Firing of Paul Chryst….What is going on in college coaching

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for more go to @coachschuman on all social Legends Live College Football Talk with Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell Jimbo Fisher, Firing of Paul Chryst Topics: Topics discussed: 1.Recruiting 2.NIL 1. College Footballl Subscribe for Updates Get Coach Schuman…

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Legends Live College Football Talk with Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell Jimbo Fisher, Firing of Paul Chryst
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[Music] All Right college Football Good the Bad and the Ugly yeah the ugly but First let's talk about what's amazing Things that are going on with our promo Um we are really having some excellent Athletes come on board and for some Really Longterm Promotion um and I don't know if you've Seen some of the stuff that I've been Turning out some of the guys lately but It's it's been really good they've Getting me some good stuff they're Getting me obviously we're getting Starting to get the films from guys in Their first four or five games which is Exactly what we need right and um Uh you know so players out there my Football D1 it's important to you know start Getting your name out there start if you Already um have some good film you know Let us get the opportunity to really Help promote you it's really when I Explain to people both of us do a video For $199 like people were like wait a minute You each do a video I said yeah we each Do a video and then we the six months It's each of us doing a video each month Right which is like if you were to just

To put it in perspective if you were to Call up Mike or to call up Me and say Hey listen I need you to put A highlight tape for me together right And put the highlight tape together Um uh take whatever Clips I have go on Huddle do all that um and put the music To it and all that kind of stuff that Would cost you a minimum of $500 okay so the promo for what you're Actually getting and the reason why I Bring this up today is because sometimes People are I say Pennywise pound foolish And um I understand it's money and You're in in the World of Sports where Everybody's grabbing money all over the Place we we get it we understand what You're getting is something that you Cannot not get anywhere else and I've Seen other groups try to copy it now Because that's how good it is other grp Try to copy what we're doing but let's Put it let's put it mildly here Mike Farrell The Godfather of recruiting and I don't take it lightly when I say that Over uh close to a million followers Just in his group of social media Platforms I'm over 1 Point whatever Million Recruiting is About the connections you have and the Ability for people to validate what Someone Says you can go get an intern to go put

A video together of you and it might Look nice it's probably gonna not look As nice as ours but look nice okay and It goes to the land of Crickets and the land of crickets means Just like all your huddl links that go To the land of crickets oh I post a Huddle link great no one saw it okay I Sent the Huddle link to this guy or that Guy great no one saw it my football D1 I'm telling you me and Mike Not only do the videos for you but we Take care of our guys okay and if we had If if uh one day there's lady football Players down the line then we would take Care of the ladies we take care of our Guys okay and we are now not just Putting out the videos which we do on All our platforms But I'll give you an idea of how the Impact of my myself and Mike Mike every Once in a while have one of these YouTube things that'll go viral or Twitter that'll go viral and it'll go to The millions literally to the millions Every once in a while like I posted a a Funny clip on my not my personal Tik Tok On my Tik and you see Sports Tik Tok Which is like my I I call it My bar stoolie kind of Tik Tok right for Me and I posted a a a um think about Oklahoma how the basically the wheels Are falling off with the uh Schooner Falling over and and I I have related it

To uh o over 250,000 views in one day Okay the power of someone who has impact And respect myself and Mike goes a long Way and that's where you can get when You get this the coaches respect our Opinions respect what we understand About football Mike's the number one Analyst in the World in football okay I Don't care what anybody else might think This is validated over time and in the Space of combines and showcases and as a Coach there is no one that touches me And I I don't ever get on my high horse But I'm telling you there's not one Person remotely close that has a Following that I have so and within Within that space that I have okay and You can go validate it all go look at The twitters go look at who's following Us go look at it so that's my my Football D1 feel I I'll let Mike go with his uh His much nicer Kinder version no I like It I like it no listen you fired up and And you should be and I know what's Ticked you off and it's fine um you know And again back to the you know pretty Videos and interns and all that stuff Our our stuff is not pretty it's it's it You're sending us your videos we're Putting uh text over it uh you know Coach puts his face in it I don't put Mine um my voice is on it nothing about Pretty is going to get you a scholarship

Or get you any interest whatsoever Doesn't matter um it could be the Prettiest thing and this is the point You know when back in the day when I Used to get VHS tapes uh in the mail and My mailman hated me the the most um Attractive packages arrived were the Crappiest kids and it you know you're Not fooling anybody with any sort of you Know Pomp and Circumstance or some sort Of lightning bolt over you in your Highlight film or what you you know it Doesn't matter if you you know blow Yourself up to twice the size or Whatever garbage you want to do to your Film or somebody can do to make it look Great short of speeding it up which Everybody knows when things are sped up Um you know it's straightforward it's It's very very I think um lunch paale Approach old school approach this is the Film this is what we like about the film This is why you should check this Particular person out and they will they Will look at it they just will um you Know they're not going to reach out to Me or you and say oh my God I saw this Kid I love they're going to reach out to You or they're going to follow you or They're going to show interest in you And if they don't have interest in you Then they won't um but I can tell you This I mean there's nobody else out There who who's dming on a daily basis

With power five you know head coaches And recruiting coordinators and and and Offensive and defensive coordinators and Guys who are mentioned uh for new jobs And things like that I mean you know I'm Not friends with anybody um but I know Them all and they all know me and they Respect me some of them a little bit Sensitive uh probably think that I'm a Little bit of a a loudmouth but they do Respect me and that just comes with time I mean you know all this this gray you Know hav't been doing this for 25 years They're going to pay attention to to What I say so you mentioned people Cropping up copycats of this program and All that stuff that's the highest form Of flattery by the way when when I Started doing when I started doing the Three-point stance back on Rivals I Don't know maybe 12 years ago uh I think It was 247 cropped up uh the cover three Which is the same thing it was same Exact thing you know when we started Doing our I did a feral forecast back in The 2000s and then the crystal ball Emerged in 2010 like imitation is Flattery but it doesn't mean it's going To be you know better or it's going to Get you anywhere so I say everybody crop Up their own little division one profile Thing if you want to flood the market With garbage but you know just know who It's going to get to and just look at

The followers um you know and then Determine based on there we had some new People sign up you know the enlow's in New Jersey I'm excited about helping Them um you know Bryce uh is the older One and and we've got less time to work Uh on him and that kind of excites me And then as younger brother we have more Time um Andy jaffy defensive back from Florida you know legit power five offers Already but not where he wants to be in Recruiting you know and his um his dad Me sent me a list of of schools that That he's kind of interested in hearing From uh I can guarantee you he's going To hear from all those schools because He sent me that list you know now if You're a kid who signs up for our Program and you want to hear from Alabama I can't make that happen but Most of these these these parents are Extremely knowledgeable as to the level Of you know what they want for their Kids whether it's academics whether it's You know they know their kid's a mid- Major uh Power five kid or a group of Five kid or whatever um that's just the Way it is Jeremiah Krueger we did last Week he to me is a group of five Talent He's a tight end who can block who can Catch but doesn't get targeted very much And the funny part about it is JJ Cole The four-star quarterback is his Quarterback but they just don't throw to

The tight end in that offense very much But he's got some receptions he got some Blocking film put that out there that Kind of blew up last week yeah saw that Yeah and we're not going to say anything We don't believe like you know I I'll Tell him Um I'll tell him why you know I think He's group of five and not power five I'll tell a kid who's FCS why I think He's FCS and not power five and all that Stuff but um again you're going to get Noticed you're going to get attention People are going to to look at you uh a Little bit differently because they're Coming through our filter um so I don't Really mind the competition cropping up These packages and the funny part about It is you know the that I'm talking About and I won't mention their name has So many things oh you can get this Profile on our website you get this Ranking you can get this this and this I Had a player earlier this year who did a One-time promo with us who had three Star ranking on five different websites I had never heard of any of them and he Just kept asking me have you heard of This one never and if I haven't heard of Them nobody on Earth has heard of them So you can get a three star ranking Someplace I could sell you a three star Ranking on Mike ferral right Now if you want to pay me five

Grand I will I don't care but it's not Gonna do you any good no one's gonna Give a crap right what they want is they Want to see your film and they want to Be intrigued by it one minute of film is Not going to get you a Scholarship what it's going to do is It's going to make them go into and look More and more of your film then maybe Contact your coach or follow you and ask You for additional film and this that And the other that's how it works so There's no magic recipe here um unless You do want to pay me for a three star Ranking $5,000 to Y me I I'll do it can I get a a commission on That yeah absolutely everything I get You get so if somebody does uh hit me up On that what what are we at we're 5050 Right Yeah I should sell Stars I really Thought about it the other day you know But it's so unethical It is Well I I'll Tell you so and I want to bring this up Before I forget because I will forget it Um first off uh I just did Bryce's first Video I just started poting I didn't Post everywhere yet but I just started Posting and uh he's super physical man I'm seeing like the updated clips and Stuff how physical he is and then Chase I mean he's running for like Acres every Week he's only as Sophomore run for Acres every week um so

He's he he's really he's interesting I'm Curious if he ever I I I say the school He goes to is definitely gonna they have To really make sure they're nice to him That the school that his brother's at Doesn't go and steal the younger one Because know the way it is that's life It is that's the way it is but um but Because he's tearing it up uh but what I Want to say is so those of you who are a Part of what we're doing we try to Figure out other things for you too so Like one of the nice things about the Promos is we you know there are other Events you may want to go to that I run Like me and Mike have a camp uh showcase That we're going to be running in January you get on board with us in the Promos you know we're gonna take care of You in these different things right so And and that's I think Mike's I'm just Saying this right now but like I think Mike's in agreement on it like guys who Come on board to our six-month program You know we're g to try and put you on Into our other programs to be able to Help you in as many ways we can and That's I think the difference right like Because of the stuff that that I do in My Does it's so it's so Broad and reaches So much like I have camps and stuff we Can take care of you in other ways to be Able to continue to get exposure Beyond

Obviously what what we're doing with the Videos and retweeting and all that kind Of stuff um so that's one of the really Nice things you have us as your partner In this process you get the video Everybody knows what the video is it Looks great you know it's it's it Reaches the coaches that we we you know That we put it in front of um those Things are awesome but you also have us As a partner and I've had people call uh DM me and reach out to me and ask a Question I'm glad to answer a question Or two if Mike is not able to answer a Question on something because may you Know maybe he's busy he's got a lot of Interview or something you he'll always Forward it over to me I'm always glad to Answer it and that's kind of part of Part of the process and there no you Know you're you're you're not you're not Getting charged for that I mean we're We're charging for the stuff that we Have to physically go and do but as far As that like we're glad to answer a Question for you quickly and and and get You in the right direction and get you The right thing too so you know I put up A video last year last week of jaffy it Wasn't uh you know exactly what they Were hoping for and they wanted Something different boom gone something Different today like we're not setting Our ways you know if you want to

Showcase something you know Hartman Wants to Showcase his ability to play You know tackle guard Center okay I'll Do that you know I'm not going to tell You well no you should focus on guard And forget about tackle and all this Other stuff I'm gonna I'm going to Showcase what you want um and and if It's not to your satisfaction I'm going To fix it and and and make sure it is What you want and you know I didn't Think getting into this there were many Options I had you know moving forward um You know after I decided to go Independent And and this was one of them and you Know I talked very early about it I Didn't think I would like it um just Being honest because because I was Peppered with emails from people over 24 Years 25 years of you know look at this Look at this my kids this that that that Blah blah blah you know and I was also Dealing with the massive egos of you Know parents and kids who are four and Five stars and and all that delicate you Know maneuvering that you have to do to Get an interview and make sure and and Then the inviting to this All-Star game Versus this All-Star Game getting them To camps getting them to Five Star Challenges on and on and on I just Didn't think I would like this level of It um but it's really refreshing to me

Um because I do like it uh and it's a Surprise to me that I do because listen I'm the guy who used to break Jian Clowny you know when he when he when he Went past Signing Day when Cyrus Quandrell went past Signing Day when Terrell prior went past Signing Day when Byron coward Had two letters of intent that he signed One for Florida one for Auburn on Signing day I was the guy that they were Talking to Bryce Brown and breaking massive stories with Highlevel five-star kids who are now Either off in the NFL or whatever and That was fun and exciting um but it got Old you know because it was just and That doesn't mean you know if a five Star kid reaches out to me you know Malachi Nelson he's got a breaking story I'm decommitting from USC I I'll take it But it's it's really not it's not as Enjoyable as this which people are going To say you're crazy how how on Earth Would you not rather cover Terrell prior You know showing up at his press Conference and announcing to everybody That's not making his decision because His dad wanted him to go to Penn State And he thought about Michigan because Richard Rodriguez was there and Ohio State was eventually the choice but it Was like a week after signing it how how Is that high

Anywhere compared to a kid who's got you Know FCS offers trying to scrap his way To to to to you know better offers it's Just different I guess I maybe I got Tired of the the superstars and and we Talked about this like everybody Recruiting Arch Manning is ignoring Every other Quarterback um you know I talked to rer Last week Carson rer there's a kid 2024 Kid in Nebraska who's a quarterback as Well who's getting all the attention I Don't think he's better I just don't so So it kind of I makes me a little bit More motivated to get roner out there Even more not that I want to discover Them or claim any Discovery uh but it Just there's something about it that I Find extremely intriguing uh and I Didn't think I would so you're going to Get a partner is what you're going to Get originally I didn't think you would But uh the first person the second I'm Sorry not the first second person we got And I won't name his name I instantly Became invested in their life and and Their future and what they were going to Do and when they go off to school Whether it's FCS or whatever I'm going To be invested and interested in how They go um and I didn't think that would Happen to me so it has there is no doubt About it it's it's great to see their Progression you know it's like they

Become one of one of your own guys you Know so you want to see them be able to Go on to succeed it's kind of like Coaching right it's a little like Coaching it is I honestly there's a it's A s there's a similarity to it yes and I Never coached I never coached so this is New to me and this is kind of the Feeling you get of when you get a kid That comes through your your camps or Three year high school or whatever and Turns out to be something we've had kids Come through camps that were nothing and Turned into something you know I Mentioned Dwayne H Haskins you know the Late Dwayne H Haskins we mentioned Sharie Floyd mentioned a bunch of them Christian Wilkins came through the Process and went on to big things but There wasn't a feeling of of ownership Of that because I I was working for a Massive vehicle uh run by a billion- Dollar corporate company that all they Cared about was money uh and and it may Look stupid because this is something We're charging for but it's honestly I'm Charging directly for but it's less About money now I can't explain it it's Just weird it's it's true and a great Transition into uh the wild world of of College football not just recruiting but Coaching changes and I know I know you Have Some fantastic insight as to the the

Wild world that's going on right Now yeah you so and this is the other Thing I kind of had an epiphany the Other day so I I run a website Mike Farsports doccom and and you know it's It's small not a lot of people know About it there's a lot of people still Think I'm I'm with you know my previous Company and all that stuff and it's in Its infancy and we signed a deal with Sports Illustrated and that's going to Help us and and we're going to grow as SEO catches up to us and you know I've Got a large large staff of writers and I Realized last night that we were putting Up so much content I think we put up Over a 100 articles last week Alone that I was flooding the market With too much and so what I'm focusing On now this week in a revamp of my own Strategy is quality content and one of The things I'm going to be writing over The next couple days is about Paul Chris Being fired at Wisconsin because we knew Scott Frost was going to be fired we Knew I mean you lose to Georgia Southern And and you you've been horrible for Years you're going to get fired um we Knew Herm Edwards would eventually get Fired because of the NCAA stuff more so Than anything else we knew Jeff Collins Wasn't going to last a Georgia Tech and I knew Carl derell who was fired this Weekend at Colorado he was going to G I

Had no idea Paul Chris was going to get Fired none and this is a guy who's a Wisconsin grad okay he was 6726 as Wisconsin head coach he won the Big 10 West twice he he tied for it another Time 43 and 18 in Big 10 play nine or More games he won five out of six full Seasons I don't count the co year um he Brought his team to a new year six bowl Three times in seven seasons and they Fired him and he's two and three this Season they just lost to Illinois at Home embarrassing they didn't run the Ball player development's been a bit of An issue lately but the reason they did It was because Jim Leonard is their Defensive coordinator and everybody Who's firing other coaches is looking at Jim lonard as a candidate and Wisconsin Knew that they were going to lose him if They didn't promote he's the interm Coach he's going to be their head coach But to me it's absolutely insane where We are in college football these days With the TV money That a guy who has that record that I Just spoke of who's been very very Successful who won nine games last Season is Fired Midway through the football season After a two and three start who's an Alum a grad who who took who got his First head coaching job at pit lasted Two seasons there the second Wisconsin

Knocked on his door after Brett be left He dropped everything to go back to his Alama and Coach there and he's been a Good person in the community he's a good Person overall and they just dumped him Like that and they renegotiated his Buyout so it's less and I think he had Part of that because he loves Wisconsin So much he didn't want to hamper them But this is getting out of hand it's too Much I mean so I look at this as a Potential Bo Pini firing Paul Chris is Not Bo Pini balini was a jerk Paul Chris Very nice man but Bo Pini won nine games Every year pretty much for Nebraska it Wasn't enough for them and they got rid Of them and since then Callahan Riley Frost have all sucked and Nebraska is Now a joke in the world of of Football and so it's be careful what you Wish for because Wisconsin could head That way pretty quickly um because you They were that way they were that way Before Barry Alvarez if you remember oh Yeah and before Barry took over and Barry I mean basically Barry's the is he I don't know if he's is he still the ad Too or is he more like a Meritus like He's anit he's like he's like you know The the head honcho consultant of all Consultants he's the one who kind of Handpicked Chris right to replace belma And he handpicked belma to replace Himself so he's there but he's not

Technically the athletic director but But you're right I mean they used to Suck um and then they became good with Barry Alvarez and now he protect Everything yeah and the reason I Mentioned this is Jim Leonard is a great Assistant coach he was a 10-year NFL guy You know good recruiter very good Defensive mind the defense has been very Good but you don't know how he's going To be as a head coach you have no idea And so the example I'm going to give in My article is Brent venables who is a Tremendous defensive coordinator at Oklahoma even better defensive Coordinator at Clemson now he's got a Head coaching job at Oklahoma and guess What everybody who said said screw Lincoln Riley we don't love Lincoln Riley he he he left us at the altar and He's a jerk we don't like him well now They're worried out of their minds that They hired the wrong coach and they Don't they're not moving in the right Direction because they got thumped Destroyed 55 to 24 55 this is a Defensive coach by TCU a week after Losing to Kansas State and they're not They're not a good program anymore all Of a sudden I mean it's two games but People are worried about that they're Three and two and now they're worried You know that we hired the wrong guy so Maybe Jim Leonard is Bren fenales I

Don't Know yeah I mean you don't know you Don't know these things and I I think One of the the the the big issues with How they're choosing and getting rid of Coaches is there's no formula used in Determining it's almost emotion based It's like it's like they're in a Relationship with a crazy ex-girlfriend Type thing and and that's what that's What seems to happen over and over again It's like somebody gets emotionally Upset about the situation and sometimes They're right you know sometimes you got To get rid of certain people right but a Lot of times it's like a 5050 thing it's Amazing like I think about all this from A business standpoint right like like I I've owned a business for a long time if Every decision I made was a 5050 Decision I mean I'd be pretty out I'd be Out of business you know what I mean I Mean that's pretty so it's kind of it Seems crazy because these are I mean Essentially these are businesses right These these colleges now yeah and their Decisions are like 5050 balls I mean It's yes it's throw it up and see who Catch it and You Don't Know What You Got Till It's Gone type of thing um in Business if you're wrong 20% of the time You're probably going out of business Like you got to really be right a lot More then you're wrong you're gonna make

But the fact that they could survive and Be 5050 ball throwing 50-50 balls is Crazy but they're being carried like Wisconsin's a good program right and Again they won the Big 10 West twice They would go to the Big 10 championship Game and get thumped and they never you Know really came close to the playoff or Anything like that but um but the Nebrask of the world they're being Carried by the Big 10 you know they they Owe their paychecks to to Ohio State and And Penn State and Michigan and the Programs that have actually been Successful over the last decade that Have carried them so you can make Mistake after mistake after mistake oh We want this guy who coached the Raiders In the Super Bowl oh he sucks we want This guy who was a great coach at Oregon State because he's a nice guy oh he Sucks we want Scott Frost he was a Former player he's gotta work out oh he Sucks you can make mistake after mistake After mistake if you're in the right Conference and and other people are Carrying you but you also lose a lot of Credibility so now Nebraska fans who Were so proud those late 90 Nebraska Teams and even in the early 2000s were Just so dominant so scary now if you ask A average fan about Nebraska they will Laugh and they say delusional fan base Who wants to get back to glory and never

Will and that's embarrassing and it Sucks um and you got to be careful now I'm not saying Pini would still be there He would have done something stupid to Get fired because he was just a crazy Person but Paul Chris come on what are We doing here um it's just a little Nutty to me so that was a surprise and Now gez now anything now too now Anything can happen well these are Probably people I don't know who the Hell is now anything can happen you know I Jim Fisher Jimbo Fisher in Texas A&M That could happen next week now okay Like nothing is off the table now with Christ so Jimbo Fisher has an $85 Million buyout and everybody says well That's going to make them you know They're not going to do anything with Jimbo Fisher that's a lot of money these Boosters have so much money that it Doesn't matter Mel Tucker was given an 85 million do guaranteed contract by the Boosters at Michigan State because LSU Wanted them as their coach guess who Sucks now Michigan State I mean they're They're they're they're really bad they Just got thumped by Maryland Uh they're not a good football program Anymore he had one good year they're Going to lose to Ohio State this weekend Probably by 50 they're two and three you Gave them $855 million you know why so You give Jimbo that big money and he

Sucks he could be fired next week it Wouldn't surprise me and you know what's Interesting and and There's there's places that they've been Able to be patient just because they Haven't been good for a while like UCLA and they've been patient with Kelly And taking him a long much longer than He has when he was at Oregon but now They have a they're in the pretty good Position I think where they five and0 Now and they're in a great position so The thing is like you know if you pulled The Pug last year on Brian Kelly you Never get to this point right if you uh Brian Kelly I'm sorry uh chip uh uh chip Yeah Chip Kelly and and Chip Kelly you Don't never get to this point and you Know and now reason I was getting messed Up with Brian and Chip Kelly because Brian Kelly after week one they were Like oh he's he doesn't have to relate To Louisiana players and he's real four Straight he's real I I said the same Thing you know and that's the Reactionary world we live in but I'm not Also responsible for million-dollar Salaries and paying people buyouts and Stuff so thank God I'm not in charge Because you know I said that after week One that Brian Kelly wasn't a fit and This is crazy you Know he's he's now again he could falter It's ups and downs but I I think the the

The program that I speak to being Patient and the smartest and it's not The Virginia Tex and Bobby BS Florida States of the world you know back in the Day it's Kentucky okay so Mark Stoops Was two and 10 his first year five- Seven his next two seasons so that's a a 12 and 24 record after three years today He would have been fired you can't go 12 And 24 uh in your first three years in College football he he was 4 and 20 in The SEC um then he went seven- six then he Went seven and six again so after seven And six if you give him that extra year He might have fired him after that year Too just because of impatience then 10 And three 8 and five 2020 5- six Co Doesn't count 10 and three four and one Now kenty is a real program and a Consistent you know Contender so to Speak in the East obviously Georgia's The cream of the crop there a consistent Top 25 program but had you fired him After three years as anybody would have In this day and age you would have set Yourself back quite a bit so patience Sometimes is the thing but nobody's Patient these boosters now are more Involved in anything with with nil They're just more involved oh they're Way more nil brought them of course they Have businesses right gets fired as a Head coach right and and plus like okay

So now with nil you brought up a great Point so now with nil okay I'm a booster Obviously I can't I I can't hand him Cash but I get him to endorse whatever XYZ car company okay he he endorses it I'm now emotionally invested in that Player right as an nil person you know I I have John Smith player I'm giving him 50 Grand I'm emotionally invested in his Success he's not having as good a season As I would like he's endorsing my Business well you know I really can't Blame the kid per se who do I blame the Coach right coach is not utilizing my Quarterback that I'm endorsing the right Way and and they're not giving them you Know they're not giving the qb50 grand They're giving him 150 Grand 250 Grand Right so the coach is the problem right That's the problem and not only is this Guy I'm giving Nal to is that affecting Them losing affecting the player Directly who I'm sponsoring but now he's Talking about my brand my company so now I'm associated with this University this Player and they're losing does anyone Want to be associated with a brand That's a loser No that's a problem with nil that no one Would have ever thought could be an Issue I give money your team loses my Quarterback I'm paying to endorse my Brand is losing some I have a car Dealership do you want to shake hands

With a quarterback that won two games Out of 11 no no and you know the the the thing About it too is like as you mentioned so Wisconsin is known as a rushing program Right okay one of those guys that's got One of the bigger nil deals is brayan Allen the great running back for Wisconsin yep and gr Merz was one of the First guys to sign an nil deal you know Last summer as well gram Merz has been Horrible he's not developed uh bril and Allen Has I Mean he had two yards he had eight Carries for two yards in that game that Alone if you look just at that number Could get you fired because brillan Allen's a big name you know this is our Star running back he's a sophomore he Was in the Heisman discussion at the Beginning of the season eight carries Two yards unacceptable you're fired but That doesn't mean the next guy Up's Going to be better um so you know listen It's great for me as a as a pseudo Journalist to write about all these Firings and job openings that's what People click on that's what people like To read about and I'm going to write About Paul Chris and I'll write about All the job opening situ ations and you Know guess who Jimbo's playing this Weekend Alabama guess who he doesn't

Like Nick Sabin guess who doesn't like Him Nick Sabin you know now Sabin lost His quarterback you know Bryce young got Hurt but if Sabin has any opportunity to Run that score up on Jimbo he's gonna do it and he's going to Embarrass him because a he lost last Year to him yep at B they had a spat This year about ni l c they recruit Against each other uh and D at one point In time Jimbo was making more money than Next saan um and it's at home so he's Gonna try to kill him they're favored by 24 they could win by 40 and you just Don't know they lose they drop a 50 to10 Loss to Alabama Jimbo Fisher could be fired now That Paul Chris has been fired anybody Could be fired so you know I don't want To harp on it too much uh but it's it's The new world of college football and And it's intriguing to me but I just Think we're getting a little nutty here Um if a fit isn't the fit Carl derell Wasn't a fit it didn't work it was a bad Hire to start with kind of a panic move After Mel Tucker left that's great Jeff Collins had his opportunities Scott Frost had his opportunities that's all Good Herm screwed up off the field but Ball Chris did nothing did nothing wrong They're two and three so what you know Uh but this is the world we live in now And I think it's just going to get

Nuttier and nuttier um so Jim Leonard Will be the new coach at Wisconsin he's The interm now it will be they they'll Do a search you know there'll be some Guys interested in this job Dave Randa Was a um defense coordinator at Wisconsin he might be interested so They're not going to just do it they're Going to do a search but I think Leonard Will be the Guy from a Um slightly different though because you Brought up Alabama Tex Sam the running Back from Alabama Gibbs is it Gibbs yeah Jir Gibbs man is he good fast he is fast I mean he breaks in the open I think You're 100% right especially if Bryce Young is not able to go you're gonna see Him put on a show I mean well dude their Quarterback man Jaylen Milroe is a specimen is he the back Quarterback he is just he's a he's a Derk Henry looking dude really he's a Beast and he's fast as can be he would Be starting for any other team in well Not any other but most other teams uh in The power five yeah he's 62212 so he's Not as tall as Henry but he's jacked and He's fast they could be faster than Derk He's they say and I don't know if I Believe this they say he's the fastest Player on the team timed so it's going To be a different offense that goes out There you know he's a good passer and

All that but he's not as fluid as Bryce Young and not as accomplished passer but The running ability of him just sets a Different thing Bryce young could run Didn't want to this dude can run and Wants to so there there's no drop off For Alabama whatsoever um they're gonna Kill him uh and and I think Jimbo could Be in trouble if they do because they Lost to Mississippi State you know they Beat a Miami team that we now know is Bad um they're they're really not Impressing anybody beat Arkansas they Got lucky to do it took a long fumble Recovery and a missed you know a field Goal they're just not a good program and People are going to be like where's my Return on investment for the hundred Plus million dollars I'm paying I paid This guy uh let's buy them out I know It's guaranteed money but let's come up With $85 million all this Rich Texas oil People and let's get rid of them um and That could happen as early as next week I don't think it will but I tell you When I when I got the card Notification that he was fired it was Like okay then I got Paul Chris and I Was like I had to look twice I'm like Wait a minute how's this possible but it Is what what uh what about did you watch The Missouri Georgia game at all I did I I liked the way Missouri played man Defensively they just wore out they wore

Out yeah they have some defensive Players I mean they have guys coming off The edge that were caused Havoc for them When I have to look dudes up okay and And refresh my memory as to where this Dude stands in the pecking order of the NFL draft that's when you know you're Impressing me um and they had a couple Dudes um I'm trying to remember the one Guy's Name I mean because I knew about Jeff The linebacker the out is Maguire Isaiah Maguire was a guy number nine um 64275 Out of Tulsa Oklahoma uh he only had two Tackles in the game uh and he's only got Seven tackles this season solo tackles And two sacks but he was so disruptive He's so long he's not super explosive But so long and so disruptive that I I Looked him up and I know he's a fringe Seventh eigh you know six seventh Rounder I think he really raised his Stock but I was impressed with the way They played um their DBS were tough Played in manto man three quarters of The time I mean I now I I also thought there was A couple of calls there that I I see a Lot of these things go A lot of times in College football and there were a couple Calls I'm like wow I'm like Missouri Missouri got zinged on some stuff you Know that now they shot themselves in The foot in the first half they were on

The one yard line almost they they uh And they went off sides and I thought it Was a I actually thought it was a Coaching mistake mistake they like to as Soon as they get a big play that Missouri likes to get right on the ball And like run another play right but at The end of the half they're at the one Yard line they got right at the ball Tried to run a play so they couldn't Substitute so Georgia couldn't bring in Like you know the huge guys or whatever To stop them run running it in and they Went off sides and then they didn't Score a touchdown they had to kick a Field goal and instead of it being uh 20-3 it was 16-3 and Georgia got life after that I Think that was a huge huge play but it Was what was interesting I thought was a Mistake like college coaches obviously They could these guys are uh some of Them are super smart some of them think They're smart but they they uh they kind Of if they just took their Time and came up they had four downs Right they would had four downs instead They trying to rush and get right in They basically would have had a CH put George in a situation where they would Had to throw every down and I from what I saw for the first time I thought ston Bennett actually came through in the Clutch okay so I he deserves credit for

That but when you got pressure on him Because of his height and his and he's And he's fast but he's not like uh you Know he's not like Cam Newton or any of Those you know guys like he's he he can Run but he's not really like a Tremendous threat to go 50 yards down The field right once they were getting After him and hitting him and hitting Him like that's the formula if you got Guys like Missouri and I'm sure there Are other teams that have guys like Missouri I don't know if they're as good Or not but they have guys that could do Those things that's how you're gonna Have to get after Georgia you got to hit Him because he can't get to his Receivers he was having a hard time Getting the Brock um Bowers yeah he was Having a hard time and he had guys like He had to go to the gigantic gigantic Tight end what's that guy's name Darnell Washington man that guy is that's what You were guy you were talking about Right he's he I was Like as fast as he did he's LeBron James Size he is six foot six and LeBron's you Know 265 right he's he's that that's when we Saw him in high school we were like That's Lebron James playing football uh He is a absolute monster Beast there was One play we caught it and he just the The the dback came up to hit him and the

Dback was you know not a small kid and He just bounced off of him like five Yards back he's a monster um it's Amazing with all those offensive weapons That they struggled it's a credit to Missou um yes they've got some players On that team and and after they lost That horrible game against Auburn where It was just like you know their field Goal Kicker um missed a chip shot to win the Game and then they they had the reaching Over the goal line fumble and it just Just a lot of dumb boneheaded things to Lose a game against not a very good Auburn team I questioned whether this Team would go in the tank and Eli drinko Would lose Them he didn't lose them they played Hard and to speak to your point of Hitting man they hit um that defense Loves to hit and and that's it might be I mean this is a film that a lot of People play in Georgia are going to Watch and they're going to say okay they They kind of figured something out here And we got to do this same thing and Just you know punish them because they Suddenly you know Georgia was the number One team in the country and you couldn't Really find any weaknesses now I see Weaknesses I see wide receivers that Don't get tremendous Separation um you know whereas before I

Was like well they're they're deep at Wide receiver they got all these tight Ends you know Bennett's effective ston Bennett is little we know this but he Doesn't play little until you hit him And hit him over and over again he's Wincing and and holding every you know Part of his body then he becomes little Again so I think this is a good Blueprint for teams to use against Georgia and and they exposed a lot of Weaknesses yeah I think you get you know You get turnovers you get all kinds of Opportunities from it and I think you're Dead on ston Bennett because he he is a Clutch guy and all if you don't hit him He he's very poised he's just going to Pick you apart but if you come after him He's still a small guy a small guy is a Small guy it doesn't matter like he Weighs what he weighs it doesn't matter How great he plays when you're not him But when you start to hit him he still Weighs XYZ 185 one whatever he weighs 190 and he and that's you're getting Beat up over the course of a game and That that's gonna weigh into you know You might make a mistake you might drop A ball um you maybe don't make a good Decision I also think it's interesting Because those two tight ends are I mean I you talked about AR Washington I I Didn't know anything about him until I Watched this game I almost think that

Those two guys and they did at the end Of the game to win the game ran behind Them put them both on one side you know What I'm saying Brock Bowers like they Were almost like they were your your Receivers they were your tackles they Were EV they're they're gonna have Georg Is gonna have to use those two guys in Every capacity wide receiver Fullback uh as double wings as like Basically two extra tackles you know What I mean that they have to use those Guys in that capacity because literally Those are the two best players on from What I saw those are the two best Players on their team hands down yeah And uh you know the Patriots won a Super Bowl that way with grank and Aaron Hernandez and and Todd monan the Offensive coordinator is is creative Enough to make sure that they get the Football and I think Darnell Washington Is going to be more and more a part of This offense um and he's also a very Good blocker too and that kind of Impressed me as well because everybody Talks and I was talking about Jeremiah Krueger earlier everybody wants these Flex tight ends everybody loves Brock Bowers of course because he's a freak Athlete and he can line up a wide Receiver slot or whatever but man the Guys who can inline block who also can You know act as a six tackle or a sixth

Offensive lineman you know a second Tackle on that heavy side of the line or Um you know sit down in a Zone and just Box you out the Michael Mayor the Darnell Washingtons of the world the NFL Loves those guys they absolutely love Them um you know and people don't pay Attention to how well you know groon Blocked or Travis Kelce can block or Even like Tony Gonzalez and some of Those guys you know George K Andrew now Mark Andrew yeah Mark Andrew they're all Good blockers um you know and there's no Weakness there you know Kyle pittz was Drafted as high as any tight end ever And he really can't block that well and He was sort of an exception to the Because they kind of drafted him as a Wide receiver type but they want guys Like Darnell Washington when I was Watching Darnell Washington play and He's again he's not a huge part of this Offense yet I was Like how do you pass on this kid in the Second round maybe first you don't take Him but if he runs anywhere in the 47 Range and he's 6 foot six and he's 275 pounds He's listed 67270 which is Probably accurate I could use him in 50 Different ways to to screw up a team uh At the college and the NFL level because There's nobody who can cover him and he Can block like a tackle can um so you're Going to see a lot more of Darnell

Washington and this was the big debate So we had you know Darnell Washington Was he going to be a five star was he Going to be a four star I saw him down At Under Armour the first week of Practice the first day of practice he Had no idea what he was doing he ran Every wrong route he got yelled at And then I thought okay he's going to Quit you know like that's what kids do At All-Star games they get yelled at They they quit you know they don't quit But they come up with a hamstring you Know mail it in and he did that for a Day and I'm like oh this kid's overrated And then he came back and I was like Wait a minute and then he started Learning the routes a little bit better And he didn't move that fluidly he still Had a lot of you know heavy footedness But I was like if this kid wants to be Good which I kind of just saw he had his Little piness and then he came back There's no stopping him so the want to Was always a question and now we're Seeing that he really does want to Because I could see it in his blocking And that's really when you can tell if a Receiver or or Quan bout is another Example of that at LSU that's a kid who Doesn't want it he's not being utilized Well at LSU Brian Kelly's turned him Into one of the top three wide receivers In the nation to an afterthought a

Complete afterthought but it also shows In his attempts to block it shows in his Attempt attempts to get involved on the Offense it shows he's kind of sitting Out the season now waiting for his NFL Opportunity and that is a huge red flag To me so Darnell Washington has really Proven to me that he's legit and he's up There he's up there when it comes to you Know tight ends that I would take in the Late first round early second Round oh there's no doubt about it and I I and that Georgia probably I think the Way they approach that game when when it Kind of hit the fan they're like whoa Okay it's almost like they everyone's Found this out now okay now let's let's Start adjusting what we're doing because They've we we got away with it so far And now we're not gonna be able to get Away with this anymore we're gonna have To and D does take over I mean that was That that defense worked so hard to keep Them off the scoreboard and and honestly They just were worn out you could tell They weren't flying to the football as Well as they were and it wasn't their Fault it wasn't a lack of effort it's Just no they're outman And eventually you know that four Quarters of effort you know could fall Apart in the last seven minutes of the Fourth quarter because you're working so Hard and the offense wasn't doing a lot

To help them um so great effort by Missouri near loss but the best thing That could happen to Georgia as well Great thing because now they're not Number one anymore now Kirby Smart has Some teaching points now Alabama's got The onus on them as being number one and Kirby can now say well everybody thinks You sucked everybody thinks you're Exposed so what are you going to do now You going to step up last year's team They didn't get down last year's team Won a national championship what about You guys and it's so perfect for a coach To have that that that adversity but I Gotta get out of here because it's 12:54 So uh my foot D1 uh we would love to help you love to Have you part of the family and The Client List is is growing um DM us on Twitter uh you're what at Co at Co Schuman there it is at coach Schuman and I'm at mfal sports DM us uh tweeted us Uh Tik Tock us um Instagram us whatever Let us know you're interested and we'll Tell you all about it and have someone Get in touch with you till next week We'll see you then Mike I I'll see you Later have a great day man you too see You

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