Finding and Developing Elite Level Running Backs with Alabama State Coach Juwan Lewis

46 min read
Finding and Developing Elite Level Running Backs with Alabama State Coach Juwan Lewis with Coach Schumana and Coach Depascale Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase…

Finding and Developing Elite Level Running Backs with Alabama State Coach Juwan Lewis with Coach Schumana and Coach Depascale
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All right welcome back we're rolling This week a busy week lots lot lots of Coaches lots of different uh people on Um we're excited to talk to coach Jawan Lewis today from Alabama State running Back coach and recruiting coord there uh Also CO as coach di had mentioned to me I think a couple days ago uh listed as a Top 30 fastest rising coaches in the Industry um 30 under 30 baby yeah 30 Under 30 so he he's one of those young Guys must be nice are you what would you What would you be a 40 other 40 30 keep it hey 35 to 40 rate is there Like something we could Market it that Way like right in the type of like I Don't know I I I I'm the 50 land I don't Think they even do that for people like That anymore they're they're just point Those guys are retired you're just old And you're working done like Those no Co coaches and Coach came Before he got to Alabama's uh State I Think he's recently there uh he was at Davenport and uh he did a great job There he really really is rising up fast Through the ranks um and so we're super Excited to talk to him uh about a bunch Of different things things and um I've Actually I've actually seen Alabama State stadium uh years ago I was in uh I Believe it's in Montgomery and um or Outside Montgomery and I was there Because uh the guy who was in charge of

All the sports stuff was trying to bring An event we had there he had a son that Actually played there and uh so they got A really big Stadium there um I think I Want to say it's like 17 or 20,000 it's A big Stadium like brand new and yeah Really nice so um let's bring coach on And talk some more coach welcome to the Podcast great to have you on I Appreciate you guys having me on man um Fired up I appreciate the uh the intro Um it's not we do our best with our Intros coach not too many people get the You know the opportunity to be amongst You know amongst a lot of great coaches In The Barrage and variety way so you Know I thank you know the University of M Union for giving me my start you know Hing college for teaching some things um As well as University of Finley got got A lot of love for Coach Cory Allen Rob Keys that brought me in um coach spark Mq and him and I just talked yesterday We talk a lot you know he did a lot of Great things I had a lot of I I consider Davenport family you know just as much As Alabama State with them and you know here we are You know coach Eddie Robinson going into His third year year to week brought me In um you know uh we had some you know Some turnover here um but uh I would say You know coach Chris Barnett you know Coach Jonathan Carr coach Christopher

Brown um coach William Glover imp um Aside my my assistant in my room John Paisley all of them are doing a great Job um and I trust them and I I can't Wait to go to war with them this year um You know coach Robinson's done a great Job universally both offensively and Defensively as far as you know it's a Big thing about and you know when I Become a head coach down the road you Got to hire great assistant and we've Done you know he's done a tremendous job And I'm not to my own horn you know he Even has you know head coaches on the Staff you know being Terry Sims I call Him a legend he hates when I call him That but it's just to respect you know We've had some past de coordinators like Coach Middleton on the defense you know Helping out with Coach Ryan Lewis and He's done an excellent job along with ar Liaison uh James Williams um Billy Gresham Ronnie Scott just got here in The spring and he's taken over by storm You know uh Derek Brown is our quality Control um all these guys have done a Great job but you know that's enough of The defense I'm going to highlight the Offense no matter what those are my guys So yeah and and Alabama state's Obviously uh uh swack conference School Correct um yes y yep and uh it's a place Like like I said I've actually been to The stadium I I I've seen some of the

Things that they're really trying to do And this was several years back this is Before coach Robinson got in there um But uh it's first of all that that that Community over there is a great Community um so there's a lot of things I I always thought that that's one of The places that really uh was kind of Like a sleeping giant with you know Within the swack and really could could Uh they've had a lot of great great Seasons but the to be able to be like a Perennial power I think that's a place That like has the ability to really do That and and um I think that's what's Exciting about it there talk a little Bit about kind of so you started a touch On your career like yourself as a player You're really accomplished player um and Then you're kind of foray into coaching And and how you got to Alabama State Yeah so uh as far as playing you know I I I did play both as an undergrad at Eastern Michigan um and as a graduate Player at Fair State University got the You know opportunity also on the side Not the pledge one of the greatest Fraternities in on the man to make Sci-Fi fraternity Incorporated by the Way of feta chapter um but yeah um Played at Eastern Michigan for four Years so I came under Ron English and Then made the transition to coach Chris Kraton um and then I was under coach

Tony anise um at Fair State um from There you know I did you know Participate in the Pro Day obviously my 40 wasn't fast enough um Happ to the Best of us bro my 40 wasn't fast enough On that day but then the crazy thing is I go out a month later and had a workout With the Winnipeg glue bombers are Running four five 5 um so wish they were Just there you know I wish the NFL was There on that day but uh sometimes those Chips bro they fall the right way for You because like you know you look at What you're doing now had that been Different like you wouldn't have had the Opportunity that you have now so no Doubt so you know from there um for the Longest I said I'm not playing Arena I'm At least try to get um to the CFL and Obviously the CFL no knock against them I got some great friends there totally Things coach Hogan um coach ventel with Saskatchewan but um you know I got to a Playing date with Saskatchewan they let Me you know they cut me you know it's a Mini cam within the states so they cut Me and I got to a point I'm like all Right I'm Gonna Keep either I keep doing These workouts or I can actually go play Football and get some film so from there I was a midyear assigned with the uh the Duke City Gladiators out of Albuquerque New Mexico um they were in the CIF at The time when I signed with them um fell

In love with it you know as much as I Knocked it it actually made me a Complete player as much as I knocked it Because you got to be able to move in The phone booth you know yeah you do you Gotta be able to move in the phone booth So um got there midseason um everything Went well um we end up going 13- two That year and we end up winning the uh First uh National Championship in Franchise history of the ball Club so it Was it was great that was the furthest I Ever been away from home Um crazy place like Albuquerque New Mexico I had so much fun learned a lot [ __ ] so I'm going into my first Offseason as a professional athlete you Know I made a little money bought myself A VIN you I'm think I'm feeling myself My little brother K Carrie Willcox um who I'll always commend to Get me in the profession he says all Right man you're in offseason now what Are you gonna do said I'm about to Finish up this about to finish up my Master's Degree you know train you know And get ready to do it all over again he Said you ever thought about coaching I Said have you ever thought about Coaching I'm not coaching man I just got Done plan like he said man just do me a Favor you'll still be able to train You'll still be able to do everything You want to do but just you know give

Coaching you know a try you know this Offseason and it took you know multiple Conversations so I end up having a Conversation with Coach Vince Caris who Allowed me the opportunity to come in And uh be an assisted running back coach And obviously Mount Union staff is huge Yeah they're a little different so um he Brought me in you know I I ultimately Man I fell in love with coaching I I Fell in love with it um I did go back And play one more year um but I I knew That I was GNA retiring and start to Coach so obviously we went um to play in The national championship we lost to Mary Haren Baylor in 18 went on the play Um another year of Arena and then end up Coming to hire College um lot of Obstacles that happened with hm because Um you know and it's not their fault um It wasn't our fault at the time you know The program is still you know picking Back up from where it was back in the Day um and I think they're doing a great Job up to this day still um but I I knew When I started coaching um even at hm I Said okay I'm taking the next step I Know I love coaching the backs that's my Baby you know as Sparky says and I've Been able to speak all over thanks to The afca thanks to the minority coaches Coalition um and many other uh Outlets Like our coaches Network where I met a Lot of my football

Family um I knew I wanted to be a Offensive coordinator immediate future And now I have Coach Barnett you know Where I get to pick his brain and he's Allowed me to do a lot of different Things you know as far as uh practices Go stuff like that um and Coach Robinson Like I said he he trusted me so you're The head coach of the running backs you Know I know what you can do um um so I Knew um back in 19 at H College I knew That I wanted to be offensive Coordinator because I was a co-run game Coordinator um and co- pasing Coordinator so um moving up you know I Had to take it you know I wanted to take That chance I didn't want to get labeled You know at a certain level so I wanted To continue to rise and Coach Allen you Know called me during the covid um on The back end of covid and gave me the Opportunity to come in um him and Coach Rob ke gave me the opportunity to come In to become the running back coach There you know having my own room still Um we did a lot of great things you know Um had a freshman that was co- uh the Co- freshman running back of the year in The GMAC two uh additional two to three Additional first team All Conference Guys um it was a short stint because After that um coach Sparky mccuan little Most people don't know Sparky was the Receiver coach when I was at Ferris so

Um he text me randomly he said you know What do you got going what are you doing And uh next thing you know I'm there for Two years as the running back coach and High school recruiting coordinator um Fell in love with it you know we made History I had a running back that broke A a a rushing yard per carry record uh We set a a unit record against uh California or Lincoln univer University um in Cali where we had seven Touchdowns from I I think three or four Different running backs within that one Game um had some first team second Team All conference guys and then you know Just from doing guest coaching at Different Clin or different clinics and Camps you know satellite camps Throughout the years um is what helped Me meet a lot of my family in in the Football realm and ultimately um Harry Williams who you know did a great job While he's at um Alabama State he's now The OC back at his Alma moer um so I Wish him the best of luck and everything Uh gave me the call with Coach Robinson And Coach s to ultimately bring me here I knew a decent amount of people on the Staff or they knew of me um like coach Gresham man him and I didn't meet in Person until I want to say 23 and I just Wrote him a letter you know because We're fraternity Brothers um and I wrote Him a letter and he kind of kept up with

Me I kept up with him um and here I am In in Alabama State you know the crazy Thing is is my sister actually graduated Here in 2011 and then my family my dad side the Family who was another you know pivotal Reason why I began coaching um and he's A longtime High School coach for mosan High school um my family my dad side of Family lives in Atlanta Georgia Currently so here we are man going into Year seven this year all works Out yeah and and and that's that's Awesome and and you know coach Robinson's really beginning to take the Program to the next level um I think you Guys were SE seven and four last year They 465 rose up from a team that was in The middle of the road like having maybe Sometimes more of a Los now you're Really building you have that Stadium You you have a lot of upgrad facilities Montgomery's a a fantastic Community Having spent a little bit of time down There um I know you know I know this is A good guy for you to go and uh go and Meet the guy who's in charge of uh um Tourism and like bringing people in for Conventions Ron Simmons the CEO there Great guy you would love him yeah and uh He's a good guy to know you know what I Mean Montgomery um and uh so it's it's His son played at Alabama State too so He was an offensive lineman there and uh

It's it's really really a great Community so talk about when uh uh Before we get to like running back play Because I really do want to pick your Brain on that um but you're really Getting uh heavily involved on the Recruiting side your recruiting corar You're really starting to step that up Talk about uh the type of players that You guys are looking for the type of Prospects that and how you kind of go About your process at at Alabama State Yeah the biggest thing uh for me excuse The background noise I got couple wor Coming in out but you're okay the the Biggest thing for us is we are still at The end of the day we're a foundational Program when I say Foundation your high School players are Foundation you know Your high school players a foundation we Did a an amazing job even with the Turnover we did an amazing job as a Staff um bringing in you know some high Quality players you know we're looking For guys you know I know you have some Some programs that will take the minimum You know with gpas and stuff you know Even when we're looking at our guys We're setting the foundation or a plan Even if a kid is in a recovery uh Credit Recovery plan you know we're getting With the council to see what can we do Um as they're rising or or what can we Do in the mid of their their senior year

To help them out U but the foundation is Is high school kids you know so we're Not portal crazy um you know if there's A situation where we do need a Plug-and-play guy in in certain Positions you're gonna have to do that It is what it is but for every plug Andplay guy you're still getting a Foundational guy because you know we're Looking more of the grad transfers stuff Like that we may take a couple kids who Are you know true midyear undergrad guys But we're always getting a plug-and-play Guys That needs to be ready to be a a more Than ready backup or a guy that's going To be ready to go if anything happens at The end of the day but um we also look Into the Jos as well you know we're Looking for those qualifiers coming out That may have come gone under the radar You know it is what it is but if they Could prove themselves for that year and Come in and be a plug-and-play guy as Well then that's great you know we look At things like that but um the Foundation is key we had about seven uh Seven three star um guys we don't really Get we don't really get into the labels Like that g those stars but we had a lot Of kids you know in our our region our Our southern region um but we have you Know we're a Melting Pot on our on our Roster you know we did a really good job

Like we're playing in the orange blossom Classic coming up here against North Carolina Central uh we have a lot of we Have a high presence of guys who are From Florida from all over the place I Had a midye uh High School midye rolly Which we had four guys that are high School mid year and roll Lees crazy yeah And and I had the pleasure of bringing One into my um in my room that I'm you Know looking forward to seeing him Flourish um even if he uses my my uh Office closet as his extra storage space Hey man whatever it takes coach whatever It takes to keep him in the room he's a Great kid um but you know I I got a lot Of guys both instate and out of state in This room that I'm I'm really looking Forward to um doing some great things But recruiting wise we did a great job And we got a couple guys late that are Are really going to be some pivotal Pieces for Us yeah I I think that that's one of the Things that's really cool I mean if you Look at like what social media has done Um from a recruiting standpoint that Gives places like Alabama State now an Opportunity to recruit nationally Especially across throughout because you Could reach and touch anybody so if They're interested in being a part part Of that program where in the past Probably most of it came from Alabama or

Louisiana and maybe touched Mississippi Maybe touched Georgia a little bit but Now you have that opportunity to reach Out to to to players from Florida and Realize hey it's really not that far Right and um it's within your region and And in other places around especially The South Southeast and Southwest um but You could touch anywhere right so I Think that's one of the cool cool things About it um and I think Alabama state is Uh in in one of those States in in in Alabama where there's so many great Football players like people don't Realize the pocket of because you know You always hear people talk about Georgia and Florida and Texas right but People don't realize the number of Scholarship athletes that come out of State of Alabama and then obviously Right there yeah and the neighboring States like Louisiana you know you could Probably argue for the population size Might have the most most uh division one Uh athletes and obviously Mississippi Has a ton of athletes as well so it's Really really interesting kind of where You guys are and the opportunity to Really get get a get a lot of prospects Um talk about like as far as so you Talked about like how high school was so Really important and what I'm seeing Espe with a lot of FCS schools in General right that's still kind of the

The the foundation part part of of of Recruiting um how does and I don't know If Alabama state does it differently or Than the rest of the swack or how kind Works does does a swack utilize all 63 Full scholarships or is it is it okay And you when you guys do recruiting are You look number one 63 scholarships Those guys are the guys that come in and Then the other guys would would be Watkins is that how you guys do do the Scholarship Temple or you do or you kind Of a mix depending on what they are yeah It's a it's a heavy mix depending on Where and and obviously tuition um takes A a big a big chunk of that as well well So but inate versus out of state you Know right obviously every university Has their own difference nuances but I Would say for the entire for the entire Conference you know you have your fools You have your partials you have your Different promises that are in state you Know Birmingham promises and you know Even when I was in Michigan you know uh Coaching um a lot of the you know the State schools or public schools had what You call the Motor City promise or the Kamazo promise um where guys you know The School pays for the tuition and You're paying for X Y and Z so there's Many different ways where you get guys Things like stuff like that um obviously FBS is like if you're a full you're a

Full if you're a walk right right right FCS you know the division with FCS you Know has um different ways where you can Kind of maneuver around it where yeah U Families are happy um and the program is Still happy where you're not um uh Exceeding your your resources as I'll Say so um so it's a great thing um and I Tell you what um even as recruiting you Know High School I say on top of that Between high school and you know midye Our strength staff does a great job too Because they're you know they're finding Guys as well um they've all been Different places so um coach kri Thompson has been a million places you Know Coach Porter poris has been a Million different places that's my Workout partner he's he's actually sent Me a couple guys as well um coach Irv Who's with the doing the bill wall Strength conditioning portion he's with Uh the Titans right now so that's Awesome um everyone is you know has has Has really uh contributed to the program To where we are um along with having you Know just a great Universal Staff and Administration um and with the strin Staff you know helping out as well They're able to really mold who we're Bringing in from a strength conditioning Perspective knowing exactly what these Guys need to be successful on the field From a a preventative perspective from a

Conditioning perspective from a strength Perspective so universally man everybody Is is chipping in man so uh we do a Great job here and that's what you need To be successful is you need to have Everybody aligned you need to have Everybody you know you know all going in The same direction whether it be Strength staff you know other coaches Like we're all about you know com Competing offense defense but at the end Of the day like we're all one team and You know any you know for anybody Watching that really doesn't understand College football on that level the Strength staff spends way more time with Players than individual coaches right Like that's like that bond between those Two is just on a different level you Know so they everybody has to be aligned Ready to go in the same direction in Order to be successful so I I'll take it Even a step further you know our our President Ross Dr cable our ad and our Assistant ad uh Cyrus us uh they even do An amazing job just for the fact that They believe in our vision and um this Last class on that we brought in you Know they were they were more than than Thankful um you know always us bringing In good great High character student Athletes so you know I I have to I can't Let this you know this interview um go Without me saying you know thank you to

President Ross who was a Michigan um and two two of our swacks Very own Uh Dr cable and assistant ad Ross um as Well as our compliance Department as Well um is doing a great job in Academically our our academic Department Too so they make our job they make the Vision they make the vision happen at The end of the day right right because If you don't have that from the top like You're not getting anything done I don't Care you know how good of a coach you Are I don't care what players you bring In if those guys that are literally Calling the shots you know up top I if They're not in in line with what you got With with with what the vision of the Program is you know you're streamming You're you're swimming upstream and that Water just keeps that current just keeps Getting harder and harder right I mean No doubt no doubt Definitely and you have a a big name Coach right obviously yeah you do yeah Eddie Robinson Jr like I mean as far as Name goes I'm sure that that that uh Helps you walk into any door um Obviously he's son of uh arguably one of The top three or four coaches of all Time time in in in uh in in college Football um Eddie Robinson so it's Really it's an amazing amazing thing That you guys have going on and and

Obviously he has his own identity too so Which is really cool like um you know he Takes all the things that that he's Learned and and he has his own identity And and and he brings his own identity To program as well so which I think is Really good and he he ain't afraid to Show a little bit of a little something Different not I like that the fire I Love it swag so one thing one thing he Is swag he is swag so one thing because Um a lot of people get it mixed up he Eddie Robinson our head coach Eddie Robinson Jr he is in no relation to the Great Eddie Robinson however oh Interesting I didn't know that I did not Know that yeah a lot of people get it Mixed up um they do yeah so but he he's You know I never realized that that's I Never realiz that there two people that He highlights a lot on why he got the Coaching yeah that is um that is uh Houston Markham Jr who is one of his Longtime coaches um and Coach Eddie Robinson you know he he's a pivotal Piece amongst a lot of other people who Have contributed to you know college Football but uh no it's it's okay Because everybody everybody mixes it up I want tell you though like and you kind Of look at played in the NFL as well Eddie Robinson Jr right didn't he that's What I thought yeah so even even people Up top there have gotten it like oh man

My bad you know um everybody's made that Mistake and he I never I never realized But even going forward right like even Like you know with that being said or Whatever like you talk about him like One of his mentors right one of the Reasons he got into this whole thing was Eddie Robinson senior right and like When we talk swack like there's no way You can even have a conversation without Talking about Eddie Robinson senior and What he did for the entire you know the Conference and everything of that nature Be it all just goes hand inand no matter What but like your head coach obviously Made headlines for going back and forth With you know Dion and whatnot but like At the end of the day like I love the Fact that like I don't care who's on That sideline like you're not going to Disrespect my program you're not going To just come in here no matter who you Are how much money you have what you've Done yeah you're not going to make a Mockery of what like I have lived my Entire life I love that bill yeah like Look I've been here I've been doing this Like you're not just going to come in And all of a sudden like you're swack Because you know you you're in this Conference like that's not going to Happen and look mutual respect on both Ends you know how it works I just love That if I'm a player for that guy I'm

Going through a wall right now for you Coach you know what I'm saying and I'm Gonna tell all my other guys like hey You need to come here because look what Like my head coach he's willing to do This to this person and like it is like Let's go you know like I mean I just Think like that's the guy you want Leading your program even in terms of Administrators and things like that like Some administrators probably would have Frowned on something like that like oh That's not how we do no way man like I Want a guy that's gonna defend my Program and fight for it way doubt so Like I obviously I was with Davenport When that happened um right so you saw It from afar I saw it from afar and even When I was in the midst of doing my I do My I do a lot of research even when I Was going into college of course um I Figured out why you know the extension At Eastern Michigan was the way it was And it was because of the founding year Of the school but um doing my research Man that that fired me up and yeah it Makes you want to play for a guy like That no matter what like I could look at A million intangibles of things and Whatnot but if that's the the way my Head coach is going to be like that's a Guy I'm willing to sign up for and run And do whatever with off figure out the Other stuff but like I want the guy

That's making the calling the shots to Be that way and like we we we we don't Have to go on different interviews and No we don't have to go on social media And and disrespect any other any other Absolutely or any other institution at That we we're a class we're classy School we just we just play football um So action speak louder than words a lot Of time and in this day and age I don't Think a lot of young guys follow that Philosophy because everybody could talk And you know I always tell and coaches Heard me say you know look everybody Wants to smoke till there's smoke right And it's like look I I can say all these Things and I can look pretty in all my Videos and do all that but like when we Line up and get between the chalk and Put a helmet on like who are you now GNA Be because your words mean nothing when We can get out here and play at the end Of the day like make no mistake though If you disrespect us you're gonna feel Us 100% like we ain't just G to be Sitting over here doing what we we going To give you a little something if you Going to disrespect us you going to feel Us we're going to be we we greed off Being intentional so if you going to Intentionally disrespect us we're gonna Intentionally come back at you just be Ready ABS 100% I love it and I think That's why I I love the intensity of the

Program that he brings like you feel the Intensity and and I think Derek and you Said it Too you feel that intensity you feel the Love for the game from him like you feel Like the pass this is important to me This isn't this isn't a show this is What this is what we do like I've Dedicated my life to this this program And and any program that he could be a Part of maybe in the future but maybe He'll be there forever you know who Knows in in College college football can Be crazy but uh but he uh he dedicated His life to it and to have to have Someone play for somebody like that That's to me like as a parent I'm a Parent like those those are the kind of Guys that I look for my kid to be a part Of right guys that will go through a W For you that stand by their guys you Know what I mean and that that's really I think honestly what it comes right Down to it it really had has nothing to Do with him it has to do I standing by My guys these are my guys you're not g To do something that takes my guys my Coaches my administ that's not gonna Happen and and I love that part of it um It wasn't like it wasn't like a not Switch gear but I I do want to talk to Coach before he because he's got to get Ready I do want to talk to him a little Bit about running back play because he

Is a running back Guru you know we we Could do another podcast one day about All this kind of stuff too but I do want To talk to you a little bit about Running back play because that um uh Obviously you're doing a phenomenal job Recruiting but running back uh you know Like you said at the beginning like Those guys that that like those are your Guys those are the guys like like you Identify with what those guys do you're Trying to get the most out of them um And those are the guys that you work With directly on a regular basis talk About the running back position Especially how it's evolved right like In the last 10 to 15 years you know um But talk about the running back position And the kind of guys that you want you Know you want to have as your running Backs what what what that characteristic Is because running backs one of the few Positions they could be tall short a Stocky lean like everybody body kind of Has a different preference what what is It you look for in a running back I I Look for selfless guys I look for Selfless guys I don't care you can be The smallest I got guys from all shapes And sizes um some some big some small Some muscular some not but at the end of The day these guys are selfless um That's why we are called the 3 three4 Stable you know I have different

Chapters every place I've gone um Starting at the University of Finley and On um we're either you know the the Finley stable we're the Davenport or 616 Stable we're the 334 stable here I know A lot of people use that stable term but I thoroughly use it as a culture my Culture in my room um resonates with my Culture philosophy as a whole which is Relatability plus confidence equals Trust you know I at the end of the day Uh have to learn these guys both as as As student athletes but as as people you Know their parents are entrusted me to Develop them no matter what um from There you got to build the confidence Through drill play you know your drill Play uh when you build that confidence Through drill play you're showing why These drills are going to correlate on Game day Um within that when it works within Those different uh individual periods Team scenario periods on game day um Having if we a great job at using this Or man had you used this if you bang Been bouncer Berry or hey have you Gotten skinny through there hot feeded Through there uh depending on the Different scenarios and situations on The field it builds that trust they know I'm going to put them in the most Successful situation possible no matter What but at the end of the day no matter

If you're the top of the dep chart Bottom of the depth chart you're going To be prepared like you are going to get 20 plus carries a game I gotta have guys That are ready to roll and I trust every I trust every person these guys have Come from different backgrounds Different stories if we had more time The list of goes on of of what these Guys can contribute to the game but you Got to have complete backs so I'm Looking for complete back a guy who's Not afraid to run in between the tackles To trust their speed and open field to Be able to catch but mainly be able to Block what do you do without the Football all right what do you do Without the football you got to be able To enforce the Finish without the ball Okay you got to be a guy that is on his PS and q's and pass protection no matter If it's uh uh full slide versus uh half Slide Man slide all right you got to be That guy to be able to ID and scan Defenses I got I I I build intelligence In the room I build intelligence I I Work off the IQ that you already had Some guys come from scratch some guys Know a lot of great things and that's no Knock to whatever program they came from But in the day you're going to be a Complete back because I'm the head coach Of this room okay I'm the head coach of This room so I'm looking for guys who

Are just overall trusting within their Ability and trusting me to build off What they have all right and I tell my Guys don't be anybody else but yourself Okay if you're a a 511 225 pound back Don't try to be Reggie Bush you need to Be marshan Lynch you need to be Bo Jackson you need to be Adrien Peterson You need to be the list goes on all Right the same thing I like when those When the smaller backs my in space guys My trer guys are able to look at Physical backs because some of these Guys though they're small they're very Burly right right so they're I can trust Them in between the tackles just as much As in space and they trust their speed All right we we have a little thing we Call we enforcer finish you got to Force To finish in All Phases doesn't matter Enforce to finish on runs en Force to Finish and pass Pro enforcing to finish On catches and forcing to finish and Chasing the play all right chase the Play um and we universally as an offense Do a great job at that so um those are The guys that I have in my room and we Have a family culture um it's not hey I'm better than you I'm this I'm that It's not it's a if he gets a first down We all got a first down if he messed up That's okay we're all going to correct It no matter matter what we we have a Selfish room a very humbling room man

And shoot I I I love them for trusting Me to make and teach life through the Game yeah Absolutely do do you do you like to use Like from at least from a tailback Standpoint do you like to use two backs In a like how do you kind of enjoy you Know what I mean rotating because Because the old days right I mean before When when I was young like you had the One back carried the ball now there's Some teams that that still do that but Most kind of have two guys right that Are their main guys and and they make Sure they they um you know it might be Uh you know 6040 7030 but but there's Two guys that they rely on H how what's Kind of your philosophy with that with The backs well the biggest thing for me Is I preach and teach versatility so I Can get more guys on the field you're Obviously gonna travel multiple more Than two backs so everybody has to be Good at something and you have to Embrace your role so these guys Embrace Their roles whether uh my route Runners My in space guys um when I get the two Back I can have a big little big big or Little little um that that way you know Being multiple uh multiple personels in Multiple formations allows me to be um Have my hand in in multiple backs and Still be able to get multiple carries With certain guys putting that putting

The ball in the right hands of guys and Keeping the guy if a guy's hot man you Hot man and Hey coach that's it it is it is what it Is but you're not you know back in the Day you had those big you had really Burly backs like um the Eddie George's Where being that one back or or even Bo Jackson um where you're sustaining and Even Walter Peyton shots that you're Taking on the regular now over time man As football evolves you can't just grind One guy into the ground you know you Gota you got you got to be ready for Having multiple situations or anything That happens but you also got to be Ready for the fourth quarter you got to Be ready for the fourth quarter so you Got to use multiple backs um um as what I learned as a young coach coming up and I'm still considered a young I'm only Going into the year seven some guys I'm Coaching with some guys who've been in In for 15 plus years great and we all Learn and teach off of each other but uh Versatility is key versatility is key And obviously um when you watch my drill Tapes and how I develop guys I'm showing Indie phase I'm showing a you're showing It all you're not hiding much coach I You know I respect that as a as a high School coach myself and whatnot like Your openness to kind of let everybody Know kind of what you do and how you do

It you know what I mean I think that for Us guys like I respect that more and now You know when I'm looking to send guys Certain places I'm gonna say hey coach Lewis at Alabama state right like you See what he does so I want you to go That way so is you know the biggest Thing too that I show is how is this Drill used at the next level right how Is it used at the next level and two I'm Not gonna be that coach that is going to Hide my good stuff no absolutely not why Would you do that like why would I don't Understand why guys do that anyway like Why would at one point at one point I Had to create my Foundation like this Just didn't happen overnight and I knew My manual and I did this and I no I had I learned from from a lot of great Coaches man you know Alonzo Carters and He met me off one of my first clinics to Ever did with the co our coaches Network And he's like man you got some good Stuff and you know I learned stuff from People with different positions I Learned from many different um running Back coaches that I've uh come encounter With and they learn stuff off of me but I'm not gonna hide my stuff because There's Somebody in this profession no matter The obstacles it might be that guy That's first starting out just like Myself as a volunteer coach made $1,000

Under the table just took what the what That Administration was able to give me And I'm going to give them the nuggets On how they can create their own style Their own uh teaching progressions their Own philosophy into creating a complete Back even when I become a coordinator in The immediate future I'm still gonna Coach the running backs you're not gonna Let me give up my baby but I'm going to Let me give let me give you nuggets let Me give you what I've learned of what Let me give what I did as a player Because there's not too many running Back coaches in today's age that have Played the position let alone as Coaching the position at a high level And it doesn't matter what level you are There's some great players at the D3 D2 D1 FCS and FBS everybody's taking everybody it's Like the waiver wire nowadays so what it Is it's open it's free agency man it it Really is it's you know guys are out There just pipping and grabbing and Doing whatever and it's like it's just What it is and when you're starting out At the D3 level you you're grind you're Grinding man you're grinding so I took An approach of being a sponge you know And learning from other guys and then Putting my own spill on what I experien And what my what my RBI experience Playing at you know the FBS and FCS

Level myself and I want to give those Nuggets to the next person don't be Afraid to to hit me up don't be afraid To take my stuff take it take exactly How I coached it if you got to put a Little it's a uh it's sense of like you Know like I I I've always felt a sense a Certain sense of Pride or whatever when Guys steal my stuff like even if they're Doing it like whatever like to me that's Humbling right like okay my stuff was Obviously good enough that you felt the Need to go and and and take it so I've Always been an open book with it I also Am under the impression that like hey Man if I'm that good it shouldn't matter Whether you know exactly what we're Doing or what we're going or or how We're training or doing all that other Stuff like try and do what we do because I just know that for me as a coach my Moxy my my approach to things like it's Always going to be a little bit Different and then those guys will take That from me and then you go put your Own spin on it if you want to take my Stuff it's it's like a it's a you know You just feel football is all stolen Anyway that's all is everybody's taking Stuff from everybody and then put other Than whoever may have started football Way back in uh I don't know 18 whatever Um but it's it's all stolen and taken And it's all uh and and the word I like

To use is it's it's an evolution of Drills like people are evolving drills Evolving schemes evolving things so You're taking principles from something You see that you like and then you said You said it Derek put your spin on it And that makes it more of your own right And and I think that's why not take Especially in in in football why not Take something from something that has Been successful and you say I can Enhance this and when you enhance it and And that's the great thing about you Putting out your stuff you're putting Out hey this is how I do it and then you Might see what you do and say you know What I really like this but I want to do This this way or you have to adapt it to The level that you're coaching right you Know coach what you're doing at Alabama State you know I'm not going to be able To do that on a regular basis with like My high school guys right so you got to Kind of adapt it to your levels but at The same time hey this is what we do This is what those guys at that level Are doing you can be as successful doing That exactly and then like you know I I Get the privilege of knowing guys like You know uh coach cpsia at Alabama where You know we've putting taking stuff off Each other you know coach uh Keenan Halls coach you know Larry Warner you Know these are guys that I would your

Name dropping now coach your name Dropping I have no problem with it Because um there's things that they've Taught me that there's things that I've Been able to give to them that they've Asked questions and been intrigued about Andes those guys have ultimately done a Great job but too me putting that stuff On social media there's one thing to Oversell yourself um and I know some Older coaches that hire and fire but There's some coaches older coaches that Are in positions that hire and fire but They understand now that they're we're In an era of social media absolutely This is what it is man adaptive if I'm Bringing a a running back in I want them To know how I develop guys you know and Two a lot of the stuff that I put on Social media is the reason why I've been Able to speak at the afca our coaches Network it's the reason why I've been Able to meet so many great coaches and They become my my friends and family I've met a lot of people some people I've coached with and I told them Strictly because I'm a genuine person Likey man we'll never not be friends but I've met people along the way we pick Each other's brains and we become family I send textes all the time to people Both in RB position out of the RB Position head coaches um Pro coaches all That and it's all out of love but they

Met me through what I've put on social Media and I'll never I don't get to the Point where it's like I'm posting hey Man I just took two steps down the hall Like no I'm not doing that I'm posting Nuggets so people can take High School Level College just it's quality over It's it's Quality quality you know you Could post something every single day But at the end of the day like what are We what are we really taking from it and What is it really helping me with I get It it's a it's a great approach coach I Think the biggest thing that you could Take out of it too is hey number one You're helping others get better whether It's athletes or coaches and then number Two Listen by showcasing what you do You're helping your career as well is What you spoke you know you said because Listen they could see without ever Having to meet you they can actually see Your resume you're presenting a you're Presenting you're doing a presentation You're doing a presentation each day on What you do same thing as if you were Standing up there at a clinic doing a PowerPoint going through everything Right like and now you're actually like Coming out and and and like here here's What it is also like there's a certain Way that like I would look at it right Dave and like you know obviously you've Been a head coach and whatnot like if

You see a guy that's confident in his Work to be presenting it out like that Right like that's a guy that I I'm going To entertain and say hey this guy does It this way I really like that yeah and A lot of the stuff that you know the Coaches have picked brains those are the Some of the same drills that I've been Able to even go talk at the Coalition in Vegas and at the afca year after year I've been able to speak um probably four Times in the last three years um even my First afca I got to do uh Buzz sessions And stuff but I've been able to speak Four times in the last three years and It's just because I love I love talking Football I'm passionate about this man You know you you're in a sport that Builds confidence um builds uh Personalities builds overall morale as a Person just as much as a teammate so any Chance I get to have time to be able to Speak it demonstrate it um allow people To pick my brain on my why absolutely I'm gonna do it absolutely and R and the The positions to me like the running Back is number one on where you could Develop them with Drills probably more in any other Position but I always think of running Back offensive line defensive line Because the drills are very you can Architect drills that are very similar To the game situations for them things

That they're going to have to deal with In those those three air those three Positions more than anywhere else Because you know wide receiver has to Run down the field to have a DB cover Him you know in order to really get a Full simulation what is DB same thing He's got to have a wide get a full Simulation a linebacker has to se all The pieces move but a a running back an Offensive line and defensive line they Can work within a vacuum and do all the Work they need to do to simulate game Situations and they can work in the full The full Breath Right the full teamwork Or or half team work and be able to get The breath of it and I think that's one Of the beauties of running back is that You literally if they said to you all Right you have two hours and you can go And do everything you need to do running Backs you guys don't ever come over by Us you'd be able to find drills over and Over Again to get it done if you just Practice literally by yourself and that I think that's one of the unique things About the running back position that is Really that has to be awesome to coach From that standpoint you know we got People on our staff to are versatile uh I'll give you an example um even when I First got here um and started Implementing uh my drill manual which I

Think I'm up to almost 50 drills because I at least come up with three new ones Out the blue um each year each offseason Um coach James Williams who's our NFL Leaon um associate coach and our DB Coach he initially he played both he Played DB and he played running back and He just loved the the the durability or The development of the guys um over the Course of the year um from when I got Here up until even this past spring up To this point um and he does a great job With the DBS we talk junk to each other All the time but uh um he he he he grew To love even our head coach grew to love A lot of the drills especially with the Ball security um uh phase of things how I teach ball security but uh both of Them grew to love it they even you know When I do a little extra they sit out And just watch and and pick my brain Like man I really like that drill why Blah blah blah blah blah you know um so It it's it's a lot of love man but don't If I'm telling the next coach even if You're um I don't like to use the word Season um because some some older Coaches will take that personally season We you know I say the vet coaches you Know vet Co vet coaches don't hide your Stuff young coaches be willing to uh get With older coaches don't be a SP you Know be a sponge don't be a guy who's Just um who who's who's comfortable who

Knows everything yeah who knows Everything or his comfortable where he's At because there's always something you Can learn there's always something you Can build off of it's a great message so And I even said that at the afca you Know get the get with older coaches get With the afca get with the Coalition get With this get with this fine Network Here that I've been able to you know Finally be able to interview with with Two fine coaches themselves that know Football get with the art coaches Network there's so many different Outlets where you can learn so much from So many different people all right and Again it kind of correlates with my Little saying that I learned along the Way you know there's River guys versus Ocean Guys Like You Gotta Be You got to Be a river guy if you sit and watch the River flow that stream no matter how Many rocks you skip no matter how many Times you kick the water that stream is Always going to stay current it's going To stay calm and Collective and you Can't you know you want to be a river Guy the ocean guy he gets caught up with The highs and caught up with the lows Meaning if I'm a coach I can't or even From a players perspective I get a Little too high I get a little too low And as a coach I can't bring you down From the highs or I can't bring you up

From the lows you know are you a Complete back can I trust you in every Situation even in all adversity and that Doesn't just that's not just football That's life so I I I I preach being the River Guy versus The OA guy at the end Of the day man no no doubt about it and Coach Vernon Hargraves who was my Linebacker coach at College he used to Say like it's never as good as you think It is and it's never as bad as you think It is you know like you know stay stay Even kill because when you get in the Film room and you think you oh I just Had the worst game had great day yeah or Well either either way you think you had Bad game there are things you did really Well there are things we got to correct When you had a really good game there Are still things that you didn't do well That we got to correct and there are Obviously things that you did did do Well and and I you know stay even K so You continue to learn I think that's a Great thing don't be a river guy don't Be a ocean that's really great it's Awesome I appreciate that a lot man Appreciate It uh coach I don't I don't want to hold You up much longer um I I I really Appreciate you coming on I mean you know You really you're really represent I Might be frozen on your screen here so You're just hearing my voice and and for

Some reason my thing just froze but um I Really appreciate you coming on and and Really enjoy you know this the podcast And talking with you listen you ever Want to come on again you get you get Some free time in in the season I don't Know if you will but you want want to Talk some more we'd love to have you on We really enjoyed you taking the Opportunity and and coming on here and Listen what you keep going on the pace You're going you're you're going to Fulfill that that that dream of being a Head coach one day there's no doubt About it 100% appreciate you taking the Time coach especially you know with Camp Coming up right now you know everything So you know it shows a lot about you That you're willing to take the time to Talk to the two of us when meanwhile you Got guys literally rolling in and out of Your office because you know they're It's report day so it just shows who you Are coach and we might have lost coach You but you know I'll speak for both of Us and say like look we're we're really Happy that she that you came on and Whatnot and we'll continue to grow this Relationship and we'll link up whether It be on a podcast or whether will meet Up at the afca convention and uh and sit Down and talk some more absolutely man I I honestly honor and privileged to be Able to represent the university you

Know football program of my family today Um man this would not be the last time That we we hook up and link up no man We'll do this again that's for sure That's no doubt man and I I wish you Guys the best of luck and continuing to You know give these guy everybody every Coaching Outlet to continue to talk ball And just you know really throw it out There and shoot again I encourage these Coaches man get with get with a lot of Coaches man build your family you know Build your guys up man and love one Another man so I appreciate you guys all Right Coach man we'll talk to you soon Have a fun good luck enjoy Camp get Crazy you know what I mean like enjoy Enjoy that enjoy that day after day After day grind but look for guys like Us where this is the passion and this is The love like this is great like guys Aren't dreading going to Camp like You're in love with this and like can't Wait to like get in that room and you Know you're the head coach of your guys So we look forward to following you this Season and we'll get uh uh we'll get Together again soon when you got some Free time awesome thank you take coach Have a great weekend too all right we'll See you soon won go Hornets thank you Baby got it you got it go Hornets all right it's awesome great Great great great good stuff man he's

Passionate you can see why he's a 30 Under 30 guy no doubt about it he he's a Leader and uh you know passionate about The game um I I I love the running back Stuff as as a as as a former running Back I love hearing um and you heard him Perk up when it was like let's talk Running back oh yeah there's no doubt About it it's you got to love what you Do whether you love your you know it's Just and he does you can see and look if I'm a player that's the guy you want to Go to you want to be in a room like that Like a guy that just exudes that and it Just seeps out of him where every day He's Juiced just to be there no matter What it is absolutely great great shows Great having coach on Coach Lewis on Great podcast I will get on out of here For today we'll be back tomorrow

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