Easily one of the greatest comedic movie scenes of all time Rodney and Sam in back to school
Easily one of the greatest comedic movie scenes of all time Rodney and Sam in back to school
Welcome To Contemporary American history I'm Professor turkishen you know a lot Of people think history is just Spanish It's just information about the past But not me I mean I hold history very sacred sacred The way the farmer looks at the Earth And he holds its sacred the way a Christian takes the Bible and he holds It sacred the way a lot of people hold Their marriage sacred so I feel about it So when we Dive Right In by interpreting One of the easiest events in the last 20 Years of American history Now can someone tell me Why in 1975 we pulled our troops out of Vietnam Failure and Vietnamization to impot Their support caused an ongoing erosion Of confidence in the various American But illegal Saigon regimes Is she right Because I know that's the popular Version of what went on there and a lot Of people like to believe that I wish I could but I was there I wasn't Here in a classroom hoping I was right Thinking about it I was under my knees In rice paddies with guns and Edwards Going up against Charlie slogging it out With him well [ __ ] like you we're Back there partying putting headbands on Doing drugs listen to the goddamn
All right Professor take it easy will You I mean these kids they were in grade School at the time and me I'm not a fighter I'm a lover I didn't know you wanted to get involved With the discussion Mr helper But since you want to help maybe you can Help me okay You remember the thing we had about 30 Years ago called that Korean conflict Where we failed to achieve Victory how Come it didn't cross the 38th parallel And pushed those rice eaters back to the Great Wall of China's back into the [ __ ] storage River how God why is that yet say it All right I'll say it because Truman was Too much more [ __ ] wimp to let my cops Go in there and blow out those coming Bastards Good answer Good answer Like the way you think I'm gonna be watching you A good teacher he really seems to care About what I have no idea