Expanding Sports Coverage to Highlight All Student-Athletes!

Join us in this inspiring discussion as Speaker 00 highlights efforts to expand sports coverage at Shore Sports Network, focusing on the inclusion of student-athletes. Discover the challenges and triumphs of broadening sports representation, emphasizing girls’ sports and the growing…

Join us in this inspiring discussion as Speaker 00 highlights efforts to expand sports coverage at Shore Sports Network, focusing on the inclusion of student-athletes. Discover the challenges and triumphs of broadening sports representation, emphasizing girls’ sports and the growing popularity of volleyball! #SportsCoverage #Inclusion #StudentAthletes #ShoreSports #Volleyball #GirlsSports #FieldHockey #AthleticCommunity #YouthSports #SportsEquality

So and then kind of looking around and Uh you know there's different like you Said there's not as much going on in North Jersey either companies spread Really wide where they're doing like the Whole state and it's not real like down To the nitty-gritty coverage or somebody Super locally centralized where maybe It's only a couple schools or a couple Programs and so that at least with the Shore the now 48 schools as we we Welcome New Egypt it's like kind of that Sweet spot of like okay we can we can Kind of expand the coverage and we can Highlight more kids more student Athletes but it's not too much to do it Within that one spot because uh you know In the past they really only did two boy Sports a season like that was that was The model it was foot it because of Football as long as they were getting Paid for whatever the sport was that's All that's all that mattered so that's Not that wasn't my philosophy so I I Brought on girl sports right out of the Gate ABS I actually was I actually was Going field hockey first just because There were more girls um and then we Were going to do a weekly on volleyball The volleyball just took a absolute Whirlwind and I mean the amount of Outreach from that so I just I ended up Leaning into volleyball a lot more just Because of that and I feel bad I still

Want to get field hockey rolling a Little bit better but you know we'll get There as as we bring people ony steps Baby steps right like little by little Right because you want to do it right as You progress and move forward exactly

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