Fantastic tip from tom brady on throwing

Give me one throwing drill that that you Think is most important to you when you Were still developing so number one is Always Point your lead shoulder at the Target and then one thing as I got older Instead…

Give me one throwing drill that that you Think is most important to you when you Were still developing so number one is Always Point your lead shoulder at the Target and then one thing as I got older Instead of swinging my left arm open to Create torque I would leave my left arm More in front of my body and I would Torque around my left arm so instead of Swinging my left arm open and all my Momentum going to the left of the target I would stay at the Target I rotate my Hips but keep my left shoulder on plane And might flatten my shoulders out it Flattened my eyes out and allowed for a Way more accurate delivery I think these Drills that Brady is Shared and the way that you carry your Arm when you throw is and the rotation Or not Rotation is really really amazing tip From Tom Brady probably should put a Shirt on but other than that great tip

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