like oh Well you know you got a message from That that's the assistant receivers Coach that's not the receiver's coach It's like that's the guy that's really

Doing the recruiting work right with him Don't downplay or don't blow off anybody Any one of these guys that could be your Ticket you know absolutely no there's no Doubt about it and I I I mean his his he Has a unique Insight in a sense that Very much so different Ang top tier Player yeah top tier player um and just Even even who would have been who would Have been a big time guy that got Injured um who then became a coach and Now is broadcas I thought that's a that Is probably one of the most unique mixes Nobody has done that and also to hear Him talk about look man like I was a Two-year All American catching 70 passes A game um at the NFL combine and I'm Literally told your career's over like Imagine having to deal with that at his Age and overcome that adversity and now Boom you know what I'm saying no that's Yeah it's definitely definitely Different you know um good dude too good Dude really good really good that was Great podcast um and we'll go we'll go From there let's let's let's wrap it up Great podcast I don't think anything More has to be Said yeah

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