From Field to Life: How Football Transforms and Empowers with Tarig Holman

From Field to Life: How Football Transforms and Empowers with Tarig Holman Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go to to…

From Field to Life: How Football Transforms and Empowers with Tarig Holman

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Yo let's do This no we're we're already doing it Amazing so Um how's Camp Going day two same paperwork battle But weather's been phenomenal these guys Are Spoiled the weather oh today was Beautiful dude great although we had I Mean look we go mornings right so that's A little different right but and you get That like I don't know it's just when You walk out and that that heat doesn't Hit you in the face you've already won For the day you know like so these guys Can really get a good one in early Before it really gets heated up and hot I mean I don't know if that is I don't Know to me it's like Camp should be hot Should that temperature you you should Be you know but we'll take it we're in August 8th first week you guys I don't know I'm In like week 9,000 already Um I tried to warn you about that little Peeee ayf type of uh youth listen I get It but man I give you a lot of credit Man like like I said you're hurting cats It's it's funny it God bless you uh They're doing well but it's funny boy if You Ain if you ain't fully gray by the End of this season then you're good That's where it's going to stay bro but I don't know that that might be I don't

Know couple more weeks of this stuff for You I don't really know I think our Season starts and like uh like like you Start after me I start later than you And then I play a game before you no I Think no I think we Start I was told that we start not this Sunday but the next Sunday's game oh Very nice see I have so next week we'll Scrimmage we'll go scrimmage Wednesday Game scrimmage Friday and then that'll Put us in game week because we play Friday uh down Ocean City that's cool Yeah that that should be fun O City Could be I mean we got you know we Didn't leave a very you know 337 lost Last year don't leave a nice you know Taste in your mouth so hopefully these Guys take some pride in that I just uh Came across a picture of me uh in Cancun With I don't know who the person is oh Stop right there and with my my old budy The late great Pete Connelly the one Rest in peace rest in Peace it was my it was my uh what a dude Uh he was my guy D so we had so much we Have so much fun I uh I am so like Excited to dive into the Johnny Manzel Thing on Netflix that got released today I can't wait to see it and then Hard Knocks tonight like we're two two today So Listen no sleep anyway over here so We're

Good is um did they already start the Urban Meyer one or no no that one comes Like next week or a couple Weeks Johnny Manzel's already been Released already out it's already out You can go on Netflix right now and it's There well I know what I'm doing tonight Yeah dude I'm just I'm bch watching Because just because not only did was he Like a good football player but like He's he's TMZ's best thing ever right Like he's the first TMZ football player 100% he he is the reality the first Reality TV Football player right and then could you Just like it's so could you imagine him In this world now of nil with you know Johnny Football that I mean come on man Like he actually probably pushed it more To happen right like look at what this Guy's doing and like how can we stop This you know crazy Johnny I know I've Told you this before Johnny Manzel uh who he played it like he came To my camps when he was in came to my Austin camps well it starts with him Sitting in the end zone of his watching A high school game at his school and the First thing he says is high school Football in Texas is Gospel yeah they're like yeah he he his High school Stats um because I remember he won our Like uh National player of the year for

Marol in high school he had you ready For this this I always told I think I've Told you several times I love it I love It because you're you know he you're Tied to him right like like him marot Like some of these guys literally like Have been through your stuffs and and Like for him to be one of them like one Of those guys that like you know little Beats beats to his own drum I guess you Could say there was there was a stretch With Nu when we had Four I think it was four of the LA five Four of five Heisman Trophy winners Heisman Heisman so we had Heisman at 19 Years old Johnny Manzel then we had Marcus Mariota then we had Derek kenry And then Kyler Murray yo how funny is it How funny is it to look at those three Quarterbacks and like they have a Certain style that none of the others Have and they all went through your you Know what I mean they have that more Athletic probably because you could run A 40 in in our event so running a 40 Probably in the old days you could run a Uh everybody tested so if you were a Quarterback that could run it Quarterback you said quarterbacks ran The 40 or did not everybody did yeah Everybody yeah right that was just part Of your hey you come to my showcase this Is this is what we do you know right so That was kind of thrown into the

Evaluation too so those guys who could Run it was helpful those three yeah Right he obvious it's gonna like you Know sorry but here's what it is like This is what we see kind of as and then Also like his whole like dude he he had Cliff kingsbery as his offensive Coordinator the year he won the Heisman Like you're talking two guys that are Very similar in personality wise you Know just let it rip you know and that For him to like say hey you're a Freshman to have that like all right my Offensive coordinators kind of got my Back right like now I can and nobody's Expecting anything all go all go no Breaks um his high school senior year Ready here's the Stats senior year he had he was 228 for 347 passing for 369 s 45 touchdown Passes okay and then he had and only Five interceptions that's incredible see That's that's the part that you know What I mean like that's the one where People look at and they like they won't Really recognize how how amazing that Stat is for how many attempts he had he Had 347 Attempt and out of 300 good that's pretty damn good right So then and then he Had and then he had 170 uh rushes for 1674 yards basically Averaged 10 yards a carry and 30

Touchdowns that's the other part like he Ran for another like you know what I Mean he so he had 75 touchdowns the Senior year of high school that's crazy That's crazy all right we have our Special guest I see him here so oh my Guy what a good guy uh we're going to Bring him on right now Um T hman the head coach of St Thomas Aquinus out of New Jersey formerly Bishop R formerly oh right right formerly Bishop R um and uh he but not only is he A fantastic football coach but he also Was time division one athlete himself Penn State um out of Rand Rand Iowa I Mean Iowa say I say Penn State I mean Iowa you're the big you're in the Big 10 Brother so we're okay you're okay listen With the wayam changing conferences now Dude good that was back when that's when Back back then when Iowa used to grab so Many top New Jersey players a ton and We'll talk about that yep and then uh at A Randol New Jersey originally and uh We'll talk about all those things we'll Talk about his camp and how that's going Um and uh and then we'll go go from There we'll bring them on right now Coach Holman yo yo what's up My guy hey buddy thanks a lot I Appreciate it how we doing today I'm Doing great doing great just just got Home uh today was a McDonald's day

Because we got off the field a little Bit late so um I chugged down a Big Mac So it's gonna show up a little bit later But it's all right you're good that's It'll get you the juice to get through Another another hour you're good plus You you're lucky you got good genetics You're able to stay lean you know what I Mean that's a good Depends on what you call lean well You're leader than me so that's a good Thing yeah you still got that one so You're good but thanks again man I Appreciate you coming on oh yeah I'm Excited appreciate really excited to Talk so you know you you're you're Taking over St Thomas aquinus um uh They've had some some good success you Guys had had really good success last Year um just kind of wanted to start There but obviously there's a lot of Plac that we could talk about because Obviously you you were a big time Football player yourself and you know You you went through recruiting process So you know with St Thomas aquinus you Know and starting to really kind of take That program and and making it to be an Established power and and getting it to That point um you know what's that Process been in in I guess a little bit Over a year that's been taken over um I Think it always starts at the top um With you know and um and being in a

Parochial school with the with the President president and and the Principal and the ad and and getting Everybody on the same page um and you Know I I also inherited a great bunch of Kids um you know unfortunately um coach Meanie um who had you know really um got The ship on the right track um you know Passed away and uh and I I um was Offered the opportunity to you know be a Part of you know and that's that's Always the hashtag I use is just be a Part of something great and uh and uh You know I was just blessed to have that Opportunity I have an awesome coaching Staff and I mean as you guys know you Know it takes more than just one guy to You know put some things together it's a It takes an entire Village and you know Community um to to build and sustain a Terrific Pro program so I just been Blessed to be around a lot of great People and had a lot of really really Good opportunities throughout my playing Career um as well as my my coaching Career and um you know in St Thomas of Aquus is Is uh definitely one of the the better Opportunities I've ever Had tell tell everyone about your Journey so we talked about it briefly You played at Iowa you a BigTime Prospect coming out of high school um You know a lot of people there's a lot

Of coaches that have not been big-time Prospects so like you know how it feels To be a prospect to get recruited to go Through that Process um you know you're able to Advise your players because of that I Think that's an important thing and uh You know it's something that go goes Often overlooked but with coaches but Having that experience I think is Important because you understand a Little bit more of the Dynamics that are Going on and you also are able to like Help a kid understand hey you know you Are a division one player you know hey You know this is what a division one Player is like you got a ways to go um Te tell everyone a little bit of your Journey as a player Um and then how you know how you started Getting into coaching and and um Obviously we know where you're at now But tell us a little bit about that your Journey and and where it's taken you Yeah I mean the game of football changed My life um I I moved to to New Jersey as An eighth grader and and and really got Lucky to to land in um in you know one Of the top programs in the state at that Time uh Randolph and um and you know I I Was able to kind of inject myself into The culture um that was already there um And I was you know being immersed in in The culture of Excellence that was

Created there by um you know having you Know two Hall of Fame coaches um that Just happen to be Father and Son um in In Coach B senior and Coach B Jr um and Being a part of program that they put Together and uh and and coming up and Learning how to play football in that Program um you know that became kind of The standard um and what I was used to And you know that's what I thought it Was supposed to be like and um you know And so I was you know just blessed to Have that opportunity and and learn the Game from some really really good Coaches um you know coach coach sman um Who you know long time guy up at at lenp Was involved in in the Randol program as Well um Nick diavo you know all these Wing T gurus um who um you know just had The you know had the blueprint for Success and um I was able to you know Come up in in that program and be around Uh you know really a lot of really good Coaches but also have some really really Good teammates um and you know and I I Was immersed in it and really didn't Start thinking about college football um Until you know really my um you know the End of my junior year um what a lot of People don't know is I didn't even start Until my junior year high school um you Know as you know as a fresh from Sophomore I I didn't I didn't even get Anywhere near the field um but you know

The hard work the diligence and you know And and having um you know uh you know Some coaches that continued to push me And you know and and just living out the Process um allowed me to to be in my Best when my best was necessary and uh And luckily was able to uh you know to Garner Some um you know to to Garner some guys To look at me and I'm actually my first Offer I mean I'm I'm sure you guys all Know the legend at Mars NOS Bill Regan Um at the time Bill Regan's um college Roommate was uh when he was when he was Younger was uh was L terer and and at The time at the time L terer was the Head coach at the University of Illinois And uh and as a junior early in early in The season we played uh Mars NES and I Mean it was that that was it was a Really really good game and I and I Played well and um after the game I Talked to Coach Regan and you know he he Told me that I had a good game and you Know he gave a call to to coach teer and Coach teer hadn't even seen any film on Me um he he just said if uh you know if Coach ran says you're good you're good And you know and I realized that at the End of the day it's about Relationships um and you know when you Look at some of these guys that are Playing at the next level too um they're You know their career on the line you

Know the things that they have to do to Feed their family um is in the hands of Of of teen teers in in some respects and And really really young men so when you Look at you know the the process um you Know you know their their jobs are on The line and you know you look at guys That you can trust um guys that that Know the game um and and I was able to You know have that um impact on Coach Regan and um and I'm you know always Thankful for him and uh you know one of The thing I mean I think he's been Coaching for a hundred years and you Know you go you go to Coach another Hundred yeah and you and go to a clinic And he's sitting in the front row taking Notes learning stuff and you know it's It's those guys that um you know that uh You know that had really put pushed our Game forward um I'm I'm internally Grateful to him and you know a lot of The coaches that I've had so um that That to me was was really really special That was the first offer that I really Got um alongside of Ruckers and um took A visit out there um also took a trip Out out to to Wake Forest um you know Jim Caldwell was a head coach at at Wake Forest when I took a took a trip out There and um you know coach cwell went To Iowa you know so um um you know and Also my my father went to school in Iowa My father went to Drake

University um and and so that was kind Of the tie that we had out there and Originally you know being from Missouri Um having a lot of Midwest ties um it Was a was a perfect landing spot for me And like I heard you guys alluding to But I was kind of weighing backstage um You know at that time um Iowa was really Really getting a lot of top talent out Of New Jersey um the Gatorade player of The year um the year before me um Vernon Rollins uh went to Iowa and he he Actually was my college roommate he's One of the best football players I've Ever seen um I've never seen anyone Tackle people like him I was like I want To be on his team you know and um before Before him you had Rashard Carter Um was one of the fastest dudes in in Jersey at the time from out of pic you Know I think Bard ran like 105 or 104 or Something like that he could fly and had Guys like Danon Hughes from Bon um you know you had Bo Porter from Week Quake you had um Bobby Dio um you Know um who who's a heck of a player too And and ferronis and all the other guys That um that you know Tony Stewart Tony I was just gonna say Tony Stewart's one Of the best football players I've ever Seen in my life you know um you know and And you know see this gu SC Scott sler That's right tight end you know um and So so we were really really really tight

Um and when I took the visit and and and Saw the the the community and was able To see um you know the the culture that Was there at Iowa and you know playing For for one Hall of Famer and and Coach Fry um and you know Frank verduchi was The was the guy in New Jersey great guy You know awesome coach um brother rights For Sports Illustrated and just what What an awesome family and um when I was Able to to you know come down to make Some decisions um about where he wanted To go um it was it was kind of a No-brainer after I took the trip out There and just loved it um and you know And now looking back on it I you know Thousands of years later I still feel Like I made a really really great Decision um I got a really a lot of Really good advice and um you know That's I think that's the the big thing That made it good and you know even with Coach fence being there now um there's Not too many players that can say that You know over 20 years later you know Your coach is still you know still there Right um yeah and uh you know you're Still welcomed home with open arms um so It's pretty cool to be on the sideline This past year when Iowa played Ruckers And you know seeing coach fence and my Coach is still you know coaching there And a couple of my teammates are are now Coaching there Liddell Betts is the

Running back's coach and lvar woods is The is the linebacker coach so um you Know you kind of see things come in Full Circle um where as I have a lot of my my College teammates um that are now Coaching you know Bobby diako you know Was you know had a had a heck of a Coaching um career also and he he'll be Back soon and you know Carrie Cooks is Down at LSU as their DB coach um Bill Anders just defense coordinator at Washington um I told you about the guys That are at Iowa so there's just a you Know plethora guys that um that are you Know that are that are coaching out There right now and and now it's the Same thing it's like you know the the Relationship that you have with them um You know and you know the fact that you Know that they care about you and you Care about them and you're not going to Ste them wrong in the trust and the Brotherhood that comes from playing the Greatest sport on the earth um you know Is is Meaningful so um you know and that Um in itself um allows me to you know Really help to get our kids into school And um and do some of those things I Mean one of the things that I'm most Proud of at at St Thomas is that you Know all 12 of our seniors um who wanted To play college football this past year Are all playing college football aming You know they they invested in their

Education and they invested in and Playing in the program and you know they Got to see that return on their Investment um and and that's and at the End of the day that's that that's what It's about so you know I want to win Every game that we play but at the end Of the day it's about you know allowing Young men to use football as a vehicle Um to help them to get to where they Want to be so I'm just excited to be a Part of that what you just said right There at the end is is what football to Me is all about being able to leverage The sport that you love to be able to Get you where you want to be you know uh Most of the kids want to go to college And and if they want to play and play But no matter what it is to be able to Leverage it to where you want to be and And and utilize football to help you and That's I I've always found that that's Coaches that look at it that way you Know uh always are the coaches that have Players that come back and want to see Him have players that want to talk to Them yes obviously we all want to win a Lot of games and that's it's a obviously Unbelievably exciting winning a ton of Games but the most important thing is That those kids say hey this guy was in My corner right just like the coaches That were in your corner for all those Years it's amazing the tree um

Of coaches and players that have come From not just from from Randolph and and And Morris County out where you were but Well obviously Iowa I didn't realize That Don smolen was at Randolph at the Time I didn't coach smolen coach coach Mullen actually lived in Randol and his and his son and my Brother my younger brother um you know Who I'm not really going to talk to Anymore until week three um after week Three but I won't I won't even say his name at This point but my my younger brother and His son Were were in the uh they were in the Same they played in the same team so Okay I got a chance to to to know coach Smolen really really well and you know The thing that I see right now another That I'm really proud of is that there's A lot of guys that you know that were Assisting coaches of mine that are that Are now H coaches I think it might I Think we're up to 10 um guys that have Been on my staff that are now head coach And you know throughout the throughout The state so I mean I I I think those Are the important things like I said Before when it's when it's all said and Done um you know I think that's the That's the mark that you make on on on On this board and you know that's how You can kind of you know leave a BL

Blueprint out there and you know you can Really make a difference and you know Never going to get rich being a high School football coach and a teacher um You can definitely um you can definitely Do some things that um you know that can Be remembered um you can leave your mark You can leave a legacy and you can um You can definitely be a change agent for Uh for this for this um Planet no doubt about it and Football's is an amazing vehicle for it I mean I I see it even my my my son's AG Just started playing taco football and I'm coaching him and he's a w he could Be a wild guy um but I I've already seen How football just is focuses him like He's laser focused when he's at practice Like he's there and it's like ah I've Been waiting to do like do something Like this where I can actually tackle Somebody then I have to lead other People then I got to listen then I got You know then I got to work hard all These different things that that are Mesed into football with teamwork and And um trusting other guys right and and He's already started to to to mention me He's like oh you know this kid doesn't Talk to that kid the right way I said Well you gotta tell him you like you you Know you got to tell them that that We're teammates we're on the same team And and you start to notice that and

Much more in football you notice it more Than anything else because what happens In a football team is the team falls Apart if that doesn't it doesn't work The right way if there's not a mesh if There's a if there's outlier or outliers That don't understand what everybody's Looking to accomplish if it doesn't you Know get put in a bright perspective Then the team doesn't succeed and Ultimately everybody doesn't get the Experience they're looking for uh at out Of the program so I I see it even with Him like how he's like I'm only he comes Off proac the field he says I'm only Gonna get better and better I said wow I You know and dere Derek's Derek's uh uh Coached him in a couple of different Things and and he he's wild but like in Football it's like whoa the kids lay Focused and it's interesting to see how So that's what I've noticed with kids Like when they get on a football team They realize that unique Dynamic of Football um the team aspect but not just The team as there are other team sports Out there but the fact that you're Relying on everybody right You relying on everyone to to be I think Yeah I think the the big thing coach Schuman and you know and I'm I'm Experiencing this as a know this is Going into my 23rd year of of teaching And coaching but it's a it's it's I've

Only been a a football dad for about a Year um and my son is a I I just came in The house from you know from my son's Practice and perfect um I I think the The big thing for me is that um you know I I started off by just trying to Emulate the coaches that I had um you Know trying to take some things from you Know coach Bower and coach smolan and Coach rean and you know coach fry and All the great coaches that I've had um Throughout the you know my my career and And then that kind of transformed into You know trying to be the coach that That needed to have um you know when I Was in high school and that's kind of Taking another trip now is because now I'm trying to be you know the coach that I feel like I would want my son to have You know I think that's the I think That's the ultimate like that's ultimate Transformation and I think that's the Big that's the big difference and I Think that's the big thing is just you Know not being a transactional coach and And and truly trying to live um you know As a as a transformative and a Transformational coach is is is huge um And you know and coaching to kind of Save and change lives versus you know Coaching to score touchdowns um or you Know coaching against get interceptions And things like that so I think when When you when you focus on on the kids

Um and you know you you really try to Make it something that's special for Them um is is it's so empowering it's so It's so exciting it's so much more fun On a totally different level that that Anybody Um can understand but I mean when you Out there watching your baby play man That's that's a different set of that's A different kind of excitement you know Y and uh so that that's something that You know I I look forward to and then I'm you know really excited about I know I know coach over there is just I'm Getting started and I'm wondering how in The heck are you even on this right now I don't hear any crying in the Background what what what do you got Going on man I need to I need to find Out how you're making this thing behind Every successful man is a woman who can Handle business and I'm fortunate you [Music] Know hey you you H the nail on the head Man he we we gotta make sure that she Hears that Smart Bro smart I ain't know That's it I done my homework she's she's A special woman man for sure and and I Saw that beautiful daughter I saw that Beautiful daughter of yours and thank You doesn't look anything like you That's what I said thank God we're good Let's hope she gets something not these Genetics somebody else because 5'11 okay

5'8 don't work you know like you Know sorry is what it is I might have Come from Morris County but it is we Sure as hell ain't the same that's for Sure but you know we'll make it work It's all good I appreciate that you know You know come in Full Circle and looking At it right I think that's really you Know it's hard to find those guys that Are like that now everybody a lot of Coaches you know it's it's it's a it's Difficult right because it's you know There's just so much more I feel access To coaches now um without the protection That's kind of there right you know like To to kind of help guys out in terms of That stuff but at the end of the day man This is still the greatest thing that we Do we have the the power to impact these Kids on a daily basis and you know not Just you know run this play or do that But you know how you doing and this Types of stuff to help these guys off The field you know like you said wins And losses are great but at the same Time really seeing these guys succeed And whether it's you know going to College to play ball or whether it's Going to college to get an education and Do something in that nature we have in In my eyes the the best opportunity of Anyone to really kind of impact these Guys on that Level absolutely and you know we've you

Know we've shared the field a couple Times we've had some common kids that we That we known and it's it's pretty cool That that's the connection that's Important you know when you when you're Able to reinforce um and really at home Some of the the major facets that Teaches you um you know it's just like When you're talking to kids you know They they hear from other they hear from Someone on the outside so you know that That old say that it takes a village to Raise a child is is huge and um when you Can put a kid in a good situation and be Be a part of something that that's Really really good um it it's it's it's Definitely empowering and you know and As as a coach I'm also at the age where I actually have um a couple kids that I That I had in class the first couple Years of my my teaching career who now Kids play for me um you know so that's Awes special um you know you've been Invited to weddings and you know and I Should I you know I had another kid Drafted um this year Jer Brown who you Know played up in state he played for me Down in Trenton so you're able to see That some of these kids are um you know Doing terrific things out there and They're and they're being great you know Husband Father society and just doing some great Things it's uh it's awesome you know and

That's that's why Um it it is an amazing thing Transforming kids lives I you know I was I was curious about with Iowa so you Were there when Hayden fry originally Was there right So what was the you know I remember when Tony Stewart I me you know remember you I remember Scot lutker all the SLO a lot Of the sloa guys from Iowa what was the Impetus for them to start really Recruiting so heavy in New Jersy because They don't really spend that much time As much out here as they used to right What what made them start recruiting all Those guys out in New Jersey um I mean I I think you got to look at it as um it's Almost like if you look at the state you Look at the state of Iowa um and you Know being a part of big 10 and wanting To to be able to recruit but you also You want to go and like I said it's About the relationship so you know Frank Ruchi is one of the best offensive line Coaches that that you ever going to find Anywhere so you have him with his New Jersey ties so we had a lot of guys from New Jersey but you also look at you know Coach fry being from Texas we had a lot Of Texas guys um you know on on our team As well um you know and and then you Look at you know you know just trying to Do your best that you can in the Midwest And um but I I think I think it's that

You know is the part of it you know when You get when you get really really good Coaches that happen to be you know Really really good recruiters as well um You know and and you know and people Feel comfortable with you know you know Sending their kid to you is is is what It's about and and coach duci was that Guy you know coach duci and and and Coach you know fry came to my house and And sat down with with my family um and You know you could tell it was you know It it was genuine you know it was it was Going to be more of a transform Transformative thing and you know and And when you look at what you needed as You know as a kid at that time like I Just needed to be taught I needed to you Know I needed to have structure um you Know and and I was able to get that and I had some awesome awesome teammates um Out there and you know you could tell Once you step foot on the campus that I Mean you look at the the thing about Iowa is there's no Pro there's no Professional sports in the state of Iowa So you know if we went to the Rose Bowl Or we went to the toilet bowl it didn't Matter we're gonna have thousand people You know in the stands um you know no Matter what um so you look at that you Know you're going to get a top Big 10 Education um you know there as well so I Just look at um you know just really

Surrounding you know coach fry know Coach fry was also a Psychology major Um having and having coach fry there for You know he he was there for um you know My first three years there and I had Coach F my senior year I I don't think I Don't think coach fry ever talked to me About football once not not once not one Ex never it was always you know Motivational stuff it was always um you Know it was it was always things that um That he you know he could definitely get Into your psyche and um he could you Know he could he could really coach your Soul and and and hit home with things um And he he was really really unique in in Doing that and you know and and you know You look at you know any other time I Would never have a connection with you Know a seven-year-old white man who you Know was from you know the From The Heart of Texas you know what I mean and That's that's what you see that's what You see the impact that that football Can have and and it was pretty awesome And so now I look at you know some of The guys that I've known from all over The country there's not a state there's Not a state in the United States that I Could go to and not be able to you know Call up one of my teammates or a friend Of a friend or something and um you know I think that's that's what makes this Special um because it's U you know it's

It's a unique fraternity of of men that Um have have gone out and and done some Things together um um and you're Internally grateful for each other um You had a ton of um experiences and Things like that and like I said before That's that's what I would love for my Son to walk away from this game with um You know go you know what I want I Definitely want to see him score a whole Bunch of touchdowns get a whole bunch of Pics for sure but that's given that's Already we already know that I uh I I Just want him to walk away having you Know half of the experience that I have And if I could do that for my own son And and for the kids that are in my Program then you know that that's Success to me um because like I said Before I just want to be a part of Something great and being a part of Something great is um you know it's not Just wins and losses it's about um Becoming the best version of yourself That you can be and I'm just excited to To be able to do that coach awesome um I've been to Iowa's Campus it's very nice actually so no I'm Serious you expect to be Nice I I I want tell you what I expected I want To tell you what I expected before you Could you could try right it D it's two So I I was out there it was when I was

Still uh I was an NFL agent for six Years and now he was a great receiver I Can't remember the name now top of my Head but he was a great receiver for Iowa he had a big catch in the um the Year when they were undefeated recently Um but I can't I can't believe s my mind And he would kill me the fact that I'm Forgetting it right now but um but I but I met met with him when I walked around The I and I you know when you're driving Through Iowa obviously there's lots of Farms and cor that that was what I Expected you know and then you come into To it's Iowa is it Iowa City yeah so Iowa City and it's kind of like there's Like like hills and it's it's like um There's like these Bridge it was Beautiful it was absolutely beautiful Like it was what you would be like a College town it was beautiful city I Couldn't believe it and and it wasn't But it wasn't like I mean obviously There are farmers in the outskirt areas But when you actually come into the city Was it was like a Beautiful city I was I was blown away I Was like ah I could see why players come Here and like yeah I'd like to go to School here you know yeah it's awesome And you know the the directions to get To the University of Iowa really easy Too just get on 80 and drive straight For 16 hours and you'll get there you

Know works so it's real easy to get to Kenning stadium so uh but um and I've Done that drive a lot but I think um I Think that I also look at it as like um You know CMI in in Florida where you Know you do have Iowa City but you're Really close to a lot of major cities You're you know you're three hours Chicago you know you're you're three Hours from St Louis um and I had a lot Of family in St Louis and Chicago at the Time Minneapolis Minnesota is really Really close I mean so you can um you Know as far as being able to get away um And you know go to some of the major Cities in um in in the country you know Th those things were given and then you Know the the city itself is is awesome Um andan I haven't had the opportunity To get back in in you know almost 10 Years maybe a little longer than 10 Years but even now you know just seeing Some of the differences that's there you Know my old teammates and guys that are There all the time are like you wouldn't You wouldn't even know it's it's so nice You know you wouldn't know the place That you went to and it was it was Awesome when I was there so you know I Can't imagine um you know what it's like What it's like now I mean I I was able To see the weight room and it's it's I Mean it's it's huge um and some of the Things that these kids have um now um

You I'm a little bit jealous I have to Admit but um you know we had I had I had A tremendous experience but um it it's a Really really nice place to be and the People um the people in Iowa are are are Different as well to the point where you Know they're almost so nice where you Know you see a person the person's going To ask you how you doing and they really Want to know how you're doing you know In Jersey you know in Jersey people say How you doing and don't even wait for You to answer they just keep it moving You know you ask them you ask them a Follow-up question you know they start To act a little weird you know that's True you know it's you know people take Their time like you drive the other Thing that you see if you you drive down 80 and you know um you know people are Flying by all through Jersey you know Get to Pennsylvania they're still flying By you kind of hit Indiana a little bit B and the speed limit goes up so you can Go faster but people are really taking Time knows that yeah and and by the time You get to Iowa it's hey know there's no Hurry here all right chill out get to Where you got to get to and you know and Uh it's like that but I mean like I said Before you know great experience um Beautiful place to to raise a family and Um I have a lot of friends and teammates That that are still out there um beron

Rollins still lives in Iowa Um you know Mel Brown another really Good New Jersey athlete is is still out In Jersey um so there there's a lot of Guys that that stayed out there So Rollins from hackin sack right yep Yeah I remember reading about Bergen County guys he was he was unbelievable Player yeah he's different he's he's He's a different kind of linebacker yeah Lineback like that anymore he would he Would crush him oh my goodness I I Remember that they had those good teams And he was just Unbelievable that was when Haack used to Have a lot of great teams all the time You that and that that's one of the Things because I think it's like great Right like I mean you talking about Iowa Right like you said there's no other Teams around right so like Iowa football Is what everybody does and you know now With you know the guys that we're seeing And all that the name image likeness Stuff do you think uh that has hurt College certain colleges depending on Where they are or some of that maybe Some of these guys that are Traditionally old like you know old with With that have that winning tradition But you know they're not on The Cutting Edge of this because that's just not how They do things right like so do you feel Like that has hurt hurt some of those

Programs in that nature with you know The name image likeness stuff we have Maybe players or these guys that are you Know that are playing for us now are Just looking for different things right Like you know that's great with a you Know Notre Dame and all their tradition But I don't know this guy that you know Want Heisman in 1920 whatever I could Really care less do you think that's had An Impact um I mean first of all I think They should make in we can start this I Think they need to make um nil Retroactive um for all the players that Have played in the league and and play College Football I think somebody needs to be Cutting me a check I look in the mail Every single day and I'm so I'm hoping I Can get a check one of these days yes It's coming don't worry It's yeah so they told me the checks in The mail so I'm still waiting for it but Um you said Iowa works at a different Pace so you wait just a little patient Yeah no doubt um I mean I think I I Think you you you're going from one Extreme to another extreme and you know You're going from I mean I you know full Scholarship player I'm still making 25 Bucks go you know 10 days at least you Know and the other thing about Iowa's Gas is cheap so you know you can put $2

In that car and you can probably make Get the whole week but um uh I think you You know that I think the biggest issue Is you went from one extreme to another Extreme you went from players getting Absolutely Nothing besides AB you know education And you know you get a little bit of Meal money and things like that to now Guys's making millions of dollars you Know and so I think I think that's the Real issue is that there's you know it Went from like nothing where coaches had All the power you know and if you wanted To transfer you had to sit and you know If you you know you really could you Couldn't transfer um within the same Conference and and you know and things Like that where you know universities And colleges had control over your name Image and likeness like coaches coaches Would block certain guys hey you can't Transfer to these schools but you can go Here you know like that was that was a Common thing right so I I think that That opened the door for look it's not Fair and I think everybody could agree It's not fair but then you go from that To to where it is now and you say whoa That's that's crazy now you're you know You're putting you know you're putting Everything you know you're putting these Colleges and these universities who were Making all these millions of dollars in

The hands of again you know you know 15 16 I mean not 15 but you know 18 year Old kids you know and and that's that's Scary in itself that's why I would never Coach college football I'm high school For life you know um but you know so I Think Trying to deal with that right you're Sitting In and you know all right this receiver Is making this because he's that guy but This guy feels like he should be making No that I don't want to deal with it They're making more money than the Coaches they're making more money than Coach right my bag bro like I I'm Sitting here developing you each year You're sign a new endorsement because We're sitting here doing you know we're Making that work and and you're driving Around and this and I got this like what Are we doing yeah you know I think the Answer somewhere middle you know I think Somewhere in the middle um and you know I don't I and I can't say what it really Would look like but um I I definitely Think you know just like there needed to Be changes before think there needs to Be you know some kind of a change now I Think the answer is is somewhere in the Middle um I think you know kids Absolutely 100% um deserve to be able to You know make money off of their name Image and likeness but um know I mean

You know making $2 million to be the Quarterback of you know one team and Then you know it's just crazy and even Talking to some of these you know some Of the college coaches it's you know Even with the portal and stuff like that It's they're dealing with it like There's so much going on that now like I Have to address you know it used to just Be like can this guy play right or maybe He's got this going on but now you're Dealing with all this stuff and you know We've talked you got goes on right like You know who's using nil for to to bring A guy in for a Scot you know you got a Oh yeah this guy's a walk- on but he's Got you know what I'm saying like using It that way and uh you know we talk to Coach Jackson down in West Virginia and He was dealing with the same type of Things you know like talking about which Guys are doing what and who's kind of Where and all the other aspects that now Go into the whole recruiting process and Then the transfer borter in general There's just so many more things that Everybody's dealing with basis it's hard Yeah it's it's I mean it's it's really Starting to hurt High School football It's starting to hurt D3 football and And division 2 football as well um you Know just because kids are always Looking for something bigger and better And and shot now you can you can take

Care of your family you know while You're in college so it's it's it's Different and it's it's different it's Uh it's it's really really tough um Makes it difficult as a high school Coach to you know get kids to the next Level and so when you're sitting down With parents and talking about hey you Know you know we're going to get your Kid a scholarship and you know we're Going to do whatever we can it's like You know it's it's really hard to keep That promise these days you really got To work you really got to know some People and and you know have nwork is I Think the work is is the part and and And not cut like this is exactly you Know this is where you know we talked to About Coach SCH and what he does and That type of thing and like we coach Jackson at West Virginia first thing he Said I talked to third party people all The time and it's one of these things That I am all for if you're gonna offer A guy a scholarship I want to know Everything about that guy whether I talk To his head School head coach I want to Talk to his middle school coach I'm Going to talk to you know the lady in The cafeteria right so you're doing your Due diligence he was just explaining how Now you see those third party guys come In and they're such a big part of this Process yeah yeah and I think the the

Well the ISS the issue really becomes is Um and obviously haven't been on both Sides of it is that there are guys like You who know the recruiting process and Can get guys in great position and then There are High School coaches who really Are like a lot of times it happens much More because you coach Public Schools so Did I like at Public Schools you know Some of the guys you go against they Might be good football coaches but don't Either invest in the recruiting process Or don't understand it it's usually one Of the two sometimes both but and then What happens Is they because they haven't taken that Time like they literally there might be A fizzed teacher and coaching football And they maybe they play division 3 Football or maybe they didn't even play College football but they're Co they Able to coach the game but don't know The other part and now because Recruiting is be every every kid that Probably comes especially where you are And where where Derek is you know Everyone comes to you expecting to play In college right so someone like Yourself knows what they're doing or has A good idea of where a kid belongs same Thing with Derek right um and you could Point them in the right direction if There's somebody else that they should Talk to but then there's so so many

Coaches and I think I think the honest Falls a little bit on coaches that even If you don't have the experience to try And learn it but that part of the Process you have to come as a coach Ready to go like if you're coming as a Head coach you have to know and even if You're at a small public group one Public school which I coached that back In the day what right yeah I did but we You know out of that school stevener Played five years in the NFL Steve to in the NFL um uh Sten played in The NFL for five years like and that was At a out of a group one high school and So I was a coach there and the guy was After me even though he didn't even play In college learned from what we did Right so when he was able to help his Kids and I think that's an important Thing the High School coaches have to do Because college coaches are gonna find The kids that's because they'll lose Their job right they they'll lose their Job if they don't find a kid you talked About it right like their livelihood Putting food on the table for their kids Depends on an 18-year-old kid performing In a game doing an activity right yeah I I I think the you know the um the it's The process you know when a when a head Coach and gets a job in in high school Was the first thing to think about all Right what offense and defense am I

Gonna run right and and that's that's The first mistake you Know F this from that's what's going to Be the issue buddy yes you gota you have To surround yourself with some really Really good guys I mean you have to um And and you have and it has to be Important to you and you can't look at You know coaching football during the Season that's a part that takes care of Itself really absolutely the the fall The fall takes care of itself and you Know if you if you do the right thing You do the other stuff right in the Spring and you know that that becomes The easy part and the fun part um but The work truly truly happens um you know Soon as soon as you collect that equip You know that's that's when the job Really starts um and you know if if I'm Evaluating like a coaching job like That's where you want to start like all Right when I collect this equipment all Right this is what I'm doing you know Having you know making sure that your Kids have a plan um and that plan has to Take place you know before um you know Soon as their sophomore year is up you Know and so you know you meet when You're talking about the plan um you Know you're you're get you're getting Their grades together you're seeing the Classes that they're taking and you know Just like in in a couple days the Common

App goes live for this year you know so My kids are writing essays they're like [ __ ] you know I mean shoot uh you Know I'm supposed to I'm suppos I'm Supposed to be you know uh playing Football and and Coach got me writing an Essay about why I want to go to college Well it is it's something that's Important and you know so I think it's About prioritizing and that's what we do With in our program we you know we prior Prioritize academics over Athletics and You know and the reason you have to do That is because if you take care of that Part you have more time to focus on Athletics any so absolutely um you know It's it's about putting a really good Plan of action together um you know Looking at all your resources U finding Good fits and then you know you also Have to make sure that you're being Honest with college coaches as well um Because when they come and they get one Of your kids and you know that kid Doesn't pan out to be who you said he Was going to be it it falls on you so Good point I think those are some of the Things that that are really important Too when you're looking at the process But um know how do you advise your kids Like where where you think they belong Because that has to be especially at at At a a parochial school where every kid Wants to go the highest level they can

How do you advise your kids and your Parents like what what kind of stage do You set with them in preparing them About what level they should start to Think about and so on great question I Mean I think I think you start you know Again like I want everybody to have Topnotch AC mics and and so that that's A part that all the kids can handle Right you know you should be able to be A top-notch student um and if that if That part is is taken care of then you Say okay it starts with your measurables You know um you know you're you know You're 5'4 and 140 pounds like you're Not you're not going to Alabama right And and being UPF front honest with the Kids you know so so look at your Measurables you know height weight you Know speed and and things like that and And then I you know and I always tell The kids is like you know I ask them say Where you want to go to school and they Give me say say they give me Bama all Right you know what I want to go to Alabama I want to go to Iowa coach and I Say okay look at look at the you know The position that you play look at the Kid who they they offered scholarship to Last year look at his H compare yourself You know how do how do you think you saw Them how good do you how do you think You compare and you know and most of the Time they're they're saying okay um you

Know I I can understand that um and and And then following that you know you Just look for a good fit but the thing Is is that you know all kids that if you Start in high school football in New Jersey I feel like especially at our Level you can play college football Somewhere and and that's what I talk About parents I said look if they handle Their they handle what they're handling And you know they handle their academics Now we'll take care of the football par Um and what a lot of parents don't think Or don't understand is that you can go To a a division three school for free as Well you know so you can go to a Division two school for free um you know And and some you know some and some of Ways in between so you know and and Colleges love to to to come to schools Like you know like ours and yours coach Because you know they're gonna they're Getting top not students they're getting Kids that can play the game and now they Can give them academic money and they Give them athletic money you know and Now they can you know rather than Putting all the their money into the Know athletic portion of it they can Also give you you know some give you Some money for being a a top-notch Academic um student as well so I think It's it's about finding the the best fit For them

Um it's about finding the best fit um And and you know and using your Resources and and I tell a kid I said Listen the one thing I can do is I can Get you evaluated you know and you know If you if you want some honest feedback I'll give you some honest feedback and Sometimes you know it's it's look Looking at the harsh reality of what Reality really is and you know and um You can't sugar coated for kids and Parents um you want them to know exactly What it is and you know I think that's Part of the relationship that you have To Garner with them um and and know just Let them know kind of where where they Are where they stand and what's what's Com you know what's in the future and um You know I think the good thing about Where we are um within our program is That you know last year we had a kid That pretty much want we didn't have a Kid that went that went BCS but we had You know division one FCS we had the um We had some we had division one we had Division two we had a couple division Three kids too so I can say hey are you Better than this kid that just graduated Last year you know what's your height Weight you know you somebody person yes So um you know rather than you know we We look for Role Models but hey here's Your goal model you know this is kind of Where you are so I think that's where

That's where I usually start um the one Thing that we we do at St Thomas too is That um you know we take College trips Um every single year I try to get our Kids on at least three campuses a year Um in three different campuses so you Know if you look at year one you go see Three schools you know year two you go See three schools and you know in year Three you go see three schools so now by The time you're a senior you know you've Been on on nine college campuses um and You know I try to go like like we went We've gone to like this year we went Down to uh went to see Cardy down in Delaware um I also have a kid that plays Down there we also went to see Daryl Wilson who's one of the greatest human Beings on the planet and and a heck of a Coach and he was actually at Iowa um After I graduated um but he's he's now The defensive coordinator at Delaware State so you know we took our kids down There we took our kids up to to see Coach babers up at Syracuse um and so so Our kids you know they they see um you Know kind of a plethora of of college Campuses they they can see what some of Those athletes look like um and you know They can they can get a feel for you Know where they where they fit um and You know and I think at the end of the Day when you know kids get that Information you know you know I think a

Lot of high school kids think that all Touchdowns are created equal you know Where they you know they score a Touchdown in high school that's just Like scoring a touchdown and the you Know in an orange bow you know what I Mean so I think I think those are some Of the things that that are important You know we're going to go check out Ruckers practice and you know and and You know have some conversations with Guys like that but like I said at the End of the day I think it's just about You know self-awareness um sex self um Actualization and you know kind of Seeing who you are U what the best fit For you and finding that fit um and you Know that's that's my job as a coach you Know as soon as we we collect the Equipment that that's that's not my job Is to get those singers out of there um And you know and it's this is this is Probably the most difficult year i' I've Ever had um you know especially with the Quarterback position um it's it's it's It's it was almost impossible because You know colleges are now at the point Where like you know why am I going to Invest in this you know this freshman When I can take already you know played College football for a couple years now You know we're going to bring him in you Know so I'd rather go that route than You know investing in in trying to um um

You know project and you know figure out And and and look at this kid who's more Of a processed kid and you're gonna have To train them and teach them so it's uh It's difficult but again like I said Before it comes it comes back to Relationships and you know and finding a Good fit for kids and you know and and Again you know let letting the kids Understand and the families understand That you know you're doing everything That you can and I I give them concrete Feedback hey you want to go to B here I'm gonna I'm calling Coach and look hey Coach look at this kid you know and give Me your feedback as soon as he gives me The feedback here this is what he said You know you're too short you Know you're you're you're five you run Five flat you can't play Corner in in The Big 10 it's just not going to happen So I I think things like that you know That things that kids really really need To understand and there's a difference Between being a really really good Highlevel high school football player And you know and not being able to play At the next level you know and and that Was that was something that that that we That I saw at my in my high school as Well you know we you know we had the the Most wins in you know in the state at That time you know we had I think like 38 wins or something like that in a row

Um but you can count on on one hand um You know how many guys you know went to To play division one football absolutely In Span um there there was very few um You know Talk about like you know that's like Crazy that's something we talk about as Well right I mean we see it you know all The time is have realistic expectations But also like what are you comparing it To right and that's where we have to Educate our parents a little bit and Kind of humble them a little bit like You know and understand hey Johnny's Really good in his youth little whatever League in in in Randolph New Jersey but If we're g to take a step back and look At the big picture you know where does He really stack up and I think it's Something now with the way social media Is in the way just kids all are more Expanding and doing more things outside Of their tight little you know bubbles Right now you can see do I really stack Up well you stack up against the country Yeah you stack and and I I think also The thing that you know just like when The kids coming from playing youth Football you know to to playing High School football you know it it has to do With you know all right you're you're Way ahead of you know the the curve as Far as your size speed and strength and Especially when we talk about young

Young boys You know they they mature at different Levels you know what I mean and I think I think in the past um one of the things That that made New Jersey football Players uh you know very highly sought After um throughout the country was the Fact that they're still malleable you Know I can I can recruit you from New Jersey bring you into my school um You're good your ceiling is going to be Through the roof because you're G to get So much better in and throughout the Course of four years that it's going to Be great well and now you look at some Of the kids from Texas or Florida the Kid that they are when they leave is a Kid that you're going to get you know Because they're they're not going to get Necessarily bigger stronger faster they You know they have this high IQ as far As football and stuff is concerned so um I think that's something that's changed A little bit as as far as recruiting too Is you know looking at you know the fact That you know Florida and and Georgia um You know I talked to Coach um coach Bell Who's now head coach out in Georgia all The time they got they have Spring Football you know and it's not it's not Spring football where they play an inner Squad game no they're playing against Other teams so they're they they they're At a huge advantage over some of the

Things that we have in New Jersey as far As their kids just being prepared via Experience and time on task to to play At the next level um and and so it it Really opens a window um for us to um to Maybe do a little bit more as coaches And you know we have to be really Creative in some of the things that we Do as coaches to to compete you know at That level you know and and again like So when I do have a kid that's you know He's got the measurables right so but Now he's up against this kid from Texas This kid from Georgia this kid from um From California who has a lot more Experience at playing the game than than My kid does so how do I continue to Promote them and and have them prepared Um to not only you know get that offer But to uh to play at that that high of a Level um is is really what what what Makes the what what makes or breaks the Uh the process as C it it it is is more Difficult than ever I think for New Jersey and and maybe a lot of Northeast Schools in general um because I you know I I actually told Derek this the other Day I was just happen to be reading uh I was reading one of the preseason Magazines and they top 300 players from 2023 like rated top you know there was Only one new New Jersey kid in the top 300 like I you know even as a kid I Remember there was you'd always have 10

Kids from New Jersey in the top 300 at Least and I thought that that may have Been a process of the fact that in the South and in Texas and even in California They're they're playing so much more Football I don't know whether it's good Or bad for life but as far as football You're talking facts like this is this Is what it is right and and when we Talked to PJ Gibbs right that was down Aty he gave us a statistic about hey Right and I'm not sure don't quote me on The numbers or something about just Because these guys live in these states Right Mike Smith from for from American Heritage the same thing it was like the Percentage of just them doing more Football in the spring or the more the More of the time that they're allotted Than us raised their games and like you Saw the like it all correlated to more Time meant better play higher level play All of that kind of stuff so yeah I mean You even look at like you know the the Spring like so going into your senior Year it's it's still a guess with our Kids it's a guess with with our kids From New Jersey um versus you know some Kids from from other states like they Can actually see them play they say okay You know they don't have to it's not a Combine it's not seven on seven it's Helmet shoulder pads oh you can tackle

You know like oh we do see your game Speed and how it Transitions okay I I can see that so so If you talk about like these coaches That have a ton of pressure on them who You know are look I I have to win you Know I'm on hot SE gotta feed my family So I'm choosing between this kid and This kid well hey I'm I'm going to go With the thing that I that I know I'm G To you I'm going to go with what I can See um rather than what what I can guess So that that kind of what makes it it it A little more difficult for us and you Know like I said before we just got to Continue to be creative with um things That we can do to prepare our kids to to Play at the next level and and again as I said it comes down to relationships And Rapport and and really um you know Just promoting them the best that you Can no doubt go coach thanks so much for Being on WE we've definitely taken way Too much of your time An houres but appreciate it no great Having you on um definitely want to Touch base with you uh you know in the Season or or postseason and uh best of Luck in Camp I I know well it's not it's Not the grind that it used to be so you Know close it's one practice or you know But it's it's a different kind of grind It's grind though Yeah harder to teach it has to it has

Absolutely right it's how do I fit all Of this in when like you know when hey I'm opening up in two weeks like right Yeah you know I'm scrimmaging this guy And then I'm game scrimmaging on a Friday and now we're game week let's go It's crazy it's crazy that part's Definitely harder well coach thanks for Being on and we'll see you real soon all Right coach it's been an honor it's it's Been an honor guys I appreciate it and You know as always it's always great to Talk to you guys coach I'll see you in that first scrimmage and Uh coach take care all right guys take Bye by Man right that that was great that was Fantastic GL I'll tell you you know it's Funny when you get to like uh 10 o'clock You like like it when you're coaching You know you start to get you start to Get tired it's it's it's it's funny so It's amazing to be able to get in and Have the ation we just had late night You know um which is it just shows you What type of guy is you know like what Like he he's all into this right like You know he's got a dog he's got kids Right like he's got all this and still At the end of the day I love this so Much like you know how can I this is Gonna help me with my kids or you know There's something in his mind that said By doing this right talking about

Networks right like hey I know these Guys in the Future yeah you know fting he does a lot With a lot right like and he's been and We didn't even get into half of you know The stuff that he has in terms of where He's been along coaching wise and you Know some of his vision he does a ton With the New Jersey minority coaches Association right right big that listen When he talks about relationships There's not one guy in this state that When you mention his name somebody Doesn't say something good about in Terms of what he does beyond the Coaching stuff right you know he's Coaches sou game he he does he's at all Our New Jersey coaches association Usually taking on stuff that he doesn't Have time for right and I believe he's a Track coach too so there you go was Really I didn't know that come on man You know he can run corner at Iowa I I Know that dude I know that well Iowa Used to um they used to crush Jersey Come in and get everybody I I remember First guy I remember was Tony Stewart That was the first guy I remember but OB There might have been guys before but Tony Stewart right because I think there Some Redbank guys that when I was Looking at the history when we were There to Iowa back in the day or Something okay I think maybe chillo

Possibly right but you just knew like Like Iowa even I remember growing up I Can Remember guys I'm trying to think so so Hayden Fry like when Tony Tony so I knew who Tony Stewart was because Tony Stewart Was a great hurdler that's what the Event I did and Tony was like he Probably was like a senior maybe I don't Know maybe I was a freshman or maybe it Was like I was in eighth grade or Seventh grade but um but it was around That time period I remember how good he Was from Union Tony Stewart okay yeah Big school big you know like a lot of Tradition and then um Scott Slutsker um was from Hasbrook Heights Small school so winning tradition Right well they were yeah they had a big Winning tradition they were I don't know I mean I'm just know I'm Just might have one I mean he he was a Gigantic he was like six5 um and uh you Know obviously coach Holman um just Player after player that have Vernon Rollins uh it's interesting that was his Roommate that was I would love how crazy Is that how crazy is that so Vernon Rollins I must have talk about you know The relationship that you can look he Hasn't been back to Iowa in 10 years but He still has a relationship with all Those guys that you know and he talks

About that right like Rollins when you When you get a free moment if you it is I'm telling you he was so good he what Position what's that linebacker position Did oh he's a back oh that's yeah he Said he Li I've never seen a better Linebacker in my life he played for toll Okay there you go so I hit Vernon Rollins they used to say would crush People in high school and um you know Like Yeah I'm almost certain he played he Might have played on tol's first or Second team like like one of the early Ones even well if he didn't play for to Then who'd he play for Mello no Mello was Mello believe it or Not was like the I want to say the 70s to to the early 80s yeah So I Mello goes back pretty far only Reason I know that is because one of the Guys who used to um helped me in my Camps back when I first started like We're talking about 2002 uh was a guy Named Jody D yeah a guy named Dodie Denell who played it in Nebraska was a Was a fullback in Nebraska Nebraska Coming back bringing him back and well He passed away Dodie and but Dodie um uh Dodd's Coach in the 70s was Mike mellow so That's how I knew he was at hacka in the 70s so anyway that's that here there but Um great great conversation um and let's

Let's get out of here and sounds good Always another good one coach I Appreciate it thank you

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