From Defense Coordinator to Head Coach: My Journey and Goals

Join me as I reflect on my journey from being a defense coordinator to now leading the program. Discover the amazing achievements we’ve accomplished and get a behind-the-scenes look at how we overcame challenges to become conference champions. Find out…

Join me as I reflect on my journey from being a defense coordinator to now leading the program. Discover the amazing achievements we’ve accomplished and get a behind-the-scenes look at how we overcame challenges to become conference champions. Find out why I made the decision to become head coach and learn about my goals for the future of this team. #HeadCoachJourney #ConferenceChampions #TeamAchievements #BehindTheScenes #LeadershipGoals #FootballCoaching #TeamSuccess #CoachingJourney #FootballCommunity #BuildingSuccess

That DC moved on and it you know he had The opening and it gave me the ability To you know coordinate defense for the First time and you know it was there Since April of 2017 um had a great run won a ton of Games you know back-to-back conference Championships the last Centennial Conference Championship that we were a Part of the first Landmark championship In in in conference history you know This past year and uh you know we're the Only teams to beat the defending National champions in in courtlands at Their place which was awesome hard hard To win there definitely hard to win There very hard to win there especially Being down I think two scores in the Second half uh or in the fourth quarter You know and and we we made some plays And you know ultimately uh got out of There with a win you know I told the Guys like hey let's not even shower Let's hop on these buses and get out out Get out now get out and um but but just A tremendous ride and and yeah you know Coach of course he steps down at the end Of April which was kind of you know a Surprise I think to everyone and yeah as Soon as I saw that news it was like one Track mine like this is what I've been Waiting for this opportunity to have the Chance to come back and and lead the Program that gave so much to me as a

Player and you know I got hired I think On June 20th uh had the 25 foot U-Haul Van on July 1 moved into our new spot on July 2nd here and uh you know we've been Cranking up ever since so

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