From Coach to Tight Ends Coach: My Journey to Montclair | Football Coaching Story

Discover the hilarious and unexpected twists in my journey from being a coach to becoming a tight ends coach at Montclair. Learn how I navigated through unexpected challenges and made the most of my role. Let’s dive into the world…

Discover the hilarious and unexpected twists in my journey from being a coach to becoming a tight ends coach at Montclair. Learn how I navigated through unexpected challenges and made the most of my role. Let’s dive into the world of football coaching together! #FootballCoaching #Montclair #CoachLife #HilariousJourney #UnexpectedTwists #TightEndsCoach #FootballStory #AdaptingChallenges #MakingTheMost #CoachLife

Yeah yeah and it's funny because um you Know I think agesta would have loved to Take that job and be a full-time coach But at that point he was so far advanced In his teaching career pay cut again pay Cut cut yep so I I get the job at Monclair and it was like uh you know the Movie like beer fest with lill like they Just put me back in the same spot like It's like boom now I'm getting a salary I'm getting benefits but I'm the exact Same coach like taking over video again I went back the tight ends coach which Is what I was in 2013 and it was really Funny because I have so much respect for Coach O and Coach D and what they did Because you know what they didn't really Even know what to do with me because They were just so used to doing two of Them that it's not like they were like You know what we're going to delegate This to you or delegate that to you it Was just like you know we're we're doing Our thing you got an office next door go Coach football um so I I make the joke All time I was like the highest paid

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