Empowering Girls Through Camp Collaboration and Ambition

2 min read
The video highlights the collaborative efforts of Meg and Maria in camp initiatives and Maria’s motivation and accomplishments in her career. Not as involved with the aaou stuff but I respect what Maria is doing I'm Involved a little bit…

The video highlights the collaborative efforts of Meg and Maria in camp initiatives and Maria’s motivation and accomplishments in her career.

Not as involved with the aaou stuff but I respect what Maria is doing I'm Involved a little bit with that but We're trying to collaborate on this Camp Stuff because you know we think the same And we want the same for the the girls We want to continue to build our game And and get more girls involved and Getting involved in it the right way so I appreciate what Maria is doing a lot Yeah and Maria I mean you have always Been known as a grinder and a hard Worker and you know some who's always Going to dive on the floor for a loose Ball you have paid your dues throughout Your entire career basketball and and in Life um what has motivated you to Continue to grow and succeed I mean you You built yourself a family you have an Incredible aaou program you're coaching A high school team but your Ambition is always there and it never Goes away and and like you said you know You never settle you're always looking To want something more but that's what I Feel with you you have tremendous Tremendous ambition and that is is what Led you to the success that you've had In many different areas you're not just Successful in one area you're successful In many areas

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