From Safety to Linebacker: My Unexpected Journey to Success
Join me as I share my remarkable story of transitioning from safety to middle linebacker and the incredible impact it had on my football career. Discover the challenges, triumphs, and the ultimate realization of my potential. #FootballJourney #UnexpectedSuccess #FromSafetyToLinebacker #FootballCareer #TransitioningPositions #OvercomingChallenges #AchievingPotential #FootballInspiration #AthleteStories #FootballSuccessStory
The middle linebacker went down with an Injury and um I played middle linebacker Even though I was a safety at the time I Played middle linebacker and I had a Great game and from that point forward I Was playing I was playing somewhere Starting every week so um mostly on Defense as a freshman but I was a kick I Was the kick returner as a freshman That's incredible were you still Wrestling as well no I stopped wrestling In eighth grade that was the last last Year wrestled uh what was eighth grade Um I ran I did football and I ran track In high school what events did you run In track I was a Hurdler you ran the one pens at six feet Tall yep yep yeah Y that I was a I was State small school Champ in high high hurdles indoors um Senior year I I placed in four events in In uh I think I was second in the Intermediate hurdles third in high Hurdles in uh oh my God yeah yep uh I Ran a m relay I I think it was third in The long jump so I went 21 feet in long Jump that that's amazing so you were a State champion in in track as well yep y That's just wow congratulations I mean That's that's a long time ago it doesn't Matter like I did track too um I wasn't I finished third in the shot put that That in the St that that that that was The best I did so for you to do as well
As you did that's incredible and two Sports I mean my God yeah yep that I Congratulations on that oh thank you and In and you know my business now what I Do I always say like you know it's hard To understand how good so and we were FCS obviously when I was at Yukon we Didn't I think our first division one Class might have been when I was a 50-year senior was that freshman group Was the group I think that end up going D1 so I always tell athletes like you You don't realize how good these Athletes are that are getting Scholarships you know like the the level That they're at um and the work that They put in it's it's it's a league it's Second To None it's not like any other Sport I mean football is football um What other schools recruited you