Epi. 33: How to Take Your Branding To an Elite Level That Converts Into Sales W/ The Brand Doctor…

This week,Coach Schuman Covers the topic of Elite Level Branding That Converts into Sales with the Brand Doctor Henry Kaminski. His elite level branding that he does for clients specifically looking to covert into sales covers some of today’s hottest…

This week,Coach Schuman Covers the topic of Elite Level Branding That Converts into Sales with the Brand Doctor Henry Kaminski.
His elite level branding that he does for clients specifically looking to covert into sales covers some of today’s hottest topics. Learn how one the earliest branders for Click Funnels and other Elite Companies grew from his consulting and coaching.

Topics discussed:

1. How To Brand Your Business

2. What Makes Click Funnels Unique and How to use the “Tool”

3. Why Focusing On Higher Ticket, Lower Headache Clients Really Makes A Difference In your Business

Henry also gives his take with Dave Schuman on entrpreneur legends Gary Vaynerchuk and Grant Cardone

Links mentioned in this episode:

Henry Kaminski at www.uniquedesignz.com

Success For Life Podcat www.successforlifepodcast.com



Watch The Video Here on Youtube https://youtu.be/7cc51Xw-LFI

@nucfootball on twitter

@daveschuman on Instagram

Welcome to coach David schuman's success For Life podcast where coach Schuman Tackles the important topics and Interviews the very best in business Sports and Leadership to help you Maximize your success if you're looking To get the most out of everything you do Then listen now to the success for Life Podcast this coach schan here with the Success for Life podcast we have a very Special guest on with us today uh Henry Kaminsky From Unique Designs and it's it's an Unbelievable I came across it at LinkedIn and uh I I can't remember if You reached out to me or how exactly it Happened but then I got drawn into his Website and and was just blown Completely away um I want to introduce You guys to him and let him tell him a Little little bit about yourself and Then we're going to talk about just some Of the things that I think he's doing That's Dynamic and and different and We'll talk a little bit about the Business space as well and what we see Going on in sales because there's so Much stuff going on there's so much Information out there there's so much [ __ ] as I like to say out there as Well right so um it's it's a couple of Jersey guys uh connecting here and and And uh really trying to take things to The next level and obviously my focus is

On small business growth uh um Henry's Gonna focus on building your business as Big as possible so I definitely want to Introduce him and I'll let him run and Tell you a little bit more about himself Well Dave thanks a lot for having me on The show really appreciate it and Link Is a is a very powerful platform I've I've met some some rock stars via LinkedIn uh folks have been on my Podcast the brand doctor podcast and uh I've been on theirs like we're doing Today and it's just LinkedIn is just a Great platform to connect with Like-minded entrepreneurs and business Owners that are all trying to you know Do the same thing so you know I Appreciate being on the show and uh so Real quick a little bit behind you know Backstory on me uh started out as a Graphic designer 10 and a half years ago And I was just that oneman band Freelancer just cranking away um and one Day I woke up after 20 hours it was About the first year of business right 20 hour days working on a laptop I Didn't even have a mouse I was using the The the little platform on the on the on The laptop as my mouse right designing You know for local cover bands and um Types of of small projects right and uh I woke up a year later and there was There was a quarter of a million dollars In the bank and it was amazing how if

You just you know follow your passion And and really just dive into something And go super super deep with it you you Become you become a master of it and so When I did when I started that and I Really focused in on graphic design it I Really started to build up the business Now there's a whole back story sted that Too I worked at hackin sack Medical Center uh and hackens Sack you know in My corporate career and it was kind of Funny how I bumped into graphic design So you know when I first started at the Hospital I was cleaning coffee pots Checking insurance cards making sure People had Insurance before they went Into surgery right that's how that's That was what four years of college Education got me right out of college And uh so I did that for a couple years And then I I I I I was a hustler from The beginning man I I never stopped my Father I saw my father work four jobs And you know he had me mowing lawns at 12 and so I always had this strong work Ethic so as I was building up my my my My name in the hospital I finally landed A career at the sudden infant death Syndrome Center in the children's Hospital and uh my responsibility was to Create uh fundraising events uh and then Take that money that I raised and help Families that lost the baby to sudden Infant death syndrome in the state of

New Jersey so I was responsible for you Know creating events like we would do Events at The boardwalking Point Pleasant we would go to Dorney Park and You know all different types of events It was a very rewarding job but it was Very sad at the same time but I actually Had Z100 sponsor one of my events one Year and it was just literally cold Turkey I emailed Danielle Monero from The morning show and she responded back She's like I'd love to help you and so I Needed like really good Market getting Materials for this particular event so My buddy was a graphic designer and he Offered to do all the design work for me So I sat next to him and I watched him Design all the Flyers and the posters And everything and I was blown away I Was like I didn't even know what graphic Design was so I was like I need to know And learn this stuff so I got my boss to Uh buy the Photoshop file uh the program For me and I started doing all the Invitations and promos inh house and That's how I started to really get my Feet wet with graphic design and then Fast forward about two years later the Hospital started downsizing a little bit And they had a crazy crazy uh thing Going on and it was the it was it was About 2008 so the economy was going to Hell in the hand basket so things were Tightening up for for the hospital and

They said to me you know the beginning Of 2009 if um if you uh want to stay Here you're going to become someone's Secretary um and that's pretty much the Game plan for you Um and they sort Of walked me through that a little bit Like they would split up half they first They cut me to part-time and then they Um they um gave me that news and so I Saw it coming uh but then I said you Know what this is my calling I need to Do this I feel it inside I'm still Scared as hell but I'm G to try it Anyway and do it and what's the worst Thing that can happen I go find another Job so that was it and then that first Year I just nose to the Grind wheel Hustled 20h hour days I was the Accountant I was the designer I was the Salesperson I was the delivery man I was Everything inside of my business and um You know here I am 10 and a half years Later now got a lot of bumps and bruises Along the way any any business owner and You know in business this long will tell You you know it's not this easy peasy Road um and so you know hit my Million-dollar Mark around year three And once design became a commodity once These websites started coming out and You were getting designs for like $5 and Stuff uh it really put a huge crush on My business I wasn't I was the

Competition was getting I couldn't Compete with $ Five Doll jobs you know I Mean who who can so I I started to to I Said if I can't beat him I'll join them So I started working as a Fiverr Designer I don't know if anybody knows What Fiverr is of course yeah but um I Started working as a Fiverr designer I Didn't know what to do and I was working My ass and you know at the end of the Week I'd see like $90 be deposited into My bank account you know and I was like This isn't going to be sustainable and Then there was this one woman who Ordered business cards and she wanted me To design them and she was treating me Like dirt like less than dirt and six Hours later she finally approved the Design now doe the math you know $ five For my job I worked six hours so I was Getting paid about 30 cents an hour and I said to myselfi can't do this anymore And so I started to look for different I Almost quit I almost quit because I said Maybe this just isn't for me uh I don't I don't know if this is going to be my Career PL going forward I don't know and Then the top it all off Hurricane Sandy Came Through and and started wiping out two Of my big clients I worked for big Liquor distributors and they would both Of them accounted for About half a million dollars worth of

Business as far as sales go and so when They when Sandy came through and wiped Them out I was devastated I mean because They came back and they said sorry Henry We're gonna bring everything in house we Can't so just it was just one bad news After the next and so I didn't change my Lifestyle and for a kid growing up who Didn't have much money when it came into That kind of money at such a young age And so quickly yeah I became a big Douchebag and you know I'm not going to Lie you know I was a I nobody could tell Me anything I always wanted to be the Big fish in the small pond and always Had to have the nicest car and the Watches and the cars and all that stuff And eventually it blew up in my face my My family sort of turned their back on Me because they were like who the hell Do you think you are you know we know Who you are so stop trying to be who You're not and you know to this day you Know some of them still don't talk to me But Um you know thank God for my wife Because she was there before you know we Were just dating at the time and uh it Was before Unique Designs really even Got its feet on the ground and um so you Know she still pulls out the business Card I gave her when I first met I was Like yeah yeah I'm a graph and Di with My own business you know I was that guy

I was 23 years old I thought it was the Best thing you know I thought I was this I thought I was like Trump you know so Anyway um ups and downs and I finally Got back on my feet because I realized That I needed to reposition my value I Needed to deliver value at a higher Level so I wasn't commoditized anymore And so I dove deep deep deep into Branding and strategy and digital Marketing and marketing and sales funnel Design and all of that and I bumped into Clickfunnels all right so let me stop You I want to stop you right there Because I want I want to hit on this Something that I'm I'm truly intrigued About and I think our Listeners um will absolutely love what You're going to talk about here um Myself I've been trying to transition my Own self over to clickfunnels you know I Have a clickfunnels account I I can't Think of the guy who who Russell Russell Rson Brunson you know I've watched all His videos everything everything you Know so um and that's just how I am as An entrepreneur like I want to kind of Roll roll my sleeves up make sure I Understand everything start that process And then and then and then get rolling Uh so much success that I've seen at Least recently in the last couple of Years uh have come through groups that Are now in Click FS people originally

Like I had lead Pages a couple years ago That I had um I had hired a guy that Helped me with my I have a big social Media following and um I had it kind of Got overwhelming at one point because There was so many messages coming Through so many leads coming through and So I had hired a guy to really help me With that and we used lead Pages which Was good but then there was all kinds of Issues with it and I I still needed X For this and X for that and so recently In the last couple months I I came Across click Fones just started Consuming content on clickfunnels you Know and that's kind of just how I am um And when I I built my company the first Thing I did was I wrote a book and Before this is back in 2002 before I I Was originally training athlete Um now I'm completely in the football Space from a business standpoint but Originally I was training athletes and And I wrote a book that was the first Thing I did was actually wrote a book so I had my own model I spent 22 out of 24 Hours a day just writing it I can't even Remember what was going on in my Relationships half the time there Because the person I was in a Relationship with I would forget half The things I that whole that whole time Period is almost like a a slate of me Just remembering writing that was it so

It's crazy czy um so I started my Business that way and then kicked off And started building and got into Different things from there and and it Grew and um but was really interesting Is when I started going into Clickfunnels it really began to Intrigue Me because my business which I which we Talked about before we went on live is We were in 5,000 fastest growing company 2011 to2 um probably could have been in 2013 I just I don't think I filled out The form that year because I didn't see A huge benefit from it after from a Business standpoint it wasn't like that Big of an impact for me um but then we Plateaued and then we actually started To collapse and now we're in the process Of rebuilding a lot of what you you know Kind of talked about when you talked About the $5 fivr stuff we deal with in Our side we run camps and stuff we went From uh our model we don't charge a lot But there's all these free like so the Big shoe companies Nike Adidas Under Armour run three programs now so we had Figure out how to adjust our model Because it went from one year you know We were doing two million in sales to You know almost half in in a year and so Employees like we went from having 15 Employees in house to almost None and so we had to use contractors And and decentralize a lot of things so

Coming across clickfunnels is really Interesting and that's when I came Across as I was going through clicks and And and you you talked to me on LinkedIn And and and you talking about how you Utilize click funnels in design I'd love For you to talk about like how you Discovered it and what you're you know How you're utilizing click fundles in Association what you're doing from from Your business and and what kind of Impact do you think it has for for Customers and in sales yeah well it it's A d so first and foremost I love Russell Brunson he's a client of mine I was a Client of his for a couple years and and And I helped him sort of Rebrand the Clickfunnels when clickfunnels first Came out you know he was his identity as Visuals were all over the place and we Were able to sort of wrangle all that in And and really create some really great Impactful you know visual identity in Branding um and then you know in as a Flip you know he was helping me sort of Get back on my feet and really walk me Through the digital marketing uh uh Space and really helped me understand Funnel design and well yeah funnel Design and and architecture right so I Knew that there was a need in the Clickfunnels community because people W Using it but they weren't designers they Weren't um Savvy in this side of it you

Know they could they could put the Templates together right but they all They all started to look the same you Know everybody would just you know Change a color here and there right but The fonts and everything were all the Same so I came in and people started to See my design work and the F and in the Funnel world and they were like I didn't Even know clickfunnels could do That and that's what transformed my Business I found a niche that that was Hurting and needing of something badly And I filled the void you know I I I I Came in and but then there was a Lot you know there was there's a lot to Do with that so I want to first and Foremost tell your audience that Clickfunnels is a phenomenal tool and Let's not forget it's a tool it's just Like a hammer when you go build a house But if you don't have the Blueprint before you go build the house That hammer is going to do you no Good and so I want your audience to Really understand that clickfunnels is a Great tool to use to grow your business Generate leads generate Sales Online It's great but if you do not have the Foundational strategy the brand strategy The business strategy to use funnels you Are going to waste a tremendous amount Of time money energy and you will be out Of business before you even launch why

Because you didn't do your homework and I don't know how you want to preface This I don't know what what theme you Want to mark this podcast but I'm all About the basics and and when it comes To branding and branding Is the experience you give your audience Or the people that you want to serve or Sell to or your your target audience It's the gut feeling people get when They interact with you in your business It's that promise that you deliver you Know to your audience that's what brand Is you know people don't buy products or Service they buy brand you're not Wearing that sweatshirt today because You know it's a phenomenal sweatshirt You bought the sweatshirt because of the Brand that's tailored to the front of it Right that's why you bought the Sweatshirt so that's what people are Missing when they're using this Particular tool and so when I have folks Coming to me from the clickfunnels Community now you know I'm very Selective on who it is that I move Forward with to help them because what Happens is if they don't if they're out There just trying to sell you know Donald Trump toilet paper through a Sales funnel one that's not going to Really help that's not going to fulfill Me as a brand strategist right but if You have a a great business that you

Want to impact the world and truly help People and you want to create a business That is going to be long term you know Then I'm more in inclined to and and You're willing to do the homework you're Willing to build the bottom build from The bottom up then I'm more inclined to Work with you because I just seen a lot Of get rich quick people in this Community and it's bothering me and I Unfortunately had to remove myself from It because I just couldn't deal with it Anymore and toxic behavior and I don't Know where that's all coming from but it Needs to stop because these you're You're actually wherever this Information's coming from it is doing These folks a disservice because if you Don't know how to properly build a Business you shouldn't be building a Business and I'm sorry clickfunnels is a Phenomenal tool but it's not a business You cannot build a business off of it I'm sorry I'm sorry build a brand and Use clickfunnels to build it so it's all About the tools and understanding that And and when you do that you're GNA be Much more successful in the long run Right H H how do you how do you help People so someone comes to you and says Hey uh you know I have this business I've had some things that have been Successful and now uh you know they may Have come to you CU they they saw what

You did you saw your background how do I Get the strategy from a branding Standpoint so I can go ahead and then Utilize tools like clickfunnel or uh or I guess slash um build my business in a Stepbystep process that makes my brand Look like something special or in a lot Of cases like when I first started my Company you know just like you were I Was a oneman show driving around in my Car working with athletes and like you Know I built I built the reputation from One person to another but if you went Online you would think that I had a Thousand clients and because I broke you Know I I videotaped stuff I did with Them I broke down what I was doing with Them so I wasn't saying that I had a Thousand clients but you could see Exactly what I was doing this is a long Time ago yeah it was a rudimentary site But the thing that I always I long for That site in a sense because it was it Really just articulated exactly what I Was trying to do it had the book that I Wrote which had all the information in It and at time was a PDF we actually Would send it to them or or they could Download it and then it had the videos Of what I was doing and why and that was Basically it and then it could click it Click and and either book book a Training session um or or buy one of the Things and that was really it on the

Site um and it was back one a time you Know 2002 2003 where it wasn't um a big Deal and my background believe it or not I was when I first got out of my went to College I I played football in college Got my NBA um I went right away into Technology industry and I I was lucky Enough in a year into to working that I Got a job in New York City with a a fast Growing Boutique web development firm And basically um you know I had done Some stuff in college I had launched my Own company I had a term paper writing Company okay which I put a I slapped a One page website tied up and and built The membership thing real rudimentary um And uh built a little business on that So all of a sudden I got this job was Working with the biggest of the big Clients and I quickly realized that was When I realized that I should be really Should go back to being an entrepreneur Because I thought they knew everything Right I was like I gotta learn I've got To grind it out like like you know these People know more than me and I would go Into these meetings with guys and I was Making good money but I would going to These meetings with these guys and they Didn't have the foggiest idea and they Were making four or $500,000 a year Didn't have the foggiest idea how they Wanted to uh in the case of banks get Online customers back then in that 99

Time frame they didn't know how to do That and I was helping people do it and I realized wow you know like let me Figure out something that I'm truly Interested in and leverage business and That and for me it was it Sports Football and and I did that um so so how Does somebody go and and I guess that's My longwinded way of going and saying How does somebody go and take that Today's day and age where there's so Much information so much crap on Fiverr Like you can spend all day on Fiverr Right going through trying people out Spend $50 here $20 here $100 here and And not find anything or find one guy That might do an okay job you're like That's okay and not quite what I want H How do you help people from a strategic Standpoint develop that brand and then Transition their business into something That's real so it's that's a great Question it's a great question you know I usually start by asking my my folks That engage me if they like the gamble Or not and they they'll say no I don't Like the gamble I said okay me either Because that's why I pay a premium and I Pay for a certain amount of assurance When I when I engage and I purchase Certain vendors to help me with my Business growth if you want a you know $5 brand then go spend $5 here's that Old saying too you know if you uh if you

Want monkeys keep paying Peanuts you know and so what I do is I Really help my clients understand the Basics and I really help them do a Couple of things one is I help them Uncover who exactly they are serving and Who they want to serve and then we want A different differentiate them from the Other folks we want them to stand out we Want them to understand why people are Investing in them what are their values What are their core beliefs we want to Help them go super narrow instead of Broad and and wide because the M the Quicker you get to really understanding And committing to doing one thing Amazingly and extraordinarily well you Will be defined as a specialist and we All know Specialists get paid more than Generalists and so that's what I did With myself I said I don't want to be a Graphic designer anymore because they're Are dime a dozen I want to be a Strategist the the most value you could Ever be paid for is your thinking and so I said I'm going to position myself as a A a designer who has a a tremendous Savvy in brand strategy brand Development business growth um you get Anybody to design your website they the Days you just mentioned but how do you Get somebody to help you grow your Business and build a brand connect with Your audience and then what we want to

Do is we want to connect the strategy to All of what I help them develop so how Do we position them how do we help them Find their voice when you put the right Message in front of the right person That's when the home runs get hit so Nine times out of 10 I could show you Discovery sessions intake forms um from Clients that right in it before they get On the phone with me that I am filling Out this form for the sole reason is I Don't know what my voice is I want to Know the words that help connect me to My audience and that's exactly what I do And so what I done is I've created this Freelance design business into a Boutique branding agency so now we have 16 employes and we have departments and We have so I need to stay where I'm best I'm a killer designer but I love people And I love building the strategies out Now so I'm there with my clients and now I have my team I have a clickfunnels Team I have a development team I have a Design team and I pay top dollar for These guys because I'm a premium service And and so I want to look for those Folks the folks that value quality they Value premium they want to be better They want to continue to grow and Improve like that's my ideal person Right so when we start to my biggest Philosophy is this if you uh prescribe Before you diagnose you're cons you're

You're considering uh you're you're Considered as uh delivering Malpractice and that's what happens when Everybody tries to jump into Clickfunnels or jump into building a Design or a business or some sort of Marketing campaign without doing the Proper diagnosis so I will diagnose Before I prescribe so the way I like to Work is diagnose prescribe apply and Then reapply as necessary that's why They call me the brand Doctor and that's where the that's where The ples come in in in the nice cards That's right I love the videos yeah so That's that's how I help my clients Actually develop something of Substance because we all went on that Date whether we're male or female we all Went on that date with that hot girl or Guy and we were dying to get them to go On a date with us we finally get them on The date we sit down and it was it was Like talking to a rock yes no Personality no substance and you sat There was like when is this date ever Gonna end right that's how people are Building their businesses these days and So I want to develop businesses in Brands and help Entrepreneurs develop these business and Brands that have substance that have a a Personality to them that Their audience Is going to be like I have to work with

Them right so that's that's what I do Now and the and the cool thing is is This everyone says well what makes you So different you know so when you're When you're talking about branding There's three questions you got to ask Yourself who you are what your product And service really is what what business Are you really in and what Differentiates you what is your Different ating point in the Marketplace and for me there's brand Strategists out there that'll chatter You up for hours at a time and give you All the strategy in the world and then They'll say go figure it out in my firm We do all of that and then we say Hey Listen we have a team over here of 16 Folks we already built out your entire Strategy you want to come over here into This department we'll help you build the Whole thing out for you and with you so You don't have to go out and start you Know interviewing firms and doing all of That leg work all over again so it's Very hard to find the two combined and That's where I differentiate myself from The marketplace and inside my Marketplace and so people feel relieved That after they do all the strategy with Me now they can actually say Okay Henry You know everything about me inside and Out why don't you just help why don't You just build it for me and so that's

That's how I developed my business and In 2017 I really started to go heavy into It last year um and um that's how I Serve the market and I've wound up work Because I'm not cheap by any means I Work with less people but I make more Money because now I can really really Focus on 10 clients a year right versus 50 and not be able to serve them at the Level that I want to serve them At let's talk about one thing I think is Really interesting because you do a Great job of it within your business and Obviously you're strategizing and Helping other businesses do that and That is converting your Prospects into clients and a lot of Businesses now the the business I was in Was a low lower ticket although we're Actually it's fun ironic that we're Talking about but we're actually moving Into more higher ticket products because We realize well I mean what's the point In being being the highest ticket person In the $99 business when someone's C for Free go and find a way that you can add More value to your customers and now You're not competing where someone says Hey I can just go over here get for free What's the difference right so so we've Moved into that area um but I found you Know and I I've been I would say I won't Say that I'm a completely natural

Salesperson but I have a good idea of How to do and I know for many years of Of selling how to go through my process But that's probably People's biggest problem so you go and Develop the strategy you you develop The Branding for them you put it all Together you yourself do a great job of Selling what you do how do you help the Customer understand how important the Sales process that ability to go from The Branding and the beautification of What they're doing to the selling and Closing right right that's a great great Question great questions Dave by the way You know people will determine the value Of your business by the Val by the by How well the questions are Designed and so what I do is I help my Clients understand when you form and Design great questions people will Perceive you at a much higher level than If you're asking silly questions you Know the the the the mundane questions The questions that people already know The answers to so what I want to do is I Want to help my clients understand their Target audience better than those people Know themselves because when you know That when you can get get under their Skin if you will and really start to Talk about the emotions that they wake Up to every day and well actually keep Them up at night you know as a

Salesperson you you've heard that Terminology before you got to understand What keeps them up at night well it's Time it's money it's growth it's Business it's leads it's sustaining Business right it's budgeting business SE are all things that we as Entrepreneurs all worry about you know What I mean right so designing the Visual aspect of your of your business Is one thing it's it's it's like the Clothes you wear would you walk into the Grammy Awards you know or the Oscar Awards with with with bum clothes on Absolutely not so are you gonna are you Gonna present your business in that Fashion to the marketplace if you don't You know like that's what I always I ask People that well of course not well then Why would you spend On a design right is that how you want Your business to be represented because Unfortunately we're gonna we're going to Judge we're just wired like that and if I see a website that looks half ass from The from the early 2000s I'm gonna Immediately click off of it because I'm Gonna say these people are outdated I Want Cutting Edge I want I want I want Next Level so that's how the visual identity Is going to affect your bottom line Because you're going to be judged Immediately whether or not you're

Credible or authoritative in your Niche So we got to get that dressed up first The second thing is we want to have that Substance we wanna we want to be that That hot guy or that hot girl with a Great personality those people are Phenomenal to be around and and we all Flock to those types of people that's Your business is the same thing it's a Living organism it's a it's a it's a It's a it's a person it's a it's a Living organism and what you feed it is Going to determine how strong it will Become are you gonna put your kids in a Cheap stroller are you gonna put your Family on a cheap bus route or or a bus That's ready to fall apart to get them To where they need to no you're gonna Want to put them in the best thing the Best case scenario you can to help that Provide for them well it's the same Thing for your business your business is No different you got to treat it like Like how you would Treat a a a child you know your son your Daughter your wife your husband your Your significant other when you start Doing that you'll start to see things a Lot differently with with inside of your Business now how to help them convert Again it's understanding who they're Serving and when you can put the Blindfolder on and understand that You're not going to be able to please

Everyone everywhere and you focus in on One Person you're going to win because it's A lot easier to speak to one person than It is a thousand People so that's how you better that's How you create a better conversion or a Better a more refined and distilled Message to your audience is you focus on A specific user profile and that's what We do inside of the diagnosis phase of The program of the branding accelerator Program is we go into and we create These user profiles for the client with The client so now we we we could pull Out little nuances here and there that Will help them put the right message in Front of those folks I'll give you a Quick example so I was working with a Doctor a physician in Australia great guy and we went through This phase and he was uh he had a that Helped the Physicians pass their medical Exam you know to get to to actually get Their medical uh their practitioner License right and he was positioning Himself as like a you know a a a prep Course when this guy was has been a Physician for 10 years and this guy was A wealth of knowledge and as we went Through the diagnosis phase we realized That the folks that were buying from him Currently they were buying the prep Course because of

Him not because of the prep course so I Said Tom you have to position yourself As a subject matter expert here because They all want you and when people want You you've become the specialist now now You could charge top dollar for that so We developed you Know three different tiers of business For him you know and entry level a Medium level and a and a backend core Offer that was really going to make him All his money and we developed that for Him and then he rolled it out and he Said wow I would have never ever went This deep on my Own and that's why I hired you and I Said there we go that's this that's I Want people to start to think on a way Deeper level and I want them to start Asking Their audience questions and Start asking themselves questions that They wouldn't ever think of when you Start to do that for your Audience now you become attractive now You start to create Intrigue and because They just want to be led they just want To be led that's why they're hiring you So lead them and don't tell them things That they already know challenge them And so that's that's how we create Better conversion for our clients Absolutely I I think it's really Interesting and and and I I want to Touch on and I know we're probably

Coming up against it here so I don't Want to hold you up today but um there's A few people that and and you've Probably listed them all yourself as Well that have Become celebrities in the business I Don't even know if it's podcasting space Or YouTube and you probably know where I'm start gonna start to go with it and I've watched some of their their stuff And actually seen some speak live some Of them before they actually became uh Famous And I believe that some of the stuff That they're pitching there are guys That I think are selling things spot on And I believe some other guys were Selling things that were spot on and now Have gone into a situation where they're They're shoveling like garbage out there Because that's what people want to watch And and I think it is beginning to the Entrepreneur growth that has happened um Is really good and I think they may have Had some level of responsibility in Making that on a m more mass scale but Then it gets to a point where there's All kinds of people that are just Throwing things out there that make no Sense guys are entrepreneurs they they Like in my space for example in football They they now train one client the next Thing I know they're an entrepreneur you Like there's a difference between

Trading one client or working with one Client and having a business yeah um you Know and and they're pedaling everything They possibly can so I I I'll throw some Names out there and I'll let you tell You what you think and you can choose Not to answer if it's for some reason You work with one of them and and you Know you so my first one is and I was a Huge fan of his in the beginning um is Gary vaynerchuck huge fan in the Beginning and as my business had really Grown I happen to just come across his Stuff um and I found it really Interesting and I have my thoughts on it Um but now I find it not in the same Capacity that it once was what what What's your thoughts on on some of the Stuff I had the same experience with Gary I had the same experience with Gary I had the opportunity to meet him a few Times personally uh as a person I think He's a phenomenal guy as an entrepreneur He's a phenomenal guy right I that Doesn't mean I have to agree with Everything that he says right and so one Of the things that I do love is his work Ethic obviously and his authenticity and All of that like that you can't buy that Stuff right but one thing I do not like Is uh this whole give away your best Stuff for free [ __ ] because that's Not what business people Do we that's that's poor business

Practice in my opinion yes you want to Provide value you want to help solve Problems now here's the thing I don't Solve problems until I'm engaged by the Client I have those to I have toolkits On my website that you could download And you could review the PDFs and listen I could sell those for a 100 bucks a Piece that's how valuable they are I can Promise you that I can probably sell Them for more than that but that's my Contribution to the marketplace because It's it's great information but that's Not going to bring in A50 $60,000 client In my opinion Absolut it's gonna get It's going to scratch the surface it's Going to help them get a little insight But that is just that's my contribution That's my freebie I guess if you will Right but if you want to engage me on a One-on-one basis I'm not giving that Away for free that's how I put food on The table for my family right that's What I got a master's degree for that's What I've spent 10 and a half years Mastering my craft about not giving it Away that for free what are you crazy Ask any successful business person They're not gonna say give away your Best stuff you're in business to make a Profit absolutely otherwise you're a Charity 100% And you know I I I think That uh in the beginning I thought that Stuff was you know and I do all kinds of

Free things um but I think you have to Transition to people to give them value And if they if if your stuff loses value Because everything is for free then why Should someone turn around and pay for You and and and engaging in that what You talked about one-on-one basis um and Understanding the client and that's you Know that's what it's predicated on I'm Going to transition to one other one Person who I think is who I found to be Really exceptional in exactly what You're talking about I don't know if you Know who he is Gran Cardone of course Yeah so Grant Cardone you know talks About almost the same the the opposite Thing from that standpoint is that um You know you've got to be able to Articulate your value and sell that Value and get people to pay for that Value and that's what you should be Doing what do you think about some of The stuff that he talks about so I again Fan of fan of Grant Um but I I I'm not on the same Wavelength as him either he's the pushy Salesman right I'm not right I want to Be I want position myself as The Trusted Adviser the fiduciary I don't want to Sell you into something that you're not Comfortable in getting yourself into and I won't pull those I won't use those Tactics instead I'd rather be on the Same side of the desk of the person

That's engaging me rather than on the Opposite side talking at them I want to Talk with them I don't want to talk at Them and so I love Grant's story I love His hustle again all of that stuff is Inspiring but I'm not a by any means a Hardcore closer or any of that type of That that type of personality so um you Know I read his books I love the 10x Book I think it's a great book right um But you got to know how to use it with Your finesse like with your personality With your like if you try to be a Grant Cardone which everybody you know tries To do after read a book right after you Know you read Gary's book now you're Gary ranchu right you know now you're Crushing It no like you these People some say it some don't but what You want to say what they're trying to Say I believe is take what I'm telling You and make it your own right but use The use the the core use the the concept Use the the the the core message that I'm trying to but make it own so um Again that's my take on Grant nothing Against the guy guys just tremendously Successful I mean how could I you know How could I I'm not gonna bash them Either of them but I could agree and Disagree on certain things so how how Did you find and this is this is where I Transition on it um how did you find

Your voice as to what kind of sings In Your Heart about how you approach Business um because you got two two guys Were both wildly successful almost in Kind of different philosophies of doing It right and and you're almost kind of In between there and how you do things H How did you find your voice and and how Do you help people to understand what They need to do to find what can make Them successful this is great then I Gotta watch because I gotta one o'clock We're kind of absolutely yeah I had the Client call me and I'm like oh I gotta Call um so uh real quick here's what Happens what I found my voice and and The way I found my voice is I worked With a lot of folks that I didn't want To work with I found that they weren't Good fits and I realized that why they Weren't good fits and it wasn't them per Se it was me and so I took I took 10,00% Responsibility for that and I said I'm Just not g to be able to work with a Client like that if you want to create Become the art director if you want to Be the copywriter if you want to take 1,00% control over the project then you Don't need to hire me you need to hire An order taker I'm an expert I'm a specialist you're Not going to walk into the doctor's Office and tell them how to perform Surgery on your knee after you blew it

Out on the 20 yard line you're going to That orthopedic surgeon because you know That he's going to take care of that Knee and so I realize that those folks Are the ones that I want to work with And those folks get the best results From my program it's because they let me Do what I do best is I have a very Specific process and I walk them through It and I lead them and so that's how I Found my voice and I said I'm sticking To this because I believe in my process I believe in my people and I believe in My service my product the three PS right And so that's that's how I found my Voice I just found out what I didn't Want in my life and said no more because Life is too short and as we get older I Don't know how old you are but you know As we get older we start to value our Time a hell of a lot more than when we Were young and so now I want to focus on Being around people that I love to be Around including my family including my Clients tell people because I'm on with The brand doctor so I I want to let Everybody know where they could find you Uh especially the podcasters who will be Listening obviously on video that they We'll put stuff in there but um let them Know where they can find I'll make it Really easy all you have to do is go to My website Unique Designs with a z at The end not an s.net so unique designs

With a z.net you'll find my YouTube Channel there you'll find my podcast You'll find my Instagram account Facebook everything everything is all in That website and uh take a look around We have the blog the podcast the you Know all the social media channels are All connected to it so there's a Tremendous amount of value on the site You could spend hours on it believe it Or not um just just just downloading you Know the information and content Absolutely Henry thank you very much It's a brand doctor thanks for being on Success for Life podcast um I'll let you Get on that client call and then we'll See you real soon thanks so much for Being on thanks a lot David I appreciate It have a great day you too

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