Embracing Failure: The Key to Success

1 min read
And um how do you help them understand That failures part of the process what Are some of the things that you work With your kids on from that standpoint Yeah great question and I agree with you 100% I…

And um how do you help them understand That failures part of the process what Are some of the things that you work With your kids on from that standpoint Yeah great question and I agree with you 100% I think and and I believe this to My core because I I've lived through my Own life for years I thought failure and Success were complete opposite ends of The spectrum you know and The more I've Matured and grown and I'm still you know Work in progress I realize they're Intertwined you know stacking our Successes is embracing our failure Embrace our failure stack our success Embrace our failure one of the ways we Help our guys do it and I preach this All the time two things yesterday at one Point we did our conditioning test Yesterday first day of August we did our Conditioning test it was tail towards The tail end of it and the guys were Gassed they were working hard they were Doing great um very proud of him but at One point I gave him a little bit extra Break said guys bring it in for a second I said finish this for me I said failure Is not that's why I said failure is not And they all go an option

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