Femke Bol blasts 50.90 to close in on Mclaughlin-levrone pre olympics
Fem Cabo here in lane four goes goes After CD MC Laughlin's record at her own National Championship qualifier run 50.9 Turtle then she'll be switching Back to her old habit 15 strides so what Can f ball do here as you see just Coasts past adekoya there down the back Straight approaching halfway f ball in Command adekoya is putting it up to her Best here at the moment but really this Is once again FAL against the clock as She rounds the last adak Koya it is in Second going well there as well as Yasmin Giger in fonzo fonzo it is back In third at the moment but f ball turns For home approaches this last barrier Fem Ball by a street it is at aoya and Fono battling for second but how quick Can FK ball go and Le def fans it's fast It's very fast 50.96 it is a massive personal best for F ball an astonishing performance a European